HAC News: July 6, 2011

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July 6, 2011
Vol. 40, No. 14

• House consideration of FY12 HUD funding to begin • Section 514/516, 533, MPR, and voucher funds offered • RD requests input on priorities • Immigration verification system must be used for Farm Labor Housing tenants • Comments sought on CDFI Bond Guarantee Program • HUD issues final mortgage licensing regs • HPG servicing clarifications provided • Guidance explains how Davis-Bacon applies to NSP • Public housing units need $25.6 billion in repairs, HUD study estimates • Federal tax code income supports benefit rural Americans • National Housing Trust Fund funding possibilities reviewed

July 6, 2011
Vol. 40, No. 14

HOUSE CONSIDERATION OF FY12 HUD FUNDING TO BEGIN. A Transportation-HUD funding bill is scheduled to be marked up by the T-HUD subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee on July 14 and by the full committee on July 26.

SECTION 514/516, 533, MPR, AND VOUCHER FUNDS OFFERED. • Farm Labor Housing applicants can request up to $3 million. Contact an RD State Office. • Nonprofits, state and local governments, tribes, or consortia are eligible for Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants to repair owner-occupied or rental housing. Contact an RD State Office. • Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program funds can be used to preserve Section 515 or 514/516 properties, primarily through debt deferral. No new Rental Assistance is available. Contact Cynthia L. Johnson, cynthial.johnson@wdc.usda.gov, 202-720-1940. • Deadlines will be set in the July 7 Federal Register. Check https://www.grants.gov or https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/RD_NOFAs.html (click Housing & Community Facilities Programs). • Voucher applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Vouchers are only for tenants who lived in Section 515 properties when their USDA loans were prepaid or foreclosed after Sept. 30, 2005, and can be used there or in any other rental properties that accept them. See https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/RD_ NOFAs.html (click Housing & Community Facilities Programs). Contact Stephanie B.M. White, RD, 202-720-1615.

RD REQUESTS INPUT ON PRIORITIES. Responses to its questions are intended to help RD set priorities for the 2013 budget and 2012 Farm Bill. The questions are posted on HAC’s website, https://ruralhome.org. Send comments to rdregreform@usda.gov by July 31. Contact Sylvia Bolivar, RD, rdregreform@usda.gov, 202-260-8038. USDA issued a more general request in April for input on regulatory changes (see HAC News, 4/27/11).

IMMIGRATION VERIFICATION SYSTEM MUST BE USED FOR FARM LABOR HOUSING TENANTS. Implementing a recommendation in a recent GAO study (see HAC News, 3/31/11), RD instructs field staff to use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) system to check tenants’ immigration status. See Unnumbered Letter dated June 9, 2011, available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/SupportDocuments/uljune11.pdf or from RD offices.

COMMENTS SOUGHT ON CDFI BOND GUARANTEE PROGRAM. The CDFI Fund provides a list of questions about implementation of its new program, which will guarantee the full amount of notes or bonds issued by CDFIs to finance loans for community or economic development purposes. Deadline is August 15. See Federal Register, 7/1/11, or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact staff at cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov.

HUD ISSUES FINAL MORTGAGE LICENSING REGS. The rule, implementing parts of the 2008 Secure and Fair Enforcement Mortgage Licensing Act, includes standards for state licensing of residential mortgage loan originators, for operating the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry, and for HUD’s oversight responsibilities. See Federal Register, 6/30/11, or https://www.hud.gov/hudclips. Contact Kevin L. Stevens, HUD, 202-708-6401.

HPG SERVICING CLARIFICATIONS PROVIDED. RD Administrative Notice 4583, which includes several topics relating to the Section 533 Housing Preservation Grant program, is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/SupportDocuments/an4583.pdf or from RD offices.

GUIDANCE EXPLAINS HOW DAVIS-BACON APPLIES TO NSP. A HUD NSP Policy Alert explains when the Davis-Bacon prevailing wage requirements apply to Neighborhood Stabilization Program activities and describes grantee responsibilities. Visit https://hudnsphelp.info/index.cfm?do=viewFindaResourceDetails&resourceID=1006.

