If you need information on affordable rural housing and rural America in a quick, easy-to-digest format, you need the HAC News.

HAC News: October 28, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Second CR will include HUD • USDA appropriations completed • Committee acts to create consumer agency • CDFI Fund offers housing counseling money • HUD suggests Logic Model for ICDBG grantees • OMB emphasizes place-based strategies for 2011 budget

October 28 , 2009
Vol. 38, No. 22

SECOND CR WILL INCLUDE HUD. House-Senate conference committee members have not yet met to discuss the FY 2010 Transportation-HUD appropriations bill. Those agencies and others will be funded temporarily through a second continuing resolution, expected to be effective through December 18. It remains unclear whether the final T‑HUD bill will pass as a stand-alone measure or be folded into an omnibus with other appropriations bills.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
H.R. 3288

FY 2010
H.R. 3288

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants
Sustainable Commun. Init.(a)
Rural Innovation Fund (a)
University Community Fund (a)










Housing Trust Fund


0 (b)

0 (b)

Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)





Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative (c)




Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Native Hawaiian Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grants





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Rural Hsg. & Econ. Dev. (RHED)


0 (d)

0 (d)

0 (d)

Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Lead Hazard Control





Housing Counseling





Transformation Initiative (e)




Energy Innovation Fund




a. Proposed new initiatives under CDBG. b. Bills in both houses would finance the NHTF separately. c. Proposed replacement for HOPE VI. d. $25 million new initiative proposed under CDBG. e. New initiative to combat mortgage fraud.

USDA APPROPRIATIONS COMPLETED. President Obama signed the bill October 21. Funding levels are posted at https://ruralhome.org; the law’s text is at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

COMMITTEE ACTS TO CREATE CONSUMER AGENCY. On October 22 the House Financial Services Committee approved H.R. 3126, a bill to establish a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, aiming to protect Americans from abusive financial products and services such as predatory mortgages. Visit https://thomas.loc.gov for a copy of the bill or https://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/financialsvcs_dem/pressCFPA_102209.shtml for a summary.

CDFI FUND OFFERS HOUSING COUNSELING MONEY. A new pilot program will fund certified housing counseling agencies to educate prospective homebuyers. Deadline is November 19. See Federal Register, 10/16/09 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact CDFI Fund staff, 202-622-6355, cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov.

HUD SUGGESTS LOGIC MODEL FOR ICDBG GRANTEES. Comments are due December 22 on a proposal to require Indian CDBG recipients to prepare the Logic Model already required for other competitive HUD programs. See Federal Register, 10/23/09, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Deborah Lalancette, HUD, 303-675-1600.

OMB EMPHASIZES PLACE-BASED STRATEGIES FOR 2011 BUDGET. An August 11 Office of Management and Budget memo asks federal agencies to use place-based strategies in their FY 2011 budget proposals, noting that rural places and Indian Country face special challenges and that it is important to coordinate rural development programs with broader regional initiatives. Visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/assets/memoranda_fy2009/m09-28.pdf.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: October 14, 2009

ownloads/map’);=”pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/downloads/map’);”>Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • USDA appropriations set for FY 2010 • HUD appropriations bill awaits conference committee action • House and Senate bills would fund National Housing Trust Fund • Family Unification Program funds offered • Comments requested on lead dust and paint • Revisions proposed for Enterprise Income Verification system • HUD to change tax credit equity escrow requirements • Deadline extended for Section 8 income limits “hold harmless” provision • Difficult Development Areas and Qualified Census Tracts designated • Deadline now October 20 for comments on new H2-A rule • USDA RD revises multifamily transfer information • Fact sheets summarize tax credit shortages and benefits for each state • Surgeon General suggests action for healthy homes • Benefits of reduced blood lead levels calculated • HAC publishes rural foreclosure research

USDA APPROPRIATIONS SET FOR FY 2010. Both the House and Senate have passed a final compromise version of H.R. 2997, including funding for rural housing programs in the fiscal year that began October 1, and President Obama is expected to sign the bill soon. The measure continues most rural housing programs at the levels provided in 2009 appropriations legislation (without taking the American Recovery and Revitalization Act into account). The very prominent exception is a doubling of the Section 502 guaranteed loan program from $6.2 billion in 2009 to $12 billion in 2010. Section 514 and 516 farm labor housing, Section 523 self-help housing, Section 521 rental assistance, and the multifamily housing preservation program also receive increases. The table below has details. Visit https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html for the bill text and committee reports.

USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
House Cmte.
H.R. 2997

FY 2010
Sen. Cmte.
S. 1406

H.R. 2997


502 Single Fam. Direct






502 Single Family Guar.






504 Very Low-inc. Repair






514 Farm Labor Hsg.






515 Rental Hsg. Direct






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans






Grants and Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair






516 Farm Labor Hsg.






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. contracts)






Preservation RA






New Construction 515 RA






New Construction 514/516 RA






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






HAC will post updates at https://ruralhome.org as available.

HOUSE AND SENATE BILLS WOULD FUND NATIONAL HOUSING TRUST FUND. H.R. 3766, introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), would transfer $1 billion from the bank bailout Troubled Asset Relief Program to the NHTF. S. 1731, sponsored by Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), would rely on funds generated from certain TARP transactions. A National Low Income Housing Coalition comparison of the bills’ contents is posted at https://www.nlihc.org/doc/Comparison-frank-reed-bills.pdf. Both bills are available at https://thomas.loc.gov (search by bill number).

FAMILY UNIFICATION PROGRAM FUNDS OFFERED. Applications are due December 3. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm. Contact Stephanie Y. McQueen, Stephanie.Y.Mcqueen@hud.gov, 202-708-0477, or the NOFA Information Center, 1-800-HUD-8929.

