USDA Rural Development Obligations FY 15 – October

Download complete report (Through october FY 2015)

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The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) presents this month’s report on Fiscal Year 2015 USDA Rural Housing program obligations.

USDA is operating under a Continuing Resolution (CR) which provides funding through December 11, 2014 based on funding levels in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. Congress will need to pass a final appropriations bill or another CR to keep the government operating after December 11.

As of the end of October, USDA obligated 13,763 loans, loan guarantees, and grants totaling about $1.85 billion. This is more than twice as many obligations as this time last year when there were 6,394 loans, loan guarantees, and grants obligated totaling about $849 million.

Single Family Housing Program Highlights

The Section 502 Guaranteed loan program, the largest of the Single Family Housing programs, obligated $1.8 billion (13,339) in loan guarantees. Obligations for October FY 2014 were about $845 million (6,338) less than half of the obligations so far this year.

For the Section 502 Direct program, there have been over $8.6 million (83 loans) in loan obligations so far in FY 2015; this is about $4 million (42 loans) more than last year. Very low-income (VLI) loan obligations as a percentage of the total was 31.4 percent.

The Section 504 Repair and Rehabilitation programs obligated 103 loans representing $608,952 and 238 grants representing $1,439,243. Significantly more than last October when 15 loans ($80,658) and no grants were obligated.

There were no other obligations for Single Family Housing programs in October.

Multi-Family Housing Programs

The only MFH obligations so far were in the Section 521 Rental Assistance program.

Rental assistance obligations were slightly lower than in October FY 2014. There were about 46 thousand RA units funded at over about $207 million. This compares to about 49 thousand units at $211 million last year.

Download the combined document.

Individual Program Files

Summary Files

Summary of Rural Development Obligations
USDA Rural Development Eligible Areas

Single Family Housing Program Obligations

Section 502 Direct Homeownership Total Obligations
Section 502 Direct Homeownership Low and Very Low Obligations
Section 502 Guaranteed Homeownership Obligations
Section 504 Total Home Rehab Obligations
Section 523 Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant Obligations

Multi-Family Housing Program Obligations

Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing Obligations
Section 515 Rental Housing Obligations
Section 521 Rental Assistance Obligations
Section 533 Housing Preservation Obligations
Section 538 Guaranteed Rental Obligations
Multifamily Housing Tenant Voucher Obligations
Multifamily Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program

Unallocated Program Obligations

Section 306 Water/Wastewater Grant Obligations
Section 509 Compensation for Construction Defects
Multifamily and Single-family Housing Credit Sales

* The Rural Housing Service (RHS) monthly obligation reports are produced by the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) 1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington, DC 20005. The monthly figures derive from HAC tabulations of USDA –RHS 205c, d, and f report data. For questions or comments about the obligation reports, please contact Michael Feinberg at 202-842-8600 or

HAC News: November 12, 2014

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November 12, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 23

• November is National Native American Heritage Month • Congress returns for lame duck sessionCongress returns for lame duck session • Judge strikes down HUD’s disparate impact rule • CFPB amends qualified mortgage regulation, HUD accepts some changes • Regulatory agencies propose flood insurance updates • Input requested for HUD Code changes • Farmworker incomes unchanged, averaging under $20,000 • HUD releases annual fair housing report • HUD reports reductions in homelessness • GAO recommends changes in program offering surplus federal property for homeless • HAC News takes a break • THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE!

November 12, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 23

NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH. President Obama’s proclamation also designates November 28 as Native American Heritage Day.

CONGRESS RETURNS FOR LAME DUCK SESSION. Both the House and Senate reconvene November 12 for a post-election session. A final FY15 spending package is on the agenda, with the current stopgap continuing resolution set to expire on December 11. Most observers are predicting a full-year continuing resolution or omnibus appropriations bill through September 30, 2015. Passage may be complicated, however, by the Obama administration’s request for $6.2 billion in emergency funds to fight Ebola. As reported in a HAC post on the Rooflines blog, some important committee positions will change in the new Congress, which takes office in January. HAC will post updates as available.

JUDGE STRIKES DOWN HUD’S DISPARATE IMPACT RULE. On November 3 a federal district court judge, ruling that HUD could not extend the Fair Housing Act’s ban on disparate treatment to include disparate impact, vacated HUD’s 2013 regulation on the subject (see HAC News, 2/20/13). During its current term the Supreme Court is expected to consider a different disparate impact case.

