Tag Archive for: rural veterans

HAC in the News

Rural Veterans and Local Nonprofits Receive Critical Housing Support in partnership with The Home Depot Foundation

Contacts: AHRV Team, ahrv@ruralhome.org
(202) 842-8600

Washington, DC, June 10, 2024 – Veterans and their families in fourteen rural communities will have better lives, thanks to The Home Depot Foundation and the Housing Assistance Council. The Foundation is awarding grants totaling $472,000 to sixteen local nonprofit housing agencies around the country to preserve housing for veterans in rural America.

The grants are part of The Home Depot Foundation’s mission to provide affordable and accessible housing solutions to U.S. veterans and invest $750 million in veteran causes by 2030. Many veterans and their families face major housing challenges, often exacerbated by issues related to unemployment, age, and service-related disabilities. The Home Depot Foundation and the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) are dedicated to giving back to those who have answered the highest call of service to our nation.

As part of its Affordable Housing for Rural Veterans (AHRV) Initiative, HAC works with The Home Depot Foundation to administer grants that bolster and support the work of rural nonprofit housing agencies to deliver critical housing support to veterans. “The Home Depot Foundation’s enduring partnership and support stands as an important pillar in HAC’s ongoing efforts to bolster and grow the capacity of local rural organizations dedicated to providing and preserving decent, safe, and affordable housing options for veterans across rural America.” said David Lipsetz, HAC’s CEO.  As rural America is home to a disproportionately high number of service women and men, HAC remains deeply committed to supporting our nation’s service women and men by uplifting local nonprofits and their work to house veterans and ensure the habitability of their homes and rural communities.

The grantee organizations – described below – provide a range of programs. With the grants, veterans who own homes in California, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee will obtain critical repair assistance. Altogether, 101 veterans and their families will benefit from these grants.

About The Home Depot Foundation 

The Home Depot Foundation

The Home Depot Foundation, the nonprofit arm of The Home Depot (NYSE: HD), works to improve the homes and lives of U.S. veterans, support communities impacted by natural disasters and train skilled tradespeople to fill the labor gap. Since 2011, the Foundation has invested more than $500 million in veteran causes and improved more than 60,000 veteran homes and facilities. The Foundation has pledged to invest $750 million in veteran causes by 2030 and $50 million in training the next generation of skilled tradespeople through the Path to Pro program by 2028. To learn more about The Home Depot Foundation visit HomeDepotFoundation.organd follow us on Twitter @HomeDepotFound and on Facebook and Instagram @HomeDepotFoundation.

About the Housing Assistance Council

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national nonprofit that supports affordable housing efforts throughout rural America. Since 1971, HAC has provided below-market financing for affordable housing and community development, technical assistance and training, research and information, and policy formulation to enable solutions for rural communities.

To learn more about the Housing Assistance Council, visit www.ruralhome.org and follow HAC on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter @RuralHome.

