Summer 2009: Making Housing Fair – Rural Enforcement and Collaboration

Access a pdf version of Rural Voices.

  • Fair Housing Practices
  • The Challenges of Fair Housing Enforcement in Rural America
  • Enforcement in Maine of Family Status Protections
  • Collaboration as a Second Language
  • Combating Housing Discrimination and Promoting Housing Justice for the Disabled in Rural Iowa
  • Protecting the Rights of Vulnerable Populations
  • View from Washington: USDA Office of Civil Rights
  • View from Washington: HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
  • Special Feature: One Person’s Connections with the Housing Act of 1949

HAC News: July 8, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • USDA appropriations bills for 2010 expected to move forward this week • Housing trust fund sources proposed • HUD issues NOFAs for three university programs and healthy homes technical studies • RD explains Davis-Bacon for ARRA-funded 502 mortgages • Guidance issued on using Section 538 for Section 515 preservation • USDA begins naming RD State Directors • Rural Energy Plus Pilot Program becomes permanent part of Section 502 program • CRA rules to be revised • Approval proposed for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac innovations • HUD GIS system aims to help those who help homeless • Survey finds foreclosure and economic crises are increasing homelessness • HAC offers summer CHDO trainings

July 08, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 14

USDA APPROPRIATIONS BILLS FOR 2010 EXPECTED TO MOVE FORWARD THIS WEEK. The House bill, H.R. 2997 (see HAC News, 6/24/09), will be considered by the full House and the Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to take up its version. HAC will post updates at as available.

HOUSING TRUST FUND SOURCES PROPOSED. H.R. 3068, introduced June 26, would use $1 billion of dividends paid by financial institutions receiving funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to capitalize the National Housing Trust Fund Congress created in 2008. The National Low Income Housing Coalition reports the Administration has proposed using Ginnie Mae reserves. H.R. 3068 is at and NLIHC details are at A House Financial Services Committee hearing is set for July 9.

HUD ISSUES NOFAS FOR THREE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS AND HEALTHY HOMES TECHNICAL STUDIES. Historically black, Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian, and tribal colleges and universities may apply by July 24. Visit or Contact Sherone Ivey, HUD, 202-402-4200. Healthy Homes Technical Studies applications are due August 18. Visit or Contact Dr. Peter Ashley, HUD, 202-402-7595,

RD EXPLAINS DAVIS-BACON FOR ARRA-FUNDED 502 MORTGAGES. Administrative Notice 4449 guides RD staff in following Davis-Bacon wage requirements for properties receiving Section 502 direct or guaranteed loans under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. AN 4449 is available at or from RD offices. Contact Bill Downs, RD, 202-720-1499,

GUIDANCE ISSUED ON USING SECTION 538 FOR SECTION 515 PRESERVATION. An RD Unnumbered Letter (June 18, 2009) explains how to reconcile program differences when using a Section 538 guaranteed loan for an existing Section 515 property. Obtain the UL at or from an RD office. Contact James Carey, RD, 202-401-2307,

USDA BEGINS NAMING RD STATE DIRECTORS. Nineteen were announced in press releases issued June 29 and 30. For links and updates visit

RURAL ENERGY PLUS PILOT PROGRAM BECOMES PERMANENT PART OF SECTION 502 PROGRAM. Begun as a nationwide pilot in June 2006, the program allows higher debt ratios for direct and guaranteed loan applicants purchasing energy-efficient homes. An unnumbered letter dated June 4, 2009 makes it permanent. Obtain the UL at or from an RD office.

CRA RULES TO BE REVISED. Changes would incorporate recent statutory language that requires considering education loans to low-income borrowers and activities by institutions that are not owned by minorities or women cooperating with those that are owned by minorities or women. Comments are due July 30. See Federal Register, 6/30/09 or Contact Margaret Hesse, OCC, 202-874-5750.

APPROVAL PROPOSED FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC INNOVATIONS. Under an interim rule implementing recent legislation, the GSEs would be required to obtain Federal Housing Finance Agency approval for new products and notify it of new activities. Comments are due August 31. See Federal Register, 7/2/09, or Contact Carol Connelly, FHFA, 202-414-8910,

HUD GIS SYSTEM AIMS TO HELP THOSE WHO HELP HOMELESS. The HUD GIS Tool for Communities is a free downloadable software tool on the Homelessness Resource Exchange site that allows users to explore HUD project data as well as design and print custom maps. Visit

SURVEY FINDS FORECLOSURE AND ECONOMIC CRISES ARE INCREASING HOMELESSNESS. When seven national homeless and housing organizations surveyed homeless service and advocacy agencies in both urban and rural places, 79% stated that at least some of their clients were homeless as a result of foreclosure. Foreclosure to Homelessness 2009 is available at

HAC OFFERS SUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeowner-ship) are set for July 15-16 in Orlando and August 12-13 in Milwaukee. “Single-Family Housing Development” is offered August 12-13 in McAllen, Texas. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit Contact Dan Stern,, 202-842-8600.

