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HAC News: March 31, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Art Collings passed away March 23 • Preservation bill under consideration • USDA offers funds to relend for water and wastewater • Lists posted of multifamily properties eligible for weatherization • Section 502 packaging demonstration launched • Tribes believe NAHASDA has helped improve housing, GAO finds • HUD releases three studies of homelessness • HUD’s Transforming Rental Assistance initiative taking shape • Homeownership unaffordable for many in metro areas despite housing cost drops

March 31, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 7

ART COLLINGS PASSED AWAY MARCH 23. Arthur M. Collings, Jr. retired in 2004 after almost 50 years with HAC and the Farmers Home Administration. A legend in the rural housing world, he was both the conscience and the brains of the movement, passionate and dedicated to the mission but also able to cite statutes, regs, and ANs from memory. An obituary is posted at https://ww.ruralhome.org and HAC has created a blog at https://artcollingsmemorial.blogspot.com/ where stories and comments about Art can be shared. HAC will post information about memorial contributions on its website as soon as possible. Plans are being developed for a remembrance at HAC’s National Rural Housing Conference in December 2010.

PRESERVATION BILL UNDER CONSIDERATION. On March 17, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) introduced H.R. 4868, the Housing Preservation and Tenant Protection Act of 2010, a long-awaited bill addressing the preservation of rental housing funded by HUD or USDA. Most of the provisions in the bill’s rural section are the same as those in H.R. 2876, introduced in 2009 (see HAC News, 6/24/09). HAC submitted written testimony, posted at https://ruralhome.org. Witnesses’ statements and a webcast of a March 24 House Subcommittee on Housing hearing are at www.house.gov/apps/list/hearing/financialsvcs_dem/hr_031710.shtml.

USDA OFFERS FUNDS TO RELEND FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER. Nonprofits can apply by May 31 for Household Water Well System Grants to establish lending programs for homeowners to construct or repair household water wells for existing homes. Contact Lorrie Davis, RUS, 202-720-9631, lorrie.davis@wdc.usda.gov. The deadline is May 25 to apply for Revolving Fund Program grants to provide loans for predevelopment costs of community water or wastewater projects, or short-term small capital projects. Contact Joyce Taylor, RUS, 202-720-0499. For both programs, see Federal Register, 3/26/10 or www.usda.gov/rus/water/index.htm.

LISTS POSTED OF MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES ELIGIBLE FOR WEATHERIZATION. Specified properties subsidized by USDA, HUD, or the Low Income Housing Tax Credit are eligible for the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program without further evaluation of eligibility (see HAC News, 2/17/10). These properties will not necessarily receive funds, and others may apply as well. The lists and links to other information, including state and local entities that administer the funds, are posted at https://apps1.eere.energy.gov/wip/eligibility_hud.cfm. Contact Claire Broido Johnson, DOE, 202-586-1510, claire.johnson@ee.doe.gov.

SECTION 502 PACKAGING DEMONSTRATION LAUNCHED. This new pilot program enables Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprises member organizations, under a contract with USDA RD, to package applications for Section 502 direct loans. Their assistance is expected to speed approvals, helping the agency to use its FY2010 appropriation and Recovery Act funds. More information is at https://www.fahe.org/502. Contact Tom Carew, FAHE, tomc@fahe.org, 606-669-0053.

TRIBES BELIEVE NAHASDA HAS HELPED IMPROVE HOUSING, GAO FINDS. Native American Housing: Tribes Generally View Block Grant Program as Effective, but Tracking of Infrastructure Plans and Investments Needs Improvement (GAO-10-326) is available at https://www.gao.gov or for a fee from GAO, 1-866-801-7077. The study’s full survey results are at https://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-10-373SP.

HUD RELEASES THREE STUDIES OF HOMELESSNESS. The research for all three focused on metro areas. Costs Associated with First-Time Homelessness for Families and Individuals, Life after Transitional Housing for Homeless Families, and Strategies for Improving Homeless People’s Access to Mainstream Benefits and Services are available at https://www.huduser.org/portal/taxonomy/term/65.

HUD’S TRANSFORMING RENTAL ASSISTANCE INITIATIVE TAKING SHAPE. A new Center on Budget and Policy Priorities report describes TRA as the most important new initiative to preserve affordable housing in over a decade. It would create a new form of long-term rental subsidy that would combine features from the existing project-based Section 8 and the project-based voucher programs. CBPP’s summary is at https://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3123. A HUD webcast on TRA is archived at https://www.hud.gov/webcasts/index.cfm.

HOMEOWNERSHIP UNAFFORDABLE FOR MANY IN METRO AREAS DESPITE HOUSING COST DROPS. A Center for Housing Policy study found that the income needed to purchase a median-priced home fell in 93% of the metro areas studied, while rent rose. Yet many workers still do not earn enough to own a home. Paycheck to Paycheck: Wages and the Cost of Housing in America and an interactive database are at https://www.nhc.org/chp /p2p/. CHP and the National Housing Conference also recently released products on elderly housing, foreclosures, disasters, and transportation, available at https://www.housingpolicy.org/housing_solutions_week.html.

HAC News: March 17, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Funds running out for 502 guarantees, Representatives express concern • Capital Magnet Fund funds available, rules proposed • USDA to clarify subsidy recapture at foreclosure • CDFI Fund requests comments on statute • FHFA extends deadline for diversity rule • FTC proposes regulations for mortgage assistance relief services • Bank regulatory agencies update CRA questions and answers • Rural foreclosure crisis is unique, quick recovery unlikely, says research report • HAC offers Green Fund capacity building grants • USDA article examines past rural economic recoveries • GAO reports on use of public housing and weatherization Recovery Act funds • Rental preservation forums set for April, May, and September

March 17, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 6

FUNDS RUNNING OUT FOR 502 GUARANTEES, REPRESENTATIVES EXPRESS CONCERN. On March 15 Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Dennis Moore (D-Kansas), Rubén Hinojosa (D-Texas), and Joe Baca (D-California) sent letters to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Rosa DeLauro noting that USDA expects to use its $12 billion in Section 502 guarantee funding by May 1 and urging the agency not to shift funds away from other programs to Section 502 guarantees. The letters are posted at https://ruralhome.org.