PUBLIC HOUSING UNITS NEED $25.6 BILLION IN REPAIRS, HUD STUDY ESTIMATES. Research by Abt Associates for HUD found the estimated total backlog of capital need decreased by approximately 3.4% from 1998 to 2010, but still far exceeds available funds. Capital Needs in the Public Housing Program is posted at https://www.hud.gov (click Program Offices, then Public and Indian Housing).

FEDERAL TAX CODE INCOME SUPPORTS BENEFIT RURAL AMERICANS. USDA’s Economic Research Service reports that a larger share of rural taxpayers benefits from federal tax policies because they have historically had lower incomes and higher poverty rates than urban households. The Earned Income and Child Tax Credits have provided a substantial boost in income to low-and middle-income rural taxpayers and have reduced the rural poverty rate. A brief article and link to a longer report are at https://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/June11/Features/FederalTaxCode.htm.

NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND FUNDING POSSIBILITIES REVIEWED. The National Housing Trust Fund Campaign is exploring four different avenues that might provide money for the fund, authorized in 2008 but not yet operating. Visit https://www.nhtf.org for more, including slides and a recording of a recent webinar.

HAC News: June 22, 2011

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June 22, 2011
Vol. 40, No. 113

• House passes FY12 USDA funding bill without changes • HUD offers funds for Native institutions and Section 3 coordinators • Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant advance funding notice posted • White House Rural Council established • HUD will not implement Rural Housing Stability Program in FY11 • Habitat to package Section 502 and 504 direct applications • Guidance provided on closing MPR preservation transactions • RD instructs field staff on evaluating multifamily properties in default • HUD’s 2010 homeless assessment report shows progress and problems • Two studies document housing issues for people with disabilities • Fact sheet lists benefits of housing counseling • Congressional district profiles updated with Out of Reach 2011 data

June 22, 2011
Vol. 40, No. 113

HOUSE PASSES FY12 USDA FUNDING BILL WITHOUT CHANGES. On June 16 the House approved H.R. 2112 with a 0.78% across-the-board cut. Amendments to eliminate funding for Section 523 self-help housing were defeated by both the Subcommittee and Committee, and one to reduce funding for Section 504 grants was rejected on the House floor. Also defeated was an effort to move money from the Foreign Agricultural Service to Section 542 vouchers and USDA business programs. A funding table is at https://ruralhome.org and the bill’s text is at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app12.html. The House will begin work on HUD funding in July. When the Senate begins action on FY12 appropriations bills it is expected to propose higher housing figures than the House.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS FOR NATIVE INSTITUTIONS AND SECTION 3 COORDINATORS. The deadline for Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian Institutions Assisting Communities is August 1; contact Robert S. Kroll, HUD, 213-534-2601, robert.s.kroll@hud.gov. The deadline for entities receiving Section 3 funds to request coordinator funding is July 20; contact HUD’s fair housing office, 202-708-3633. Both notices are posted at https://www.grants.gov.

SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES REGIONAL PLANNING GRANT ADVANCE FUNDING NOTICE POSTED. Pre-applications are not yet being accepted. Funds will be set aside for areas with populations under 500,000. Visit https://www.grants.gov or https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm. Contact sustainablecommunities@hud.gov.

WHITE HOUSE RURAL COUNCIL ESTABLISHED. The group, chaired by USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, consists of numerous federal agencies. President Obama’s June 9 Executive Order is available at https://www.whitehouse.gov.

HUD WILL NOT IMPLEMENT RURAL HOUSING STABILITY PROGRAM IN FY11. HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs says the funding available this year will not allow HUD to implement many provisions of the HEARTH Act, including the Rural Housing Stability Program, although HUD is working on program regulations. SNAP’s May 16 update is posted at https://www.hudhre.info/hearth/.

HABITAT TO PACKAGE SECTION 502 AND 504 DIRECT APPLICATIONS. Rural Development and Habitat for Humanity have signed a memorandum of agreement intended to improve program access for Habitat participants, according to an Unnumbered Letter dated June 2, 2011 and posted at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/SupportDocuments/uljune11.pdf. Contact Brooke Baumann, RD, 202-690-4250.