COMMENTS REQUESTED ON LEAD DUST AND PAINT. Comments are due October 21 on issues raised in a petition to EPA from the National Center for Healthy Housing, Alliance for Healthy Homes, and others. See Federal Register, 10/6/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Colby Linter, EPA, 202-554-1404, TSCA-Hotline@epa.gov

REVISIONS PROPOSED FOR ENTERPRISE INCOME VERIFICATION SYSTEM. This system will check the employment and income of tenants with HUD assistance. Comments are due November 16. See Federal Register, 10/15/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Nicole Faison, HUD, 202-402-4267.

HUD TO CHANGE TAX CREDIT EQUITY ESCROW REQUIREMENTS. HUD seeks comments by December 8 on rule changes intended to reduce burdens on use of Low Income Housing Tax Credits, including removing the requirement to escrow equity to cover future costs. See Federal Register, 10/9/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Iris Agubuzo, HUD, 202-402-2662.

DEADLINE EXTENDED FOR SECTION 8 INCOME LIMITS “HOLD HARMLESS” PROVISION. (See HAC News, 9/16/09.) Comments are now due November 6. See Federal Register, 10/7/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Marie L. Lihn, HUD, 202-708-0590.

DIFFICULT DEVELOPMENT AREAS AND QUALIFIED CENSUS TRACTS DESIGNATED. HUD identifies DDAs and QCTs for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit. See Federal Register, 10/6/09 or https://www.huduser.org/datasets/qct.html. Contact Michael K. Hollar, HUD, 202-402-5878, Michael.K.Hollar@hud.gov.

DEADLINE NOW OCTOBER 20 FOR COMMENTS ON NEW H2-A RULE. (See HAC News, 9/16/09.) See Federal Register, 10/2/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact William L. Carlson, DOL, 202-693-3010.

FACT SHEETS SUMMARIZE TAX CREDIT SHORTAGES AND BENEFITS FOR EACH STATE. Published by Affordable Rental Housing A.C.T.I.O.N., a coalition of nonprofit and for-profit developers and others, the briefs are posted at https://rentalhousingaction.org.

SURGEON GENERAL SUGGESTS ACTION FOR HEALTHY HOMES. Recommendations are included for governments, community organizations, individuals, health care providers, and others. The Surgeon General’s Call to Action for Healthy Homes is available at https://www.surgeongeneral.gov/topics/healthyhomes/index.html or from the Centers for Disease Control, 1-800-CDC-INFO or cdcinfo@cdc.gov.

BENEFITS OF REDUCED BLOOD LEAD LEVELS CALCULATED. A scholarly article in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine estimates the substantial dollar value of the lower crime and higher high school graduation rates that might occur if all U.S. children had low blood lead levels. An abstract is at https://archpedi.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/abstract/163/9/844 and the full article can be purchased there for $15 plus local tax.

HAC PUBLISHES RURAL FORECLOSURE RESEARCH. What is the Housing Foreclosure Situation in Rural America? reports on available data, notes special rural considerations, and provides recommendations, and is free at https://ruralhome.org or for $3.00 from Lawrence Adams, HAC, 202-842-8600, lawrence@ruralhome.org.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: September 30, 2009

ownloads/map’);=”pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/downloads/map’);”>Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • CR expected through October • HUD offers funds for homelessness, healthy housing • Assets for Independence grant applications due January 15, 2010 • CDFI Fund issues FY 2010 NOFA • RD guidance discusses stable, dependable income for Section 502 guaranteed borrowers • USDA withdraws guaranteed loans unified platform • FY 2010 final Fair Market Rents published • HUD explains protecting tenants in NSP properties • U.S. to host U.N. World Habitat Day on October 5 • IRS data on migration patterns shows coasts and small metro areas popular • Baby boom migration likely to impact rural America, ERS reports • Top 1% got two-thirds of U.S. income gains, 2002-2007

September 30, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 20

CR EXPECTED THROUGH OCTOBER. The House of Representatives adopted a stopgap continuing resolution on September 25 to keep government agencies, including HUD and USDA, funded through October 31. The Senate is expected to approve the CR before the new fiscal year begins October 1. This move will allow Congress to complete work on 2010 appropriations bills. House-Senate conferences to resolve differences between bills are expected to begin next week.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS FOR HOMELESSNESS, HEALTHY HOUSING. Apply for Continuum of Care funds by November 9. Visit https://www.hudhre.info/.Questions may be submitted only at https://www.hudhre.info/helpdesk/index.cfm?do=viewHelpdesk. The deadline to apply for the Green and Healthy Homes and Technical Studies Program is November 17, the Lead Hazard Control Capacity Building Program November 19, and the Healthy Homes Demonstration Program November 24. For details visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. Contact Peter J. Ashley, 202-402-7595, Peter.J.Ashley@hud.gov.

ASSETS FOR INDEPENDENCE GRANT APPLICATIONS DUE JANUARY 15, 2010. The Department of Health and Human Services program enables local nonprofits and government agencies to establish Individual Development Account programs to help families save for homeownership or other goals. Visit www.acf.hhs.gov/assetbuilding/ for details. To request an application kit, contact info@idaresources.org or 1-866-778-6037.

CDFI FUND ISSUES FY 2010 NOFA. Certified Community Development Financial Institutions can apply by November 18 for financial assistance, technical assistance, or a combination. Apply by October 14 for CDFI certification. Visit https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact CDFI Fund staff, cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov, 202-622-6355.

RD GUIDANCE DISCUSSES STABLE, DEPENDABLE INCOME FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEED BORROWERS. A new Administrative Notice is intended to help RD and private lenders evaluate homebuyers’ income sources. AN 4474 is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an_list.html or from RD offices.