CFPB AMENDS QUALIFIED MORTGAGE REGULATION, HUD ACCEPTS SOME CHANGES. A final Consumer Financial Protection Bureau rule adopts an April proposal (see HAC News, 5/14/14), exempting some nonprofits and loans by nonprofits from some requirements and providing a way to cure some points and fees that exceed the qualified mortgage limits. Contact CFPB’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700. CFPB’s nonprofit exemptions will apply also to HUD’s qualified mortgage rule, but HUD is not adopting CFPB’s new points and fees cure provision, instead providing guidance to mortgagees. Contact Michael P. Nixon, HUD, 202-402-5216, ext. 3094.

REGULATORY AGENCIES PROPOSE FLOOD INSURANCE UPDATES. The federal agencies that oversee lenders, including credit unions, suggest changes to implement statutory requirements. Comments are due December 29. Contact Rhonda L. Daniels, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 202-649-5405.

INPUT REQUESTED FOR HUD CODE CHANGES. Proposed revisions to HUD’s Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards are due December 31 and will be reviewed by the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee as it develops recommendations to HUD. Contact Pamela Beck Danner, HUD, 202-708-6423.

FARMWORKER INCOMES UNCHANGED, AVERAGING UNDER $20,000. A new memo from Farmworker Justice examines data from the Department of Labor’s 2011-12 National Agricultural Workers Survey. One-quarter of farmworker families live in poverty but, since the survey does not include dependents outside the U.S., Farmworker Justice believes the figure should be higher. Survey responses indicated 48% of workers lack work authorization, but that figure is probably understated as well. In 2011-12, only 17% of crop workers were migrants, compared to 27% in 2007-09 and 42% in 2001-02.

HUD RELEASES ANNUAL FAIR HOUSING REPORT. Covering fiscal years 2012 and 2013, the report provides national and state level data on complaints filed and their disposition, as well as complaints initiated by HUD. Discrimination against persons with disabilities remains the largest category of complaints received.

HUD REPORTS REDUCTIONS IN HOMELESSNESS. HUD’s 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congresssays homelessness has dropped by 10% since 2010, and the number of people living on the street has declined 25%. Veteran homelessness has fallen 10.5% since 2013 and 33% since 2010. Data are available for each state and each Continuum of Care, some of which did experience increases from 2013 to 2014.

GAO RECOMMENDS CHANGES IN PROGRAM OFFERING SURPLUS FEDERAL PROPERTY FOR HOMELESS. Federal Real Property: More Useful Information to Providers Could Improve the Homeless Assistance Program (GAO-14-739) addresses HUD’s program that makes unused federal real property available to homeless assistance providers. Contact David J.Wise, GAO, 202-512-2834.

HAC NEWS TAKES A BREAK. The next issue of the HAC News is scheduled for the week of December 8, after the Thanksgiving holiday and the HAC Rural Housing Conference 2014. Check HAC’s website for news in the meantime.

THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE! Register online for the HAC Rural Housing Conference 2014: Retool, Rebuild, Renew, in Washington, DC, December 3-5 with pre-conference activities December 2. Contact HAC staff,

Rural Veterans Resource Guide

The report contains program sheets that describe various programs and initiatives available for veterans as well as eligibility requirements and additional resources for each program. Keywords are provided to better help orient the guide. Each keyword can be found at the back of the report with a list of corresponding programs and their page numbers within the guide. HAC’s Veteran Resource Guide aims to provide insights into how to better utilize available resources. Knowing where to refer veterans to for needed services is critical in ensuring that veterans receive the services that will enable them to remain in safe, secure housing.






HAC News: October 29, 2014

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October 29, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 21

• Rent aid kept over 3 million people out of poverty in 2013 • Regulatory agencies align QRM with QM, drop requirement for large downpayments • HUD posts general section of FY15 NOFAs • Electronic signatures now accepted for Section 502 guaranteed loans • CFPB lists rural and underserved counties for 2015 • Public housing demolition and disposition proposal corrected • HUD provides guide to establishing smoke-free properties • GAO offers framework for assessing housing finance reform • Guide helps nonprofits to preserve Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties • 2013 American Housing Survey data released • Household participation in banking system increased, 2011 to 2013 • Have you investigated HAC’s Rural Data Portal? • HAC News e-mail subscribers get news faster

October 29, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 22

RENT AID KEPT OVER 3 MILLION PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY IN 2013. The Supplemental Poverty Measure: 2013, published by the Census Bureau, presents data with adjustments that are not taken into account in the official poverty measure (see HAC News, 9/17/14), including the impact of government programs assisting low-income people. A Center on Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of the data shows that rental assistance alone kept 3 million people out of poverty, and all assistance programs lifted 39 million people above the poverty line.

