Rural Voices
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
This edition of Rural Voices features stories from rural housing professionals who share notable mistakes they or their organization made. These candid and even humorous accounts of mistakes in rural housing are intended to convey that blunders are inevitable, but assessing and learning from mistakes can actually improve your organization and its efforts.
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This edition of Rural Voices features stories from rural housing professionals who share notable mistakes they or their organization made. These candid and even humorous accounts of mistakes in rural housing are intended to convey that blunders are inevitable, but assessing and learning from mistakes can actually improve your organization and its efforts.
HUD Secretary Julián Castro Discusses Rural Housing
by the Housing Assistance Council
Newly Appointed Under Secretary of Rural Development Lisa Mensah
by Lisa Mensah
“My House Is Backwards!”
by Scott McReynolds
The Housing Development Alliance takes a calm but straightforward approach to mistakes: admit them, fix them, and learn from them in hopes of not making the same mistake twice.
A Promising Concept… With a Harsh Realization
by Laura Buxbaum
After self-examination, a housing nonprofit in Maine asks, “How did we get here? What might we have done differently? And would we ever, under any circumstances, do it again?”
The Gray Panthers of El Dorado, Amador, and Placer Counties: How the Good Guys Finally Won
by John Frisk
A local citizenboard and a group of rural “housers” kept a project afloat after near-collapse in its early years resulting in a development that now serves the community with 40 units of senior housing.
Always Improving, One Misstep at a Time
by Nick Mitchell-Bennet and Kathy Tyler
“I have not failed. I have just found ten thousand ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison was no stranger to failures, but he took a healthy approach to mistakes.
Farmworker Housing Travails from Pennsylvania
by John Wiltse
PathStone stayed the course through a ten-year predevelopment process and emerged a stronger real-estate developer.
Underestimating Bureaucracy in Bureaus
by Marvin Ginn
Cutting through red tape on tribal lands comes with unique pitfalls
Trust AND Verify
by Wilbur Cave
A seemingly small oversight can become a big problem quickly
Additional Content
Mortgage Lending and Access in Rural America
Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story by sending a tweet to #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.