USDA WITHDRAWS GUARANTEED LOANS UNIFIED PLATFORM. RD will develop a new proposal for its commercial lending only, stating the interim rule published December 17, 2008 was too broad because it combined commercial lending and community development in establishing a single platform for guaranteed lending for Community Facilities; Water and Waste Disposal; Business and Industry; and Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects. See Federal Register, 9/21/09. Contact Michael Foore, RD, Michael.Foore@wdc.usda.gov, 202-690-4730.

FY 2010 FINAL FAIR MARKET RENTS PUBLISHED. See Federal Register, 9/30/09 or https://www.huduser.org/datasets/fmr.html, or contact a HUD office.

HUD EXPLAINS PROTECTING TENANTS IN NSP PROPERTIES. A recent HUD document summarizes the various tenant protection rules that apply to Neighborhood Stabilization Program properties. Visit www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/communitydevelopment/programs/neighborhoodspg/index.cfm or contact a HUD office.

U.S. TO HOST U.N. WORLD HABITAT DAY ON OCTOBER 5. This year’s theme is “Planning Our Urban Future” and the U.S. is hosting the celebration for the first time, with events intended to raise awareness of the need to improve urban planning to deal with new major challenges of the 21st century. Visit https://www.hud.gov/whd/.

IRS DATA ON MIGRATION PATTERNS SHOWS COASTS AND SMALL METRO AREAS POPULAR. University of Kansas researchers studied data on taxpayer moves between counties and found three broad trends: outmigration from very rural areas, migration to areas with pleasant weather and natural amenities (especially coastal regions), and outmigration from very large urban centers to smaller urban centers. The County-to-County Migration of Taxpayers and their Incomes, 1995-2006 is at https://www.news.ku.edu/2009/september/24/arthall.shtml.

BABY BOOM MIGRATION LIKELY TO IMPACT RURAL AMERICA, ERS REPORTS. USDA’s Economic Research Service finds that if baby boomers follow past migration patterns, the nonmetro population age 55-75 will increase by 30% between now and 2020. Baby Boom Migration and Its Impact on Rural America is available at https://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/ERR79/ or from USDA, 1-800-999-6779.

TOP 1% GOT TWO-THIRDS OF U.S. INCOME GAINS, 2002-2007. A Center for Budget and Policy Priorities analysis of IRS data notes that the top 1% of households also held a larger share of income in 2007 than at any time since 1928. The recession’s effects on income concentration are not yet known, but CBPP predicts concentration will fall in 2008 and 2009 and then rise again unless significant policy changes occur. Top 1 Percent of Americans Reaped Two-Thirds of Income Gains in Last Economic Expansion is at https://www.cbpp.org/cms/?fa=view&id=2908.

Housing Assistance Council
1025 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 606, Washington DC 20005
(202) 842-8600 | hac@ruralhome.org | www.ruralhome.org

HAC News: September 16, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Spending bills on track? • HUD seeks input on holding Section 8 income limits harmless • NOFAs issued for 202, 811, ALCP, and Service Coordinators • Continuous guarantee demonstration offered for Section 538 • Flood insurance regulations changed • New regulation proposed for H-2A workers • USDA audit guide updated for programs including Section 515 • Recession’s rural impacts summarized • Poverty remains higher in rural areas • Guidebook published for ACS rural data • Lower and higher income people help others in different ways, research finds

September 16, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 19

SPENDING BILLS ON TRACK? With the 2010 fiscal year starting October 1, a continuing resolution appears certain for at least part of the government over at least a short period of time. USDA’s appropriations bill passed both the House (H.R. 2997) and Senate (S. 1406) in mid-summer. The Transportation-HUD bill (H.R. 3288) passed the House in July and is likely to pass the Senate this week. Updates will be posted at https://ruralhome.org and the bills are available at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

HUD SEEKS INPUT ON HOLDING SECTION 8 INCOME LIMITS HARMLESS. Comments are due October 14 on discontinuing HUD’s “hold harmless” policy, which keeps Section 8 income limits from changing when HUD estimates or methodological changes would reduce them. See Federal Register, 9/14/09, https://www.huduser.org/datasets/il.html, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Marie L. Lihn or Lynn A. Rodgers, HUD, 202-708-0590.

NOFAS ISSUED FOR 202, 811, ALCP, AND SERVICE COORDINATORS. Applications are due Nov. 13 for Section 202 elderly housing, Nov. 16 for Section 811 housing for people with disabilities, Nov. 5 for the Assisted Living Conversion Program, and Nov. 5 for Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing. See Federal Register, 9/8/09 or https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm. Contact Aretha M. Williams, HUD, 202-402-2480.

CONTINUOUS GUARANTEE DEMONSTRATION OFFERED FOR SECTION 538. For projects using Low Income Housing Tax Credits that have USDA Section 538 guarantee commitments approved in 2008 or 2009 but not yet closed, lenders can apply to receive continuous loan note guarantees through the construction and permanent loan financing phases. While funds last, selections will be made once a month starting September 18 and ending in December 2009. See Federal Register, 9/15/09. Contact Tammy Daniels, RD, tammy.daniels@wdc.usda.gov.

FLOOD INSURANCE REGULATIONS CHANGED. FEMA is finalizing regulations that implement the Severe Repetitive Loss program, which offers mitigation assistance for National Flood Insurance Program properties that have had repeated flood claims. Regulations are also modified for other flood related programs. See Federal Register, 9/16/09. Contact Cecelia Rosenberg, FEMA, 202-646-3321, cecelia.rosenberg@dhs.gov.

NEW REGULATION PROPOSED FOR H-2A WORKERS. After withdrawing the Bush Administration’s proposal (see HAC News, 6/10/09), the Department of Labor has proposed new changes for the certification of H-2A temporary farmworkers and the enforcement of employers’ contractual obligations. Comments are due October 5. See Federal Register, 9/4/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact William L. Carlson, DOL, 202-693-3010.