About the Grantees

  • Appalachia Service Project, Johnson City, TN, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs for twenty (20) low-income veterans across rural Central Appalachia. For additional information on Appalachia Service Project, visit their website at https://asphome.org/.
  • Chesapeake Health Education Program, Inc., Perryville, MD, will utilize $40,000 to complete repairs on two (2) transitional housing units serving six (6) male veterans in Perry Point, MD. For additional information on Chesapeake Health Education Program, Inc., visit their website at https://www.chepinc.org/.
  • GROW South Dakota, Sisseton, SD, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical home repairs for three (3) rural, low-income veterans in Sisseton, SD. For additional information on GROW South Dakota, visit their website at https://www.growsd.org/.
  • Habitat for Humanity Menominee River, Kingsford, MI, will utilize $30,000 to assist eight (8) veteran households with critical repairs in rural Iron and Dickinson Counties, MI. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of Menominee River, visit their website at https://habitatmr.com/.
  • Habitat for Humanity of Tulare/Kings Counties, Inc., Visalia, CA, will utilize $30,000 to address critical roof repair and replacement on the homes of three (3) low-income veterans residing in Lemoore, CA. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of Tulare/Kings Counties, Inc., visit their website at https://www.hfhtkc.org/.
  • Habitat for Humanity of York County, Rock Hill, SC, will utilize $30,000 to address four (4) critical home repair projects located in York County, SC. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of York County, visit their website at https://yorkcountyhabitat.org/.
  • NeighborWorks Umpqua, Roseburg, OR, will utilize $30,000 to provide ten (10) veterans with critical home repairs and ductless HVAC units in Coos, Curry, and Douglas Counties, OR. For additional information on NeighborWorks Umpqua, visit their website at https://www.nwumpqua.org/.
  • New Foundation Development, Inc., Calhoun, GA, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs and ADA accessibility modifications for three (3) low-income rural veteran homeowners in Resaca and Calhoun, GA. For additional information on New Foundation Development, Inc., visit their website at https://nfdinc.org/.
  • Rebuilding Together Fargo Moorhead Area, Fargo, ND, will utilize $30,000 to support the rehabilitation and modification of three (3) veteran owned units in Cass and Richland Counties, ND, and Clay County, MN. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Fargo Moorhead Area, visit their website at https://rebuildingtogetherfma.org/.
  • Rebuilding Together Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs and/or accessibility modifications for four (4) low-income veteran homeowners in Cottonwood, Jackson, Murray, and Nobles Counties, MN. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Minnesota, visit their website at https://rtmn.org/.
  • Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, Ballston Spa, NY, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs and ADA accessibility modifications for four (4) low-income rural veteran homeowners in rural Warren County, NY. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, visit their website at https://www.rtsaratoga.org/
  • Rebuilding Together Southwest Illinois, Edwardsville, IL, will utilize $30,000 to provide wheelchair ramps and related necessary repairs and renovations to at least ten (10) rural owner-occupied homes of disabled veterans in Macoupin and Bond Counties, IL. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Southwest Illinois, visit their website at https://rebuildswi.org/.
  • ReFIT-Remodeling for Independence Together, Lake Oswego, OR, will utilize $27,000 to complete critical home repairs and accessibility modifications on eight (8) low-income Veteran owner-occupied homes, with a focus on rural Clackamas County, OR. For additional information on ReFIT-Remodeling for Independence Together, visit their website at https://refitportland.org/.
  • Transylvania Habitat for Humanity, Brevard, NC, will utilize $15,000 to provide critical repairs and accessibility modifications for at least four (4) low-income rural veteran homeowners in Transylvania County, NC. For additional information on Transylvania Habitat for Humanity, visit their website at https://transylvaniahabitat.org/.
  • WAMY Community Action, Inc., Boone, NC, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs to preserve four (4) low-income rural Veteran owned homes in rural Appalachia. For additional information on WAMY Community Action, Inc., visit their website at  https://wamycommunityaction.org/.

HAC in the News

Rural Veterans and Local Nonprofits Receive Critical Housing Support in partnership with The Home Depot Foundation

Contacts: Dan Stern, dan@ruralhome.org
AHRV Team, ahrv@ruralhome.org
(202) 842-8600

Washington, DC, May 31, 2023 – Veterans and their families in fourteen rural communities will have better lives, thanks to The Home Depot Foundation and the Housing Assistance Council. The Foundation is awarding grants totaling $366,907 to fourteen local nonprofit housing agencies around the country to preserve housing for veterans in rural America.

The grants are part of The Home Depot Foundation’s mission to provide affordable and accessible housing solutions to U.S. veterans and invest $500 million in veteran causes by 2025. Many veterans and their families face major housing challenges, often exacerbated by issues related to unemployment, age, and service-related disabilities. The Home Depot Foundation and the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) are dedicated to giving back to those who have answered the highest call of service to our nation.

As part of its Affordable Housing for Rural Veterans (AHRV) Initiative, HAC works with The Home Depot Foundation to administer grants that bolster and support the work of rural nonprofit housing agencies to deliver critical housing support to veterans. “The Home Depot Foundation’s support remains a cornerstone of HAC’s work to strengthen local organizations that build and maintain homes for veterans across rural America,” said David Lipsetz, HAC’s CEO. “The more we support the local groups that are helping veterans, the more we see veterans and their hometowns thrive.”  As rural America is home to a disproportionately high number of service women and men, HAC remains deeply committed to supporting our nation’s service women and men by uplifting local nonprofits and their work to house and ensure the habitability of their homes and rural communities.

The grantee organizations – described below – provide a range of programs. With the grants, veterans who own homes in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee will obtain critical repair assistance. Altogether, 43 veterans and their families will benefit from these grants.