GUIDANCE PROVIDED ON CLOSING MPR PRESERVATION TRANSACTIONS. An RD Unnumbered Letter dated May 31, 2011 includes a matrix showing what closing documents are needed for different types of transactions. Intended to supplement handbook HB-1-3560, the UL is posted at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/SupportDocuments /ulmay11.pdf. Contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson, RD, 202-720-0759, bonnie.edwards@wdc.usda.gov.

RD INSTRUCTS FIELD STAFF ON EVALUATING MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES IN DEFAULT. An Unnumbered Letter dated May 18, 2011 explains steps to be taken in evaluating and resolving servicing actions related to properties with defaulted Section 515 or 514 loans. Visit https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/SupportDocuments/ulmay11.pdf. Contact Stephanie White, RD, 202-720-1615.

HUD’S 2010 HOMELESS ASSESSMENT REPORT SHOWS PROGRESS AND PROBLEMS. HUD credits the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program with keeping the number of homeless persons unchanged from 2009 to 2010. Over 90% of HPRP clients exited the program to permanent housing. Between 2007 and 2010, however, the number of people using shelters in rural and suburban areas increased 57% and family homelessness increased 20%. 2010 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report to Congress is available at https://www.usich.gov.

TWO STUDIES DOCUMENT HOUSING ISSUES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Renter households that include people with disabilities are more likely than other renters to face worst case housing needs, according to Worst Case Housing Needs of People with Disabilities – Supplemental Findings of the Worst Case Housing Needs 2009: Report to Congress, available at https://www.huduser.org/portal/publications/affhsg/wcn_disability.html. Supplemental Security Income payments are lower than HUD’s Fair Market Rents for one-bedroom or efficiency rentals in many states and metro areas nationwide, reports Priced Out in 2010 by the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Housing Task Force and the Technical Assistance Collaborative, available at https://pricedout.tacinc.org.

FACT SHEET LISTS BENEFITS OF HOUSING COUNSELING. The Center for Housing Policy summarizes research on the impacts housing counseling has in reducing mortgage delinquency and foreclosure. Visit https://www.nhc.org/policy/Papers-Briefs-and-Fact-Sheets.html.

CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT PROFILES UPDATED WITH OUT OF REACH 2011 DATA. The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s snapshots of housing needs in each congressional district and state are at https://www.nlihc.org.

USDA Multi-Family Fair Housing Occupancy Report FY 2010

According to USDA’s annual occupancy report for tenants in its portfolio properties, from 2009 to 2010 the average incomes of Section 515 and 514/516 tenants rose about 2%. The average is $11,364 for all tenants and $9,388 for tenants with Section 521 Rental Assistance.

Summer 2011: Lower Mississippi Delta

Access a pdf version of Rural Voices.

View From Washington

Housing in the Mississippi Delta
by Congressman Bennie Thompson


Lower Mississippi Delta Nonprofit Capacity Survey Results Summary
A summary of HAC’s survey of Delta nonprofit housing developers, implemented to gain a better understanding of the existing network of organizations and their needs.

Housing Rehabilitation in the Delta
By David Hargrove
Partnering with local high schools, the Purchase Area Housing Corporation is building homes and providing valuable job training for local youth at the same time.

Making Homeownership Attainable: Family Resources of New Orleans
By Paula Pete
Family Resources of New Orleans is working in areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina and the gulf oil spill to help families who are still struggling to recover.

From Helpless to Hopeful to Homeowner
By Dazetta L. Thorne
Seventh District Pavilion, Inc., is finding success through its housing counseling program one homeowner at a time.\

When Lightning Strikes Twice: Disaster Recovery in Yazoo County
By Linda Smith
After the county was hit by tornadoes twice in less than eight months, the Esther Stewart Buford Foundation is working to help families prepare for the next storm.

“Building Today’s Communities for Tomorrow” in Louisiana
By Emel J. Alexander and Vernard Sterling, Jr.
Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation relies on partnerships to help the residents of Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes help themselves.