USDA AUDIT GUIDE UPDATED FOR PROGRAMS INCLUDING SECTION 515. Audits of recipients of some RD funding, including Section 515 rental housing loans but no other housing programs, must be conducted in accordance with this guide. See Unnumbered Letter dated September 1, 2009 and USDA Rural Development Audit Program, available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/ulseptember09.pdf or from RD offices.

RECESSION’S RURAL IMPACTS SUMMARIZED. Rural America At A Glance, 2009 Edition describes the effects of the current recession on rural America, including employment, homeownership, and poverty, and is available at https://www.ers.usda.gov/Publications/EIB59/ or from USDA, 1-800-999-6779.

POVERTY REMAINS HIGHER IN RURAL AREAS. Census Bureau estimates released September 10 show the national poverty rate rose from 2007 to 2008. The nonmetro poverty rate did not change, but at 15.5% remains higher than the 13.2% national rate. Nationwide household median income fell from $52,163 in 2007 to $50,303 in 2008. The nonmetro median was $40,785 in 2008, down 3.3 percentage points from 2007. A data summary is available at https://ruralhome.org, and the full report, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008, is available at https://www.census.gov/prod/2009pubs/p60-236.pdf.

GUIDEBOOK PUBLISHED FOR ACS RURAL DATA. A Compass for Understanding and Using American Community Survey Data: What Users of Data for Rural Areas Need to Know is intended to introduce the ACS to those who use rural social, economic, and housing data. ACS will provide regularly updated data that can be updated frequently and will replace some of the data previously provided in the decennial Census. The guide is at https://www.census.gov/acs/www/Downloads/ACSRuralAreaHandbook.pdf.

LOWER AND HIGHER INCOME PEOPLE HELP OTHERS IN DIFFERENT WAYS, RESEARCH FINDS. An annual National Conference on Citizenship study of civic engagement broadened its scope this year to include giving food, money, or shelter to others in addition to volunteering, and found that lower income people were more likely to share with others than to undertake traditional volunteer activities. America’s Civic Health Index 2009: Civic Health in Hard Times is free at https://www.ncoc.net or $2.50 plus shipping from NCOC, 202-331-2098, info@ncoc.net.

HAC News: September 2, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Family homelessness increasing, especially in rural and suburban areas • HUD offers funds for Sections 202 and 811, and others • E-snaps registration information available for Continuums of Care • USDA RD issues annual CNA advice • HUD delays income verification rule • Final HECM counseling rule issued • TCEP spending requirement eased • Website compiles state laws that impact healthy homes • Manual published for organizations focusing on rapid rehousing • Lack of affordable housing is primary cause of family homelessness, research review concludes • Annual KIDS COUNT data released • Register now for September 24 rural preservation conference

Corrected September 4, 2009

September 2 , 2009 (Corrected September 4, 2009)
Vol. 38, No. 18

FAMILY HOMELESSNESS INCREASING, ESPECIALLY IN RURAL AND SUBURBAN AREAS. HUD’s 2008 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, released in July, includes data through September 2008 when the economic recession began and found a 9% increase from 2007 to 2008 in homeless families using shelters. The report is free at https://www.hud.gov/news/release.cfm?content=pr09-108.cfm.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS FOR SECTIONS 202 AND 811, AND OTHERS. Apply by November 5 for the Assisted Living Conversion Program or for Service Coordinators in Multifamily Housing, by November 13 for the Section 202 elderly housing program, and by November 16 for Section 811 housing for people with disabilities. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov.

E-SNAPS REGISTRATION INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR CONTINUUMS OF CARE. Before seeking 2009 funding from HUD, Continuums of Care must register at https://www.hud.gov/esnaps. See Federal Register, 9/2/09 or https://www.hudhre.info. Contact a HUD Field Office or send questions via https://www.hudhre.info/helpdesk.

USDA RD ISSUES ANNUAL CNA ADVICE. “Guidance on the Capital Needs Assessment Process,” an Unnumbered Letter dated August 20, 2009, explains the CNA process for RD-funded multifamily housing and is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/ulaugust09.pdf or from RD offices.

HUD DELAYS INCOME VERIFICATION RULE. HUD’s “Refinement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs” published on January 27, 2009 (see HAC News, 2/4/09) will be effective January 31, 2010. See Federal Register, 8/28/09 or https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/hudclips/fr/. Contact Nicole Faison, HUD, 202-402-4267.

FINAL HECM COUNSELING RULE ISSUED. HUD is establishing testing standards to qualify Home Equity Conversion Mortgage counselors to work with prospective borrowers and setting up a HECM counselor roster. See Federal Register, 9/2/09 or https://www.hud.gov/localoffices. Contact Margaret Burns, HUD, 202-708-2121.

TCEP SPENDING REQUIREMENT EASED. An interim final rule from the Treasury Department requires state housing credit agencies to use Tax Credit Exchange Program funds to make subawards before January 1, 2011 rather than disburse the funds by that date. Comments are due September 30, 2009. See Federal Register, 8/31/09, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Ellen Neubauer, Treasury, 202-622-0560, ellen.neubauer@do.treas.gov.

WEBSITE COMPILES STATE LAWS THAT IMPACT HEALTHY HOMES. The National Center for Healthy Housing and the National Conference of State Legislatures prepared https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/healthy_homes/hhtc, providing links to state landlord-tenant laws, housing/maintenance codes, health/sanitation codes, and others. Contact Tom Neltner, tneltner@nchh.org, 410-992-0712.

MANUAL PUBLISHED FOR ORGANIZATIONS FOCUSING ON RAPID REHOUSING. Organizational Change: Adopting a Housing First Approach and other resources are available from the National Alliance to End Homelessness at https://endhomelessness.org/resource/housing-first/.