About The Home Depot Foundation 

The Home Depot FoundationThe Home Depot Foundationworks to improve the homes and lives of U.S. veterans, support communities impacted by natural disasters and train skilled tradespeople to fill the labor gap. Since 2011, the Foundation has invested more than $475 million in veteran causes and improved more than 55,000 veteran homes and facilities. The Foundation has pledged to invest half of a billion dollars in veteran causes by 2025 and $50 million in training the next generation of skilled tradespeople through the Path to Pro program.

To learn more about The Home Depot Foundation visit  HomeDepotFoundation.org and follow them on Twitter  @HomeDepotFound and on Facebook and Instagram  @HomeDepotFoundation.

About the Housing Assistance Council

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is a national nonprofit that supports affordable housing efforts throughout rural America. Since 1971, HAC has provided below-market financing for affordable housing and community development, technical assistance and training, research and information, and policy formulation to enable solutions for rural communities.

To learn more about the Housing Assistance Council, visit www.ruralhome.org and follow HAC on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter @RuralHome.

About the Grantees

  • Creative Compassion, Inc., Crossville, TN, will utilize $22,500 to provide needed critical repairs for three (3) rural, low-income veterans in Crossville and Jamestown, TN. For additional information on Creative Compassion, Inc., visit their website at https://ccihomes.org/.
  • Good Works, Inc., Coatesville, PA, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs to the homes of two (2) low-income rural veterans in Coatesville, PA. For additional information on Good Works, Inc., visit their website at https://www.goodworksinc.org/.
  • GROW South Dakota, Sisseton, SD, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs for three (3) rural, low-income veterans in Sisseton, SD. For additional information on GROW SD, visit their website at https://www.growsd.org/.
  • Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County, Tampa, FL, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical roof replacement and new roof installation to the homes of two (2) low-income rural veterans in rural Hillsborough County, FL. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County, visit their website at https://www.habitathillsborough.org/
  • Habitat for Humanity of South-Central New Jersey, Maple Shade, NJ, will utilize $20,000 to provide critical home repairs for three (3) rural low-income veterans. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of South-Central New Jersey, visit their website at https://www.habitatscnj.org/.
  • Habitat for Humanity of York County, Rock Hill, SC, will utilize $10,000 to support critical repairs and accessibility modifications for one (1) rural low-income veteran. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity of York County, visit their website at https://yorkcountyhabitat.org/.
  • Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna, Bel Air, MD, will utilize $16,157 to support critical repairs and accessibility modifications for one (1) rural low-income veteran in Elkton, MD. For additional information on Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna, visit their website at https://habitatsusq.org/.
  • New Foundation Development, Inc., Calhoun, GA, will utilize $28,250 to provide critical repairs and ADA accessibility modifications for three (3) low-income rural veteran homeowners in Resaca and Calhoun, GA. For additional information on New Foundation Development, Inc., visit their website at https://nfdinc.org/.
  • Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, Pensacola, FL, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical home repairs for two (2) rural low-income veterans. For additional information on Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, visit their website at https://pensacolahabitat.org/.
  • Rebuilding Together Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, will utilize $30,000 to support the rehabilitation and modification of four (4) veteran owned units. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Minnesota, visit their website at https://rtmn.org/
  • Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, Ballston Spa, NY, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs and ADA accessibility modifications for four (4) low-income rural veteran homeowners. For additional information on Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, visit their website at https://www.rtsaratoga.org/
  • Red Feather Development Group, Flagstaff, AZ, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical home repairs for four (4) rural low-income Native American veterans. For additional information on Red Feather Development Group, visit their website at https://www.redfeather.org/.
  • Swift County Rural Development Authority, Benson, MN, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs, roof, plumbing, HVAC unit and water heater for one (1) very low-income veteran homeowner in Clontarf, MN. For additional information on Swift County Rural Development Authority, visit their website at https://www.swiftcounty.com/hra.
  • Transylvania Habitat for Humanity, Brevard, NC, will utilize $30,000 to provide critical repairs and accessibility modifications for ten (10) low-income rural veteran homeowners. For additional information on Transylvania Habitat for Humanity, visit their website at https://transylvaniahabitat.org/.

