State and County Data Snapshots


This interactive map is hosted on HAC’s Rural Data Portal. It includes stat and county level snapshots of data on population, poverty, and housing occupancy as well as links to more detailed information.


HAC News: August 20, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 20, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 17

• USDA RD to revise guidance on domestic violence • Section 502 direct processing improvements scheduled • RD to delay implementing new rule for Section 502 guaranteed loans • HAC recommends notice to tenants about maturing USDA mortgages, asks for dialogue • Amendments proposed to reserve account rules for properties with 515 and 538 loans • Fair Market Rents for FY15 proposed • HUD to change environmental review form • Manufactured housing label fee increased • FHFA requests comments on its strategic plan • Study documents digital divide for tribal libraries • Permanent supportive housing found to reduce chronic homelessness • Conference on farmworker housing and health set for November • Please nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards!

August 20, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 17

USDA RD TO REVISE GUIDANCE ON DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. HAC and a number of other organizations signed on to a letter from the National Housing Law Project to USDA rural housing administrator Tony Hernandez requesting changes in AN 4747, which applies the Violence Against Women Act to USDA’s multifamily programs (see HAC News, 3/5/14). In a response dated August 6, Hernandez agreed to make most of the changes.

SECTION 502 DIRECT PROCESSING IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED. Administrator Tony Hernandez gave HAC a summary showing that in FY15 USDA will automate underwriting for Section 502 direct loans, revise its packaging regulations, allow packagers to submit applications electronically, and establish an imaging system for documents.

RD TO DELAY IMPLEMENTING NEW RULE FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEED LOANS. An email sent to stakeholders on August 19 says a notice will be published in the Federal Register delaying the rule’s effectiveness to December 1, 2014 rather than September 1, the date originally scheduled. Contact USDA, 202-720-1452.

HAC RECOMMENDS NOTICE TO TENANTS ABOUT MATURING USDA MORTGAGES, ASKS FOR DIALOGUE. In an August 9 letter to Tony Hernandez, HAC expressed concern about tenants who will lose Section 521 Rental Assistance when USDA mortgages end. HAC urged USDA to ask owners to notify tenants well in advance of mortgage maturities, and suggested further discussions about ways to maintain the affordability of these units.

AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO RESERVE ACCOUNT RULES FOR PROPERTIES WITH 515 AND 538 LOANS. USDA’s countersignature would no longer be required for rental projects that have both Section 538 guaranteed loans and Section 515 direct loans; the Section 538 regulations would apply. The change would also clarify that loan guarantee fees must be paid from operating accounts, not reserve accounts. Comments are due October 14. Contact Tammy S. Daniels, USDA, 202-702-0021.

FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR FY15 PROPOSED. Comments are due September 15 on the FMRs HUD will use in FY15. Contact local HUD program staff.

HUD TO CHANGE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM. A final rule allows HUD to develop a single form to be used by HUD employees and other responsible entities. Contact Danielle Schopp, HUD, 202-402-4442.

MANUFACTURED HOUSING LABEL FEE INCREASED. The increase, proposed in May (see HAC News, 5/14/14), is effective September 12, 2014. Manufacturers will pay $100 for each new transportable section produced. Contact Pamela B. Danner, HUD, 202-708-6423.

FHFA REQUESTS COMMENTS ON ITS STRATEGIC PLAN. The Federal Housing Finance Agency’s plan “reflects the agency’s priorities as regulator of the Federal Home Loan Bank System and as regulator and conservator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac” and is the first under new director Mel Watt. Comments are due September 15.

STUDY DOCUMENTS DIGITAL DIVIDE FOR TRIBAL LIBRARIES. Digital Inclusion in Native Communities: The Role of Tribal Libraries, a report by the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, provides the first comprehensive data on the subject. Research found that 89% of tribal libraries offer access to the internet and 86% have public computer workstations, compared to 100% of public libraries. At least 40% of tribal libraries studied do not have a broadband internet connection. Contact Susan Feller, ATALM, 405-401-8293.