REGULATORY AGENCIES ALIGN QRM WITH QM, DROP REQUIREMENT FOR LARGE DOWNPAYMENTS. As proposed in September 2013 (see HAC News, 9/25/13), final credit risk retention regulations define “qualified residential mortgages” the same way as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau defines “qualified mortgages.” Private mortgage lenders are expected to focus on QRM lending when the rule takes effect in October 2015, so a 2011 proposal that included a 20% downpayment in the QRM definition would have made it more difficult for low-income, minority, and first-time homebuyers to obtain mortgages. USDA Section 502 mortgages are all considered QRMs until USDA issues its own regulations on the subject. Contact Ronald P. Sugarman, FHFA, 202-649-3208 or Mike Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HUD POSTS GENERAL SECTION OF FY15 NOFAS. As in the past, the general section will apply to all of HUD’s funding announcements for individual programs when they are issued. Contact HUD’s Office of Strategic Planning and Management, 202-708-0667.

ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES NOW ACCEPTED FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEED LOANS. Administrative Notice 4776 (September 23, 2014) “clarifies that lenders may use electronic signatures as long as the lender perfects and maintains a first lien position, an enforceable promissory note, and meets all other agency requirements.” Contact USDA RD’s Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Division, 202-720-1452.

CFPB LISTS RURAL AND UNDERSERVED COUNTIES FOR 2015. The designations apply to several Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regulations.

PUBLIC HOUSING DEMOLITION AND DISPOSITION PROPOSAL CORRECTED. The proposed rule (see HAC News, 10/17/14) included an erroneous definition. Comments are still due December 15.

HUD PROVIDES GUIDE TO ESTABLISHING SMOKE-FREE PROPERTIES. Change is in the Air: An Action Guide for Establishing Smoke-Free Public Housing and Multifamily Properties provides reasons, best practices, and step by step guidance.

GAO OFFERS FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING HOUSING FINANCE REFORM. Housing Finance System: A Framework for Assessing Potential Changes (GAO-15-131) describes and analyzes market developments since 2000 that have led to changes in the federal government’s role in the single-family housing finance system, and proposes a way to assess potential changes to the system. Contact Matt Scirè, GAO, 202-512-8678.

GUIDE HELPS NONPROFITS TO PRESERVE LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT PROPERTIES. Beyond Year 15: Preserving Housing Credit Projects & Portfolio, published by Enterprise Community Partners, includes organizational procedures for preparing for Year 15 events as well as strategies for repositioning communities for the long term. It covers all types of LIHTC projects but focuses on issues around the most challenging projects and approaches to address those challenges.

2013 AMERICAN HOUSING SURVEY DATA RELEASED. HUD’s press release highlights the findings from questions on new subjects including neighborhood involvement, disaster planning, and use of public transportation. AHS data also include housing conditions, ownership rates, costs, and more. Nationwide, from 2011 to 2013, costs for renters rose slightly, while owners’ costs fell. Summary tables are posted in Excel format.

HOUSEHOLD PARTICIPATION IN BANKING SYSTEM INCREASED, 2011 TO 2013. A report on the 2013 FDIC National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households credits changes in economic conditions and household demographics for the decline in “unbanked” households. In both 2011 and 2013, FDIC’s survey found the highest unbanked rates among non-Asian minorities and households who were lower-income, younger, or unemployed, though the unbanked rate for Hispanics dropped from 2011 to 2013. The report includes data at the national, state, and metro levels.

HAVE YOU INVESTIGATED HAC’S RURAL DATA PORTAL? The Rural Data Portal is an easy-to-use, on-line resource that provides essential information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of communities in the United States. It is targeted toward rural communities, but a wide range of information is presented for the nation, states, and counties for rural, suburban, and urban areas.

HAC NEWS E-MAIL SUBSCRIBERS GET NEWS FASTER. Subscribe to the HAC News by e-mail and receive it sooner, plus updates when important news occurs between issues.

HAC News: October 17, 2014

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October 17, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 21

• USDA unable to spend all single-family appropriations in FY14 • HUD has Jobs Plus funds available • Rule changes suggested for Section 202 and 811 programs • 2015 DDAs and QCTs announced • Final Fair Market Rents set • HUD publishes new OCAFs • Most children in HUD-assisted renter households still live in high-poverty neighborhoods • Rural Voices wonders “What does affordable housing mean to you?” •HAC analysis of mortgage data now available • Farmworker housing and health conference set for November • Webinar to cover protecting seniors and other RD tenants from displacement • REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE BEFORE OCTOBER 31!

