Housing in Central Appalachia Cover

Housing in Central Appalachia


This Rural Research Report details the housing, economic and social characteristics of Central Appalachia.

The Appalachians’ plentiful natural resources, including coal, natural gas, and timber, played a key role in the growth of the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries and continue to be vital to the nation’s economic well-being. The region’s distinctive culture and rich heritage have also left their mark on the American experience both culturally and economically. Despite its cultural distinction, the Appalachian region is more commonly known for its economic challenges. High poverty rates, poor housing, and limited economic opportunities have persisted for generations.

Updated September 2013

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HAC News: August 28, 2013

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 28, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 17

• USDA maps potentially ineligible places • NAHASDA expires September 30 unless renewed • Krysta Harden becomes USDA Deputy Secretary • Section 504 loan funds remain • Farm Labor Housing preservation eligible for Section 538 guaranteed loans • Continuum of Care registration in e-snaps is open • Section 502 packaging regs proposed • USDA addresses compliance with lead-based paint rules • RD staff receive guidance on prepayment incentives and more • FHFA seeks ways to reduce Fannie and Freddie’s multifamily presence • HUD reports “dramatic increases” in worst case housing needs from 2009 to 2011 • Census Bureau tool provides basic data for congressional districts • Website demonstrates and explains income inequality • IRS compiles documents needed throughout life cycle of 501(c)(3) nonprofit • HAC News e-mail subscribers get more and faster news

August 28, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 17

USDA MAPS POTENTIALLY INELIGIBLE PLACES. Application of 2010 Census data to area eligibility determinations for the rural housing programs was delayed until October 1 by the FY13 USDA appropriations bill (see HAC News, 3/21/13). Congress, which returns to work September 9, could extend the date again. In the meantime, USDA has posted “future eligible areas” maps and has sent notices to stakeholders; a reminder from the Section 502 guaranteed program office, containing links to additional information released earlier this year, is posted on HAC’s site.

NAHASDA EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30 UNLESS RENEWED. S. 1352 has been introduced in the Senate to reauthorize and amend the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act, which in 1996 combined numerous housing programs into the Indian Housing Block Grant. A webcast and testimony from a Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hearing in July are available online. No bill has been introduced in the House yet.

KRYSTA HARDEN BECOMES USDA DEPUTY SECRETARY. Confirmed for this position by the Senate on August 1, Harden has served in other roles at USDA since 2009.

SECTION 504 LOAN FUNDS REMAIN. USDA still has considerable funding available in every state for Section 504 home repair loans (see HAC News, 8/1/13). Funds not obligated by September 30 will be lost. To learn more or to apply, contact a local RD office. Please do not request information from HAC.

FARM LABOR HOUSING PRESERVATION ELIGIBLE FOR SECTION 538 GUARANTEED LOANS. The NOFA issued in May (see HAC News,5/22/13) referred to new construction and to Section 515 preservation. A notice to be published in the Federal Register on August 29 adds Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing. Applications are considered on a rolling basis. Contact a USDA RD state office or Tammy Daniels, RD, 202-720-0021.

CONTINUUM OF CARE REGISTRATION IN E-SNAPS IS OPEN. CoCs must register by September 23 in order to apply later for HUD homeless program funds. Questions can be submitted online.

SECTION 502 PACKAGING REGS PROPOSED. Comments are due October 22 on USDA RD’s proposal to create a program, based on the pilot operating for the last few years, allowing nonprofit agency staff to prepare applications for Section 502 direct loans. Contact Brooke Baumann, USDA, 202-690-4250.

USDA ADDRESSES COMPLIANCE WITH LEAD-BASED PAINT RULES. Administrative Notice 4721 (AN) provides updated guidance for RD staff on compliance with HUD and EPA regulations on lead-based paint. Contact a USDA RD state office.

RD STAFF RECEIVE GUIDANCE ON PREPAYMENT INCENTIVES AND MORE. An Unnumbered Letter dated June 12, 2013 provides information on prepayment incentives and transfers. The letter says issues related to prepayment versus final payment, application of payments, and loans that have reached their natural maturity date will be addressed in a separate document. Contact a USDA RD state office.