HAC News: June 8, 2011

HAC News Formats. , Epub, Kindle

June 8, 2011
Vol. 40, No. 12

• Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Planning Grants offered • New Markets Tax Credits available • IRS hopes to encourage non-real estate NMTC investments • Comments deadline extended on QRM rule favoring 20% downpayments • OMB issues 2011 Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement • HUD requests comments on future regulatory reviews • FY11 median family incomes released • June is National Homeownership Month • State of the Nation’s Housing 2011 reports challenges for ownership, brightening in rental markets • Study deems U.S. implementation of human right to housing “unacceptable.” • Mississippi Delta housing featured in Rural Voices

HOUSE COMMITTEE PASSES USDA FY12 FUNDING BILL. On May 31 the House Appropriations Committee approved the housing levels adopted by the Agriculture Subcommittee (see HAC News, 5/25/11). Amendments to eliminate funding for Section 523 self-help housing were offered and defeated at both the Subcommittee and Committee sessions. The bill, H.R. 2112, may be considered by the full House in June. It and the committee’s report are posted at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app12.html.

CHOICE NEIGHBORHOODS INITIATIVE PLANNING GRANTS OFFERED. PHAs, local governments, nonprofits, and for-profits partnering with public entities can apply by August 8 for funds to create comprehensive plans to transform distressed communities. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. Contact HUD staff, ChoiceNeighborhoods@hud.gov, 202-401-8812.

NEW MARKETS TAX CREDITS AVAILABLE. Community Development Entities, and those applying by June 22 for CDE certification, can apply for NMTC allocations by July 27. See Federal Register, 6/6/11 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact CDFI Fund staff, cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov, 202-622-6355.

IRS HOPES TO ENCOURAGE NON-REAL ESTATE NMTC INVESTMENTS. Comments are due September 8 on a proposed regulatory change to encourage NMTC spending for non-real estate businesses in low-income communities. Suggestions of similar changes are due September 6. See two separate notices in the Federal Register, 6/7/11, or at https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Julie Hanlon-Bolton, IRS, 202-622-3040.

COMMENTS DEADLINE EXTENDED ON QRM RULE FAVORING 20% DOWNPAYMENTS. Comments are now due August 1 rather than June 10 on a regulation drafted by HUD, FHFA, and the federal bank regulators that would make non-governmental mortgages more expensive for lenders when downpayments are less than 20%. The rule would not impact USDA Section 502 direct and guaranteed, FHA, or VA loans. This provision is part of a lengthy “credit risk retention” regulation. See Federal Register, 4/29/11 or https://www.regulations.gov; the deadline extension is at https://www.occ.treas.gov/news-issuances/index-news-issuances.html. Contact Chris Downey, OCC, 202-874-4660, or Leslie Strauss, HAC, 202-842-8600, leslie@ruralhome.org. HAC will post its comments at https://ruralhome.org before August 1.

OMB ISSUES 2011 CIRCULAR A-133 COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENT. This supplement applies to audits of states, local governments, and nonprofits for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2010. Comments are due October 1. Visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a133_compliance_supplement_2011. Contact federal funding agencies for more information.

HUD REQUESTS COMMENTS ON FUTURE REGULATORY REVIEWS. HUD has drafted a plan for periodically analyzing its significant regulations (see HAC News, 3/2/11), and a list of rules to be examined, including those for Section 202, HOME, FHA, and public housing. Comment by August 1 on the plan and list (not the rules themselves). See Federal Register, 6/2/11 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Camille E. Acevedo, HUD, 202-708-1793.

FY11 MEDIAN FAMILY INCOMES RELEASED. HUD’s data for metro and nonmetro areas is available at https://www.huduser.org/portal/datasets/il/il11/index.html.

JUNE IS NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP MONTH. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack announced a “Rural Housing /Rural Jobs” theme, highlighting housing’s contribution to local economies. USDA’s press release is posted at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov. For information on local events contact a USDA Rural Development state office.

STATE OF THE NATION’S HOUSING 2011 REPORTS CHALLENGES FOR OWNERSHIP, BRIGHTENING IN RENTAL MARKETS. The annual study from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies is available at https://www.jchs.harvard.edu or from JCHS, 617-495-7908.