LACK OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS PRIMARY CAUSE OF FAMILY HOMELESSNESS, RESEARCH REVIEW CONCLUDES. A review of existing research has affirmed that the primary cause for most homelessness among families is the inability to find housing they can afford. Enterprise Community Partners and the National Alliance to End Homelessness, which commissioned the study, conclude that for the vast majority of unsheltered American families, homelessness can be alleviated through rental subsidies. Ending Homelessness for Families: The Evidence for Affordable Housing is free at https://www.endhomelessness.org/content/article/detail/2466/.

ANNUAL KIDS COUNT DATA RELEASED. The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual publication provides a national and state-by-state picture of child well-being including overall state rankings. The online KIDS COUNT Data Center has been expanded to include data for communities, including counties. Visit https://www.kidscount.org.

REGISTER NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 24 RURAL PRESERVATION CONFERENCE. HAC will convene “Preserving Rural Rental Housing: A Conference on Policy and Practice” in Washington, D.C. with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Hear from key members of Congress, leaders in Section 515 preservation legislation, expert congressional and USDA staff, and local practitioners. Visit https://ruralhome.org.

HAC News: August 19, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Appropriations documents now online • Funds offered for Native American CDFIs • HUD revises Tax Credit Assistance Program requirements • 2009 affordable housing goals set for Fannie and Freddie • FEMA proposes limits on assistance for repeated damage to public facilities • Tenant foreclosure protection explanations offered • Job losses highest in exurbs, analyses find • HUD offers Secretary’s Opportunity and Empowerment Award • Many public notices collected online • Rural Tour website established • Registration open for September 24 rural rental preservation conference

August 19 , 2009
Vol. 38, No. 17

APPROPRIATIONS DOCUMENTS NOW ONLINE. House and Senate bills and reports for USDA and HUD FY 2010 funding (see HAC News, 7/22/09 and 8/5/09) are posted at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

FUNDS OFFERED FOR NATIVE AMERICAN CDFIS. The CDFI Fund will provide capital and technical assistance grants to existing or proposed Community Development Financial Institutions that serve primarily Native American, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian communities. Applications for CDFI certification are due September 16 and for the NACA program October 7. Visit https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact Chris James, jamesc@cdfi.treas.gov.

HUD REVISES TAX CREDIT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. TCAP, created by the February 2009 Recovery Act, helps states fill gaps in Low Income Housing Tax Credit financing. See Federal Register, 8/6/09 or https://portal.hud.gov/portal/page/portal/RECOVERY/programs/TAX. Contact Clifford Taffet, HUD, 1-800-998-9999.

2009 AFFORDABLE HOUSING GOALS SET FOR FANNIE AND FREDDIE. A final Federal Housing Finance Agency rule adjusts the goals to fit current market conditions. It also permits loans owned or guaranteed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac that are modified under the Administration’s Making Home Affordable Program to be treated as mortgage purchases and count for purposes of the housing goals. See Federal Register, 8/10/09 or https://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx?Page=89. Contact Nelson Hernandez, FHFA, 202-408-2993.

FEMA PROPOSES LIMITS ON ASSISTANCE FOR REPEATED DAMAGE TO PUBLIC FACILITIES. FEMA’s Public Assistance program covers 75% of repair or replacement cost for public facilities damaged by major disasters. Comments are due October 13 on a proposed rule that would limit FEMA’s share to 25% if an owner has not tried to mitigate damages for a facility damaged more than once by the same type of disaster. See Federal Register, 8/11/09 or www.regulations.gov. Contact Tod Wells, FEMA, 202-646-3936, Tod.Wells@dhs.gov.

TENANT FORECLOSURE PROTECTION EXPLANATIONS OFFERED. The Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act of 2009 (see HAC News, 5/27/09) applies to property owners including banks, so at least two of the four lender regulatory agencies have published information for lenders. A Federal Reserve Board’s notice is at https://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/caletters/2009/0905/caltr0905.htm and an Office of the Comptroller of the Currency bulletin is at https://www.occ.gov/ftp/bulletin/2009-28.html. Additional information for tenants is collected at https://www.nlihc.org/template/page.cfm?id=227 and more is available through a web search.

JOB LOSSES HIGHEST IN EXURBS, ANALYSES FIND. The Daily Yonder online rural news site reports exurban counties lost a higher percentage of their jobs from June 2008 to June 2009 than did either urban or rural counties. The article, including lists of exurban and rural counties with high jobs losses, is at https://www.dailyyonder.com/welcome-exurban-recession/2009/08/04/2271. Similarly, a Brookings Institution study found that, in the 100 largest metro areas, unemployment grew rapidly in cities and all types of suburbs from May 2008 to May 2009. In May 2009 the lowest-density, outermost suburban areas had the highest unemployment rate (9.0%) among suburban community types. “This may reflect the impacts of the housing-led downturn on employment in lower-density outlying suburbs,” Brookings concludes, “particularly those communities that were fueled by the housing boom in the years leading up to the recession.” The Landscape of Recession: Unemployment and Safety Net Services Across Urban and Suburban America is at https://www.brookings.edu/papers/2009/0722_recession_kneebone.aspx.

HUD OFFERS SECRETARY’S OPPORTUNITY AND EMPOWERMENT AWARD. Submit entries by September 8 through the American Planning Association website at https://www.planning.org/awards. The award honors excellence in community planning that has led to measurable benefits in terms of increased economic employment, education, or housing choice or mobility for low- and moderate-income residents. Contact Roberta Rewers, APA, 312-786-6395, rrewers@planning.org.

MANY PUBLIC NOTICES COLLECTED ONLINE. Notices placed in many newspapers around the country are collected in a searchable database at https://www.mypublicnotices.com.