Demographic Analysis

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Housing in Rural America (information sheet, 2010)

Poverty in Rural America (information sheet, 2011)

Rural Housing Issues and Recommendations (information sheet, 2007)

Race & Ethnicity in Rural America (Rural Research Note, 2012)

Poverty in Rural America (Rural Research Note, 2012)

Poverty in the United States – Map (Poster Map, 2012)

State of the Nation’s Housing 2007, The (report, 2007)

Taking Stock: Rural People, Poverty and Housing in the 21st Century (report, 2012)

Why Housing Matters: HAC’s 2000 Report on the State of the Nation’s Rural Housing (report, 2000)

Why Housing Matters (Winter 2001 issue of Rural Voices magazine)


Colorful poster-sized maps (2 feet by 3 feet), showing poverty rates or housing characteristics for every county in the United States.

Rural Populations & Regional Analyses

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Border Colonias


Native American


Mississippi Delta


Elderly & Disabled



Border Colonias
Native American
Mississippi Delta
     Elderly & Disabled

Organizational Development

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Financial Management

Organizational Management


Public Relations & Communications

Financial Management
Organizational Management
Public Relations and Communications

Rural CHDOs: Building Capacity, Building Homes (Fall 2010 issue of Rural Voices)

Primer for Beginning Rural Housing Developers, A (manual, 1999)

Rural Rental Housing Preservation and Nonprofit Capacity to Purchase and Preserve Section 515 Projects (report, 2002) (Appendix A. Maps)

Strengthening Community-Based Housing in the Mid-South Delta: A Policy Development Paper (report, 2001)

HAC News: June 24, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • House Appropriations Committee passes FY 2010 USDA funding bill • Rental preservation bill re-introduced • Veterans’ housing bill passes House • Congress changes Davis-Bacon for some HUD ARRA programs • House approves full funding for 2010 Census • RD offers disaster funds • HUD funds available for housing counseling, training, and FSS • Homeless prevention program notice corrected • HUD revises lead control and reduction NOFA • Capital Fund Recovery Grants NOFA corrected • NSP2 NOFA corrected, bridge notice published • USDA narrows data collection on race and other characteristics • Protections for tenants in foreclosure explained • Federal appeals court upholds prepayment ruling • Harvard’s Joint Center reviews impact of housing crisis on affordability • HAC offers summer CHDO trainings

June 24, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 13

HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE PASSES FY 2010 USDA FUNDING BILL. Most rural housing programs would remain at FY 2009 levels, with increases for Section 523 self-help, Section 515 rental, Section 514/516 farm labor housing, and the MPR rental preservation program. Like the FY 2009 appropriations act, H.R. 2997 would eliminate interest subsidies for Section 538 guaranteed loans. The bill, which will be considered by the full House in July at the earliest, is available at

USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009 Approp.

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
House Cmte.
H.R. 2997


502 Single Fam. Direct




502 Single Family Guar.




504 Very Low-inc. Repair




514 Farm Labor Hsg.




515 Rental Hsg. Direct




538 Rental Hsg. Guar.




Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans




Grants and Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair




516 Farm Labor Hsg.




523 Self-Help TA




533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants




521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. contracts)




Preservation RA




New Construction 515 RA




New Construction 514/516 RA




542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers




Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)




Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.




* A total of $45.5 million would be provided for Section 504 grants, Section 533 HPG, supervisory and technical assistance, and compensation for construction defects.

RENTAL PRESERVATION BILL RE-INTRODUCED. On June 15, Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.) and 17 cosponsors introduced the Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2009. H.R. 2876, identical to H.R. 4002 in the last Congress, would create a preservation program similar to the existing Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration (MPR), and a preservation voucher program. Rents in revitalized properties would be capped at 30% of tenant income. Search by bill number at

VETERANS’ HOUSING BILL PASSES HOUSE. H.R. 403, sponsored by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) and passed on June 16, directs HUD to provide assistance to nonprofits and consumer coops to expand the supply of supportive housing for very low-income veteran families, makes vouchers available to all homeless vets regardless of medical condition, includes vets in public housing planning, and excludes vets’ benefits from income for purposes of HUD-assisted rental determinations. Find the bill at

CONGRESS CHANGES DAVIS-BACON FOR SOME HUD ARRA PROGRAMS. The 2009 supplemental appropriations act, now awaiting President Obama’s signature, exempts CDBG (including the Neighborhood Stabilization Program), Native American block grants, and public housing capital funds from provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that imposed Davis-Bacon wage requirements on all ARRA-funded units. Pre-ARRA Davis-Bacon provisions apply. Other ARRA-funded programs are not exempt. Find H.R. 2346 at

HOUSE APPROVES FULL FUNDING FOR 2010 CENSUS. H.R. 2847, the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill, passed on June 18 and is available at

RD OFFERS DISASTER FUNDS. Funding from a variety of programs is available for areas with major disasters in 2008 or affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The notice will be published in the Federal Register on 6/25/09. Contact an RD state office.

