Each issue of HAC’s Rural Voices magazine focuses on a single topic important to rural communities, with subjects ranging from housing for older rural residents to the future of housing finance to citizen-led design. Local rural housing professionals from around the country write most of the articles, sharing their expertise, best practices, and even the mistakes they’ve learned from. To hear when a new issue of the magazine is published, sign up for HAC’s email list or watch for announcements in the HAC News and on social media.

What does affordable housing mean to you? Rural families share their stories

The Fall 2014 issue of Rural Voices presents the perspectives of rural families, their challenges of living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they ultimately utilized federal resources to obtain quality housing. These success stories almost always involve innovative community-based organizations that provide the vital link between housing resources and the families who need them.

What does affordable housing mean to you?The Fall 2014 issue of Rural Voices presents the perspectives of rural families, their challenges of living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they ultimately utilized federal resources to obtain quality housing. These success stories almost always involve innovative community-based organizations that provide the vital link between housing resources and the families who need them.


Affordable Rural Housing: It’s Not a Nicety But a Necessity
by Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, Missouri’s Fifth District

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, shares his housing story and offers his views on housing across the country


The Balancing Act
by Joey Henderson, Florida Home Partnership, Inc.

A single mother’s self-help journey

“Our Home, Our Community”
by Lucero Cortez and Erika Parkinson, Catholic Charities of Yakima

Zaida Elena Lopez and Ivan Chavez

Making Almost Heaven a Reality in Rural West Virginia
by John David, Southern Appalchian Labor School (SALS)

Converting a log cabin to a modern home means this widow does not have to live in the cold

The Power of Working Together

Three families share their experiences with USDA’s Mutual Self-Help Program

“I’ve lived here my whole life.”

Leslie Robbins, Jr.

Self-Help, Sweat Equity and Success
by BC EchoHawk, National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC)

“It made me feel good, it made me powerful and I’m looking forward to spending whatever days I have, God bless me, in that house.”

A Farmer’s Fight
byYuqi Wang, Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow

Many Hmong farmers have recently experienced financial problems from faulty loans

Additional Content

rv-fall-2014-mapThe Faces of Affordable Housing

What does Affordable Housing Mean to You?

“We wouldn’t want to live any place else”

The Davis Family (SALS, WV)

Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story by sending a tweet to #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Is the Housing Crisis Over? And how did it impact rural America?

The July 2014 issue of Rural Voices takes another look at the housing crisis and asks some important questions. Knowledgeable experts in the affordable housing field share their expertise, insights, and strategies to improve housing conditions in light of the Great Recession.


Discussing Community Reinvestment in Rural America
by Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency

How banks and federal savings associations can more effectively serve the credit needs of rural communities


Is the Housing Crisis Over? And how did it impact rural America?
An interview with:

Eric Belsky, Director, Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University
Sheila Crowley, Executive Director, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Gail Burks, President & CEO, Nevada Fair Housing, Center, Inc.
Chuck Wehrwein, Acting President & CEO, NeighborWorks America

Four national leaders discuss the housing crisis and its impact on rural America


Repurposing Foreclosed Properties in Rural America
by Noel Poyo, Executive Director, and Christopher W. Sanchez, Program Director, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB)

A consortium of nonprofits works at the local level to reverse the devastating effects of the foreclosure crisis

Housing Counseling Services Offer More Than Just Counseling
by Keith L. Morris, President, Elder Law of Michigan

While housing counselors are instrumental in helping people avoid foreclosure, they also provide invaluable resources to help families improve their lives

Making a Difference in Rural America
by Tony Hernandez, Administrator, USDA Rural Housing Service

Newly appointed Rural Housing Service administrator shares his thoughts and priorities for USDA’s housing initiatives


the housing crisis and its wake in RURAL AmericaThe housing crisis and its wake in rural America– (Interactive Prezi)

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Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story by sending a tweet to #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Looking to the Future: Youth and Housing in Rural America

thumb_rvmarch2014-coverThe March 2014 issue of Rural Voices, “Looking to the Future: Housing and Youth in Rural America” is now available for download from the Housing Assistance Council. This edition looks at the unique issues related to youth and housing in rural America. The edition also features several organizations that directly serve rural youth.


Children Growing up in Rural America
by Marybeth J. Mattingly and Cynthia M. Duncan, The Carsey Institute

Characteristics and challenges of a changing population.

Serving Families from Roots to the Moon
by Nadia Villagrán, Coachella Valley Housing Coalition

How California’s Coachella Valley Housing Coalition helped improve the lives of one rural farmworker family.

Young People Build Affordable Housing and Transform Their Lives
by Karen Jacobson, Randolph County Housing Authority

YouthBuild provides young rural Americans with the opportunity to build job skills, and homes, in their own communities.

Young Rural Housing Leaders Reflect

A group of graduates from the California Coalition for Rural Housing’s Youth Internship program discuss opportunities for youth in rural America.

Lead Poisoning: Not Just a Problem for Urban Youth
by Ron Rupp,

Lead paint is common in older rural housing and is considered to be the leading environmental health threat to young children.