FHFA SEEKS WAYS TO REDUCE FANNIE AND FREDDIE’S MULTIFAMILY PRESENCE. The Federal Housing Finance Agency requests comments by October 8 on ways to reduce Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s presence in the multifamily housing finance market and support the use of private capital. FHFA lists possibilities and asks questions.

HUD REPORTS “DRAMATIC INCREASES” IN WORST CASE HOUSING NEEDS FROM 2009 TO 2011. Households with worst case needs are renters with very low incomes, no housing assistance, and severe rent burdens and/or severely inadequate housing. In its latest biennial report on the subject, HUD says increases cut across demographic groups, household types, and regions and are due to substantial increases in rental housing demand and weakening incomes that increase competition for already-scarce affordable units. There are now approximately two very low-income households with worst case needs for every very low-income household with rental assistance.

CENSUS BUREAU TOOL PROVIDES BASIC DATA FOR CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS. My Congressional District uses American Community Survey data for quick access to demographics and housing numbers as well as others.

WEBSITE DEMONSTRATES AND EXPLAINS INCOME INEQUALITY. The Economic Policy Institute’s https://inequality.is uses graphics to show U.S. income differences currently and historically and explores solutions.

IRS COMPILES DOCUMENTS NEEDED THROUGHOUT LIFE CYCLE OF 501(C)(3) NONPROFIT. Explanations and links cover requirements from the IRS and other entities for tax-exempt nonprofits (called “public charities” by the IRS) from creation through annual filings through significant events including termination.

HAC NEWS E-MAIL SUBSCRIBERS GET MORE AND FASTER NEWS. Get the newsletter days before paper copies arrive, and updates when important news occurs between issues. Other e-mail options include publication notices, information about special initiatives, and USDA RD data.

Housing in the Border Colonias

Updated September 2013The border region between the United States and Mexico is dotted with thousands of rural communities characterized by extreme poverty and severely substandard living conditions. These communities, commonly called colonias, are overwhelmingly inhabited by individuals and families of Mexican heritage. Poor housing conditions are common in the colonias with an old, deteriorating housing stock, combined with newer units that do not meet building codes.

HAC News: August 14, 2013

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 14, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 16

• President announces housing policy • Treviño departs RHS for HUD • USDA offers Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing funds • Rural Community Development Initiative funds available • Some details available on relief for owners with Sec. 521 Rental Assistance shortfall • Regulations proposed for Section 542 vouchers • Section 533 HPG NOFA corrected • VAWA Reauthorization Act covers some USDA and HUD programs and LIHTC • RD addresses legal residence status of applicants for Section 502 guarantees • FY14 Fair Market Rents proposed • Appraisal exceptions proposed for high-risk mortgages • LIHTC has important impact in rural communities, study says • Manufactured housing in metro areas studied • Hunger and housing examined in Rural Voices

August 14, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 16

PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES HOUSING POLICY. The Administration’s approach focuses on private sector financing, winding down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and homeownership, while acknowledging the need for affordable rental housing. It mentions direct government loans for homeownership and rental housing: “The government should continue to provide direct loan or loan guarantee/insurance for certain underserved borrowers and communities through the FHA, VA, and USDA.” It also recognizes the need for credit in underserved communities.

TREVIÑO DEPARTS RHS FOR HUD. Tammye Treviño has left her position as Administrator of the Rural Housing Service to become Regional Director of HUD’s Region VI, based in Texas. Richard Davis, who has worked in RHS’s national office for a number of years, will serve as Acting Administrator.

USDA OFFERS SECTION 514/516 FARM LABOR HOUSING FUNDS. Preapplications for off-farm projects are due September 13. New Rental Assistance and operating assistance are available. Contact a USDA RD state office.

RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE FUNDS AVAILABLE. Intermediaries can apply by November 12 for grants to provide capacity building assistance related to housing, community facilities, or community and economic development. Contact a USDA RD state office.

SOME DETAILS AVAILABLE ON RELIEF FOR OWNERS WITH SEC. 521 RENTAL ASSISTANCE SHORTFALL. A letter to owners of 900 Section 515 and 514/516 properties that may not have RA contracts renewed in September (see HAC News, 8/1/13), a list of the properties, and a slide presentation used in training USDA staff to develop “RA Relief Plans” with owners are posted on HAC’s website.