CAPITAL MAGNET FUND FUNDS AVAILABLE, RULES PROPOSED. This new program offers funds to Community Development Financial Institutions and housing nonprofits that will provide financing for affordable housing and related economic development activities and community service facilities. Applications are due April 15 and comments on the proposed regulation are due May 14. See Federal Register, 3/15/10 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact CDFI Fund staff, cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov, 202-622-6355.

USDA TO CLARIFY SUBSIDY RECAPTURE AT FORECLOSURE. Comments are due May 4 on a proposed amendment to the Section 502 direct program’s regulations clarifying that in the event of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, RD will recapture the full subsidy from the value of the property. See Federal Register, 3/5/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Janet L. Carter, RD, 202-720-1489.

CDFI FUND REQUESTS COMMENTS ON STATUTE. To determine whether to seek changes in its authorizing statute, the Fund invites comments by May 7 on issues regarding the Fund and its programs. See Federal Register, 3/8/10 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact CDFI Fund staff at cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov or by fax at 202-622-7754.

FHFA EXTENDS DEADLINE FOR DIVERSITY RULE. Comments will be accepted until April 26 on a Federal Housing Finance Agency proposed rule on minority and women inclusion (see HAC News, 1/20/10). See Federal Register, 3/8/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Eric Howard, FHFA, Eric.Howard@fhfa.gov, 202-408-2502.

FTC PROPOSES REGULATIONS FOR MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE RELIEF SERVICES. The Federal Trade Commission will oversee claims made by for-profit companies that offer to help modify mortgage terms or avoid foreclosures, require disclosure of some information, and more. Comments are due March 29. See Federal Register, 3/9/10 or https://public.commentworks.com/ftc/MARS-NPRM/. Contact Laura Sullivan, FTC, 202-326-3224.

BANK REGULATORY AGENCIES UPDATE CRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. The federal agencies that regulate banks and thrifts are adopting the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment that were proposed January 6, 2009, with minor changes. See Federal Register, 3/11/10 or https://www.ffiec.gov/cra/qnadoc.htm. Contact Gregory Nagel, OCC, 202-874-4428.

RURAL FORECLOSURE CRISIS IS UNIQUE, QUICK RECOVERY UNLIKELY, SAYS RESEARCH REPORT. Published by NeighborWorks® America and the Joint Center for Housing Studies, Landscapes of Foreclosure: The Foreclosure Crisis in Rural America is free at https://www.jchs.harvard.edu. Contact the Joint Center, 617-495-7908.

HAC OFFERS GREEN FUND CAPACITY BUILDING GRANTS. With support from the Home Depot Foundation, HAC’s Green Fund Capacity Building Grant Program will make awards of up to $15,000 to support green building/healthy home techniques and practices for rural low-income households. Experienced and novice green developers are eligible. Deadline is April 5. Visit https://ruralhome.org for details. Contact Carolyn Branton or Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404‐892‐4824, carolyn@ruralhome.org or shonterria@ruralhome.org.

USDA ARTICLE EXAMINES PAST RURAL ECONOMIC RECOVERIES. “Economic Recovery: Lessons Learned From Previous Recessions” is at https://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/March10/Features/EconomicRecovery.htm.

GAO REPORTS ON USE OF PUBLIC HOUSING AND WEATHERIZATION RECOVERY ACT FUNDS. As of January 30, PHAs needed to obligate 31% of the Public Housing Capital Fund monies appropriated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds by the March 17, 2010 deadline. HUD will recapture and reallocate unused funds. The Department of Energy had obligated about half of its Weatherization Assistance Program funds, with a September 30 deadline. Recovery Act: One Year Later, States’ and Localities’ Uses of Funds and Opportunities to Strengthen Accountability (GAO-10-437) is available free at https://www.gao.gov or for a fee from GAO, 866-801-7077.

RENTAL PRESERVATION FORUMS SET FOR APRIL, MAY, AND SEPTEMBER. The National Housing Conference, working with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, is planning three one-day events. A forum on May 17 in Portland, Oregon will highlight rural preservation. Find details at https://www.nhc.org/index/partners-in-innovation. Contact Lynn Ross, NHC, lross@nhc.org, 202-466-2121 ext. 237.

HAC News: March 5, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Field offices encouraged to obligate all Section 502 direct funds this year • USDA to announce some housing NOFAs on web only • Section 538 rental housing guarantees offered • RD changes position on Tax Credit Exchange Program funding as equity • New affordable housing goals proposed for Fannie and Freddie • Federal Home Loan Banks community development lending changes suggested • Census Bureau developing new poverty calculation • Census participation tools offered • Home Depot Offers $1 Million For 2010 Pro Trade Scholarships • Correction to budget table, HAC News, 2/3/10 • Rural Voices magazine covers colonias • Registration and details posted for HAC’s conference on sustainable approaches

March 5, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 5

FIELD OFFICES ENCOURAGED TO OBLIGATE ALL SECTION 502 DIRECT FUNDS THIS YEAR. An Unnumbered Letter to USDA state offices launches a campaign to use all FY2010 appropriation and Recovery Act loan funds by September 30, including providing at least 40% of funds to very low-income borrowers. The UL, dated February 24, 2010, is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul_list.html or from RD offices.

USDA TO ANNOUNCE SOME HOUSING NOFAS ON WEB ONLY. A Federal Register notice and an Unnumbered Letter state that NOFAs for some programs will be posted only on RD’s website, https://www.rurdev.usda.gov, and others will continue to be published in the Federal Register. The notice does not provide details, and HAC could not obtain any by press time. Any additional news HAC receives will be posted at https://ruralhome.org. See Federal Register, 3/4/10 or https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/ulfebruary10.pdf.