PERMANENT SUPPORTIVE HOUSING FOUND TO REDUCE CHRONIC HOMELESSNESS. An examination of data at the community level confirms findings at the individual level: over time, increased investment in permanent supportive housing is associated with decreased rates of chronic homelessness. “The Relationship between Community Investment in Permanent Supportive Housing and Chronic Homelessness” was published in Social Service Review 88.2 (2014).

CONFERENCE ON FARMWORKER HOUSING AND HEALTH SET FOR NOVEMBER. “Farmworker Housing Quality and Health: A Transdisciplinary Conference” will be held on November 11 in Arlington, VA. Registration is $50 until October 1 and $70 after that date.

Please nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards! Nominations are due September 30 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Complete the online nomina-tion form. Questions? Contact Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: August 6, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 6, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 16

• Ryan plan would include USDA Rental Assistance in block grant to states • Members of Congress write to USDA about 502 spending • VA reform bill can help rural veterans • House committee passes NAHASDA reauthorization bill • Castro and Donovan sworn in, HUD PIH nominee announced • USDA vouchers available • HUD offers funds for fair housing • Changes suggested for HMDA rules • No pooling for 502 direct funds this year • Data show how well-being of U.S. children has changed over 25 years • Please nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards

August 6, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 16

RYAN PLAN WOULD INCLUDE USDA RENTAL ASSISTANCE IN BLOCK GRANT TO STATES. On July 24 Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), chair of the House Budget Committee, released a “discussion draft” of an anti-poverty proposal called Expanding Opportunity in America. Among other changes, it would fold several safety net programs into a new block grant to states: USDA’s Section 521 Rental Assistance; HUD’s Section 8 vouchers and project-based aid, public housing funds, and CDBG; and HHS’s weatherization, LIHEAP, Child Care and Development Fund, WIA Dislocated Workers, SNAP (Food Stamps), and TANF. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculates the plan would reduce food and housing assistance overall.

MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WRITE TO USDA ABOUT 502 SPENDING. Concerned that available Section 502 direct funds may not all be spent by the end of the fiscal year on September 30, the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees sent a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack on July 31, asking for a report in two weeks on steps to increase the program’s obligations.

VA REFORM BILL CAN HELP RURAL VETERANS. A key portion of the veterans bill approved by Congress will help rural veterans have better access to health care. Among many provisions, the legislation would allow veterans who live at least 40 miles away from a VA facility, and those who face long delays in getting VA appointments, to seek medical care outside of the VA health system. It authorizes $10 billion in emergency mandatory funding to subsidize the outside medical care. The House passed the bill (H.R. 3230) by a 420 to 5 vote on July 30. The Senate approved the bipartisan legislation 91 to 3 on July 31 and sent it to the President, who is expected to sign it.

HOUSE COMMITTEE PASSES NAHASDA REAUTHORIZATION BILL. On July 30 the House Financial Services Committee approved H.R. 4329, which would renew the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act for five years. The Senate version, S. 1352, passed the Indian Affairs Committee in January but has not yet been considered by the full Senate. Meanwhile, NAHASDA programs continue operating because Congress has continued to appropriate funds for them.

CASTRO AND DONOVAN SWORN IN, HUD PIH NOMINEE ANNOUNCED. On July 28, Julián Castro was sworn in as Secretary of HUD and Shaun Donovan as Director of OMB. On July 31, President Obama announced he will nominate Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President and CEO of the San Antonio Housing Authority, to be HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.

USDA VOUCHERS AVAILABLE. Section 542 vouchers can be used by tenants of Section 515 buildings whose mortgages were prepaid or foreclosed after September 30, 2005. Tenants in these properties should receive notice from USDA RD after the prepayment or foreclosure occurs, offering vouchers and providing application information. Contact Stephanie B.M. White, RD, 202-720-1615.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS FOR FAIR HOUSING. Applications are due September 2 for three Fair Housing Initiative Program components: Fair Housing Organization Initiative Grants, Education and Outreach Initiative Grants, and Private Enforcement Initiative Grants. Contact Myron P. Newry, HUD, 202-402-7095.