RURAL TOUR WEBSITE ESTABLISHED. Viewers can read about the Obama Administration’s Rural Tour and leave comments at https://www.ruraltour.gov.

REGISTRATION OPEN FOR SEPTEMBER 24 RURAL RENTAL PRESERVATION CONFERENCE. HAC will convene “Preserving Rural Rental Housing: A Conference on Policy and Practice” in Washington, D.C. with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Hear from key members of Congress, leaders in Section 515 preservation legislation, expert congressional and USDA staff, and local practitioners. Visit www.ruralhome.org.

HAC News: August 5, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • Senate passes FY 2010 USDA appropriations bill • HUD funding bills passed by full House and by Senate committee • USDA announces ARRA Section 502 funds • Comments requested on GSEs’ duty to serve underserved markets including rural areas • Proposed Fair Market Rents for 2010 released • AHP refinancing role may be broadened • FHFA addresses multiple topics for Federal Home Loan Banks • Comments sought on use of Section 108 guarantees outside CDBG entitlement areas • FHA requests comments on insufficient credit histories • New flood insurance guidance for lenders • 2009 data show rent subsidy use rising in USDA multifamily housing • SSN/TIN requirement clarified for 502 and 504 borrowers • Local data on seriously delinquent mortgages published

August 5, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 16

SENATE PASSES FY 2010 USDA APPROPRIATIONS BILL. H.R. 2997 was approved by the full Senate on August 4. Housing program funding levels are the same as those reported in the HAC News, 7/22/09 and are available on HAC’s website. The full House and Senate bills are posted at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html. After Congress’s August recess, a conference committee will resolve differences between the House and Senate bills.

HUD FUNDING BILLS PASSED BY FULL HOUSE AND BY SENATE COMMITTEE. The 2010 HUD appropriations bill passed by the House on July 23 would provide higher funding levels for most programs than the version approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee on July 30. Both bills would move the Rural Housing and Economic Development program’s $25 million to a new Rural Innovation Fund, although the Senate Committee’s report directs HUD to retain the program’s current structure. The bills and reports were not available at print time .

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
H.R. 3288

FY 2010 Senate Approps. Comm.
H.R. 3288

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants
Sustainable Commun. Init.(a)
Rural Innovation Fund (a)
University Community Fund (a)










Housing Trust Fund




Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Vets. Affairs Spprtv. Hsg. Vouchers





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)





Choice Neighborhoods Init.(d)



Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Native Hawaiian Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grants





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Rural Hsg. & Econ. Dev. (RHED)


0 (b)

0 (b)

0 (b)

Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Lead Hazard Control





Housing Counseling





Transformation Initiative (c)




Energy Innovation Fund




(a) Proposed new initiatives under CDBG.
(b) $25 million new initiative proposed under CDBG.
(c) New initiative to combat mortgage fraud.
(d) Proposed in President’s budget to replace HOPE VI; authorizing legislation not yet introduced.

USDA ANNOUNCES ARRA SECTION 502 FUNDS. The application process is the same for Section 502 direct and guaranteed loans funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as for those provided by the 2009 appropriations law. For ARRA loans, Davis-Bacon wages are required for any construction or repair (including painting) over $2,000. See Federal Register, 7/23/09 . Contact a USDA Rural Development local or state office.

COMMENTS REQUESTED ON GSES’ DUTY TO SERVE UNDERSERVED MARKETS INCLUDING RURAL AREAS. The Federal Housing Finance Agency will develop regulations to implement Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s duty to serve manufactured housing, affordable housing preservation, and rural areas. Comments are due September 18 on the types of transactions and activities that should be considered and how. See Federal Register, 8/4/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Nelson Hernandez, FHFA, 202-408-2819, Nelson.Hernandez@fhfa.gov.

PROPOSED FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR 2010 RELEASED. Comments are due September 2. See Federal Register, 8/4/09 or www.huduser.org/datasets/fmr.html. Contact Marie L. Lihn, HUD, 202-708-0590.

AHP REFINANCING ROLE MAY BE BROADENED. The Federal Housing Finance Agency proposes to broaden the use of the Affordable Housing Program to assist in refinancing under numerous federal, state and local programs, not only FHA’s program. Comments are due October 5. See Federal Register, 8/4/09 or www.regulations.gov. Contact Nelson Hernandez, FHFA, 202-408-2819, Nelson.Hernandez@fhfa.gov.

FHFA ADDRESSES MULTIPLE TOPICS FOR FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS. See the Federal Register, 8/4/09 or https://www.regulations.gov for: • regulations regarding the board of directors of the FHLB System’s Office of Finance (comments are due October 5; contact Joseph A. McKenzie, 202-408-2845), • research findings on the extent to which loans and securities used as collateral to support FHLBank advances are consistent with guidance on nontraditional mortgage products (comments are due October 2; contact Louis M. Scalza, 202-408-2953); and • a final rule defining critical capital for the FHLBanks and FHFA’s authority to take prompt corrective action (contact Julie Paller, 202-408-2842).

COMMENTS SOUGHT ON USE OF SECTION 108 GUARANTEES OUTSIDE CDBG ENTITLEMENT AREAS. HUD has issued an interim rule and request for comments by September 21 on using FY 2009 Section 108 loan guarantees for states borrowing on behalf of local governments in nonentitlement areas. See Federal Register, 7/22/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Paul Webster, HUD, 202-708-1871.

FHA REQUESTS COMMENTS ON INSUFFICIENT CREDIT HISTORIES. FHA is developing a pilot automated process for providing alternative credit rating information (e.g., rent payment histories) for homebuyers whose credit histories are insufficient to determine their creditworthiness. Comments are due September 28. See Federal Register, 7/28/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Margaret Burns, HUD, 202-708-2121.