STUDY DEEMS U.S. IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMAN RIGHT TO HOUSING “UNACCEPTABLE.” A National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty report card gives the U.S. failing grades on some aspects of its compliance with international standards for the human right to housing. The report calls for funding for homelessness prevention and housing, permanent protection for tenants of foreclosed properties, and a federal living wage. “Simply Unacceptable”: Homelessness and the Human Right to Housing in the U.S. is free at https://www.nlchp.org.

MISSISSIPPI DELTA HOUSING FEATURED IN RURAL VOICES. The summer issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine summarizes the results of a HAC survey of nonprofits in the region and offers articles written by local housing staffers about strategies used to address the Delta’s needs. Rural Voices is free at https://ruralhome.org. One print subscription per organization is free from Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600, dan@ruralhome.org.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005

HAC News: May 25, 2011


USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY10 Approp.

Approp. (a)

FY12 Admin. Budget

FY12 Hse. Subcmte. Proposal

Loans and Payments

502 Single Fam. Direct





502 Single Family Guar.





504 Very Low-inc. Rpr.





514 Farm Labor Hsg.





515 Rental Hsg. Direct





538 Rental Hsg. Guar.





Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Lns.






504 Very Low-inc. Rpr.





516 Farm Labor Hsg.





523 Self-Help TA





533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants





521 Rental Assistance
Preservation RA
New Constr. 515 RA
New Constr. 514/516 RA





542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers





Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)





Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.





a. Figures shown do not include 0.2% across the board reduction.
b. Budget authority (BA, the cost to the government) in the farm labor housing account would remain at FY10 levels, but loan costs have risen as interest rates have risen, so the 514/516 program levels could be somewhat lower.
c. The Rural Housing Assistance Grants pool, which funds Section 504 grants, Section 533, and some other smaller programs, is reduced by $1.1 million from FY10 levels.
d. The BA for Section 514 and 516 would fall from $19.7 million in FY11 to $12.5 million for FY12, but the bill does not allocate amounts specifically for loans or grants.

House subcommittee considers moving USDA rural housing to HUD. On May 25 the House Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity held a hearing on a draft bill entitled the “FHA-Rural Regulatory Improvement Act,” which would move USDA’s rural housing programs to a new office in HUD headed by a new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Rural Housing. The bill would also institute fees to make the Section 538 program self-supporting and make changes in FHA and Ginnie Mae. The draft bill is posted at https://financialservices.house.gov/UploadedFiles/fha_rural.pdf and hearing witnesses’ testimony is at http: //financialservices.house.gov/Calendar/EventSingle.aspx?EventID=241957.

Section 538 loan guarantees available. The May 26 Federal Register will announce that lenders can apply by Dec. 30 for multifamily rental housing loan guarantees. Funds will be committed first to approved applications from prior years. See Federal Register, 5/26/11, or https://www.grants.gov. Contact an RD State Office, https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/recd_map.html, or Monica Cole, USDA, monica.cole@wdc.usda.gov, 202-720-1251.

HUD offers FY11 funds for lead hazard programs, asthma interventions, HOPWA, Section 811. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov.

HOME program under scrutiny. Washington Post articles criticizing HOME for incomplete projects and unused funding are online at https://www.washingtonpost.com/2010/07/08/AFxelh3G_page.html. HUD’s response was posted May 19 at https://blog.hud.gov/. The House Financial Services Committee will hold an oversight hearing May 31, and the Senate Banking Committee is expected to schedule a hearing.

HAC News: May 11, 2011


HOMEOWNERSHIP LESS AFFORDABLE FOR MINORITIES, RESEARCH SHOWS. Because of income differences among racial/ethnic minorities, 80.3% of homes sold in 2010 were affordable to families earning the median income for whites, compared to 53% for African Americans, 51% for Hispanics, and 58.7% for American Indians, according to a National Association of Home Builders study. Data are provided for the entire country and for large metro areas. Housing Opportunity Index by Race/Ethnicity 2011 is available at www.housingeconomics.com.

GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR LEAD TECHNICAL STUDIES AND HEALTHY HOMES TECHNICAL STUDIES. Deadline is June 30. Contact Dr. Peter Ashley, peter.j.ashley@hud.gov, 202-402-7595. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov.