CHANGES SUGGESTED FOR HMDA RULES. Comments are due October 22 on a proposal to revise Home Mortgage Disclosure Act regulations. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau suggests revising the tests determining which financial institutions and housing-related credit transactions are covered under HMDA, collecting additional data, requiring some quarterly data submissions, and more. Contact CFPB’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700.

NO POOLING FOR 502 DIRECT FUNDS THIS YEAR. HAC has learned that USDA does not plan to pool and redistribute funds for Section 502 direct loans in FY14, since every state has funds available.

DATA SHOW HOW WELL-BEING OF U.S. CHILDREN HAS CHANGED OVER 25 YEARS. The 25th edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual Kids Count Data Book reports positive gains in child health and education since 1990, but a decline in the economic well-being of children and their communities. Data are presented at the national and state levels.

PLEASE NOMINATE NATIONAL OR LOCAL RURAL HOUSING LEADERS FOR HAC AWARDS! Nominations are due September 30 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Complete the online nomination form. Questions? Contact Lilla Sutton

Section 542 Vouchers, FY14 NOFA (published 7/31/14)

Program Section 542 Rural Voucher Program
Agency US Department of Agriculture Rural Development
Action NOFA
Date 7/31/14

USDA Rural Development announces that funding is available for the Rural Development Voucher Program. The NOFA also gives the general policies and procedures for the program in FY14 (there are no regulations for this program). These vouchers are only for tenants in a property financed by a Section 515 USDA loan that has been prepaid or foreclosed upon after September 30, 2005. Tenants in these properties should receive notice from USDA RD after the prepayment or foreclosure occurs, offering vouchers and providing application information.

HAC News: July 23, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 23, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 14

• Congress starts recess on August 1 • Continuum of Care registration open • USDA issues nondiscrimination rule • HUD proposes revisions to PHA consortium rules • USDA hopes to speed processing of Section 502 direct loans • Meetings and webinars set to discuss Keepseagle funds distribution • HUD guidebook discusses housing-transportation strategies • Data show characteristics of HUD-assisted households • Rural Voices magazine asks, “Is the Housing Crisis Over?” • Some spaces remain in workshops on new HOME rule • Register now for upcoming HAC trainings • Nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards

July 23, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 15

CONGRESS STARTS RECESS ON AUGUST 1. Legislators will return to work on Monday, September 8.

CONTINUUM OF CARE REGISTRATION OPEN. Applicants for FY14 CoC funds must register by August 6.

USDA ISSUES NONDISCRIMINATION RULE. The final rule is effective immediately. USDA’s complaint office is now required to offer alternative dispute resolution services. Each USDA agency is required to collect, maintain and annually compile data (when provided voluntarily by applicants and program participants) on the race, ethnicity, and gender of program applicants and participants by county and state. Also, two new categories are protected: political beliefs and gender identity. Contact Anna Stroman, 202-205-5953.

HUD PROPOSES REVISIONS TO PHA CONSORTIUM RULES. The changes are intended to increase administrative efficiencies associated with forming a consortium and to help ensure maximum family choice in locating suitable
housing. Comments are due September 9. Contact Michael Dennis, HUD, 202-402-3882.

USDA HOPES TO SPEED PROCESSING OF SECTION 502 DIRECT LOANS. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 7, 2014 authorizes three temporary steps to speed processing of Section 502 direct loans before the fiscal year ends on September 30. (See HAC News, 6/25/14.) USDA Rural Development field staff can now approve and obligate 502 direct loans subject to receipt of an appraisal, make new loans rather doing loan assumptions, and refinance existing loans in some circumstances when there is a high risk of foreclosure. Contact a USDA Rural Development office.

MEETINGS AND WEBINARS SET TO DISCUSS KEEPSEAGLE FUNDS DISTRIBUTION. About $380 million from the settlement of the Keepseagle v. Vilsack suit, which charged that USDA farm loan programs discriminated against Native Americans, will be distributed to nonprofits that work with Native American farmers and ranchers. To provide input about this process, attend in-person meetings or webinars/conference calls to be held between July 30 and August 26, or email For general information contact the Claims Administrator, 1-888-233-5506.

