Event Updates
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) joins Woodlands Development Group and bcWORKSHOP a “Rural Placemaking” peer learning exchange for October 3-4, 2017 in Thomas, WV (located in the beautiful mountains of Tucker County, WV.
What is a HAC Peer Exchange?
The Rural Affordable Housing Creative Placemaking peer learning exchange will provide hands-on exposure to creative placemaking in rural communities. This peer learning exchange includes plenty of site visits (and interactions with local stakeholder), workshops, technical trainings and additional resources. Content will address funding, partnerships, program design, cultural equity, community engagement, and challenges specific to rural communities.
How to I register?
Email terria@ruralhome.org for more information or to confirm you spot. Registration will remain open until space is filled. All interested entities including community development, housing, arts, and related organizations will find the content worthwhile (and fun, too)!
What is the Cost?
There is no fee for the training. However, participants are responsible for their own lodging, transportation, and all other costs. HAC can provide local lodging and related information upon request. Nearest airports are Pittsuburgh and Washington Dulles (both about a 3 hour drive). The training is an especially great opportunity for West Virginia-based and other organizations within a day’s drive of Thomas, WV.