
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done

National Catholic Rural Life Offers Consulting for National Grant Opportunity

HAC would like to share the following announcement from the Catholic Campaign for Humand Development about its grant program. For more information, visit or email


We are working with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) to offer outreach and complimentary consulting to rural community groups to address poverty. CCHD was created 40 years ago by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide funding to groups of low-income people who are empowered to address the causes of poverty in their communities. CCHD has provided nearly 8,000 grants to community groups that to seek justice and create lasting change for people in poverty. CCHD local and national grants have supported legal advocacy to enforce fair wages, community development lending, environmental justice, affordable housing in low-income neighborhoods, parish based social action organizing, micro-enterprise development, and marketplaces or cooperatives for small businesses, artisans, and growers.

Target applicants are nonprofit groups (501©3) serving low income people. Government and academic institutions are not eligible for this grant. Visit to learn more about CCHD grant guidelines, success stories, and grant writing resources. Have a grant idea or know of a group fighting poverty or injustice? Call 651-962-5955 or email