HUD GUIDEBOOK DISCUSSES HOUSING-TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIES. Creating Connected Communities: A Guidebook for Improving Transportation Connections for Low- and Moderate-Income Households in Small and Mid-Sized Cities intends to provide localities with transportation strategies for residents of affordable housing. It targets places up to 250,000 population, but at least one case study is from a city of 8,500.

DATA SHOW CHARACTERISTICS OF HUD-ASSISTED HOUSEHOLDS. The National Housing Conference’s Center for Housing Policy has begun analyzing “Picture of Subsidized Households” figures recently released by HUD. Nationwide, 39% of households receiving assistance are families with children, 34% percent are non-senior disabled (there is overlap in these categories), and 33% are seniors age 62 and older. Forty-four percent are African-American, 17% are Hispanic, 4% Asian or Pacific Islander, and 1% are Native American. About 6.3% live in places with urban centers under 10,000 population or without urban centers.

RURAL VOICES MAGAZINE ASKS, “IS THE HOUSING CRISIS OVER?” Experts write about the crisis and its impact on rural America. This issue also covers CRA, foreclosures, and housing counseling, and RHS Administrator Tony Hernandez describes his priorities.

SOME SPACES REMAIN IN WORKSHOPS ON NEW HOME RULE. HUD will offer “CHDO Workshop: Understanding the 2013 HOME Final Rule” in August and September. Registration is free for CHDO staff. HUD has some travel scholarships available, funded partly by HAC. Contact Rachael Ballard, rballard@, 203-241-2410.

Register now for upcoming HAC webinars:

and place-based trainings:

Nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards.
Nominations are due September 30 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Complete the online nomination form or request a paper form from Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600.

Is the Housing Crisis Over? And how did it impact rural America?

The July 2014 issue of Rural Voices takes another look at the housing crisis and asks some important questions. Knowledgeable experts in the affordable housing field share their expertise, insights, and strategies to improve housing conditions in light of the Great Recession.


Discussing Community Reinvestment in Rural America
by Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency

How banks and federal savings associations can more effectively serve the credit needs of rural communities


Is the Housing Crisis Over? And how did it impact rural America?
An interview with:

Eric Belsky, Director, Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University
Sheila Crowley, Executive Director, National Low Income Housing Coalition
Gail Burks, President & CEO, Nevada Fair Housing, Center, Inc.
Chuck Wehrwein, Acting President & CEO, NeighborWorks America

Four national leaders discuss the housing crisis and its impact on rural America


Repurposing Foreclosed Properties in Rural America
by Noel Poyo, Executive Director, and Christopher W. Sanchez, Program Director, National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB)

A consortium of nonprofits works at the local level to reverse the devastating effects of the foreclosure crisis

Housing Counseling Services Offer More Than Just Counseling
by Keith L. Morris, President, Elder Law of Michigan

While housing counselors are instrumental in helping people avoid foreclosure, they also provide invaluable resources to help families improve their lives

Making a Difference in Rural America
by Tony Hernandez, Administrator, USDA Rural Housing Service

Newly appointed Rural Housing Service administrator shares his thoughts and priorities for USDA’s housing initiatives


the housing crisis and its wake in RURAL AmericaThe housing crisis and its wake in rural America– (Interactive Prezi)

Add your Response

Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story by sending a tweet to #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

HAC News: July 9, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 9, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 14

• Castro confirmed as HUD secretary • Civil rights anniversary noted • Section 514/516 preapplications due September 2 • HUD offers FY14 and FY15 HOPE VI Main Street funds • Treasury and HUD announce rental housing initiative • CRA regulators update list of distressed or underserved nonmetro middle-income geographies • New report examines rural rental housing • New York Times piece on rural poverty draws criticism • HAC calculates 8,000 USDA properties will pay off loans by 2020 • Concentration of poverty has increased, Census Bureau reports • HAC’s website redesigned

July 9, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 14 [tdborder][/tdborder]

CASTRO CONFIRMED AS HUD SECRETARY. On July 9 by a 71-26 vote the full Senate confirmed Julián Castro to replace Shaun Donovan as Secretary of HUD. The Senate has not yet voted on Donovan’s nomination as the new OMB director. (See HAC News, 5/28/14.)