USDA NATIVE AMERICAN FARMER SETTLEMENT RECEIVES FINAL APPROVAL. On April 28, a federal court approved an agreement requiring USDA to pay $760 million in damages and debt relief for discrimination against American Indian farmers and ranchers. The Justice Department’s press release is at https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2011/April/11-ag-551.html and information about the Keepseagle v. Vilsack case, including the final court order and instructions for claimants, is at https://www.indianfarmclass.com. This case is separate from Cobell v. Salazar, which addressed Indian trust land issues (see HAC News, 12/8/10).

HUD REQUESTS INPUT ON CONPLAN IMPROVEMENTS. Visit https://www.hud.gov/ideasinaction or email conplan.mailbox@hud.gov to provide ideas and feedback about making ConPlans more useful to HUD grantees and about data and mapping to help prepare ConPlans. PowerPoint slides about new data and mapping tools are at www.hometa.info/media/conf/Consolidated.pdf and a mapping prototype is at https://egis.hud.gov/cpdmaps.

DISASTER RECOVERY ASSISTANCE OFFERED. Information about applying for aid in federally declared disaster areas is available at https://www.fema.gov or from 1-800-621-3362. To locate a FEMA Disaster Recovery Center, call that number or visit https://asd.fema.gov/inter/locator/home.htm. Find a Red Cross shelter at https://app.redcross.org/nss-app/ or call a local Red Cross chapter. Find a state emergency management agency at https://www.fema.gov/about/contact/statedr.shtm. Other government resources are collected at https://www.usa.gov/Citizen/Topics/PublicSafety/Disasters.shtml, or call 1-800-FED-INFO (1-800-333-4636). The Federation of Southern Cooperatives is assisting communities around Tuscaloosa; for details see https://www.federation.coop or call 205-652-9676.

TAX CREDITS’ IMPACT ON LOW-INCOME RURAL HOUSEHOLDS EXAMINED. A USDA Economic Research Service report finds that expansions to both the refundable and nonrefundable portions of the Earned Income and Child Tax credits have provided a major source of income support for low-income rural workers and their families, especially in the South where the rural poor are concentrated. Federal Tax Policies and Low-Income Rural Households is free at https://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/EIB76/.

CENSUS BUREAU RELEASING 2010 STATE DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILES. State profiles being released throughout May provide homeownership and vacancy rates, type of household, race and ethnicity, and population distribution by age, and are available at https://factfinder2.census.gov under “News and Notes.”

TRANSITIONAL HOUSING FOR FAMILIES SHRINKING AS PERMANENT HOUSING INCREASES. Policy shifts favoring emergency shelter and rapid re-housing are taking effect, reports the Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness, reducing the availability of transitional housing and the services it provides, such as vocational training, employment counseling, and parenting classes. “The Beginning of the End of Transitional Housing?” includes state-by-state data and is available at https://www.icphusa.org/PDF/reports/ICPH_TransitionalHousing.pdf.

ONLINE RESOURCES EXPLAIN RULES FOR ADVOCACY BY NONPROFITS. Information about IRS rules and guidelines, what is permissible, and available training and technical assistance resources is provided by the Alliance for Justice at https://www.afj.org/for-nonprofits-foundations/ and by Independent Sector at https://www.independentsector.org/advocacy.

HAC News: April 27, 2011

HOUSE PASSES BUDGET RESOLUTION WITH SIGNIFICANT CUTS. H.Con.Res. 34, the FY12 budget guidelines introduced by Budget Committee chair Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), passed the House on April 15. See HAC News, 4/13/11, for a summary and https://thomas.loc.gov for the bill’s text. A Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of how these guidelines might affect housing and community development programs is at https://www.cbpp.org/files/4-26-11hous-pc.pdf.

FY11 NOFAS RELEASED FOR INDIAN CDBG, FSS, ROSS. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. Deadline for Indian Community Development Block Grant applications is June 15; contact is Roberta L. Youmans, roberta.l.youmans@hud.gov, 202-402-3316. Deadline for Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency program is June 8; contact HUD’s Public and Indian Housing Resource Center, 800-955-2232. Apply by June 29 for Public and Indian Housing FSS or by July 13 for the ROSS Service Coordinators program; contact Anice S. Chenault, anice.s.chenault@hud.gov, 202-402-2341.