REGULATIONS PROPOSED FOR SECTION 542 VOUCHERS. In many respects the proposed rule would continue operating the program, which assists tenants of Section 515 properties that have been prepaid or foreclosed, in the same way as the NOFAs that have governed it since 2006. It would make some changes as well. Comments are due October 15. HAC will post its comments online before that date. Contact Leslie Strauss, HAC, 202-842-8600.

SECTION 533 HPG NOFA CORRECTED. A notice makes minor corrections to the NOFA (see HAC News, 6/21/13), although the deadline was August 2. Contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson, USDA, 202-690-0759.

VAWA REAUTHORIZATION ACT COVERS SOME USDA AND HUD PROGRAMS AND LIHTC. HUD requests comments by October 7 as it develops changes in regulations to apply the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 to HOME, Sections 202 and 811, homeless programs, and others now covered by changes enacted in March 2013. Contact HUD program staff for more information. The notice does not include the Low Income Housing Tax Credit and USDA Sections 515, 514/516, 533, and 538, all also now covered by VAWA’s tenant protections.

RD ADDRESSES LEGAL RESIDENCE STATUS OF APPLICANTS FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEES. Administrative Notice 4723 describes the RD staff process to verify homebuyers’ status. Contact Joaquin Tremols, RD, 202-720-1452.

FY14 FAIR MARKET RENTS PROPOSED. Comments are due September 4 on HUD’s FMRs for the year starting October 1, 2013. Contact HUD USER, 800-245-2691.

APPRAISAL EXCEPTIONS PROPOSED FOR HIGH-RISK MORTGAGES. The Federal Reserve Board, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and other regulatory agencies request comments by September 9 on proposed exemptions from regulations that require appraisals for “higher-risk mortgages.” Transactions secured by manufactured homes (not land) would be exempt, as would streamlined refinancings and transactions of $25,000 or less. Contact Lorna Neill or Mandie Aubrey, Federal Reserve, 202-452-3667.

LIHTC HAS IMPORTANT IMPACT IN RURAL COMMUNITIES, STUDY SAYS. The Low Income Housing Tax Credit: Overcoming Barriers to Affordable Housing in Rural America, published by Rapoza Associates, reports that the credit has helped preserve and develop over 270,000 rental units in 7,600 rural properties. Nonprofits have produced 19% of rural tax credit units over the program’s history, and 23% from 2006 to 2010. The report recommends that Congress retain the credit as it undertakes comprehensive tax reform.

MANUFACTURED HOUSING IN METRO AREAS STUDIED. Manufactured Housing as a Metropolitan Housing Solution, a new report from CFED’s I’M HOME initiative, summarizes data on manufactured homes and their residents in 10 metro areas, including the Lower Rio Grande Valley where many colonias are located. Data snapshots provide details for each metro area, including maps showing manufactured home locations by census tract.

HUNGER AND HOUSING EXAMINED IN RURAL VOICES. Stories in the summer issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine describe initiatives in a number of rural places. A map shows food insecurity by county. One print subscription per organization is free from Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: August 1, 2013

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 1, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 15

• House pulls HUD funding bill, Senate version stalls • House committee passes housing finance reform bill • USDA informs owners about Rental Assistance shortfall in September • USDA encourages use of Section 504 loans • New Markets Tax Credits offered, Rural CDE definition changed • HOME final rule published • CFPB amends some mortgage rules • Map shows part of sequestration’s impact on housing • Study finds housing discrimination against Latinos • Most HUD-assisted renters are elderly, disabled, or attached to the labor market • Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission to hold regional forums • Register now for training on seniors and veterans housing

August 1, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 15

HOUSE PULLS HUD FUNDING BILL, SENATE VERSION STALLS. The House began considering H.R. 2610, but leadership removed it from the floor on July 31 when it became clear there were not enough votes to pass it. The Senate also began discussing its bill, S. 1243, but on August 1 an effort to end debate and take a vote failed. Floor consideration of USDA funding bills has not been scheduled. Congress will be in recess for the month of August.