HUD FUNDs AVAILABLE FOR HOUSING COUNSELING, TRAINING, AND FSS. Local counseling agencies, intermediaries, state agencies, and multi-state organizations can apply by July 17 for housing counseling funds; public and private nonprofits by July 17 for housing counseling training funds; and PHAs and TDHEs by August 11 for public housing Family Self-Sufficiency funds. Visit Contact HUD’s NOFA Information Center, 1-800-HUD-8929.

HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAM NOTICE CORRECTED. Under HUD’s new Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program, funds will be allocated to states, metro city governments, and urban counties, which will pass them to local governments and nonprofits. Visit

HUD REVISES LEAD CONTROL AND REDUCTION NOFA (see HAC News, 6/10/09). The deadline remains July 21. See Federal Register, 6/9/09 and 6/25/09, or Contact Bill Nellis, HUD, 202-402-7686,

CAPITAL FUND RECOVERY GRANTS NOFA CORRECTED. PHAs can apply by August 18 for these Recovery Act funds. This NOFA supersedes one published on May 7. Other capital funds were distributed to PHAs by formula. See Federal Register, 6/9/09, or

NSP2 NOFA CORRECTED, BRIDGE NOTICE PUBLISHED. The “bridge notice” implements the Recovery Act’s changes to the NSP1 program. See Federal Register, 6/17/09 (NOFA correction) and 6/19/09 (bridge notice) or Contact Stanley Gimont, HUD, 202-708-3587.

USDA NARROWS DATA COLLECTION ON RACE AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS. USDA is proposing to collect standardized data on farmers’ and ranchers’ race, ethnicity, and gender only, not including national origin, age, or disability (see HAC News, 5/27/09.) See Federal Register, 6/19/09. Contact Winona Scott, USDA, 202-401-3648.

PROTECTIONS FOR TENANTS IN FORECLOSURE EXPLAINED. Anyone acquiring foreclosed residential property is subject to the recent Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act (see HAC News, 5/27/09), whether or not federal funding is involved. Materials from the National Low Income Housing Coalition and National Housing Law Project are posted at An explanation by HUD is in the Federal Register, 5/24/09,

FEDERAL APPEALS COURT UPHOLDS PREPAYMENT RULING. On June 22 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that an owner of a Section 515 development may not avoid statutory prepayment restrictions by offering to prepay the loan and seeking to quiet title to the property. The opinion in Schroeder v. United States is available at

HARVARD’S JOINT CENTER REVIEWS IMPACT OF HOUSING CRISIS ON AFFORDABILITY. The State of the Nation’s Housing 2009, sponsored by HAC and others, is free at or $15 from the Joint Center on Housing Studies, 617-495-7908.

HAC OFFERSSUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeownership) are set for July 15-16 in Orlando and August 12-13 in Milwaukee. “Single-Family Housing Development” is offered August 12-13 in McAllen, Texas. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit Contact Dan Stern,, 202-842-8600.

USDA Rural Development Obligations FY 08

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Rural Development Obligations – Fiscal Year 2008

Single Family Housing Program Obligations

Multi-Family Housing Program Obligations

Unallocated Program Obligations

USDA Rural Development Obligations FY 09

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USDA Rural Development Obligations – Fiscal Year 2009

Single Family Housing Program Obligations

Multi-Family Housing Program Obligations

Unallocated Program Obligations

HAC News: June 10, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • June is National Homeownership Month • Congress begins reviewing appropriations bills • HUD offers Native American housing funds • Lead hazard control grants available • USDA corrects list of state offices in Section 533 funding notice • FTC requests comments on mortgage regulations • H-2A final rule suspended • Agencies provide guidance on new homebuyer tax credit • Prequalification proposed for multifamily weatherization • OMB issues Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement • New media campaign promotes fair housing, report shows record filings in 2008 • HAC offers summer CHDO trainings

JUNE IS NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP MONTH. HUD events are posted at See USDA’s press release in the newsroom at

CONGRESS BEGINS REVIEWING APPROPRIATIONS BILLS. On June 11 the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee and the Senate Transportation-HUD Subcommittee are scheduled to mark up their FY 2010 bills. As news about Hill actions becomes available, updates will be posted on HAC’s site at

HUD OFFERS NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING FUNDS. Tribes and tribal organizations can apply by August 7 for FY 2009 Indian CDBG funds. Visit This competition is separate from the ICDBG and NAHASDA funds provided by the 2009 Recovery Act (see HAC News, 5/27/09). Contact Roberta Youmans, HUD, 202-402-3316 or a HUD Area Office of Native American Programs, listed at

LEAD HAZARD CONTROL GRANTS AVAILABLE. Deadline is July 20 to apply for the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program. See Federal Register, 5/22/09 or visit Contact Warren Friedman, HUD, 202-402-7574.