CIVIL RIGHTS ANNIVERSARY NOTED. President Obama proclaimed July 2, 2014, as the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act, which was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964.

SECTION 514/516 PREAPPLICATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 2. Section 514 loans and Section 516 grants can be used for new construction or purchase and substantial rehabilitation of rental housing for farmworkers. Section 521 Rental Assistance is available. The maximum award is $3 million. Contact a USDA RD state office.

HUD OFFERS FY14 AND FY15 HOPE VI MAIN STREET FUNDS. Governments of counties, cities, and townships with populations under 50,000 are eligible for grants to replace unused commercial space with affordable housing in historic or traditional central business districts. Deadline is August 18. Contact Lawrence Gnessin, HUD, lawrence

TREASURY AND HUD ANNOUNCE RENTAL HOUSING INITIATIVE. The Treasury Department’s Federal Financing Bank will finance mortgages made by Housing Finance Agencies and insured by FHA under its risk-sharing programs. Treasury is also extending the Making Home Affordable homeowner assistance program for at least one year and requesting public input by August 8 on ways to improve the private label securities market for housing finance.

CRA REGULATORS UPDATE LIST OF DISTRESSED OR UNDERSERVED NONMETRO MIDDLE-INCOME GEOGRAPHIES. The annual list identifies census tracts where bank activities will be considered as “community development” under the Community Reinvestment Act. There are slightly fewer tracts on the list in 2014 than in 2013, presumably reflecting some improvement in the economy.

NEW REPORT EXAMINES RURAL RENTAL HOUSING. Rural America’s Rental Housing Crisis: Federal Strategies to Preserve Access to Affordable Rental Housing in Rural Communities, published by the National Rural Housing Coalition, documents the successes of USDA’s rental housing programs and the challenges facing them now, including preservation and Section 521 Rental Assistance funding.

NEW YORK TIMES PIECE ON RURAL POVERTY DRAWS CRITICISM. “What’s the Matter with Eastern Kentucky?” by Annie Lowrey describes economic decline in Clay County, KY and wonders whether moving away might be residents’ best option. Tim Marema and Betsy Taylor respond with critical posts on the Daily Yonder.

HAC CALCULATES 8,000 USDA PROPERTIES WILL PAY OFF LOANS BY 2020. The oldest Section 515 and 514 loans are reaching the end of their 50-year mortgage terms. “Maturating USDA Multi-Family Housing Loans will Impact Ten-ants explains that when a Section 515 or 514 loan is paid off, some tenant benefits (such as Section 521 Rental Assistance) are terminated. Tenant protection rules apply to prepayments but not to payoffs of mature loans. HAC’s Rural Policy Note recommends that USDA ask project owners to notify tenants well in advance of payoff.

CONCENTRATION OF POVERTY HAS INCREASED, CENSUS BUREAU REPORTS. The proportion of U.S. residents living in census tracts with poverty rates of 20% or higher fell from 1990 to 2000, then increased from 18.1% in 2000 to 25.7% in 2010. While the overall U.S. population grew by 10% over the decade, the number of people in these high poverty areas increased by about 56%. Of the people living in high poverty tracts in 2010, 51.1% lived in cities at the center of metropolitan areas, 28.6% in suburbs, and 20.4% in nonmetro areas. Census’s report, Changes in Areas with Concentrated Poverty: 2000 to 2010, includes maps and tables with data by state, race, age, and more.

HAC’S WEBSITE REDESIGNED. There’s a new look to the same great information at

Register now for upcoming HAC webinars:

and place-based trainings:

USDA Multi-Family Fair Housing Occupancy Report FY 2013

USDA’s yearly occupancy survey shows the total number of properties in USDA’s rural rental portfolio fell by 2.48% from April 2012 to September 2013, a decrease of 346 Section 515 properties and 34 Section 514 properties. The reduction covers 5,092 apartments (1.14% of total units). The 2013 report is the first to include demographic data on Section 521 Rental Assistance (RA) households, and they appear generally similar to tenants in Section 515 properties. The average annual income of Section 515 residents has increased slightly to $11,747. For Section 515 tenants with RA, average income is $9,828.