SECTION 538 RENTAL HOUSING GUARANTEES OFFERED. Funds can be used for new construction; acquisition with rehabilitation; or revitalization, repair, and transfer of existing Section 515 housing, including equity payments in connection with transfer. Deadline is December 31. See Federal Register, 2/26/10 at https://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a100226c.html or contact a Rural Development state office.

RD CHANGES POSITION ON TAX CREDIT EXCHANGE PROGRAM FUNDING AS EQUITY. Responding to a letter from House Financial Services Committee Chair Barney Frank (D-Mass.), RD housing Administrator Tammye Treviño committed to reverse a November 20, 2009 Unnumbered Letter that stated TCEP funds would be considered grants rather than equity in Section 515 projects. A National Housing Law Project explanation and the Frank and Treviño letters are posted at https://nhlp.org/node/1293.

NEW AFFORDABLE HOUSING GOALS PROPOSED FOR FANNIE AND FREDDIE. As required by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, the Federal Housing Finance Agency has drafted new goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to purchase single-family and multifamily affordable housing mortgages. FHFA also suggests revising the way it determines whether the goals are met. Comments are due April 12. See Federal Register, 2/26/10 or https://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx?Page=89. Contact Nelson Hernandez, FHFA, 202-408-2993.

FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LENDING CHANGES SUGGESTED. Comments are due April 26 on a Federal Housing Finance Agency proposed rule regarding Federal Home Loan Bank community development finance, including definitions of terms such as “community development.” See Federal Register, 2/23/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Thomas E. Joseph, FHFA, thomas.joseph@fhfa.gov, 202-414-3095.

CENSUS BUREAU DEVELOPING NEW POVERTY CALCULATION. The Supplemental Poverty Measure will not change the official government calculation, but will provide “an additional macro-economic statistic.” See the press release at https://www.commerce.gov/NewsRoom/PressReleases_FactSheets/PROD01_008963.

CENSUS PARTICIPATION TOOLS OFFERED. Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network resources, including a toolkit to help nonprofits encourage Census participation, are at https://www.nonprofitscount.org/downloads.html. Census Bureau resources are at https://2010.census.gov/2010census/take10map/.

HOME DEPOT OFFERS $1 MILLION FOR 2010 PRO TRADE SCHOLARSHIPS. The program will provide $1,000 scholarships to 500 students attending building and construction trade schools and $1,000 grants to their schools. Applications are due April 30. Visit https://www.homedepot.com/tradescholarship or call 877-743-5327.

CORRECTION TO BUDGET TABLE, HAC NEWS, 2/3/10. The second to last line in the table of HUD programs should read “Transformation Initiative” rather than “Transforming Rental Assistance.” HAC apologizes for any confusion. The corrected version is available at https://ruralhome.org.

RURAL VOICES MAGAZINE COVERS COLONIAS. In the latest issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine, nonprofit organizations working across the colonias region illustrate the work being done to organize residents, build affordable housing, and improve infrastructure. Articles by Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (D-Texas) and USDA housing administrator Tammye Treviño are included. Rural Voices is free at https://ruralhome.org. For one free print subscription per organization, contact Lawrence Adams, HAC, 202-842-8600, lawrence@ruralhome.org. To sign up for email notices announcing new issues, visit https://ruralhome.org/information-and-publications/169-sign-up.

REGISTRATION AND DETAILS POSTED FOR HAC’S CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE APPROACHES. “Building Green in Rural America: A Symposium on Policy and Practice” will be held June 9 in Washington, DC. Visit https://ruralhome.org. Contact Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600, dan@ruralhome.org.

HAC News: February 17, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • United Nations report addresses adequate housing in U.S. • Section 538 continuous guarantee program proposed • Farmworker housing rental assistance provision implemented • RD issues guidance on design/build or construction management • HUD seeks comments on planning grant program • H2-A final rule effective March 15 • Deadline extended for mortgage licensing comments • Disaster recovery comments invited • USDA multifamily properties included in weatherization regulation • Foreclosure’s effects on Latino families reported • If you use HERS testing, please take HAC’s survey • HAC schedules conference on sustainable approaches in rural housing

February 17, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 4

UNITED NATIONS REPORT ADDRESSES ADEQUATE HOUSING IN U.S. After a fact-finding mission to the U.S., including Pine Ridge, SD, in October-November 2009, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing recommends increased resources for affordable housing, a redefinition of homelessness to include people who are doubled up with others, and more. The report is posted at https://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/13session/A.HRC.13.20.Add.4_AEV.pdf and background information is at https://restorehousingrights.org.

SECTION 538 CONTINUOUS GUARANTEE PROGRAM PROPOSED. USDA would offer a multifamily housing guarantee covering construction through permanent financing. Comments are due March 30. See Federal Register, 1/29/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Tammy S. Daniels, tammy.daniels@wdc.usda.gov, 202-720-0021.

FARMWORKER HOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROVISION IMPLEMENTED. USDA RD provides guidance on recapturing unused Section 521 Rental Assistance from Section 514/516 farmworker properties, based on FY 2010 appropriations language, in an unnumbered letter dated January 12, 2010, available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/uljanuary10.pdf or from RD offices.

RD ISSUES GUIDANCE ON DESIGN/BUILD OR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. Two Administrative Notices explain the process of obtaining national office approval for such projects. AN 4491 and AN 4492, both dated January 21, 2010, are available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an_list.html or from RD offices.

HUD SEEKS COMMENTS ON PLANNING GRANT PROGRAM. Partnering with the Department of Transportation and EPA, HUD is creating a 2010 Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Program to support regional planning that integrates housing, economic development, and transportation decisionmaking. Comments on the program’s structure are due March 12. Listening sessions and webcasts will be scheduled as well. See Federal Register, 2/10/10 or https://www.hud.gov/sustainability. Contact HUD staff, sustainablecommunities@hud.gov.