Grant Funding Opportunity – HAC’s Affordable Housing for Rural Veteran’s Grant

Eastern Time

Need funding assistance to support or help meet the affordable housing needs of veterans in rural places?  If so, join the Housing Assistance Council as we host an open forum to discuss HAC’s current RFP for its Affordable Housing for Rural Veterans (AHRV) Initiative.  Discussion will include a high-level overview of the RFP and a walk through of frequently asked questions along with an opportunity to pose questions directly to program staff.

Applications are due on January 21, 2022, so get organized and come prepared with your probing questions in hand!  Funding is limited and the application process is extremely competitive.

Download the Application Package: Application | Application Guidelines

This initiative is funded through generous support from The Home Depot Foundation.


Anselmo Telles
Senior Housing Specialist/AHRV Program Manager
Housing Assistance Council

Shonterria Charleston
Director, Training and Technical Assistance
Housing Assistance Council



PowerPoint Presentation | Webinar Transcript | AGI Income Guidelines | Annual Income Guidelines


2021 National Rural Housing Conference

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Keynote Speakers

The 2021 National Rural Housing Conference will include thought provoking Plenary Keynotes featuring national policymakers and other industry leaders! As we celebrate our 50th Anniversary, Keynotes will focus on and establishing a forward leaning agenda for the future of rural housing and community development.

Secretary Marcia L. Fudge

Secretary Marcia Fudge

Secretary Marcia L. Fudge is the 18th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Throughout her career, Secretary Fudge has worked to help low-income families, seniors, and communities across the country.

Secretary Fudge served as U.S. Representative for the 11th Congressional District of Ohio from 2008 to March 9, 2021. She was a member of several Congressional Caucuses and past Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus. As a Member of Congress, Secretary Fudge earned a reputation of tackling the unique challenges of her district by working with her Congressional delegation and across political ideologies.

Whip James Clyburn (D-SC)

Representative James Clyburn

James E. Clyburn is the Majority Whip, the third-ranking Democrat in the United States House of Representatives, and currently serves as the Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis. He is also the Chairman of the Rural Broadband Task Force and Democratic Faith Working Group.

When he came to Congress in 1993 to represent South Carolina’s sixth congressional district, Congressman Clyburn was elected co-president of his freshman class and quickly rose through leadership ranks. He was subsequently elected Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, Vice Chairman, and later Chairman, of the House Democratic Caucus. He previously served as Majority Whip from 2007 to 2011 and served as Assistant Democratic Leader from 2011 to 2019.

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA)


Chairwoman Maxine Waters

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in U.S. politics today. She has gained a reputation as a fearless and outspoken advocate for women, children, people of color, the poor, veterans, and seniors. Congresswoman Waters has been dubbed “Aunty Maxine” by millennials who appreciate her advocacy and understanding of issues important to them.

Elected in November 2020 to her sixteenth term in the U.S. House of Representatives with more than 70 percent of the vote in the 43rd Congressional District of California, Congresswoman Waters represents parts of Los Angeles including the communities of Westchester and Playa Del Rey, the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County comprised of Lennox, West Athens, West Carson, Harbor Gateway, El Camino Village, and Watts. The 43rd District also includes the diverse cities of Gardena, Hawthorne, Inglewood, Lawndale, Lomita and Torrance.

National Rural Housing Conference to Convene Virtually

We’ve had a remarkable year here at the Housing Assistance Council and look forward to finishing the year in that same fashion with HAC’s National Rural Housing Conference, scheduled to take place virtually on November 30 – December 3, 2021. This year’s virtual format will allow us all to reconnect and gather safely, regardless of location. With an exciting and full schedule of workshops and new virtual gathering spaces, the Conference will offer attendees a premier opportunity to learn from experts and connect with the entire affordable housing industry.

Register Now!


The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is pleased to announce plans to convene its 2021 National Rural Housing Conference (NRHC) and Training!

The Conference provides an excellent opportunity to network and improve connections to federal agencies, national intermediary organizations, and other vested stakeholders. For many, this conference represents the sole opportunity during the year to connect with important policymakers and experts.

We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC or virtually, for three days of exhilarating conversations, training, and networking where participants will learn best practices and connect with their peers and experts from across the country. The Conference also includes a pre-conference day, packed with gatherings for coalitions, association, and working groups.

Be sure to mark your calendar and make plans to join us…we look forward to reconnecting with you in December!