HOUSE COMMITTEE PASSES HOUSING FINANCE REFORM BILL. H.R. 2767, the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homebuyers (PATH) Act, approved by the Financial Services Committee on July 24, could be considered by the full House after August recess. Focusing on private finance, it would eliminate Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Housing Trust Fund. A different bill, S. 1217, sponsored by Sens. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Mark Warner (D-VA), has not yet been marked up by the Senate Banking Committee.

USDA INFORMS OWNERS ABOUT RENTAL ASSISTANCE SHORTFALL IN SEPTEMBER. HAC has learned that on July 31 letters were mailed to owners of about 600 Section 515 and 514/516 properties with Section 521 Rental Assistance contracts that expire in September, explaining that because of a shortage of FY13 RA funding, due in part to sequestration, those RA contracts cannot be renewed until FY14 begins in October. (See HAC News, 5/1/13 and 5/22/13.)To fill the funding gap, owners can defer payments of interest or principal to USDA, use funds in project reserve accounts, or obtain loans from other sources. The letters say they may not raise rents or evict tenants. A sample letter and a list of properties affected should be posted on USDA RD’s website soon.

USDA ENCOURAGES USE OF SECTION 504 LOANS. USDA has over $14 million available for Section 504 loans, more than half the program’s FY13 appropriation. Loan funds not obligated by September 30 will be lost. All states will have access to loan funds, after RD pools and redistributes the unused funds. To learn more or to apply, contact a local RD office.

NEW MARKETS TAX CREDITS OFFERED, RURAL CDE DEFINITION CHANGED. The CDFI Fund will allocate NMTCs to Community Development Entities that will offer tax credits to investors providing private capital for economic and community development. Rural CDEs must receive allocations proportionate to the number of applicants that serve nonmetro areas. This year the definition of a Rural CDE is revised to require direct investments in three of the past five years rather than in all five. Deadline is September 18. Contact NMTC staff, 202-653-0421.

HOME FINAL RULE PUBLISHED. The final rule largely adopts the provisions in the proposed rule (see HAC News, 1/11/12); it also updates and adds definitions, modifies CHDO eligibility requirements, establishes deadlines, strengthens conflict of interest provisions, and clarifies language. Contact Virginia Sardone, HUD, 202-708-2684.

CFPB AMENDS SOME MORTGAGE RULES. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued changes to some of its January 2013 final mortgage rules. Contact Marta Tanenhaus, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

MAP SHOWS PART OF SEQUESTRATION’S IMPACT ON HOUSING. An interactive map on Bill Moyers’ website was compiled from news stories nationwide. Most refer to HUD programs in cities.

STUDY FINDS HOUSING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST LATINOS. In Puertas Cerradas: Housing Barriers for Hispanics, the National Council of La Raza and Equal Rights Center report that Latinos experienced at least one type of adverse, differential treatment in 42% of paired tests in three cities, and two or more types in 16% of tests.

MOST HUD-ASSISTED RENTERS ARE ELDERLY, DISABLED, OR ATTACHED TO THE LABOR MARKET. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that 88% of renters using housing choice vouchers, public housing, and project-based rental assistance in 2010 were “elderly, disabled, working (or had recently worked) or likely have access to work programs under the Temporary Assistance to Need Families (TANF) program.” Almost half of the other households included a preschool child or an individual with a disability.

BIPARTISAN POLICY CENTER HOUSING COMMISSION TO HOLD REGIONAL FORUMS. Free and open to the public, the events on August 13 in Dallas, August 22 in Ketcham, ID, and August 27 in Columbus, OH, will feature panels discussing issues including the state of the housing market, affordable rental housing, rural housing, and reform of the U.S mortgage system. Register online at https://bipartisanpolicy.org/events/upcoming.

REGISTER NOW FOR TRAINING ON SENIORS AND VETERANS HOUSING. HAC will host “Housing Seniors and Veterans in Rural America: Preservation, Development, and Services” in Council Bluffs, IA on August 28-29. Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) will speak on August 28. Visit HAC’s website, www.ruralhome.org.

Publication Archive – Non-Digital

Back to Reports and Manuals

Although most of HAC’s reports are available for download on the internet, there are a select few that only exist on paper. Please contact HAC for a print copy of these reports.