NEW FLOOD INSURANCE GUIDANCE FOR LENDERS. The agencies that regulate banks, credit unions, and other commercial lenders have revised their Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance to help lenders meet their responsibilities under federal flood insurance law. Comments are due September 21. See Federal Register, 7/21/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Pamela Mount, OCC, 202-874-4428.

2009 DATA SHOW RENT SUBSIDY USE RISING IN USDA MULTIFAMILY HOUSING. RD reports on its 2009 multifamily housing fair housing occupancy survey in an unnumbered letter dated July 14, 2009, available on HAC’s website or from RD offices.

SSN/TIN REQUIREMENT CLARIFIED FOR 502 AND 504 BORROWERS. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 22, 2009 explains that anyone who will sign a note under Section 502 or 504 must have a Social Security Number or a Taxpayer Identification Number issued by the IRS, not the Western Pacific Territories or other entity. ULs are available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul_list.html or from RD offices.

LOCAL DATA ON SERIOUSLY DELINQUENT MORTGAGES PUBLISHED. A Government Accountability Office report includes the number and percentage of seriously delinquent mortgages in every congressional district. Characteristics and Performance of Nonprime Mortgages, GAO-09-848R, is available at https://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-09-848R or for a fee from GAO, 866-801-7077.

HAC News: July 22, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • USDA funding bills approved by full House, Senate Committee • HUD funding bill may reach full House this week • RHED authorization bill reintroduced • Capitol Hill hearings cover USDA and HUD rental preservation • HUD offers funds • FEMA releases National Disaster Housing Strategy • Administration conducts rural tour • Fair housing featured in Rural Voices • West Virginia dates added to HAC summer CHDO trainings • Rural rental preservation conference set for September 24

July 22, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 15

USDA FUNDING BILLS APPROVED BY FULL HOUSE, SENATE COMMITTEE. The House passed H.R. 2997 on July 9, making no changes in the Appropriations Committee’s funding for rural housing programs (see HAC News, 6/24/09). S. 1406, passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee on July 7, would almost double the Section 502 guaranteed loan program to $12 billion and does not include most of the House’s increases. Like the FY 2009 appropriations act, both the House and Senate would eliminate interest subsidies for Section 538 guaranteed loans. Visit https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html for bill text and committee reports.

USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009 Approp.

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
H.R. 2997

FY 2010
Sen. App. Cmte.
S. 1406


502 Single Fam. Direct





502 Single Family Guar.





504 Very Low-inc. Repair





514 Farm Labor Hsg.





515 Rental Hsg. Direct





538 Rental Hsg. Guar.





Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans





Grants & Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair





516 Farm Labor Hsg.





523 Self-Help TA





533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants





521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. cntrcts.)





Preservation RA





New Construction 515 RA





New Construction 514/516 RA





542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers





Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)





Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.





HUD FUNDING BILL MAY REACH FULL HOUSE THIS WEEK. On July 17 the House Appropriations Committee passed its FY 2010 HUD bill, still unnumbered, available at https://appropriations.house.gov. All major programs would receive funding increases. The bill adopts the Administration’s proposal to replace the RHED program with a CDBG setaside for rural innovations. The House is expected to consider the bill this week.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2008

FY 2009

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
House Cmte.

Cmty. Devel. Block Grants
Sustainable Commun. Init.(a)
Rural Innovation Fund (a)
University Community Fund (a)










Housing Trust Fund



Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Vets. Affairs Spprtv. Hsg. Vouchers





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Public Hsg. Revtlztn. (HOPE VI)





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Native Hawaiian Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grants





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Rural Hsg. & Econ. Dev. (RHED)



0 b

0 (b)

Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Lead Hazard Control





Housing Counseling




Transformation Initiative (c)



Energy Innovation Fund



a. Proposed new initiatives under CDBG.
b. $25 million new initiative proposed under CDBG.
c. New initiative to combat mortgage fraud.

RHED AUTHORIZATION BILL REINTRODUCED. The Rural Housing and Economic Development Improvement Act was introduced on July 14 by Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (D-Texas), cosponsored by Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Maxine Waters (D-Calif.). It would authorize HUD’s RHED program at $30 million in FY 2010 and $40 million each year from 2011 through 2015. Find H.R. 3210 at https://thomas.loc.gov.

CAPITOL HILL HEARINGS COVER USDA AND HUD RENTAL PRESERVATION. On July 15 USDA housing administrator Tammye Treviño and others testified before the House Housing Subcommittee; HAC submitted written testimony. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan was the only witness at a June 25 hearing before the House Financial Services Committee. Statements and webcast archives are at https://financialservices.house.gov/hearings_all.shtml.

HUD OFFERS FUNDS. NOFAs for SHOP, Healthy Homes Technical Studies, HOPE VI, and previously announced programs are at https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm or https://www.grants.gov.

FEMA RELEASES NATIONAL DISASTER HOUSING STRATEGY. The document is intended to describe how the U.S. currently provides housing to those affected by disasters and to chart a new direction for the future. Visit https://www.fema.gov/news/newsrelease.fema?id=47305.

ADMINISTRATION CONDUCTS RURAL TOUR. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and other Administration officials are stopping in states throughout the country, focusing on a range of topics including health care, energy, and infrastructure. Visit https://www.ruraltour.gov and the newsroom at https://www.usda.gov.

FAIR HOUSING FEATURED IN RURAL VOICES. The summer issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine, reflecting on the 1968 Fair Housing Act and its rural impact, is free at https://ruralhome.org/infoRural.php. One print subscription per organization is free from Lawrence Adams, HAC, 202-842-8600, lawrence@ruralhome.org. Sign up at https://lists.ruralhome.org/lists/info/rural_voices for email notices announcing new issues.