Serving Veterans in Rural America: A Symposium

Serving Veterans in Rural America: A Symposium

Date: April 9, 2014
Time: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
US Capitol Visitor Center
Room SVC 200-201
Washington, District of Columbia 20515

This symposium aims to draw attention to our rural veterans — and to showcase programs and initiatives that help with their housing, health, and employment needs. America’s veterans disproportionately are from rural areas and small towns. Rural veterans make up over 40 percent of enrollees in the VA’s health system. While 21 percent of the US population is rural, 25 percent of the nation’s veterans live in rural communities. Youths from rural zip codes are 22 percent more likely to enlist than young people from cities. And within a decade an astounding 70 percent of rural veterans will be age 65 and over. Rural America serves, but this service is then often forgotten.
Invited Speakers:  Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Jeff Miller (R-FL), Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME)
Confirmed Speakers:  Gina Capra, Dir., VA Office of Rural Health; Tony Hernandez, Admstr., USDA Rural Housing Service; Mark Johnston, Acting Asst. Secretary, HUD Office of Community Planning & Devel.; Kenn Sassorossi, Housing Vermont
There is no charge for the symposium however, advance registration is strongly encouraged.
For information on HAC’s Veteran program contact Janice Clark at 202-842-8600 or janice@ruralhome.org.
This symposium is made possible through the generous support of The Home Depot Foundation.  Additional information about HAC’s Affordable Housing for Rural Veterans program can be found at www.ruralhome.org.

Part 1 – Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH): An Overview

Materials Posted

PowerPoint Presentation | Webinar Recording

Permanent supportive housing has been identified in both the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness and the Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative as a critical resource for ending homelessness. Within VA, HUD-VASH is the primary service that provides permanent supportive housing. Through collaboration with HUD, HUD-VASH provides Housing Choice Vouchers designated to participating Public Housing Authorities (PHA) to assist with rent payment. VA provides clinical case management and services to assist Veterans obtain and sustain permanent housing while also assisting Veterans with access to treatment and other supportive services that promote their quality of life and full reintegration back into their communities.

HUD-VASH operates on the Housing First principles and is intended to target and care for the chronic and most vulnerable homeless Veterans. Housing First is an evidence-based approach based on the premise that housing is a basic human right and does not have prerequisites such as sobriety or clean time. It prioritizes housing, then assists individuals with access to health care and other supports that promote stable housing and improved quality of life.

The primary goal of HUD-VASH is to move Veterans and their families out of homelessness into permanent supportive housing while promoting maximum Veteran recovery and independence in the community. A key component of the program is VA’s case management services. These services are designed to assist Veterans in obtaining and sustaining permanent housing and engage in needed treatment and other supportive services that improve the Veteran’s quality of life and end their homelessness. Because Veterans experience homelessness for a variety of reasons, case management is individually tailored to meet the needs of each HUD-VASH Veteran.

This webinar, the first in a two part series that will provide information to community providers on housing services available to Veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The webinar will provide an overview of the HUD-VASH program including who is eligible for services and how to make a referral for a Veteran to be assessed for admission. There will also be information on how HUD-VASH vouchers are allocated and the difference between tenant-based and project-based HUD-VASH vouchers.

Serving Veterans in Rural America

Presentations | Photos | Agenda | Press Release

Held on May 20, from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm at the US Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, DC (Room SVC 200-201). This second annual conference will provide information on housing, health, and employment needs and programs for rural veterans. The conference will draw attention to this sometimes forgotten group, and showcase model programs that help. A special focus will be on successful local projects serving veterans. Co-sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation, the conference also featured a presentation on data and demographic information about rural veterans.

Non-HAC: Veterans Choice Program Google Hangout

On Thursday, June 25 at 2:30 EST the Veterans Choice Program Google Hangout will be live streamed on YouTube.  Veterans can leave questions on this blog post in advance of the event.  The experts will be answering some of the questions live!  
VA experts will discuss:

  • Eligibility requirements
  • How to find a provider and make a Choice Program appointment
  • What happens after your Choice Program appointment
  • Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information on the Choice Program, visit: https://vaww.va.gov/CHOICE/Choice_Program_Training_Materials.asp.

If you have any questions, please contact VHA10B2Action@va.gov, and thanks for all you do to increase access to care for our rural Veterans!