H2-A FINAL RULE EFFECTIVE MARCH 15. The Department of Labor’s regulation governs the H2-A program for farmworkers temporarily entering the U.S. See Federal Register, 2/12/10 or https://www.doleta.gov/ETA_News_Releases/20100198.cfm. Contact William L. Carlson, DOL, 202-693-3010.

DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR MORTGAGE LICENSING COMMENTS. Comments on HUD’s Secure and Fair Enforcement Mortgage Licensing (SAFE) Act proposal are now due March 5. (See HAC News, 12/16/09.) See Federal Register, 2/17/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact William W. Matchneer III, HUD, 202-708-6401.

DISASTER RECOVERY COMMENTS INVITED. FEMA and the interagency Long Term Disaster Recovery Working Group have drafted a National Disaster Recovery Framework to provide organizing constructs and principles for disaster recovery. Comments are due February 26. See Federal Register, 2/10/10, or https://www.disasterrecoveryworkinggroup.gov. Contact Gerilee Bennett, FEMA, 202-646-4173.

USDA MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN WEATHERIZATION REGULATION. Properties subsidized by USDA, HUD, or the Low Income Housing Tax Credit may be eligible for the Department of Energy’s Weatherization Assistance Program without further evaluation of eligibility. See Federal Register, 1/25/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Claire Broido Johnson, DOE, 202-586-1510, claire.johnson@ee.doe.gov.

FORECLOSURE’S EFFECTS ON LATINO FAMILIES REPORTED. Research by the National Council of La Raza and the University of North Carolina’s Center for Community Capital found that foreclosures strained family relationships and impacted children’s school performance. The Foreclosure Generation: The Long-Term Impact of the Housing Crisis on Latino Children and Families is available at https://www.nclr.org/content/publications/detail/61725.

IF YOU USE HERS TESTING, PLEASE TAKE HAC’S SURVEY.To better understand HAC’s local partners’ transition to energy efficiency, HAC is researching the true cost of Home Energy Rating System testing. Please take a quick online survey at https://ruralhome.org by March 15. Contact Stella Edosomwan, HAC, stella@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.

HAC SCHEDULES CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE APPROACHES IN RURAL HOUSING. “Building Green in Rural America: A Symposium on Policy and Practice” will be held June 9 in Washington, DC. Sponsored by HAC and the Home Depot Foundation, the conference features local housing developers who have successfully used a wide range of sustainable and green practices in their rural homeownership and rental projects. After March 1, look for registration details on HAC’s site, https://ruralhome.org, or contact Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600, dan@ruralhome.org.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: February 3, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Budget proposes level funding for most USDA rural housing programs, none for MPR • HUD budget requests cuts for many programs in FY 2011 • Rules proposed for new rural water/wastewater predevelopment grant program • USDA announces self-help forums

February 3, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 3

BUDGET PROPOSES LEVEL FUNDING FOR MOST USDA RURAL HOUSING PROGRAMS, NONE FOR MPR. The Obama Administration’s budget for fiscal year 2011, released February 1, zeroes out initiatives that were created in past appropriations legislation but never authorized, including USDA’s rural rental preservation demonstration program, known as MPR. Section 515 rental housing would be increased from $69 to $95 million; Section 515 funds can be used for some preservation activities, but not all that have been available through MPR. The budget does fund vouchers for tenants whose rents rise because of rental prepayment, and Section 521 Rental Assistance for new Section 515 rental and Section 514/516 farm labor housing. Most other RD rural housing programs would remain at FY 2010 levels. For more details visit https://ruralhome.org.

USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009 Approp.

FY 2010

FY 2011 Budget


502 Single Fam. Direct

$2,121.5 (a)



502 Single Family Guar.

16,699 (a)



504 Very Low-inc. Repair




514 Farm Labor Hsg.




515 Rental Hsg. Direct




538 Rental Hsg. Guar.




Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans




Grants & Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair




516 Farm Labor Hsg.




523 Self-Help TA




533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants




521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. contracts)
Preservation RA
New Construction 515 RA
New Construction 514/516 RA




542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers




Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)




Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.




(a) For Section 502 direct, $1.12 billion in regular appropriations and $1 billion from the Recovery Act. For Section 502 guaranteed, $6.2 and $10.5 billion.

HUD BUDGET REQUESTS CUTS FOR MANY PROGRAMS IN FY 2011. The Administration’s HUD budget would increase homelessness programs, rental assistance, the Public Housing Operating Fund, and HOPWA, while cutting CDBG, HOME, Indian housing, Sections 202 and 811, fair housing, and the Public Housing Capital Fund. The Housing Trust Fund would be funded at $1 billion. For the first time since the late 1990s a President’s budget proposes to eliminate SHOP. No funding is requested for the new Rural Innovation Fund, which replaced the Rural Housing and Economic Development Program in 2010 appropriations, at HUD’s urging. The budget also proposes new initiatives on “Transforming Rental Assistance” and “Catalytic Investments.” Details are at https://ruralhome.org.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009
Approp. (a)

FY 2010 Approp.

FY 2011 Budget

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants
Sustainable Commun. Init.
Rural Innovation Fund
University Community Fund
Catalytic Investment Grants (b)








Housing Trust Fund



Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.




Project-Based Rental Asstnce.




Transforming Rental Asstnce. (c)


Vets. Affairs Spptve Hsg. Vouchers




Public Hsg. Capital Fund




Public Hsg. Operating Fund




Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)




Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative (d)



Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant




Native Hawaiian Hsg. Block Grant




Homeless Assistance Grants




Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS




202 Hsg. for Elderly




811 Hsg. for Disabled




Fair Housing




Rural Hsg. & Econ. Dev. (RHED)




Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)




Lead Hazard Control




Housing Counseling




Transformation Initiative (e)



Energy Innovation Fund



(a) 2009 levels include Recovery Act funds. (b) New program for economic development and gap financing for community revitalization. (c) New program for rental preservation, efficiency and resident choice. (d) Demonstration, initially proposed in FY 2010 budget to replace HOPE VI. (e) New initiative to combat mortgage fraud and to transform ways in which HUD does business.

