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HAC News: July 13, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf July 13, 2016 Vol. 45, No. 13 • FY17 appropriations delayed • Republican officials promise to raise rental housing affordability at party convention • USDA RD […]

Income Inequality in Rural America

HAC Executive Director Moises Loza submitted the following Letter to the Editor to the Washington Post on June 27, 2016. “The rural reaches of income inequality” (June 26) raises issues […]

HAC News: June 29, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf June 29, 2016 Vol. 45, No. 12 • Non-priority low-income Section 502 funds are fully committed • Housing bill introduced in Senate • Senate hearing reviews […]

The State of the Nation’s Housing 2016

Rural communities face unique challenges with substandard housing, aging populations, and decreasing federal investment. The Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University released the annual State of the Nation’s […]

HAC News: June 15, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf June 15, 2016 Vol. 45, No. 11 • Homeownership, healthy homes, and 502 guarantee program celebrated in June • Republican poverty plan released • USDA RD […]

testing issuu

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