Congress Acts on Rural Housing
by Joe Belden and Leslie Strauss

A federal budget and extension of eligibility for rural communities are positive steps for affordable rural housing. The proposed 2015 budget? Not so much.


thumb_childrenandyouthmapChildren & Youth in Rural America – (Interactive Prezi)

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Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story below, tweet #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Filling the Gaps Creating Housing Options for Seniors in Rural Communities

The Fall 2013 edition issue of Rural Voices focuses on housing for seniors in rural America. As America ages, the challenge of housing its low- and moderate-income senior population becomes an increasingly pressing issue. Rural communities face additional challenges in providing much needed services to a spread out population.

View from Washington

Q&A with Senator Kit Bond
Senator Kit Bond discusses his work with the BiPartisan Policy Center’s Housing Commission and its recommendations for housing older Americans


The Seniors are Coming! Oh Wait, They’re Here

by Dr. E. Hellen Berry,
The effects of an aging population are already being felt in rural America and will continue over the next two decades

Declining Funds in the Section 202 Program

by Alayna Waldrum, LeadingAge
Community action programs can play an important role in addressing both housing and food security needs in rural America.

Minor Repairs Create Major Improvements for Tribal Elder Homes

by Rick Tewa, Pueblo de Cochiti Housing Authority
Housing repair and rehabilitation can be critical for seniors who desire to remain in their home, but physical impairments and fixed budgets can often make these repairs impossible to perform without assistance

Seniors Look to Resident-Owned Manufactured Communities

by Chelsea Catto, Casa of Oregon
Across the country, innovative manufactured housing options are serving seniors who want to age in place in a strong and supportive community

Providing Successful Transportation Options for Seniors in Rural Communities

by Debbie Dauenhauer, Southern Nevada Transit Coalition
The Southern Nevada Transit Coalition’s Silver Riders Program has taken on the task of mitigating transportation challenges for seniors in rural Nevada


thumb_aging-rural-america-mapAn Aging Rural America (jpg)
MAP – A Demographic Portrait of Seniors in Rural America


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Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story below, at the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Hunger and Housing in Rural America: Intersecting Challenges and Solutions

The Summer 2013 special edition issue of Rural Voices focuses on Hunger and Housing in Rural America. With housing affordability an increasing challenge, and hunger a more pronounced issue, how are rural communities combatting these issues?

View from Washington

Supporting Rural America’s Housing and Nutrition Needs
by Under Secretary Kevin Concannon, USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services
The USDA offers programs that support rural communities to address their housing and food security needs.


Rural Hunger and Housing: Challenges and Opportunities
by Lorette Picciano, Rural Coalition/Coalición Rural
Rural America faces challenges and opportunities in housing and food security.

Building Homes and Feeding the Hungry in Rural Pennsylvania
by Kate Thompson, Fayette County Community Action Agency
Community action programs can play an important role in addressing both housing and food security needs in rural America.

Farmworker Housing: Implications for Food Security and Food Safety
by Sara A. Quandt and Thomas A. Arcury, Wake Forest School of Medicine
Although they help feed America, farmworkers often face substandard conditions and food insecurity at their own tables.

Growing Food and Housing Security in South Dakota’s Native American Reservations
by Lauren Haas Finkelstein, Running Strong for American Indian Youth
South Dakota’s Native American community is fighting hunger and substandard housing to protect their children and future leaders.

Food Justice in the Rural Southeast
by John Zippert, Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund
Southern farmers are forming cooperatives and coalitions to secure food and housing justice while overcoming a history of discriminatory land and farm policies.

Developing Leadership to Address Health & Hunger
Interview with Starry Krueger, Rural Development Leadership Network
Rural Voices recently interviewed Starry Krueger of the Rural Development Leadership Network, about a new leadership development program in Mississippi.


Hunger & Poverty in Rural America (jpg)
MAP – Many rural communities struggle to access enough nutritious food for their families.

Addressing Child Hunger in Rural New Mexico
Share Our Strength

What are Rural Food Deserts?


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Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story at the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

7 Issues Facing Rural America

The Spring 2013 issue of Rural Voices focuses on 7 issues facing rural America, and conversations from the 2012 National Rural Housing Conference around those issues.


7 Issues Facing Rural America: Leading Rural Housing Forward
by the Housing Assistance Council

Saving USDA Rural Development and Its Programs
by Peter Carey, Self-Help Enterprises, Inc.

Rural Rental Housing Preservation
by Tom Bishop, Homestead Affordable Housing, Inc., and Leslie Strauss, HAC

Energy Efficiency Issues in Rural Affordable Housing
by Meghan Walsh, USDA Rural Development

Housing Options for Rural Seniors
by Gus Seelig, Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Serving High Needs Areas and Vulnerable Populations
by Marty Miller, Office of Rural Farmworker Housing, Andy Saavedra, Mid South Delta LISC, and Leslie Strauss

Building a New Generation of Rural Housing Professionals and Leaders
by Gisela Salgado and Rob Weiner, California Rural Housing Coalition

Strategic Partnerships for Rural Nonprofits
by David Dangler, NeighborWorks Rural Initiative, and Tom Carew, FAHE

View from Washington

Sequestration Hurts and Disappointing FY14 Budget Doesn’t Heal
by The Housing Assistance Council

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Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story at the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Winter 2012 – 13: Taking Stock of Housing in Your Community

The winter 2012 – 13 issue of Rural Voices, Taking Stock of Housing in Your Community, is now available for download from the Housing Assistance Council. This issue includes information about the data resources available for rural community devlopers and advocates to document housing needs in their communities and make their case to policy makers.