RULES PROPOSED FOR NEW RURAL WATER/WASTEWATER PREDEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM. Comments are due February 22 on draft regulations for USDA’s new Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households (SEARCH) program for financially distressed rural communities with populations below 2,500. Nonprofits, public agencies, and tribes will be eligible for grants to cover water and waste disposal project feasibility studies, designs, and applications. See Federal Register, 1/22/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Anita O’Brien, RD, 202-690-3789, anita.obrien@usda.gov.

USDA ANNOUNCES SELF-HELP FORUMS. Rural Development will hold forums on its self-help program around the country between February and June, with an emphasis on the Technical and Management Assistance contracts under Section 523. See Federal Register, 2/2/10 and https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rhs/Admin/2010SelfHelpForums.htm. Contact Debra S. Arnold, RD, 202-720-1366, debra.arnold@wdc.usda.gov. Watch for additional details at https://ruralhome.org as they become available.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: January 20, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Exurbs and rural coastal counties had the most housing growth, 2000-2008 • FHFA seeks comments on diversity rule • HUD takes over HOPE for Homeowners program • Green building uses for recovery funds examined • Federal water-wastewater efforts on U.S.-Mexico border ineffective, GAO finds • Long term strategies needed to address tax credit slump, report concludes • Winter strategies for homeless highlighted • Webinars offered on Strategies for Community Prosperity • Affordable Housing Finance seeks award nominations • Economic impact of aid to renters studied • Resources available to help families claim tax credits • Community leaders social networking site includes rural development • SAVE THE DATE FOR HAC’S NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE 2010!

January 6, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 2

EXURBS AND RURAL COASTAL COUNTIES HAD THE MOST HOUSING GROWTH, 2000-2008. An analysis of Census Bureau data by The Daily Yonder, an online rural news source, includes a map showing the greatest gains and losses in rural housing units at https://www.dailyyonder.com/new-housing-increases-fastest-exurbs/2010/01/12 /2536. A previous Daily Yonder article reporting that exurban counties lost the most rural jobs from June 2008 to June 2009 is at https://www.dailyyonder.com/welcome-exurban-recession/2009/08/04/2271.

FHFA SEEKS COMMENTS ON DIVERSITY RULE. A rule proposed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency would implement recent legislation requiring FHFA, the Federal Home Loan Banks, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac to promote diversity in all activities and at every level of the organizations. Comments are due March 12. See Federal Register, 1/11/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Eric Howard, Eric.Howard@fhfa.gov, 202-408-2502.

HUD TAKES OVER HOPE FOR HOMEOWNERS PROGRAM. Comments are due March 15 on an interim rule governing the FHA’s H4H refinancing insurance program, previously administered by a board comprised of several agencies. See Federal Register, 1/12/10 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Margaret Burns, 202-708-2121.

GREEN BUILDING USES FOR RECOVERY FUNDS EXAMINED. A report from the U.S. Green Building Council – “Top 10 Ways to Use Recovery Funds for Green Building” – and other resources are posted at https://www.usgbc.org/DisplayPage.aspx?CMSPageID=1962.

FEDERAL WATER-WASTEWATER EFFORTS ON U.S.-MEXICO BORDER INEFFECTIVE, GAO FINDS. A new report recommends solutions for the lack of comprehensive needs data and coordination. Rural Water Infrastructure: Improved Coordination and Funding Processes Could Enhance Federal Efforts to Meet Needs in the U.S.-Mexico Border Region (GAO-10-126) is available free at https://www.gao.gov or for a charge from GAO, 866-801-7077. (Toll free)

LONG TERM STRATEGIES NEEDED TO ADDRESS TAX CREDIT SLUMP, REPORT CONCLUDES. The Disruption of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Causes, Consequences, Responses, and Proposed Correctives, published by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies, examines the new Tax Credit Assistance Program and Tax Credit Exchange Program. Visit https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/ or contact the Joint Center, 617-495-7908.

WINTER STRATEGIES FOR HOMELESS HIGHLIGHTED. The National Coalition for the Homeless has released Winter Homeless Services: Bringing Our Neighbors in from the Cold. Available at https://www.nationalhomeless.org, the report suggests ways to reduce the incidence of hypothermia for people experiencing homelessness.

WEBINARS OFFERED ON STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY PROSPERITY. The Heartland Center for Leadership Development and the RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship offer a series of five webinars from January through May focusing on energizing and rebuilding rural communities, at $59.99 each or $250.00 for the series. Visit https://www.heartlandcenter.info/webinar_reg/.

AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINANCE SEEKS AWARD NOMINATIONS. The magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards, which include a rural category, will go to affordable housing projects using LIHTC or other financing in 2009 or 2010. Visit https://www.housingfinance.com/. Contact AHF, 415-315-1241, ext. 309 or dkimura@hanleywood.com.

ECONOMIC IMPACT OF AID TO RENTERS STUDIED. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities calculates that $1 billion added to the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program would assist 200,000 families and help strengthen the rental housing market. Options for Jobs Legislation: Providing $1 Billion to Prevent Homelessness is available at https://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3032.

RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO HELP FAMILIES CLAIM TAX CREDITS. Information and materials for the Earned Income Tax Credit and other credits are available from the National Women’s Law Center. Visit https://www.nwlc.org/details.cfm?id=3136&section=tax or email Melanie Ross Levin, mrosslevin@nwlc.org.

COMMUNITY LEADERS SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE INCLUDES RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Leaders for Communities, developed by NeighborWorks America®, is intended to connect current and future leaders at community development organizations across the country. Participate can discuss topics, share and view resources, access and post job listings, and more. Visit https://www.leadersforcommunities.org.