HUD EXPLAINS HOUSING COUNSELING PROGRAM FUNDING. A “frequently asked questions” document says that although the program was funded in the continuing resolutions covering the first half of FY11, the elimination of funding in the final CR means there is no HUD housing counseling appropriation for FY11. FY10 grants, announced in December, are not affected. HUD hopes to make available “limited funding” from previous years. See https://www.nlihc.org/doc/FY11-Housing-Grant-Cuts-FAQ.pdf.

USDA REQUESTS COMMENTS ON SIMPLIFYING REGULATIONS. USDA is reviewing its existing regulations to identify areas where it can simplify and reduce the reporting burden on the public, while also reducing its administrative and operating costs. RD is particularly interested in hearing how to streamline application procedures to reflect the size and risk of certain types of loans and grants. The notice includes a list of questions for commenters. Deadline for comments is May 20. See Federal Register, 4/20/11 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Julie Hetrick, USDA, 202-720-1269.

RENTAL AFFORDABILITY PROBLEMS WORSENING, STUDY SAYS. America’s Rental Housing: Meeting Challenges, Building on Opportunities reports a record number of renters are paying more than half their incomes for housing and predicts economic recovery will further tighten rental markets, especially for those with the lowest incomes. The report, by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, is free at www.jchs.harvard.edu. Contact the Joint Center, 617-495-7908.

HUD RESEARCH FINDS ADDING ASSISTED HOUSING REDUCES WORST CASE NEEDS. An analysis of data for metro areas concluded that when units of assisted housing are added to a market, there is a commensurate reduction in the number of households with worst case needs (unassisted renter households with very low incomes who pay more than 50% of income for housing or live in severely inadequate conditions or both). Various methods found that 68 to 94 of every 100 newly assisted units went to tenants with worst case needs. Reduction of Worst Case Housing Needs by Assisted Housing is free at https://www.huduser.org. Contact HUD User, 800-245-2691.

EXPANDED WEBSITE PROVIDES TAX CREDIT INFORMATION. Research and resources on state and federal Earned Income Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits, Child and Dependent Care Tax Credits, and Property Tax Circuit Breakers are collected at https://www.taxcreditsforworkingfamilies.org.

FORECLOSURE RISK SCORES AVAILABLE BY ZIP CODE. Data developed by the Local Initiatives Support Corporation showing relative risk of foreclosures throughout each state and metro area are posted at https://www.foreclosure-response.org/maps_and_data/lisc_data.html. Additional delinquency and foreclosure data are also available at https://www.foreclosure-response.org.

2011 ADVOCATES’ GUIDE TO HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT POLICY AVAILABLE. The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual publication covers federal programs and issues and is free at https://nlihc.org/template/page.cfm?id=274. For print copies, contact Sarah Brundage, NLIHC, sarah@nlihc.org.

U.S. WEALTH DISTRIBUTION MORE UNEQUAL THAN DISTRIBUTION OF WAGES OR INCOME. An Economic Policy Institute study reports the top 5% of U.S. households hold 63.5% of the country’s wealth. From 2007 to 2009, average annualized household declines in wealth were 16% for the richest fifth of Americans and 25% for the other four-fifths. The median net worth of black households was $2,200 in 2009, the lowest ever recorded. EPI writes that the imbalance explains why the economic recovery is affecting different income levels differently. The State of Working America’s Wealth and related reports are free at https://www.epi.org/pages/epinews.

HAC News: April 13, 2011


USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)


FY11 Admin.

FY11 Proposed CR
(H.R. 1)

FY 11 Final CR
(H.R. 1473) a

FY 2012 Admin. Budget


502 Single Fam. Direct






502 Single Family Guar.






504 Very Low-inc. Repair






514 Farm Labor Hsg.






515 Rental Hsg. Direct






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans






Grants & Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair






516 Farm Labor Hsg.






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. contracts)
Preservation RA
New Construction 515 RA
New Construction 514/516 RA






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






Rural Community Development Initiative






a. Figures shown do not include 0.2% across the board reduction.

b. Budget authority (the cost to the government) in the farm labor housing account would remain at FY10 levels, but loan costs have risen as interest rates have risen, so the 514/516 program levels could be somewhat lower.
c. The CR provides for a reduction of $1.1 million in the Rural Housing Assistance Grants pool, which funds Section 504 grants, Section 533, and some other smaller programs.