Serving America’s Aging Veterans: A Symposium

Materials Posted

HAC Presentation | WMCA Presentation | NCHV Presentation | Aging Veterans in the United States

2015-vet-symposium 0140

Serving Our Aging Veterans: A Symposium
May 18, 2016
US Capitol Visitor Center, Room SVC 200-201, Washington DC


8:00 – 8:15 am Breakfast and Gathering
8:15 – 8:20 am Introduction –Moises Loza, Housing Assistance Council
8:20 – 8:40 am Welcome — Heather Pritchard, The Home Depot Foundation Jim Cummings, JPMorgan Chase

8:40 – 9:00 am Research Briefing on Aging Veterans, Veterans Data Central, and State Data Lance George, Housing Assistance Council

9:00 -10:00 am National Perspectives

9:00 Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN), House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
9:15 Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
9:30 Rep. Corrine Brown (D – FL), Ranking Member, House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs

10:10 – 11:00 am Best Practices in Serving Older Veterans
Moderator: Tony Hernandez, USDA Rural Development
Elder Home Repair – William Crandall, Western Maine Community Action
Multifamily Rental and Services – Jon Sherin, Volunteers of America

11:00 – 12:00 am National Views on Support for Aging and Rural Veterans
Moderator: Heather Prichard, The Home Depot Foundation
Baylee Crone, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Doug Dickerson, AARP
Mark Walker, American Legion
Joe Wynn, Vietnam Veterans of America

Rural Americans have a strong history of service to the U.S. military. A disproportionate number of veterans come from and return to small towns and rural America. Approximately 5.6 million, or 11.4 percent, of the rural population served in the military, accounting for a quarter of all veterans in 2010. Rural America serves, but this service is then often overlooked. Veterans are also not a homogenous group, nor are their needs. As two wars overseas wind down, more veterans are coming home. At the same time the demographic changes associated with the baby boom generation and the overall greying of America will also impact veterans’ needs in rural areas. Providing critical programs can be particularly challenging in rural America due to vast geographies, limited resources, and less social service infrastructure.

This third annual symposium will provide information on housing, health, and other needs and programs for older veterans. This event will draw attention to this sometimes forgotten group, and showcase model programs that help. A special focus will be on serving rural veterans.

Co-sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, and the Wells Fargo Foundation the conference will also feature a presentation on data and demographic information about veterans. HAC is a national nonprofit that helps rural communities build affordable housing and communities. One of our initiatives is service to rural veterans.

There is no registration fee to attend this symposium. However, advance registration is required. Register online at https://bit.ly/1QJtwkm; For more information on the symposium contact Janice Clark at janice@ruralhome.org or 202-842-8600 or Shonterria Charleston at shonterria@ruralhome.org or 404-892-4824.

Housing Assistance Council is an equal opportunity lender and employer.

To become a stakeholder or for additional information on HAC’s Affordable Housing for Rural Veterans program, please visit our website at www.ruralhome.org.

VA Housing Resources for Heroes Part II: An Overview on the VA Specially Adapted Housing Grant Program

Materials Posted

Welcome | Presentation | Recording | Application

If you are not a Veteran or Veteran service provider, you may not be aware of all the great features of VA loans, or the specific assistance VA can provide to Veterans. Join the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) and the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) for the “Housing Resources for Heroes Part II: Overview on the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant program.

This webinar, the second in the “2016 Veterans Resources Summer Series”, will provide general information of the SAH grant program, eligibility, uses along with the necessary actions Veterans need take to obtain a SAH grant. The webinar will also feature a discuss on the specific options of assistance available to Veterans with service-connected disabilities to assist with building, remodeling or purchasing an adapted home. Participants will have ample opportunity following presentations to ask questions of the subject matter experts.

The SAH grant is designed to assist Veterans with certain service-connected disabilities live independently in a barrier-free environment by providing help constructing or modifying a home to meet their adaptive needs.  Specifically, SAH grants can be used in one of the following ways:

  • Construct a specially adapted home on land to be acquired;
  • Build a home on land already owned if it is suitable for specially adapted housing;
  • Remodel an existing home if it can be made suitable for specially adapted housing; or
  • Apply the grant against the unpaid principal mortgage balance of an adapted home already acquired without the assistance of a VA grant

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