LIST OF HAC PRINT PUBLICATIONS (alphabetical by title)

Aspiring Homeowners Receive Assistance

Print copy: $4.00
Winter 1998-1999 issue of Rural Voices, HAC’s quarterly magazine.

Housing in the Rural Midwest

Print copy: $4.00
Summer 1999 issue of Rural Voices, HAC’s quarterly magazine.

Rental Housing in Rural Areas
Cost for print copy: $4.00
Fall 1999 issue of Rural Voices, HAC’s quarterly magazine.

[Rural Development’s] Rural Housing Service’s Section 502 Rural Homeownership Direct Loan Program: A Guide for Applicants
Print copy: $8.00
Explains requirements for the Section 502 direct loan program, which provides mortgage loans to low- and very low-income households purchasing homes in rural areas, and how to apply.
1999, 210 pages, ISBN 1-58064-008-7

[Rural Development’s] Rural Housing Service’s Section 504 Loan and Grant Program for Very Low-Income Homeowners: A Guide for Applicants
Print copy: $4.00
Explains requirements for the Section 504 loan and grant program, which provides home repair funds for very low-income homeowners in rural areas, and how to apply.
1999, 90 pages, ISBN 1-58064-009-5

[Rural Development’s] Rural Housing and Community Development Service Housing Preservation Grant Program: A Guide for Applicants
Print copy: $7.00
Explains requirements for the Section 533 grant program, which provides funds for repair and reconstruction of rural housing, and how to apply. Includes sample application.
1995, 170 pages, ISBN 1-58064-036-2

HAC News: July 17, 2013

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 17, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 14

• Cordray confirmed as CFPB director • DeMarco faces litigation over National Housing Trust Fund • Senate Farm Bill includes rural housing definition extension, House does not • Border Community Capital Initiative funding offered • HUD proposes new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule • OMB issues 2013 Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement • CFPB updates list of rural or underserved counties for 2014 • Origination fees increased for Section 502 refinance pilot • HUD data shows decline in public housing, increases in vouchers and tax credits • Two HUD studies find discrimination continues • 2013 Kids Count data show higher ratings for education, health, and poverty • Op-ed describes sequestration’s impacts on Pine Ridge • Bipartisan Policy Center Housing Commission to hold regional forums • Register now for training on seniors and veterans housing

July 17, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 14

CORDRAY CONFIRMED AS CFPB DIRECTOR. After resolution of a partisan stand-off, on July 16 the Senate confirmed Richard Cordray as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

DEMARCO FACES LITIGATION OVER NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND. The National Low Income Housing Coalition, the Right to the City Alliance, and several individuals filed suit on July 9 against Ed DeMarco, acting head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, claiming he has violated the law by not requiring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to finance the trust fund created by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.

SENATE FARM BILL INCLUDES RURAL HOUSING DEFINITION EXTENSION, HOUSE DOES NOT. All places currently eligible for USDA housing funds would remain eligible until the 2020 Census – so long as their populations remain below 35,000 – under Section 6202 of S. 954, passed by the Senate on June 10. H.R. 2642, passed by the House on July 11, is silent on the subject. A National Rural Housing Coalition petition is available online.

BORDER COMMUNITY CAPITAL INITIATIVE FUNDING OFFERED. Local nonprofits and tribes can apply by August 26 for funds to provide affordable housing, small business and community facilities to benefit colonias residents. Contact HUD’s Office of Rural Housing and Economic Development, 877-787-2526.

HUD PROPOSES NEW AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING RULE. Comments will be due 60 days after Federal Register publication on July 19. Changes include HUD data, clarification of the AFFH process’s goals, and a new mechanism for HUD review and oversight. Contact Camille Acevedo, HUD, 202-708-1793.

OMB ISSUES 2013 CIRCULAR A-133 COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENT. Comments are due October 31 on the annual supplement to this circular, which governs audits of states, nonprofits, and local organizations receiving federal funds. For more information contact a funding agency.

CFPB UPDATES LIST OF RURAL OR UNDERSERVED COUNTIES FOR 2014. The list is used for several different regulations. Some counties have been added and about 50 have been removed. Contact CFPB, 202-435-7700.