December 1-3, 2010! Details will be posted at https://ruralhome.org as available.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: January 06, 2010

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Housing Trust Fund and public housing included in House jobs bill • House votes to extend tax credit exchange and New Markets Tax Credit for one year • HUD reminds PHAs and others of nondiscrimination and accessibility requirements • HUD income verification rule finalized • New RESPA booklet available • Guidance proposed for reverse mortgages • CDFIs may become FHLB members • Comments sought on PHA mortgages • Updated CHAS data published • 2010 Census to begin with an Alaska Native • Using outcome measures, rural America more prosperous than expected • Researchers find medical problems may be a major cause of foreclosures

January 6, 2010
Vol. 39, No. 1

HOUSING TRUST FUND AND PUBLIC HOUSING INCLUDED IN HOUSE JOBS BILL. On December 16 the House passed H.R. 2847, the Jobs for Main Street Act, which would redirect TARP funds to other uses, including $1 billion each for the National Housing Trust Fund and HUD’s Public Housing Capital Fund. The Senate is expected to act on the bill shortly after it returns to work January 20. The House returns January 12. Work begins soon on FY 2011 federal funding also, with the Obama Administration’s release of its FY 2011 budget proposal in early February. H.R. 2847 is available at https://thomas.loc.gov.

HOUSE VOTES TO EXTEND TAX CREDIT EXCHANGE AND NEW MARKETS TAX CREDIT FOR ONE YEAR. H.R. 4213, which passed the House in December and has not yet been considered by the Senate, would extend a number of other tax provisions as well. The bill text is available at https://thomas.loc.gov.

HUD REMINDS PHAS AND OTHERS OF NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. HUD Notice PIH – 2010-2 (HA) summarizes disability laws and regulations applicable to direct and indirect recipients of Public and Indian Housing program funds. It is available at https://www.hud.gov/hudclips and from HUD offices.

HUD INCOME VERIFICATION RULE FINALIZED. Minor changes were made in the proposed rule published October 15, 2009 (see HAC News, 10/14/09). See Federal Register, 12/29/09 or https://www.hud.gov/hudclips. Contact Nicole Faison, HUD, 202-402-4267.

NEW RESPA BOOKLET AVAILABLE. HUD has revised the booklet that lenders and mortgage brokers must give to every mortgage applicant, providing information to help understand the purchase process. The “Settlement Booklet” is posted at https://www.hud.gov/respa. Contact HUD’s RESPA office, 202-708-0502.

GUIDANCE PROPOSED FOR REVERSE MORTGAGES. Comments are due February 16 on Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council guidance for banks, thrifts, and credit unions that offer reverse mortgage products, including mortgages under HUD’s HECM program. FFIEC says these loans are not widespread but it anticipates increases. See Federal Register, 12/16/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Karen Tucker, OCC, 202-874-4428.

CDFIS MAY BECOME FHLB MEMBERS. Implementing a recent law, the Federal Housing Finance Agency has issued a final rule establishing criteria and processes for Community Development Financial Institutions to become members of Federal Home Loan Banks. See Federal Register, 1/5/10 or www.fhfa.gov. Contact Sylvia C. Martinez, FHFA, 202-408-2825, sylvia.martinez@fhfa.gov.

COMMENTS SOUGHT ON PHA MORTGAGES. HUD has proposed terms and conditions for allowing PHAs to mortgage their property, to replace its current case-by-case review. Comments are due January 31. See https://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/programs/ph/capfund/phmp.cfm. Contact Kevin Gallagher, HUD, 202-402-4192.

UPDATED CHAS DATA PUBLISHED. Drawn from the American Community Survey, these housing statistics are used by state and local governments in developing their Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategies and by HUD in apportioning funds. Data are available at https://www.huduser.org/portal/datasets/cp.html. Contact Paul.A.Joice@hud.gov with “CHAS Feedback” in the subject line.

2010 CENSUS TO BEGIN WITH AN ALASKA NATIVE. The Census Bureau has begun its campaign encouraging people to fill out 2010 forms, and Indian Country Today reports that the first officially counted person will be an Alaska Native from the village of Noorvik. Read the story at https://www.indiancountrytoday.com/national /hawaiialaska/80059332.html and learn more in 59 languages at https://2010.census.gov.

USING OUTCOME MEASURES, RURAL AMERICA MORE PROSPEROUS THAN EXPECTED. A University of Illinois study that analyzed unemployment, poverty, high school drop-out rates, and housing conditions rather than economic growth concluded that one in five rural counties in the United States is prosperous. Read a summary at https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2009-12/uoia-ram120209.php or visit https://irx.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/32/3/300 to purchase a published article for $25.

RESEARCHERS FIND MEDICAL PROBLEMS MAY BE A MAJOR CAUSE OF FORECLOSURES. Harvard Law School students surveyed foreclosed homeowners in four states in 2008. More than half identified medical costs, missed work time, and the like as major contributors to their defaults. “Get Sick, Get Out: The Medical Causes of Home Foreclosures” is online at https://ssrn.com/abstract=1416947.