October 17, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 21

USDA UNABLE TO SPEND ALL SINGLE-FAMILY APPROPRIATIONS IN FY14. HAC’s analysis of USDA RD data for FY14 determined that 90% of Section 502 direct loan funds were obligated. (See HAC News, 9/17/14.) Very low-income borrowers received 33.2% of the obligations, consistent with past RD difficulties in meeting the requirement to loan 40% of its Section 502 direct dollars to VLI households, and all the unobligated FY14 funds were in the VLI setaside. A 2010 HAC report examined possible reasons and solutions to achieve the 40% requirement. Other FY14 obligation levels include 80% for Section 502 guaranteed loans, 53% and 98% for Section 504 loans and grants, and 73% for Section 523 self-help grants. Well over 100% of the amounts appropriated for Section 514/516 farmworker housing and Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants were obligated, along with 96% of Section 515 loans and 112% of Section 542 vouchers. A percentage could not be calculated for the MPR rental preservation program. HAC’s early analysis is posted now and a more detailed report will be published also. Contact Michael Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HUD HAS JOBS PLUS FUNDS AVAILABLE. Public housing agencies can apply by December 17 for grants to provide job support to public housing residents. Contact Anice Chenault, HUD,

RULE CHANGES SUGGESTED FOR SECTION 202 AND 811 PROGRAMS. HUD’s proposal would implement statutory amendments made in 2011 to both programs, and would “streamline” the programs. Comments are due December 8. Contact Alicia Anderson, HUD, 202-708-3000.

HUD PROPOSES REGULATIONS ON DEMOLITION AND DISPOSITION OF PUBLIC HOUSING. Comments are due December 15 on updates that would increase HUD’s oversight of demolition and disposition of public housing and make other changes. Contact Kathleen Szybist, HUD, 401-277-8310.

2015 DDAS AND QCTS ANNOUNCED. For the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program, HUD designates Difficult Development Areas every year, and this year is also making new designations of Qualified Census Tracts to incorporate recent income and poverty measures. Contact Michael K. Hollar, HUD, 202-402-5878.

FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS SET. FMRs for FY15 are used for HUD’s voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs, and to calculate Flat Rents for public housing. Contact local HUD program staff.

HUD PUBLISHES NEW OCAFS. These operating cost adjustment factors will be used to adjust Section 8 rents in some HUD-assisted properties, effective February 11, 2015. Contact Stan Houle, HUD, 202-402-2572.

MOST CHILDREN IN HUD-ASSISTED RENTER HOUSEHOLDS STILL LIVE IN HIGH-POVERTY NEIGHBORHOODS. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities reports that only 15% of children with HUD rental assistance live in low-poverty neighborhoods, while 18% are in extreme-poverty neighborhoods. Families with vouchers are more likely to escape concentrations of poverty than those in public housing or receiving Section 8 project-based aid, but a quarter of a million children in the Housing Choice Voucher program do live in extreme-poverty neighborhoods. “Creating Opportunity for Children: How Housing Location Can Make a Difference” states that this problem exists in nearly every state and in rural as well as urban areas, though it is most prevalent east of the Mississippi and in California.

RURAL VOICES WONDERS “WHAT DOES AFFORDABLE HOUSING MEAN TO YOU?” The fall issue of HAC’s magazine presents the perspectives of rural families, the challenges they faced when living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they used federal resources to obtain quality housing. Sign up online for email notices when new issues are published, or request one free print subscription per organization from Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC ANALYSIS OF MORTGAGE DATA NOW AVAILABLE. “Rural Mortgage Activity Declines,” a Rural Research Note, is now available on HAC’s site and is also covered in a story on the Daily Yonder. (See HAC News, 10/1/14.)

FARMWORKER HOUSING AND HEALTH CONFERENCE SET FOR NOVEMBER. “Farmworker Housing Quality and Health: A Transdisciplinary Conference” will be held November 11 in Arlington, VA. Registration is $70.

WEBINAR TO COVER PROTECTING SENIORS AND OTHER RD TENANTS FROM DISPLACEMENT. The National Housing Law Project will offer a free webinar on October 21 at 2:00 pm Eastern time/11:00 am Pacific on “Prepayments, Maturing Mortgages, and Foreclosures: Protecting Seniors and Others from Rural Development Rental Housing Displacement.

REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE BEFORE OCTOBER 31! Register online for the National Rural Housing Conference 2014: Re-tool, Rebuild, Renew, in Washington, DC, December 3-5 with pre-conference activities December 2. Until October 31, the rate is $350 for nonprofits and government, $400 for for-profits. Contact HAC staff,

What does affordable housing mean to you? Rural families share their stories

The Fall 2014 issue of Rural Voices presents the perspectives of rural families, their challenges of living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they ultimately utilized federal resources to obtain quality housing. These success stories almost always involve innovative community-based organizations that provide the vital link between housing resources and the families who need them.

What does affordable housing mean to you?The Fall 2014 issue of Rural Voices presents the perspectives of rural families, their challenges of living in unaffordable or substandard conditions, and how they ultimately utilized federal resources to obtain quality housing. These success stories almost always involve innovative community-based organizations that provide the vital link between housing resources and the families who need them.


Affordable Rural Housing: It’s Not a Nicety But a Necessity
by Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, Missouri’s Fifth District

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, shares his housing story and offers his views on housing across the country


The Balancing Act
by Joey Henderson, Florida Home Partnership, Inc.

A single mother’s self-help journey

“Our Home, Our Community”
by Lucero Cortez and Erika Parkinson, Catholic Charities of Yakima

Zaida Elena Lopez and Ivan Chavez

Making Almost Heaven a Reality in Rural West Virginia
by John David, Southern Appalchian Labor School (SALS)

Converting a log cabin to a modern home means this widow does not have to live in the cold

The Power of Working Together

Three families share their experiences with USDA’s Mutual Self-Help Program

“I’ve lived here my whole life.”

Leslie Robbins, Jr.

Self-Help, Sweat Equity and Success
by BC EchoHawk, National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC)

“It made me feel good, it made me powerful and I’m looking forward to spending whatever days I have, God bless me, in that house.”

A Farmer’s Fight
byYuqi Wang, Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow

Many Hmong farmers have recently experienced financial problems from faulty loans

Additional Content

rv-fall-2014-mapThe Faces of Affordable Housing

What does Affordable Housing Mean to You?

“We wouldn’t want to live any place else”

The Davis Family (SALS, WV)

Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story by sending a tweet to #RuralVoicesMag, discuss on the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Very Low-Income Housing Repair Loans and Grants (Section 504)

Through the Section 504 loan and grant program, USDA Rural Development provides assistance to very low-income homeowners who are unable to finance necessary repairs through other sources. This guide explains the requirements for using the Section 504 program and how to apply. This document is intended to assist individual applicants as well as nonprofit application packagers in preparing applications for program funds.

Download the PDF

HAC News: October 1, 2014

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October 1, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 20

• Changes in rural housing eligibility definition delayed by CR • USDA RD offers multifamily preservation and revitalization assistance • Preservation Revolving Loan Fund monies available for intermediaries • Funding offered to CDFIs and Native American CDFIs • Promise Zone initiative opens second round • Changes proposed to affordable housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac • CDFI Fund seeks comments on its capacity building initiative • HUD asks for input on Native American data • National Housing Trust Fund lawsuit dismissed • Mortgage data show drop in refinancing from 2012 to 2013 • A majority of manufactured housing borrowers have expensive loans • Webinar to cover protecting seniors and other RD tenants from displacement • REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE BEFORE OCTOBER 31!

October 1, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 20

CHANGES IN RURAL HOUSING ELIGIBILITY DEFINITION DELAYED BY CR. USDA RD says the continuing resolution that extends FY14 funding levels through December 11 also extends the provision in FY14 appropriations law that prohibited declaring any communities ineligible for the rural housing programs if they were eligible on September 30, 2013. In effect, the CR means previously eligible places cannot become ineligible yet, even if their populations now exceed 35,000.

USDA RD OFFERS MULTIFAMILY PRESERVATION AND REVITALIZATION ASSISTANCE. Pre-applications are due November 24 for the MPR program, which helps preserve properties with Section 514 or 515 loans. MPR properties cannot displace tenants because of increased rents. No additional Rental Assistance units are available. Contact Sherry Engel, RD, 715-345-7677.

PRESERVATION REVOLVING LOAN FUND MONIES AVAILABLE FOR INTERMEDIARIES. PRLF recipients establish revolving loan funds for preservation of Section 515 and 514/516 housing. RD has eliminated the $1 million cap on subsequent loans for current intermediaries. Deadline is December 22. Contact Sherry Engel, RD, 715-345-7677.

