Tag Archive for: rural homeless

Ending Homelessness in Rural Illinois

The Supportive Housing Providers Association (SHPA)  along with the Illinois Office to Prevent and End Homelessness and the Housing Assistance Council are partnering to develop strategies and solutions to end homelessness in rural Illinois.


Listening Session on Rural Homelessness

The listening session will solicit community, stakeholder, and expert feedback on the issue of homelessness in rural Illinois. The listening session will take place on April 13th, 2023 from 10:30AM-3:00PM CT at the Parke Regency Hotel & Conference Center in Bloomington, IL. A virtual option is available for those who are unable to attend the in-person event. Registration is required to attend the event.

SHPA is offering a $25 stipend (gift card) for each person of Lived Expertise of homelessness who participates in-person at the listening session.

About The Project

All communities and residents, regardless of location, should have access to a continuum of housing options including resources to prevent and eliminate rural homelessness.

Homelessness and housing related issues manifest differently in rural environments. Highly effective urban solutions aimed at homelessness too often falter in rural America, where service provision is different and those who are homeless are often less conspicuous, but no less in need of assistance.

The State of Illinois has recognized the importance and unique nature of addressing homelessness in rural communities of their state and committed resources and efforts to help end homelessness in rural Illinois.

The Supportive Housing Providers Association (SHPA), the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Housing Assistance Council are undertaking a data and information collection effort that will help inform strategies, solutions, and policies, that will eliminate homelessness in rural Illinois.

Who Should Register?

Community, Stakeholder, and Expert Input. To help inform the development of strategies and recommendations, the project will solicit community, stakeholder and expert perspectives on the prevalence, characteristics, and dynamics of homelessness in rural Illinois.

Persons of Lived Expertise of Homelessness. The project team recognizes that often times individuals with lived experience can provide the most relevant perspectives. SHPA is offering a $25 stipend (gift card) to these individuals who participate in the listening session in-person.

Registration is required.

For More Information

David Esposito – Executive Director, SHPA

Manda Laporte – Stevenson Center Fellow, HAC


Building a Community for Veterans: Patriot Place, Tennessee

Materials Available

Power Point Presentation | Webinar Recording

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) is pleased to invite you to participate in a webinar on single- and multi-family affordable housing for veterans. Targeted to veterans, Patriot Place is a community with a mix of affordable rental and homeownership opportunities for up to 75 households within a subdivision/neighborhood setting in Johnson County, Tennessee. The project site is accessible to services and is within 40 minutes of a nationally-ranked VA hospital in Mountain Home, Tennessee. Eastern Eight CDC, the local nonprofit developer of this community, offers a range of affordable housing options in this community including rental, rent-to-own, and self-help homeownership.

Affordability is one of the nation’s biggest housing challenges, for veterans and non-veterans alike. Households who spend over 30 percent of their income on housing costs are considered cost-burdened. Approximately 34 percent of rural veterans in their 20s, and 25 percent of veterans in their 30s have affordability problems. The goal for Patriot Place is to provide veterans with decent, safe, comfortable and affordable housing. Providing housing and needed services for our veterans can be complicated in rural areas due to vast geographies, limited resources, and less social service infrastructure.

Please join us on August 20th to learn more about the challenges faced and steps pursued in this innovative and successful model for serving rural veterans.

This webinar is supported by The Home Depot Foundation. For more information, please email Janice Clark at Janice@ruralhome.org.

Register Now! https://ruralhome.adobeconnect.com/e273e88kun9/event/event_info.html

Tag Archive for: rural homeless

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