FY11 DEAL CUTS MANY HUD PROGRAMS. The funding compromise eliminates HUD’s Housing Counseling program and Rural Innovation Fund. Section 202 elderly housing and Section 811 housing for people with disabilities would be halved. CDBG, HOME, public housing, NAHASDA, and some others would be reduced. Details are shown in the table below (parentheses indicate amounts that are included in totals). For more information visit HAC’s website, https://ruralhome.org.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2010 Approp.

FY11 Admin. Budget

FY11 House
Proposed CR
(H.R. 1)
Final CR
(H.R. 1473) (d)
FY12 Admin. Budget

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants

Sustainable Commun. Init.
Rural Innovation Fund (a)
Catalytic Investment Grants (b)

















Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.
Vets. Affairs Supprtve Hsg Vouchers




Project-Based Rental Asstnce.



9,282 8,882 9,429

Transforming Rental Asstnce. (b)

350 0 0 200

Public Hsg. Capital Fund

2,500 2,044 1,428 2,044 2,405

Public Hsg. Operating Fund

4,775 4,829 4,626 4,626 3,962

Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)

135 0 0 100 0

Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative (c)

65 250 65 0 250

Housing Trust Fund

1,000 0 0 1,000

Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant

700 580 500 650 700

Homeless Assistance Grants

1,865 2,055 1,865 1,905 2,372

Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS

335 340 335 335 335

202 Hsg. for Elderly

825 273 238 400 757

811 Hsg. for Disabled

300 90 90 150 196

Fair Housing

72 61 72 72 72

Healthy Homes & Lead Hazard Cntl.

140 140 120 120 140

Sustainable Communities Initiative

0 150

Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)

27 0 27 27 0
Brownfields Redevelopment 17.5 0 0 0 0

Housing Counseling

87.5 88 0 0 88

a. Replaces the Rural Housing & Economic Development program.
b. New programs proposed by the Administration.
c. Demonstration initially proposed in FY 2010 budget to replace HOPE VI.
d. Figures shown do not include 0.2% across the board reduction

PROPOSALS FOR FY12 FUNDING PROVIDE FEW HOUSING DETAILS. The FY12 spending plans currently under discussion are intended to provide general spending ceilings for congressional appropriations deliberations, so they do not include full details. The House and Senate are not likely to agree on a final budget resolution, but the FY12 appropriations process can move forward without it. H. Con. Res. 34, introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), chair of the House Budget Committee, suggests time limits and work requirements for housing aid recipients, as well as “narrowing the gap between assisted renters and unassisted renters with the same income levels,” and is available at https://budget.house.gov. President Obama’s proposal, issued on April 13, is summarized in a fact sheet at https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-and-releases, which refers to the Bowles-Simpson Fiscal Commission report at https://www.fiscalcommission.gov. Neither provide any specifics about housing. A Senate proposal is expected in early May.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS FOR SECTION 811, HEALTHY HOMES, AND HOMELESS FAMILIES RESEARCH, AND POSTS FY11 NOFA GENERAL SECTION. These NOFAs are available at https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants /fundsavail.cfm and https://www.grants.gov.

HAC FACT SHEET DESCRIBES SELF-HELP PROGRAM’S IMPORTANCE FOR MINORITIES. USDA’s Self-Help Housing Program Supports Minority Homeownership notes that minorities comprise a significant proportion of participants in USDA’s self-help program and recommends maintaining FY10 funding levels for the Section 502 direct and 523 programs. It is available free at https://ruralhome.org.

USDA's Self Help Housing Program Supports Rural Minority Homeownership (Sections 502 & 523)

Self-help housing may well be the federal government’s most successful homeownership activity, and minorities make up a significant proportion of USDA’s self-help program recipients. However, it is often under threat from the administration and Congress.

USDA’s Self Help Housing Program Supports Rural Minority Homeownership(PDF)