View from Washington

Erika Poethig, Acting Assistant Secretary
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Policy Development and Research


Developing a Statistical Portrait of your Community
by Arthur Cresce, The U.S. Census Bureau
Using the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey

What is Rural?
by the Housing Assistance Council
A question that matters

Information on What Banks Are Doing in Your Community
by John Taylor, National Community Reinvesment Corporation
Getting the Most from Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) Data

Data Resources for Rural Communities
A Visual Guide to Selected Data and Information Sources

Q&A with John Cromartie
Rural Voices
sat down with John Cromartie, Senior Geographer at USDA’s Economic Research Service, to discuss demographic trends and data for rural areas

The National Housing Preservation Database
by Megan Bolton, National Low-Income Housing Coalition
A long awaited national database of federally-assisted housing can make the case for affordable housing preservation

Share your Story

Rural Voices is curious to hear your stories of how you have used data to further your work in your community. Do you have a story from your own community to share on this subject? Please share your story on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and help demonstrate the importance of accurate data for rural communities across the country.

September 2012: America’s Rural Heroes

The September 2012 of Rural Voices, America’s Rural Heroes.

Read more

Spring 2012: HOME Works for Rural Communities

The Spring 2012 issue of Rural Voices includes more than 25 brief success stories from rural organizations that have utilized the HOME program to develop housing, create jobs, and provide decent affordable homes for their communities.

Views from Washington

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program: Cornerstone of Affordable Housing Development Efforts
by Senator Partick Leahy, (D – VT)

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
by Mercedes Márquez


What is the HOME Program
A detailed overview of the HOME Program.

The New HOME Rules and What They Mean
HUD has plans to make several changes to the HOME Final Rule. What are those changes and how will they impact rural communities?


This issue of Rural Voices features success stories from organizations that have successfully utilized the HOME program to develop housing, create jobs, and provide decent affordable housing for their communities.

HAC would like to thank the following organizations for sharing their stories:

Brazos Valley Affordable Housing Corporation, City of Hesperia/Hesperia Housing Authority, City of Santa Clarita, Cocopah Indian Housing and Development, Community Action, Inc., Community Development Commission of Mendocino County, Community Housing Partners, Community Support Program, Inc., Crawford-Sebastian CDC, Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation, Economic Security Corporation, Freedom West Community Development Corporation, Inter-Lakes Community Action Partnership, New Mexico Housing & Community Development Corporation, Northwest Housing Alternatives, Opportunities for Chenango Inc., PathStone Corporation, PRIDE of Ticonderoga, Inc., Self Help Enterprises, South County Housing Corporation, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership, St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc., Tierra Del Sol Housing Corporation, Tri-County Opportunities Council, Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, and Walker Montgomery Community Development Corporation.

Share your Story

Rural Voices is not a large enough publication in which to cover all the stories of how HOME has positively benefitted communities across the country. Do you have a great story from your own community to share on this subject? Please tell us in the comments below, share your story on Facebook, LinkedIn, or tweet #HUDHOMEWorks and help demonstrate the importance of the HOME program to communities across the country.

HOME program weblinks.

Share your HOME Success Story

Winter 2011 – 12: Affordable Rural Senior Housing

Access a pdf version of Rural Voices.

Views from Washington

Affordable Housing and Services for Seniors

by Nancy Libson and Robyn Stone, LeadingAge

AARP Foundation Launching Strategy to Address Housing Needs
by John Carpenter, AARP Foundation


Rehab – Renew: Housing Rehabilitation for Seniors
The Self-Help Home Improvement Project (SHHIP) has developed several products and strategies to assist their primarily senior clientelle in rural California.

Opportunities to Meet the Needs of Seniors in Rural America
Cathedral Square Corporation (CSC), the largest provider of affordable senior housing in Vermont, shares its methods for development.

USDA Rural Development and HAC Work Together to Improve Housing in Rural Iowa
USDA Rural Development in Iowa details several examples of HAC and USDA RD facilitating local development partnerships and projects.

Section 202: Interview with Carolyn Branton
Carolyn Branton, Director of HAC’s Southeast Regional Office, sits down for an interview to discuss the uses of and importance of HUD’s Section 202 program.

Senior Housing in Rural Washington
The story of Catholic Charities Housing Services’ senior housing development, Rose of Mary Terrace from conception in 2003 to completion in 2008.

Reverse Mortgages After the Recession
Learn more about reverse mortgages as they apply to older Americans. What are the advantages, pitfalls and precautions to be aware of when using these loan products.