FUNDING OFFERED TO CDFIS AND NATIVE AMERICAN CDFIS. Lending funds and technical assistance funds are available for Community Development Financial Institutions, potential CDFIs, and Native American CDFIs. Deadline is November 24. Contact CDFI Fund staff, 202-653-0421.

PROMISE ZONE INITIATIVE OPENS SECOND ROUND. HUD and USDA will designate at least 8 Promise Zones across urban, rural, and tribal communities to receive technical assistance to apply for existing federal programs; the designation itself does not include funding. Apply by November 21. Contact Brooke Bohnet, HUD, 202–402–6693.

CHANGES PROPOSED TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING GOALS FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC. The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which regulates the GSEs, published a proposed rule and a correction suggesting updates and changes, including establishment of a new housing subgoal for small multifamily properties affordable to low-income families. Comments are due October 28. FHFA. Contact Dr. Nayantara Hensel, FHFA, 202-649-3122

CDFI FUND SEEKS COMMENTS ON ITS CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVE. Suggestions for improving the initiative’s effectiveness are due October 24. Contact CDFI Fund staff, 202-653-0421.

HUD ASKS FOR INPUT ON NATIVE AMERICAN DATA. Comment by October 27 about options to the use of Census data in the funding formula for the Indian Housing Block Grant program. Contact Rodger Boyd, HUD, 202-401-7914.

NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND LAWSUIT DISMISSED. On September 29 a court dismissed a suit filed by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition and others against the Federal Housing Finance Agency seeking financing for the National Housing Trust Fund (see HAC News, 7/17/13). The dismissal was based on procedural grounds, not on the merits of the case. The plaintiffs continue to urge FHFA action and are considering an appeal.

MORTGAGE DATA SHOW DROP IN REFINANCING FROM 2012 TO 2013. Newly released Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data show 2013 mortgage lending activity declined from 2012 levels. Home purchase loans actually increased, but refinancing loans dropped substantially. In rural areas and small towns, refi lending declined by 23%. The rates of denials and high cost loans continue to be higher for rural and small town borrowers. Particularly for economically depressed, high needs rural regions, such as Central Appalachia, the rural Southeast and the Lower Mississippi Delta, high cost loans represent a large percentage of all originations. HAC will post a more detailed analysis soon.

A MAJORITY OF MANUFACTURED HOUSING BORROWERS HAVE EXPENSIVE LOANS. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reports that manufactured home owners typically pay higher interest rates for their loans than borrowers whose homes were built onsite. Manufactured-housing Consumer Finance in the United States also states that manufactured home residents are more likely to be older, live in a rural area, or have lower net worth than residents of other types of homes.

WEBINAR TO COVER PROTECTING SENIORS AND OTHER RD TENANTS FROM DISPLACEMENT. The National Housing Law Project will offer a free webinar on October 21 at 2:00 pm Eastern time/11:00 am Pacific on “Prepayments, Maturing Mortgages, and Foreclosures: Protecting Seniors and Others from Rural Development Rental Housing Displacement.”

REGISTER FOR CONFERENCE BEFORE OCTOBER 31! Register online for the National Rural Housing Conference 2014: Re-tool, Rebuild, Renew, in Washington, DC, December 3-5 with pre-conference activities December 2. Until October 31, the rate is $350 for nonprofits and government, $400 for for-profits. Contact HAC staff,

HAC News: September 17, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

September 17, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 19

• Sept. 15-Oct. 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month • Congress to pass continuing resolution for early FY15 • Vilsack responds to congressional letter about 502 spending • Senate committee advances Mensah nomination • Rural poverty decreases, yet remains higher than U.S. poverty • HUD offers economic development funds for Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta • USDA posts amended maps showing future area eligibility • Regulators seek comments on proposed revisions to CRA questions and answers • HUD revises model standards for manufactured home ground anchoring • GAO report says HUD can do more on manufactured housing • Broad access to mortgage financing recommended to help reduce income inequality • Farmworker housing and health conference set for November • Webinar to cover protecting seniors and other RD tenants from displacement • Please nominate national or local rural housing leaders for HAC awards!

September 17, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 19

SEPT. 15-OCT. 15 IS NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH. President Obama’s proclamation includes a call for comprehensive immigration reform.

CONGRESS TO PASS CONTINUING RESOLUTION FOR EARLY FY15. The House is expected to pass a CR on September 17 and the Senate soon after that. It will fund the federal government at FY14 levels until December 11. In a post-November-elections session Congress will have to complete work on FY 2015 appropriations or pass another CR.

