Rural Voices
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
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This edition of Rural Voices makes clear the complexity of rural homelessness. Defining, much less quantifying, rural homelessness is a formidable task. While the challenges are sobering, HAC is inspired by those addressing rural homelessness across sectors ranging from education to domestic violence to veterans’ services. National experts and local providers come together to share their perspectives on this issue.
On the Brink of Change
by Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer
Innovative housing solutions are possible if everyone can work together.
An Overview of Rural Homelessness
by Nan Roman and Steve Berg
Homelessness has some different causes, features, and resources in rural places than in cities, and recognizing the distinctions can help in crafting solutions.
From Storage Shed to Stable Home
by Ashley Gooch
What does rural homelessness look like? A Tennessee man shares his story of hardship and perseverance.
Farmworker Homelessness in Imperial County, California
by Ilene J. Jacobs and Patrick Saldaña
Factors related to the seasonal nature of their work, their low wages, and discrimination may lead to homelessness among farmworkers.
Moving into Housing…First
by Patricia Mullahy Fugere
The Housing First approach provides housing without preconditions or requirements relating to behavior or treatment. With a stable home base, residents then address the challenges that caused, or kept them in, homelessness.
Expanding Healthcare Services for Supportive Housing Residents in Rural Areas
by Eva Wingren and Brian Byrd
The Affordable Care Act can help fund services that assist people in remaining stably housed.
What the Schools Know: Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness
by Patricia A. Popp
A national system of state and local homeless education coordinators works to ensure the growing numbers of homeless students have access to the resources they need.
The Complicated (& largely unknown) Picture of Rural Homelessness (Infographic)
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