HAC News: June 25, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 25, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 13

• USDA and HUD funding stalls in Senate • HUD and OMB nominations proceed • Obama visits Standing Rock Reservation, HUD offers ICDBG funds • USDA will make rural broadband grants • ROSS funds and Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants available • Final changes made to project-based and tenant-based voucher programs • HUD implements FY14 appropriations law provisions • USDA RD to monitor Section 502 direct delinquencies more closely • Travel scholarships available for HUD CHDO workshops on new HOME rule • Rural housing obligations lag, NRHC expresses concern about 502 direct • Elders in HUD-subsidized housing have greater health needs than peers • State of the Nation’s Housing report to be released June 26

June 25, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 13

USDA AND HUD FUNDING STALLS IN SENATE. On June 19 the Senate halted progress, at least temporarily, on FY15 spending bills after Republicans and Democrats were unable to agree on a process for offering and voting on amendments to a mini-omnibus package (H.R. 4660) that combined three funding bills, including USDA and Transportation-HUD. Negotiations continue but it now appears more likely that a continuing resolution will be needed to start the new fiscal year on October 1. Both Senate and House had been moving quickly on the 2015 spending bills. The House has passed its T-HUD bill and put discussion of its USDA bill on hold indefinitely (see HAC News, 6/11/14).

HUD AND OMB NOMINATIONS PROCEED. On June 25, Senate committees voted to support the nominations of Julian Castro for HUD Secretary and Shaun Donovan for OMB director (see HAC News, 5/28/14). On June 19, the Senate confirmed Gustavo Velasquez Aguilar as HUD’s Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity.

OBAMA VISITS STANDING ROCK RESERVATION, HUD OFFERS ICDBG FUNDS. On June 13 President and Mrs. Obama spent time in Cannonball, ND, in only the third visit by a sitting president to Indian Country. The trip focused on education and jobs; neither Obama’s announcement of the visit nor his remarks that day mentioned housing. HUD did announce its NOFA for FY14 Indian Community Development Block Grants the same day. Applications are due July 29. The contact person for the NOFA is Roberta Youmans, HUD, 202-402-3316.

USDA WILL MAKE RURAL BROADBAND GRANTS. Nonprofits, for-profits, tribes, and state or local governments are eligible for Community Connect grants to provide broadband service to areas currently without it. Deadline is July 7. Contact Rural Utilities Service,, 202-690-4673.

ROSS FUNDS AND CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING GRANTS AVAILABLE. PHAs, tribes, tribal housing entities, resident associations, and nonprofits can apply by August 18 for the Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency – Service Coordinators Program to coordinate supportive services and activities for public and Indian housing residents. Contact Dina Lehmann-Kim, HUD, 202-402-2430. PHAs, tribal entities, local governments, and nonprofits can apply by August 12 for Choice Neighborhood Planning Grants to develop revitalization plans. Contact

FINAL CHANGES MADE TO PROJECT-BASED AND TENANT-BASED VOUCHER PROGRAMS. The final regulation follows a proposed rule published in May 2012 (see HAC News, 5/16/12). Contact Michael Dennis, HUD, 202-402-3882.

HUD IMPLEMENTS FY14 APPROPRIATIONS LAW PROVISIONS. Changes include defining “extremely low-income families” as having incomes below the poverty level or 30% of Area Median Income, authorizing housing inspections every two years instead of annually, and capping some utility allowances. Contact Michael Dennis, HUD, 202-402-4059.

USDA RD TO MONITOR SECTION 502 DIRECT DELINQUENCIES MORE CLOSELY. An Unnumbered Letter dated June 12, 2014 requires states (not identified in the UL) with first and second year delinquency rates higher than the national average to use an Underwriting, Pre-Closing and Compliance Tool. RD will provide state offices with reports showing performance at the county level. Contact Migdaliz Bernier or Brooke Baumann, RD, 202-720-1474.

TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR HUD CHDO WORKSHOPS ON NEW HOME RULE. “CHDO Workshop: Understanding the 2013 HOME Final Rule” will be offered in many locations in July and August. Registration is free for CHDO staff. HUD has some travel scholarships available, funded partly by HAC. Contact Rachael Ballard,, 203-241-2410.

RURAL HOUSING OBLIGATIONS LAG, NRHC EXPRESSES CONCERN ABOUT 502 DIRECT. HAC’s latest USDA RD Program Obligation Reportshows that, as of the end of May, USDA had obligated nearly $2.9 billion less than at the same time last year. The National Rural Housing Coalition has written to RHS Administrator Tony Hernandez expressing concern about the lag in Section 502 direct commitments and supporting increased attention and improved technology for processing direct loans. Subscribe at HAC’s website to receive email notices when HAC’s obligations reports are released monthly. Contact Michael Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

ELDERS IN HUD-SUBSIDIZED HOUSING HAVE GREATER HEALTH NEEDS THAN PEERS. Picture of Housing and Health: Medicare and Medicaid Use Among Older Adults in HUD-Assisted Housing, a report financed by HUD and HHS, reviewed data for 11 metro areas and the state of Vermont. HUD-assisted residents in the study areas were more likely to be dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, and were also sicker and more costly to both programs than their non-subsidized peers in the community.

STATE OF THE NATION’S HOUSING REPORT TO BE RELEASED JUNE 26. The annual study, supported in part by HAC, will be released by Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies on a live webcast.

HAC News: June 11, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 11, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 12

• June is National Homeownership Month • HUD funding bills move forward, differences remain • House considers FY15 USDA bill, White House veto looms • House and Senate differ on requiring ACS responses • Section 533 HPG funds offered • USDA amends IRP regulations • Upcoming Trainings from HAC

June 11, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 12

June is National Homeownership Month. HUD and USDA press releases are online.

HUD funding bills move forward, differences remain. The full House on June 10 and the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 5 approved FY15 funding for HUD. The Senate, with many programs at 2014 levels or at the Obama budget’s level, provides higher amounts than the House for most HUD programs. Amendments adopted on the House floor prohibit funding from this bill being used for the Housing Trust Fund, forbid HUD implementation of a new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (see HAC News, 7/17/13), shift $10 million within the Homeless Assist-ance Grants account to the Rural Housing Stability Program, and move $10 million from HUD’s information technology account to the Fair Housing Initiatives Program.[tdborder][/tdborder]

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)



Admin. Budget

House Bill
H.R. 4745

Senate Bill
S. 2438

Cmty. Devel. Fund






SHOP setaside






Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.
VASH setaside






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative






Housing Trust Fund






Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant






Homeless Assistance Grantse






Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.






Housing Counseling






a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester. b. Funded under separate Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program.
c. Funded as a setaside in HOME. d. National Housing Trust Fund is “mandatory” funding, not discretionary, so does not need to be funded through appropriations legislation, although the Administration did include it in the budget request. e. Includes Rural Housing Stability Program.

House considers FY15 USDA bill, White House veto looms. The House begins floor debate June 11 on H.R. 4800, its USDA appropriations bill. The White House issued a veto threat, based primarily on the bill’s food and nutrition provisions, and encouraged adoption of all requested changes to the Section 521 Rental Assistance program.

House and Senate differ on requiring ACS responses. The FY15 Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies appropriations bill passed by the House on May 30 would make responses to the American Community Survey voluntary. On June 5 the Senate Appropriations Committee passed its companion spending bill, retaining the current requirement that those who receive the survey must respond. The ACS provides data on many subjects including housing conditions and costs, and research shows that making responses voluntary would seriously reduce the reliability of data for small areas and Indian reservations.

Section 533 HPG funds offered. Nonprofits, state or local governments, and tribes can submit preapplications by July 28 for Housing Preservation Grants. Contact a USDA RD state office for details and a preapplication package.

USDA amends IRP regulations. Changes to the Rural Business-Cooperative Service’s Intermediary Relending Program are intended to address items based on an Office of Inspector General audit and the 2014 Farm Bill. They will become final unless adverse comments are filed by August 4. Contact Lori A. Washington, RBS, 202-720-9815.

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