USDA CORRECTS LIST OF STATE OFFICES IN SECTION 533 FUNDING NOTICE. See Federal Register, 6/2/09 or Contact a USDA office for details.

FTC REQUESTS COMMENTS ON MORTGAGE REGULATIONS. The Federal Trade Commission’s Mortgage Acts and Practices rulemaking addresses unfairness and deception in advertising, origination, appraisals, and servicing. Comments are due July 30. Visit or contact Laura Johnson, FTC, 202-326-3224. The Mortgage Assistance Relief Services rulemaking addresses the practices of entities that are not mortgage servicers and offer to help consumers deal with owners or servicers of their loans to modify them or avoid foreclosure. Comments are due July 15. Visit or contact Evan Zullow, FTC, 202-326-3224. Neither rule will apply to banks, thrifts, federal credit unions, and nonprofits because the FTC does not have jurisdiction over them.

H-2A FINAL RULE SUSPENDED. The Department of Labor has suspended a December rule for certifying H-2A farmworkers (see HAC News, 4/29/09 and 3/18/09) and reinstated the previous regulations for nine months. See Federal Register, 5/29/09 or Contact William L. Carlson, DOL, 202-693-3010.

AGENCIES PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON NEW HOMEBUYER TAX CREDIT. A USDA RD Unnumbered Letter dated May 4, 2009 is available at or from RD offices. FHA Mortgagee Letter 09-15 is posted at

PREQUALIFICATION PROPOSED FOR MULTIFAMILY WEATHERIZATION. The Department of Energy is proposing to allow multi-unit buildings with HUD or LIHTC assistance (not USDA) to qualify for the Weatherization Assistance Program without an extensive application process. Comments are due June 22. See Federal Register, 5/21/09 or Contact Gil Sperling, DOE, 202-586-1510,

OMB ISSUES CIRCULAR A-133 COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENT. The supplement will apply to audits of nonprofits and others receiving federal funding for fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2008. Comments are due October 31, 2009. Download from or order a print copy from the Government Printing Office (stock number 041-001-00667-2), 866-512-1800 (toll free).

NEW MEDIA CAMPAIGN PROMOTES FAIR HOUSING, REPORT SHOWS RECORD FILINGS IN 2008. The campaign by HUD and the National Fair Housing Alliance seeks to inform consumers about alternatives to foreclosure, how to avoid predatory loan terms, and how to recognize and report rental discrimination. For details visit A new HUD report to Congress states that in FY 2008 over 10,500 fair housing discrimination complaints were filed, 44% of them by persons with disabilities and 35% based on race. People who believe they are the victims of housing discrimination should contact HUD at 1-800-669-9777 (voice), 800-927-9275 (TTY). For more information, visit

HAC OFFERS SUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Becoming a High Performing CHDO” is scheduled for June 25 in Colorado Springs. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeownership) are set for July 15-16 in Orlando and August 12-13 in Milwaukee. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit Contact Dan Stern,, 202-842-8600.

USDA Rural Development Housing Programs FY 2008 Year-End Report


USDA Rural Development Housing Programs: FY 2008 Year-End Report, produced by the Housing Assistance Council, provides a review of USDA rural housing activity. Since the 1950s, the United States Department of Agriculture has built or repaired millions of affordable homes for rural Americans primarily through its Rural Development agency (formerly the Farmer’s Home Administration). In Fiscal Year 2008, Rural Development (RD) obligated approximately $8.9 billion which built, repaired, or supported over 200,000 units of affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families in rural areas. Some of the highlights of USDA’s


Introduction/Table of Contents

I. Summary of USDA Rural Housing Obligations
II. Single Family Housing Program Obligations
(Click here to access large PDF file from
III. Multi-Family Housing Program Obligations
IV. Allocated Program Obligations
V. Foreclosure & Delinquency
VI. Multifamily Prepayment
VII. Single Family Loan Backlog
VIII. Rural Housing Program Historical Activity
IX. State Obligation Tables
X. About the Data

2009, 167 pages, ISBN 978-1-58064-162-3

All Files are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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