VILSACK RESPONDS TO CONGRESSIONAL LETTER ABOUT 502 SPENDING. Responding to concerns about USDA’s ability to use all available Section 502 direct funds before FY14 ends September 30 (see HAC News, 8/6/14), USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack wrote to House and Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee leaders explaining steps being taken this year (see HAC News, 7/23/14) and planned for next year.

SENATE COMMITTEE ADVANCES MENSAH NOMINATION. The Senate Agriculture Committee held a hearing September 10 on the selection of Lisa Mensah as USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development (see HAC News, 5/14/14). A confirmation vote by the full Senate has not yet been scheduled.

RURAL POVERTY DECREASES, YET REMAINS HIGHER THAN U.S. POVERTY. The number of rural Americans living in poverty decreased last year, according to a new Census Bureau report. Overall, the official U.S. poverty rate was 14.5% in 2013, a decline from 15% in 2012. Income and Poverty in the United States: 2013 says there was no statistically significant change in either the number of people living in poverty or real median household income. State and local data will be released September 18. A HAC Rural Research Note provides more details.

HUD OFFERS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDS FOR APPALACHIA AND THE MISSISSIPPI DELTA. Both programs aim to increase access to capital for business lending and economic development, and applications are due November 3. For Appalachia, the only eligible applicants are state community and economic development agencies. For Delta funds, nonprofits and tribal governments are eligible. Contact Thann Young or Monica Wallace, HUD, 877-787-2526.

USDA POSTS AMENDED MAPS SHOWING FUTURE AREA ELIGIBILITY. Maps now available on RD’s website (under the Future Eligible Areas heading) eliminate “rural in character” changes (see HAC News, 9/3/14). A disclaimer indicates slight alterations may be made before the maps take effect on October 1.

REGULATORS SEEK COMMENTS ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO CRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. The Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment, revised periodically, supplement the Community Reinvestment Act regulations issued by the Federal Reserve board, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Comments are due November 10. Contact Bobbie Kennedy, OCC, 202-649-5470.

HUD REVISES MODEL STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOME GROUND ANCHORING. A final rule amends the Manufactured Home Model Installation Standards, establishing a uniform test method to determine and rate ground anchor performance in different soil classifications. Contact Pamela Beck Danner, HUD, 202-708-6423.

GAO REPORT SAYS HUD CAN DO MORE ON MANUFACTURED HOUSING. Manufactured Housing: Efforts Needed to Enhance Program Effectiveness and Ensure Funding Stability (GAO-14-410) recommendations related to the HUD Code updates, FHA insurance, and fees. Contact Matthew Scirè, GAO, 202-512-8678.

BROAD ACCESS TO MORTGAGE FINANCING RECOMMENDED TO HELP REDUCE INCOME INEQUALITY. Continued government provision of affordable housing and financing is among the recommendations of Responding to Rising Inequality: Policy Interventions to Ensure Opportunity for All, a brief published by the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society at the University of California at Berkeley.

FARMWORKER HOUSING AND HEALTH CONFERENCE SET FOR NOVEMBER. “Farmworker Housing Quality and Health: A Transdisciplinary Conference” will be held November 11 in Arlington, VA. Registration is $50 until October 1.

WEBINAR TO COVER PROTECTING SENIORS AND OTHER RD TENANTS FROM DISPLACEMENT. The National Housing Law Project will offer a free webinar on October 21 at 2:00 pm Eastern time/11:00 am Pacific on “Prepayments, Maturing Mortgages, and Foreclosures: Protecting Seniors and Others from Rural Development Rental Housing Displacement.”

PLEASE NOMINATE NATIONAL OR LOCAL RURAL HOUSING LEADERS FOR HAC AWARDS! Nominations are due September 30 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Complete the online nomination form. Questions? Contact Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: September 3, 2014

HAC News Formats. pdf

September 3, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 18

• RD suspends rural in character eligibility changes • National Office agreement required for some RD prepayment incentives • New guidelines apply to extensions and deobligations of unused Section 515, 514, and 516 funds • Online homeownership education provider approved for Section 502 borrowers • RD addresses thermal standards for manufactured housing • Guidance provided for rural multifamily design/build and construction management proposals • Reminder issued about Section 515 borrowers who received litigation damages • FHFA proposes new housing goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac • Changes to HMDA regulations suggested • New report covers challenges of housing seniors • Drop in homeless veterans estimated • Shortage of affordable rentals remains • CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN!

