Policy News from the Administration

HAC Supports Fair Housing Rule

HAC has submitted comments strongly supporting HUD’s decision to replace a fair housing regulation it issued in 2020. The new interim final rule is a positive step in a years-long process to require states, localities, and public housing agencies that receive HUD funds to “affirmatively further fair housing” (AFFH). As HAC’s comments note, working towards equality is essential. It is inherently the right thing to do – and it is crucial because research shows children’s life chances are deeply impacted by the neighborhoods where they grow up. Taking active steps to eliminate discrimination and segregation in homes and neighborhoods through enforcement of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requirement leads to inclusive and equitable rural, urban and suburban communities, where all residents can thrive.

The interim final rule does not mandate any specific fair housing planning mechanism for recipients of HUD funds. HUD plans to request comments on that subject through a separate notice.

Policy News from the Administration

HAC Recommends Federal Actions for Rural Equity

HAC submitted comments in response to an Office of Management and Budget request for input on whether federal agency policies and actions equitably serve all eligible individuals and communities, including rural residents. Noting that rural and persistently poor places have historically been and continue to be underserved by federal programs, HAC recommended a focus on capacity building, access to capital, and proactive and deliberate tailoring of federal programs to produce lasting rural equity.

Key Takeaways from HAC’s Comments


  • Rural Inclusion

    HAC is thrilled to see rural and persistently poor places included explicitly in the Executive Order on equity that President Biden released on his first day in office, and that is the basis for this OMB effort.

  • Historic Disinvestment

    Rural and persistently poor places have historically been and continue to be underserved by federal programs.

  • Focus on Equity

    We need federal focus on capacity building, access to capital, and proactive and deliberate tailoring of federal programs to produce lasting rural equity.

Redefining Nonmetro - What does OMB's Changes to the MSA Definition Mean

HAC’s Comments to the OMB on the Definition of Rural

UPDATE: HAC has submitted its comments to the Office of Management and Budget.

The Housing Assistance Council encourages rural communities and organizations to respond to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) proposal to redefine Metropolitan Statistical Areas. HAC offers this DRAFT language and information to help develop your response to this proposed action. HAC encourages you to customize your response to OMB to reflect you and your community’s position on this issue.

Comments are due to OMB by Friday March 19, 2021

Submit Comments to: https://www.regulations.gov/commenton/OMB-2021-0001-0001


Watch HAC’s webinar, Redefining “Nonmetro”: What Does the Proposed Metropolitan Area Definition Change Mean for Rural America, to learn more.

HAC urges support of rural housing programs in Covid-19 relief efforts

HAC would like to thank all of the organizations that expressed their support of rural housing programs!



Congress is currently working to negotiate a fourth COVID-19 relief package. Rural housing programs have yet to receive any supplemental funding to address this growing crisis in small towns and rural communities. HAC is circulating a sign-on letter to Congressional leadership in support of including rural housing funding in the next relief package. You can view the text of the letter here. As a valued friend of HAC, we hope that you will add your organization’s name to this effort.

If you have any questions, please reach out to HAC’s Government Relations Manager, Samantha Booth, at samantha@ruralhome.orgThe deadline to sign on is Wednesday, July 22nd. We appreciate your help.