HAC News
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
HAC News Formats. pdf
July 3, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 13
• Full Appropriations Committees report USDA and HUD funding bills • Household water well grants available • USDA offers Section 538 guarantees • Senior Preservation Assistance Contracts available for HUD elderly properties • Native Asset Building Initiative accepting applications • HUD seeks input on RAD changes • CFPB proposes mortgage rule changes • White House establishes Council on Native American Affairs • Housing market recovering, but not for all, report says • Register now for training on seniors and veterans housing
July 3, 2013
Vol. 42, No. 13
Full Appropriations Committees report USDA and HUD funding bills. For USDA’s housing programs, the Senate bill’s amounts equal or exceed the House levels (HAC News, 6/21/13) for every program, and they are significantly higher than the Administration’s budget requests for Section 502 direct and Section 523 self-help. The Administration threatened a veto of the House’s USDA funding bill, though it also stated appreciation for the level of Rental Assistance funding provided. t The Senate’s Transportation-HUD bill provides more funding for CDBG, HOME, and SHOP than the House bill or the Administration’s budget. t The House and Senate USDA bills both include language retaining “grandfathering” in FY14 for all places currently eligible for rural housing aid.
USDA Rural Devel. Prog. |
FY13 |
FY14 Admin. Budget |
FY14 |
FY14 |
502 Single Fam. Direct |
$900 |
$360 |
$820.2 |
$900 |
502 Single Family Guar. |
24,000 |
24,000 |
24,000 |
24,000 |
504 VLI Repair Loans |
28 |
26.3 |
25.4 |
26.3 |
504 VLI Repair Grants |
29.5 |
25 |
18.6 |
28.7 |
515 Rental Hsg. Direct |
31.3 |
28.4 |
28.4 |
28.4 |
514 Farm Labor Hsg. |
20.8 |
23.5 |
23.9 |
23.9 |
516 Farm Labor Hsg. |
7.1 |
14 |
8.2 |
8.3 |
521 Rental Assistance |
907.1 |
1,015 |
1,012 |
1,015 |
523 Self-Help TA |
30 |
10 |
17.1 |
25 |
533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants |
3.6 |
0 |
0 |
3.5 |
538 Rental Hsg. Guar. |
150 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR) |
17.8 |
20 |
17.3 |
20 |
Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Lns. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers |
10 |
12.6 |
9.7 |
12.6 |
Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init. |
6.1 |
0 |
6 |
6 |
a. Figures do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut. |
HUD Program |
FY13 Final Approp.a |
FY14 Admin. Budget |
FY14 |
FY14 |
Cmty. Devel. Fund |
3,308 |
3,143 |
1,697 |
3,295 |
1,000 |
950 |
700 |
1,000 |
Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce. |
18,939.4 |
19,989.2 |
18,610.6 |
19,592.2 |
Project-Based Rental Asstnce. |
9,339.7 |
9,872 |
9,450.7 |
10,772 |
Public Hsg. Capital Fund |
1,886 |
2,000 |
1,500 |
2,000 |
Public Hsg. Operating Fund |
4,262 |
4,600 |
4,262 |
4,600 |
Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative |
120 |
400 |
0d |
250 |
Housing Trust Fund |
c |
1,000 |
c |
c |
Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant |
650 |
650 |
600 |
675 |
Homeless Assistance Grants |
2,033 |
2,381 |
2,088 |
2,261 |
Rural Hsg. Stability Prog. |
b |
5 |
b |
b |
Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS |
334 |
332 |
300 |
332 |
202 Hsg. for Elderly |
377 |
400 |
375 |
400 |
811 Hsg. for Disabled |
165 |
126 |
126 |
126 |
Fair Housing |
70.8 |
71 |
55.8 |
70 |
Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl. |
120 |
120 |
50 |
120 |
Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP) |
13.5 |
10 |
10 |
13.5 |
Housing Counseling |
45 |
55 |
35 |
55 |
a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester. b. Funded under Homeless Assistance Grants. c. National Housing Trust Fund is “mandatory” funding, not discretionary, so does not need to be funded through appropriations legislation, although the Administration did include it in its budget request. d. Bill would also rescind the entire $120 million FY13 appropriation. e. Senate bill changes the Sustainable Communities Program to Integrated Planning and Investment Grants. f. Includes $3 million for a pilot program allowing vouchers to be used on tribal lands to address Native American veterans’ homelessness. |
HOUSEHOLD WATER WELL GRANTS AVAILABLE. Nonprofits can apply by July 26 for funds to lend to homeowners to construct or repair wells for existing homes. Contact Joyce M. Taylor, USDA RUS, 202-720-9589.
USDA OFFERS SECTION 538 GUARANTEES. RHS will guarantee loans for new construction or acquisition with rehab of multifamily housing. Applications finalized before September 30 will be eligible for FY13 funds. Contact an RD state office.
SENIOR PRESERVATION ASSISTANCE CONTRACTS AVAILABLE FOR HUD ELDERLY PROPERTIES. HUD will post a NOFA online on July 3 with a 60-day deadline to apply for SPRACs to preserve Section 202 properties and prevent tenant displacement. Contact Margaret Salazar, HUD, 202-708-0001.
NATIVE ASSET BUILDING INITIATIVE ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS. Tribes, Native nonprofits, Native CDFIs, and Native credit unions are eligible for Department of Health and Human Services funds to provide Individual Development Accounts and supportive services. Deadline is July 15. Contact Christina Clark, HHS, 202-401-5399.
HUD SEEKS INPUT ON RAD CHANGES. A July 2 Federal Register notice summarizes revisions to HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration and requests comments by August 1 on eligibility and selection criteria. A revised Program Notice is posted on HUD’s site. Contact HUD staff by email, rad@hud.gov.
CFPB PROPOSES MORTGAGE RULE CHANGES. Comments are due July 22 on amendments to some of the mortgage rules issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in January 2013. Changes affect points and fees for manufactured home retailers and exemptions for lenders in rural or underserved areas. Contact Whitney Patross, CFPB, 202-435-7700.
WHITE HOUSE ESTABLISHES COUNCIL ON NATIVE AMERICAN AFFAIRS. Executive Order 13547, dated June 26, asserts U.S. policy on government-to-government relations and support for strong Native American communities. The new council includes USDA, HUD, and many other executive branch departments and agencies. It is charged with developing policy recommendations and coordinating engagements with tribes.
HOUSING MARKET RECOVERING, BUT NOT FOR ALL, REPORT SAYS. The annual State of the Nation’s Housing report, released on June 26 by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, describes signs of market recovery along with declining homeownership rates and an ever-increasing cost burden rate, particularly for those with low incomes.
REGISTER NOW FOR TRAINING ON SENIORS AND VETERANS HOUSING. HAC will host “Housing Seniors and Veterans in Rural America: Preservation, Development, and Services” in Council Bluffs, IA on August 28-29. Details are available on HAC’s website at www.ruralhome.org. |