HAC News e-mail subscribers get news faster. Subscribe to the HAC News by e-mail and receive it sooner, plus updates when important news occurs between issues. To switch from print to e-mail, send a request to lawrence@ruralhome.org, including your name and address.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: December 16, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • HUD spending bill nears completion • HUD proposes trust fund allocation formula • Mortgage licensing standards drafted

December 16, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 25

HUD SPENDING BILL NEARS COMPLETION. An omnibus bill making FY 2010 appropriations for HUD and several other federal agencies has passed the House and the Senate, and President Obama is expected to sign it before the current continuing resolution expires December 18. Many HUD programs received increases, and several new initiatives were funded. Replacing the Rural Housing and Economic Development program is a new $25 million Rural Innovations Fund, as proposed by the Obama Administration. The omnibus bill, which also includes the Department of Labor, provides $5.7 million for DOL’s migrant and seasonal housing program, with at least 70% of that amount for permanent housing. USDA’s FY 2010 spending bill became law October 21 (see HAC News, 10/14/09). For the full legislation visit https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
H.R. 3288

FY 2010
H.R. 3288

FY 2010 Final

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants
Sustainable Commun. Init. (a)
Rural Innovation Fund (a)
University Community Fund (a)












Housing Trust Fund





Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Vets. Affairs Spptve Hsg. Vouchers






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative (b)





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant






Native Hawaiian Hsg. Block Grant






Homeless Assistance Grants






Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Rural Hsg. & Econ. Dev. (RHED)






Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Lead Hazard Control






Housing Counseling






Transformation Initiative (c)





Energy Innovation Fund





a. Proposed new initiatives under CDBG. b. Proposed in President’s budget to replace HOPE VI; included in final bill as $65 million demonstration. c. New initiative to combat mortgage fraud.

HUD PROPOSES TRUST FUND ALLOCATION FORMULA. The formula would apportion grants to states from the not-yet-funded National Housing Trust Fund. Comments are due February 2. See Federal Register, 12/4/09, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Marcia Sigal, HUD, 202-708-2684. National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates of state funding are at https://www.nlihc.org/doc/NHTF-State-Estimates.pdf.

MORTGAGE LICENSING STANDARDS DRAFTED. The 2008 Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Mortgage Licensing Act requires state licensing of mortgage originators and a nationwide registration system. Comments are due February 16 on HUD’s proposed enforcement procedures and standards for state laws. See Federal Register, 12/15/09, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact William W. Matchneer III, HUD, 202-708-6401. For information about SAFE and the laws already adopted by many states, visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/ramh/safe/smlicact.cfm and https://mortgage.nationwidelicensingsystem.org/safe/.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: December 2, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • HUD funding bill for FY 2010 still uncertain • Deadlines extended for Section 202 and 811 applications • HOPE VI Main Street grants offered • Green retrofit funds no longer available • Inspection requirements restated for purchases with Section 502 guaranteed loans • RD clarifies State Environmental Coordinator role • HUD seeks ideas for reform • FHA proposes changes related to lenders • Transition period for new H-2A farmworker rules extended • HUD releases some 2010 operating cost adjustment factors • Analyses show poverty increased more in rural places, poverty of rural children varied • High-poverty places described in new report • Housing shortage growing for extremely low-income renters

December 2, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 24

HUD FUNDING BILL FOR FY 2010 STILL UNCERTAIN. A conference committee has not yet met to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the Transportation-HUD appropriations bill. HUD may be included in another continuing resolution when the current CR expires December 18, or may be combined with other agencies in an omnibus funding bill for the remainder of FY 2010. USDA’s FY 2010 bill became law on October 21. Funding levels are at https://ruralhome.org; the law’s text is at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

DEADLINES EXTENDED FOR SECTION 202 AND 811 APPLICATIONS. HUD has made corrections in these programs’ NOFAs. Apply for Section 202 by December 14 and for Section 811 by December 17. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. For 202, contact Alicia Anderson, 202-402-5787, alicia.anderson@hud.gov; for 811, Marvis Hayward, 202-402-2255, marvis.s.hayward@hud.gov.

HOPE VI MAIN STREET GRANTS OFFERED. Local governments in cities under 50,000 population can apply by January 20 to replace unused commercial space with affordable housing. Visit https://www.grants.gov or https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm. Contact Lawrence Gnessin, lawrence.gnessin@hud.gov.

GREEN RETROFIT FUNDS NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Based on the amount of funds remaining, HUD is not accepting further applications for the Green Retrofit Program for Multifamily Housing established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. See Federal Register, 11/16/09 or https://portal.hud.gov/portal/page/portal/RECOVERY/programs/GREEN. Contact HUD’s Office of Affordable Housing Preservation, 202-708-0001.

INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS RESTATED FOR PURCHASES WITH SECTION 502 GUARANTEED LOANS. Appraisals may be prepared by FHA roster appraisers using HUD standards. AN 4476 (Oct. 23, 2009) is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an_list.html or from RD offices.

RD CLARIFIES STATE ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR ROLE. AN 4475 (Sept. 18, 2009) is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an_list.html or from RD offices.

HUD SEEKS IDEAS FOR REFORM. Submit comments, ideas, and votes on HUD’s FY 2010-2015 strategic plan at https://hudideasinaction.uservoice.com. Currently, posted ideas include moving USDA housing programs to HUD, making better use of nonprofits, and many more.

FHA PROPOSES CHANGES RELATED TO LENDERS. To implement 2008 and 2009 laws, FHA proposes to make lenders responsible for approval and oversight of loan correspondents, prohibit some lending entities from originating FHA-insured loans, and increase the net worth requirement for FHA-approved lenders. Comments are due December 30. See Federal Register, 11/30/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact HUD’s Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance, 202-708-1515.

TRANSITION PERIOD FOR NEW H-2A FARMWORKER RULES EXTENDED. As the Department of Labor continues to develop a new regulation for H-2A workers, the period of transition from the old regulation to the new one will now cover employers with dates of need before June 1, 2010. See Federal Register, 11/17/2009 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact William L. Carlson, DOL, 202-693-3010.

HUD RELEASES SOME 2010 OPERATING COST ADJUSTMENT FACTORS. See Federal Register, 11/12/09, or https://www.nls.gov/offices/adm/hudclips/fr/. Contact Charles Capone, HUD, 202-402-3237.

