Event Updates

Building HOME and Lead Based Paint – Columbia, SC

To have an event posted on our calendar*, please e-mail Dan Stern. Or send event description or brochure to:

Housing Assistance Council
Attn: Dan Stern
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suite 606
Washington, DC 20005

Or fax to (202) 347-3441
Attn: Dan Stern


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Building HOME and Lead Based Paint

Start: September 5, 2012
End: September 7, 2012
Location: Columbia, SC


The Housing Assistance Council and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Columbia Field Office invite you to participate in Building Home and Lead Based Paint onSeptember 5-7, 2012 in Columbia, SC.

Building HOME provides an overview of the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program. Participants will become familiar with all program activities, including homeowner and homebuyer, rental housing, tenant-based rental assistance, and CHDO activities. Additionally, this training will review federal requirements surrounding lead based paint, including the April 22, 2010 requirement that all renovators who work in homes built pre 1978 and disturb more than six square-feet of lead paint be RRP certified. This is a comprehensive introduction to the HOME Program and federal lead based paint requirements. If you are new to the HOME Program or have not attended basic HOME training in a while, you won’t want to miss this seminar.

Due to funding restrictions this training is limited to staff of certified CHDOs, potential CHDOs and PJs in South Carolina. Additionally, participants are required to register in advance for this event.

Questions? Contact Shonterria Charleston, (202) 842-8600 Ext. 227.