ORIGINATION FEES INCREASED FOR SECTION 502 REFINANCE PILOT. Administrative Notice 4720 (July 16, 2013) allows fees at 2% of the loan amount or $3,000, whichever is less, rather than the 1% previously permitted. Contact an RD office or Kristina Zehr, RD, 309-452-0830 ext. 111.

HUD DATA SHOWS DECLINE IN PUBLIC HOUSING, INCREASES IN VOUCHERS AND TAX CREDITS. HUD recently released its Picture of Subsidized Households data for 2009 through 2012. A National Low Income Housing Coalition analysis found that since 2009 the average median income of households living in subsidized housing has dropped. The number of public housing units fell nationwide, while the numbers of housing choice vouchers and Low Income Housing Tax Credit units increased. Voucher recipients and public housing residents had similar economic situations, but heads of voucher households were more likely to be single mothers and less likely to be elderly.

TWO HUD STUDIES FIND DISCRIMINATION CONTINUES. Housing Discrimination Against Racial and Ethnic Minorities 2012 reports that in paired tests conducted in metro areas, minorities were shown fewer homes or apartments than whites. An Estimate of Housing Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples reports on the first study of its kind, also using paired testing in metro areas. Same-sex couples received significantly fewer responses to e-mail inquiries about advertised units than heterosexual couples.

2013 KIDS COUNT DATA SHOW HIGHER RATINGS FOR EDUCATION, HEALTH, AND POVERTY. Tracking 16 indicators of child well-being, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2013 Kids Count Data Book reports that education and health continue to make gains although poverty rates are growing, as are disparities by income and family structure.

OP-ED DESCRIBES SEQUESTRATION’S IMPACTS ON PINE RIDGE. Former North Dakota Senator Byron Dorgan wrote in the New York Times on July 10 that funding cuts are reducing the already inadequate resources for housing, health care, and education on the reservation, and recommended tribes be exempt from sequestration.

BIPARTISAN POLICY CENTER HOUSING COMMISSION TO HOLD REGIONAL FORUMS. Free and open to the public, the events on August 13 in Dallas, August 22 in Ketcham, ID, and August 27 in Columbus, OH will feature panels discussing issues including the state of the housing market, affordable rental housing, rural housing, and reform of the U.S mortgage system. Register online at https://bipartisanpolicy.org/events/upcoming.

REGISTER NOW FOR TRAINING ON SENIORS AND VETERANS HOUSING. HAC will host “Housing Seniors and Veterans in Rural America: Preservation, Development, and Services” in Council Bluffs, IA on August 28-29. Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) will speak on August 28. Visit HAC’s website, www.ruralhome.org.

Accounting & Financial Operations for Nonprofits in Rural Housing


Accounting & Financial Operations for Nonprofits in Rural Housing
Print copy: $4.00
Provides an overview of critical accounting and financial areas for which nonprofits are responsible.
2nd ed. 2004, 42 pages, ISBN 1-58064-050-8

HAC News: July 3, 2013

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 3, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 13

• Full Appropriations Committees report USDA and HUD funding bills • Household water well grants available • USDA offers Section 538 guarantees • Senior Preservation Assistance Contracts available for HUD elderly properties • Native Asset Building Initiative accepting applications • HUD seeks input on RAD changes • CFPB proposes mortgage rule changes • White House establishes Council on Native American Affairs • Housing market recovering, but not for all, report says • Register now for training on seniors and veterans housing

July 3, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 13

Full Appropriations Committees report USDA and HUD funding bills. For USDA’s housing programs, the Senate bill’s amounts equal or exceed the House levels (HAC News, 6/21/13) for every program, and they are significantly higher than the Administration’s budget requests for Section 502 direct and Section 523 self-help. The Administration threatened a veto of the House’s USDA funding bill, though it also stated appreciation for the level of Rental Assistance funding provided. t The Senate’s Transportation-HUD bill provides more funding for CDBG, HOME, and SHOP than the House bill or the Administration’s budget. t The House and Senate USDA bills both include language retaining “grandfathering” in FY14 for all places currently eligible for rural housing aid.

