Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
The omnibus appropriations bill for fiscal year 2023 became law in late December. It holds most USDA and HUD housing programs near their FY22 funding levels, with increased support for rural rental preservation and rural capacity building. It provides $225 million for a new manufactured housing program at HUD, hailed as a “game-changing investment” in HAC’s statement on the bill, which also calls on the new 118th Congress to be bolder in both appropriations and the 2023 Farm Bill.
A list of places recently released by the Census Bureau shows the impact of a significant change in Census’s definition of urban and rural. Before March 2022, the bureau defined urban places as those with more than 2,500 residents. Now Census has raised the threshold to 5,000 residents and added a housing unit criterion so that places with over 2,000 homes are urban. Census considers any place that is not urban to be rural. The revision means rural communities now include 1,140 places previously classified as urban and 36 previously rural areas are now deemed urban. The change shifted Census’s national urban-rural proportions slightly, with the newly defined rural areas containing 20.0% of the U.S. population rather than the previous 19.3%. For more information, contact Vincent Osier, Census Bureau, 301-763-1128
Substance Use Disorder and opioid misuse have proliferated across the U.S. in the past decade – and rural America has been particularly impacted. Effectively addressing the opioid epidemic and supporting recovery includes a holistic community approach with an essential shared foundation: safe, stable, affordable housing. On January 18 HAC will launch a new Rural Resource Guide: Affordable Housing and Recovery in Rural Communities, Federally Assisted Housing Opportunities for Residents with Substance Use Disorders and Opioid Use Disorders. Join us online for a discussion about the intersection of affordable housing and recovery and gain first access to the new rural resource guide.
HAC’s revised policy priorities support increased capacity building for rural disaster resiliency and the equitable distribution of federal relief funding to rural and persistently poor communities. Other themes include the need for technical assistance and building the capacity of local affordable housing and community development organizations; expanding access to credit and finance; preserving rural rental housing and supporting homeownership; preserving, increasing, and tailoring resources for federal affordable housing programs serving rural populations; and deliberately considering high-needs rural regions in federal policymaking.
Resources are posted by the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and relevant data is available from the Census Bureau.
Approximately 78% of persistent poverty counties in 2020 have been in this status consistently since 1980. Source: HAC tabulations of the 2016-2020 American Community Survey and Decennial Census Data.
HAC and other organizations offer technical assistance to nonprofits on transfers of Section 515 properties. Current owners of Section 515 properties who are interested in transferring ownership to a nonprofit organization, or nonprofits who are interested in acquiring one, can reach out to Kristin Blum at HAC or find another TA provider on the Contact tab at this link. TA is also available for transfers of Section 514/516 farmworker properties in some states; click the Contact tab at this link.
The deadline is now January 18 for strategic consultants who are passionate about working with CDFIs, nonprofits, and/or rural communities to submit proposals for HAC’s strategic planning process! HAC seeks a consultant to support the organization and our stakeholders in the creation of a three-to-five-year strategic plan. For more details, review the RFP on HAC’s website. Contact with questions.
Free at-home COVID-19 test kits are available for owners of Section 202 elderly properties through a HUD partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services. Owners of Section 202 properties can register online and request weekly shipments of test kits to be delivered to their property for distribution. Questions related to the registration process can be emailed to, or call 1-833-748-1979.
A notice explains HUD’s plans to implement the key changes made by the VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2022. Comments are due March 6. For more information, contact Karlo Ng, HUD, 202-402-7642.
Comments are due March 6 on a proposed regulation from HUD covering rental housing assistance for the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant program. The revisions are intended to clarify and improve consistency with NAHASDA’s statutory requirements and HUD’s Indian Housing Block Grant program regulations. For more information, contact Claudine Allen, HUD, 808-457-4674.
The Framework for an Equitable Homelessness Response released two new resources to transform current approaches to sheltering people experiencing homelessness. Reimagining Interim Housing: Stages and Action Areas for Transforming Approaches to Sheltering People Experiencing Homelessness and Tools for Strengthening Current Interim Housing Programs and Services help support and guide communities in implementing high-quality, low-barrier, housing placement-focused interim housing options for people experiencing homelessness.
An Affordable Home on Reentry, recently updated by the National Housing Law Project, is intended to assist advocates working with people who have criminal records and are seeking access to federally assisted housing.
The Tribal Indoor Air Quality Training and Resource Directory compiles information and resources to help Tribes create or expand programs. More publications can be accessed on the agency’s website. Subscribe here to EPA’s new indoor air quality Tribal newsletter.
Using Economies of Scale to Produce Starter Homes, a report from the Bipartisan Policy Center and Abt Associates, suggests increasing the stock of unsubsidized affordable starter homes in rural communities and small towns and cities by using off-site construction techniques.
Mark your calendars and save the date! HAC’s National Rural Housing Conference will be held October 24-27, 2023 in Washington, DC and online.
HAC’s loan fund provides low interest rate loans to support single- and multifamily affordable housing projects for low-income rural residents throughout the U.S. and territories. Capital is available for all types of affordable and mixed-income housing projects, including preservation, new development, farmworker, senior and veteran housing. HAC loan funds can be used for pre-development, site acquisition, site development, construction/rehabilitation and permanent financing. Contact HAC’s loan fund staff at, 202-842-8600.
Please note: HAC is not able to offer loans to individuals or families. Borrowers must be nonprofit or for-profit organizations or government entities (including tribes).
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