ANALYSES SHOW POVERTY INCREASED MORE IN RURAL PLACES, POVERTY OF RURAL CHILDREN VARIED. Two separate reports consider new Census Bureau data (see HAC News, 9/16/09). The online rural news source Daily Yonder concluded that the gap between urban and rural poverty rates doubled from 2003 to 2008. Visit https://www.dailyyonder.com/poverty-rate-jumps-rural-america/2009/11/23/2466. The Carsey Institute found that poverty for rural children in the Midwest increased from 2007 to 2008. Visit https://carseyinstitute.unh.edu/publications/IB-Mattingly-childpoverty09.pdf

HIGH-POVERTY PLACES DESCRIBED IN NEW REPORT. Poor rural and urban places around the country are profiled in The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America, published by the Brookings Institution and the Federal Reserve Board. Visit https://www.brookings.edu/reports/2008/1024_concentrated_poverty.aspx.

HOUSING SHORTAGE GROWING FOR EXTREMELY LOW-INCOME RENTERS. A National Low Income Housing Coalition analysis of American Community Survey data shows the shortage of units affordable for renters with incomes under 30% of area median grew from 2.7 million units in 2007 to 3.1 million in 2008. There were 37 rental housing units affordable and available for every 100 ELI renter households in 2008. Visit https://www.nlihc.org/detail/article.cfm?article_id=6604&id=48 or contact NLIHC, 202-662-1530.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: November 11, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • November is National Native American Heritage Month: Administration promises action • National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week set for November 15-21 • RD targets Section 502 guarantees for refinancing • USDA National Appeals Division amends procedures • Change to lead repair certification proposed • Disaster recovery input sought • Fannie Mae Deed for Lease™ Program to help homeowners become renters • Homeownership subsidies in 2009 almost four times those for rental housing • Strong state anti-predatory lending laws linked with lower default rates • Rural Voices focuses on nonprofit sustainability • SAVE THE DATE FOR HAC’S NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE 2010!

November 11, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 23

NOVEMBER IS NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH; ADMINISTRATION PROMISES ACTION. At a White House Tribal Nations Conference on November 5, President Obama signed a memorandum requiring federal agency heads to develop detailed plans describing how they will implement Executive Order 13175 issued by President Clinton in 2000, which requires them “to engage in regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of federal policies that have tribal implications.” Obama also asks for annual progress reports and plan updates. See https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/memorandum-tribal-consultation-signed-president or Federal Register, 11/9/09. In addition, Indian Country Today reports USDA Secretary Vilsack told the conference he is committed to resolving Keepseagle v. Vilsack, an ongoing lawsuit charging USDA with discrimination against Indians on farm and ranch loans and emergency assistance. Visit https://www.reznetnews.org/article/questions-about-apology-next-meeting-must-wait-40820.

NATIONAL HUNGER AND HOMELESSNESS AWARENESS WEEK SET FOR NOVEMBER 15-21. The National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Student Campaign Against Hunger & Homelessness encourage schools and communities to use the occasion to bring greater awareness to the problems of hunger and homelessness. Visit https://www.nationalhomeless.org/projects/awareness/index.html.

RD TARGETS SECTION 502 GUARANTEES FOR REFINANCING. USDA is prioritizing $400 million of its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Section 502 guaranteed loan funding to refinance Section 502 direct and guaranteed mortgages. Borrowers must be current on their payments to qualify. See Federal Register, 11/2/09. Contact Debra Terrell, RD, 918-534-3254, debra.terrell@wdc.usda.gov.

USDA NATIONAL APPEALS DIVISION AMENDS PROCEDURES. NAD has made the Administrative Procedure Act generally applicable to agency adjudications, and the Equal Access to Justice Act applicable to NAD hearings. See Federal Register, 11/6/09 or https://www.nad.usda.gov. Contact Adam J. Hermann, NAD, 202-720-5565.

CHANGE TO LEAD REPAIR CERTIFICATION PROPOSED. EPA is proposing to eliminate an “opt-out” provision that exempts a renovation firm from training and work practice requirements for owner-occupied housing if the property owner certifies that no child under age 6 or pregnant woman resides in the home. Comments are due November 27. See Federal Register, 10/28/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Colby Lintner, EPA, 202-554-1404, TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov.

DISASTER RECOVERY INPUT SOUGHT. HUD and the Department of Homeland Security have launched https://www.disasterrecoveryworkinggroup.gov to collect ideas and comments for the Administration’s Long-Term Disaster Recovery Working Group. Comments are due in mid-December.

FANNIE MAE DEED FOR LEASE™ PROGRAM TO HELP HOMEOWNERS BECOME RENTERS. A borrower facing foreclosure who does not qualify for or has not been able to sustain a loan modification can transfer the home to the lender and then lease it back at market rate for up to a year. For details visit https://www.fanniemae.com/.

HOMEOWNERSHIP SUBSIDIES IN 2009 ALMOST FOUR TIMES THOSE FOR RENTAL HOUSING. A Congressional Budget Office Overview of Federal Support for Housing calculates that ownership support was $230 billion, while aid for rental property and tenants was $60 billion. Visit https://www.cbo.gov/doc.cfm?index=10525.

STRONG STATE ANTI-PREDATORY LENDING LAWS LINKED WITH LOWER DEFAULT RATES. “State Anti-Predatory Lending Laws: Impacts and Federal Preemption,” published by the University of North Carolina’s Center for Community Capital, is available at https://www.ccc.unc.edu/news.php.

RURAL VOICES FOCUSES ON NONPROFIT SUSTAINABILITY. In the fall issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine, housing professionals share their experiences on overcoming economic downturns and creating sustainable housing programs. Rural Voices is free online at https://ruralhome.org/information-and-publications. For one free print subscription per organization, contact Lawrence Adams, HAC, 202-842-8600, lawrence@ruralhome.org. To sign up for email notices announcing new issues, visit https://ruralhome.org/information-and-publications/169-sign-up.

SAVE THE DATE FOR HAC’S NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE 2010! Plan to join rural housers from around the country in Washington, DC, December 1-3, 2010! Details will be posted at https://ruralhome.org as available. (The conference is a biennial event; there is no conference in 2009.)

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org