USDA Rural Devel. Prog.
(dollars in millions)

(H.R. 933)a

FY14 Admin. Budget

House Bill
H.R. 2410

Senate Bill
S. 1244

502 Single Fam. Direct
(Self-Help Setaside)
(Teacher Setaside)





502 Single Family Guar.





504 VLI Repair Loans





504 VLI Repair Grants





515 Rental Hsg. Direct





514 Farm Labor Hsg.





516 Farm Labor Hsg.





521 Rental Assistance
(Preservation RA)
(New Cnstr. 515 RA)
(New Cnstr. 514/516 RA)





523 Self-Help TA





533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants





538 Rental Hsg. Guar.





Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)





Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Lns.





542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers





Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.





a. Figures do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY13 Final Approp.a

FY14 Admin. Budget

House Bill

Senate Bill
S. 1243

Cmty. Devel. Fund
Sustainable Commun. Init.e
Rural Innovation Fund










Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.
(Vets. Affairs Spptve. Hsg. Vchrs.)





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative





Housing Trust Fund





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grants





Rural Hsg. Stability Prog.





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.





Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Housing Counseling





a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester.
b. Funded under Homeless Assistance Grants.
c. National Housing Trust Fund is “mandatory” funding, not discretionary, so does not need to be funded through appropriations legislation, although the Administration did include it in its budget request.
d. Bill would also rescind the entire $120 million FY13 appropriation.
e. Senate bill changes the Sustainable Communities Program to Integrated Planning and Investment Grants.
f. Includes $3 million for a pilot program allowing vouchers to be used on tribal lands to address Native American veterans’ homelessness.

HOUSEHOLD WATER WELL GRANTS AVAILABLE. Nonprofits can apply by July 26 for funds to lend to homeowners to construct or repair wells for existing homes. Contact Joyce M. Taylor, USDA RUS, 202-720-9589.

USDA OFFERS SECTION 538 GUARANTEES. RHS will guarantee loans for new construction or acquisition with rehab of multifamily housing. Applications finalized before September 30 will be eligible for FY13 funds. Contact an RD state office.

SENIOR PRESERVATION ASSISTANCE CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FOR HUD ELDERLY PROPERTIES. HUD will post a NOFA online on July 3 with a 60-day deadline to apply for SPRACs to preserve Section 202 properties and prevent tenant displacement. Contact Margaret Salazar, HUD, 202-708-0001.

NATIVE ASSET BUILDING INITIATIVE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Tribes, Native nonprofits, Native CDFIs, and Native credit unions are eligible for Department of Health and Human Services funds to provide Individual Development Accounts and supportive services. Deadline is July 15. Contact Christina Clark, HHS, 202-401-5399.

HUD SEEKS INPUT ON RAD CHANGES. A July 2 Federal Register notice summarizes revisions to HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration and requests comments by August 1 on eligibility and selection criteria. A revised Program Notice is posted on HUD’s site. Contact HUD staff by email, rad@hud.gov.

CFPB PROPOSES MORTGAGE RULE CHANGES. Comments are due July 22 on amendments to some of the mortgage rules issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in January 2013. Changes affect points and fees for manufactured home retailers and exemptions for lenders in rural or underserved areas. Contact Whitney Patross, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

WHITE HOUSE ESTABLISHES COUNCIL ON NATIVE AMERICAN AFFAIRS. Executive Order 13547, dated June 26, asserts U.S. policy on government-to-government relations and support for strong Native American communities. The new council includes USDA, HUD, and many other executive branch departments and agencies. It is charged with developing policy recommendations and coordinating engagements with tribes.

HOUSING MARKET RECOVERING, BUT NOT FOR ALL, REPORT SAYS. The annual State of the Nation’s Housing report, released on June 26 by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, describes signs of market recovery along with declining homeownership rates and an ever-increasing cost burden rate, particularly for those with low incomes.

REGISTER NOW FOR TRAINING ON SENIORS AND VETERANS HOUSING. HAC will host “Housing Seniors and Veterans in Rural America: Preservation, Development, and Services” in Council Bluffs, IA on August 28-29. Details are available on HAC’s website at www.ruralhome.org.