September 3, 2014
Vol. 43, No. 18

RD SUSPENDS RURAL IN CHARACTER ELIGIBILITY CHANGES. In response to public concerns about changes in eligibility for rural housing programs based on determinations that some places are no longer “rural in character,” USDA has suspended use of this factor to alter a community’s rural status. No changes will be made until October 2015 at the earliest, and a new procedure will provide a 90-day public comment period on proposed modifications. This issue is not related to eligibility changes based on population growth (see HAC News, 2/5/14).

NATIONAL OFFICE AGREEMENT REQUIRED FOR SOME RD PREPAYMENT INCENTIVES. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 11, 2014 requires RD state offices to obtain advance approval before offering additional Rental Assistance or equity loans to Section 515 borrowers who want to prepay their loans. The UL says it is “an interim step” while regulatory changes are developed. Contact Tiffany Tietz, RD, 616-942-4111 ext. 126.

NEW GUIDELINES APPLY TO EXTENSIONS AND DEOBLIGATIONS OF UNUSED SECTION 515, 514, AND 516 FUNDS. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 30, 2014 provides timeframes and processes for USDA staff. Limited extensions may be permitted. Contact Mirna Reyes-Bible, 202-720-1753 (Section 514/516) or Melinda Price, 614-255-2403 (Section 515).

ONLINE HOMEOWNERSHIP EDUCATION PROVIDER APPROVED FOR SECTION 502 BORROWERS. An Unnumbered Letter dated August 22, 2014 announces the agency has approved Framework to provide online education, which can be used only when other formats are not available. Contact Shantelle Gordon, RD.

RD ADDRESSES THERMAL STANDARDS FOR MANUFACTURED HOUSING. The HUD Code specifies minimum thermal standards for each state, while RD applies them by county. Administrative Notice (AN) 4772 (Aug. 4, 2014) lists the standards for specified counties. Contact William Downs, RD, 202-720-1499.

GUIDANCE PROVIDED FOR RURAL MULTIFAMILY DESIGN/BUILD AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS. AN 4770 (July 11, 2014) requires National Office approval to use Section 514 or 515 loans for design/build or construction management arrangements. Contact Sherry Engel, RD, 715-345-7677, or William Downs, RD, 202-720-1499.

REMINDER ISSUED ABOUT SECTION 515 BORROWERS WHO RECEIVED LITIGATION DAMAGES. An Unnumbered Letter dated June 24, 2014 instructs RD staff about servicing the accounts of borrowers who received damages payments pursuant to the May 21, 2007 agreement that settled a lawsuit against USDA regarding prepayments. Those owners cannot prepay their loans (unless USDA determines a property is no longer needed) and cannot receive incentives to discourage prepayment. Contact Tiffany Tietz, RD, 616-942-4111 ext. 126.

FHFA PROPOSES NEW HOUSING GOALS FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC. Comments are due October 28 on possible changes to be in effect from 2015 through 2017, including a new subgoal for financing small multifamily rental properties (5-50 units). No rural subgoal is proposed. Contact Dr. Nayantara Hensel, FHFA, 202-649-3122.

CHANGES TO HMDA REGULATIONS SUGGESTED. Comment by October 29 on a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposal to implement a portion of the Dodd-Frank Act. Lenders subject to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act would have several new reporting requirements, some existing requirements would be clarified, and some institutional and transactional coverage would be changed. Contact CFPB’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700.

NEW REPORT COVERS CHALLENGES OF HOUSING SENIORS. Housing America’s Older Adults – Meeting the Needs of an Aging Population, published by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, analyzes the ability of the existing U.S. housing stock to meet growing needs for affordability, accessibility, social connectivity, and supportive services.

DROP IN HOMELESS VETERANS ESTIMATED. HUD, VA, and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) estimate that as of January 2014 veterans’ homelessness nationwide had declined by 33% since 2010.

SHORTAGE OF AFFORDABLE RENTALS REMAINS. A new Housing Spotlight report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition shows that nationwide there are only 31 affordable and available units for every 100 extremely low-income renters (with incomes at or below 30% of area median) and only 16 for every 100 deeply low-income renters (below 15% of area median). The report provides data for states and for 50 large metro areas.

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Register online for the National Rural Housing Conference 2014: Retool, Rebuild, Renew, in Washington, DC, December 3-5 with pre-conference activities December 2. Until October 31, the rate is $350 for nonprofits and government, $400 for for-profits. Contact HAC staff,