HAC OFFERS SUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeowner-ship) are set for August 12-13 in Milwaukee. “Single-Family Housing Development” is offered August 12-13 in McAllen, Texas. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit HAC’s Training page. Contact Dan Stern, registration@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600. Clarification: The August 11-12 workshops in Flatwood, West Virginia listed in the print edition of the 7/22/09 HAC News are open only to organizations working in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

RURAL RENTAL PRESERVATION CONFERENCE SET FOR SEPTEMBER 24. HAC will convene “Preserving Rural Rental Housing: A Conference on Policy and Practice” in Washington, D.C. with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Hear from leaders in Section 515 preservation legislation, expert congressional staff, USDA staff, and local practitioners. Watch for details at https://ruralhome.org and in the HAC News.

HAC News: July 8, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • USDA appropriations bills for 2010 expected to move forward this week • Housing trust fund sources proposed • HUD issues NOFAs for three university programs and healthy homes technical studies • RD explains Davis-Bacon for ARRA-funded 502 mortgages • Guidance issued on using Section 538 for Section 515 preservation • USDA begins naming RD State Directors • Rural Energy Plus Pilot Program becomes permanent part of Section 502 program • CRA rules to be revised • Approval proposed for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac innovations • HUD GIS system aims to help those who help homeless • Survey finds foreclosure and economic crises are increasing homelessness • HAC offers summer CHDO trainings

July 08, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 14

USDA APPROPRIATIONS BILLS FOR 2010 EXPECTED TO MOVE FORWARD THIS WEEK. The House bill, H.R. 2997 (see HAC News, 6/24/09), will be considered by the full House and the Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to take up its version. HAC will post updates at https://ruralhome.org as available.

HOUSING TRUST FUND SOURCES PROPOSED. H.R. 3068, introduced June 26, would use $1 billion of dividends paid by financial institutions receiving funds from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to capitalize the National Housing Trust Fund Congress created in 2008. The National Low Income Housing Coalition reports the Administration has proposed using Ginnie Mae reserves. H.R. 3068 is at https://thomas.loc.gov and NLIHC details are at https://capwiz.com/nlihc/issues/alert/?alertid=13648666. A House Financial Services Committee hearing is set for July 9.

HUD ISSUES NOFAS FOR THREE UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS AND HEALTHY HOMES TECHNICAL STUDIES. Historically black, Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian, and tribal colleges and universities may apply by July 24. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa09/grpucp.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. Contact Sherone Ivey, HUD, 202-402-4200. Healthy Homes Technical Studies applications are due August 18. Visit https://www.hud.gov/lead or https://www.grants.gov. Contact Dr. Peter Ashley, HUD, 202-402-7595, Peter.J.Ashley@hud.gov.

RD EXPLAINS DAVIS-BACON FOR ARRA-FUNDED 502 MORTGAGES. Administrative Notice 4449 guides RD staff in following Davis-Bacon wage requirements for properties receiving Section 502 direct or guaranteed loans under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. AN 4449 is available at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an/an4449.pdf or from RD offices. Contact Bill Downs, RD, 202-720-1499, william.downs@wdc.usda.gov.

GUIDANCE ISSUED ON USING SECTION 538 FOR SECTION 515 PRESERVATION. An RD Unnumbered Letter (June 18, 2009) explains how to reconcile program differences when using a Section 538 guaranteed loan for an existing Section 515 property. Obtain the UL at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/uljune09.pdf or from an RD office. Contact James Carey, RD, 202-401-2307, james.carey@wdc.usda.gov.

USDA BEGINS NAMING RD STATE DIRECTORS. Nineteen were announced in press releases issued June 29 and 30. For links and updates visit https://ruralhome.org/infoAnnouncements_2009RDStateDirectors.php.

RURAL ENERGY PLUS PILOT PROGRAM BECOMES PERMANENT PART OF SECTION 502 PROGRAM. Begun as a nationwide pilot in June 2006, the program allows higher debt ratios for direct and guaranteed loan applicants purchasing energy-efficient homes. An unnumbered letter dated June 4, 2009 makes it permanent. Obtain the UL at https://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/ul/uljune09.pdf or from an RD office.

CRA RULES TO BE REVISED. Changes would incorporate recent statutory language that requires considering education loans to low-income borrowers and activities by institutions that are not owned by minorities or women cooperating with those that are owned by minorities or women. Comments are due July 30. See Federal Register, 6/30/09 or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Margaret Hesse, OCC, 202-874-5750.

APPROVAL PROPOSED FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC INNOVATIONS. Under an interim rule implementing recent legislation, the GSEs would be required to obtain Federal Housing Finance Agency approval for new products and notify it of new activities. Comments are due August 31. See Federal Register, 7/2/09, or https://www.regulations.gov. Contact Carol Connelly, FHFA, 202-414-8910, carol.connelly@fhfa.gov.

HUD GIS SYSTEM AIMS TO HELP THOSE WHO HELP HOMELESS. The HUD GIS Tool for Communities is a free downloadable software tool on the Homelessness Resource Exchange site that allows users to explore HUD project data as well as design and print custom maps. Visit https://hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewGIStoolIntro.

SURVEY FINDS FORECLOSURE AND ECONOMIC CRISES ARE INCREASING HOMELESSNESS. When seven national homeless and housing organizations surveyed homeless service and advocacy agencies in both urban and rural places, 79% stated that at least some of their clients were homeless as a result of foreclosure. Foreclosure to Homelessness 2009 is available at https://www.nationalhomeless.org.

HAC OFFERS SUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeowner-ship) are set for July 15-16 in Orlando and August 12-13 in Milwaukee. “Single-Family Housing Development” is offered August 12-13 in McAllen, Texas. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit https://ruralhome.org/servicesTraining.php. Contact Dan Stern, registration@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: June 24, 2009

Access a pdf version of this HAC News. • House Appropriations Committee passes FY 2010 USDA funding bill • Rental preservation bill re-introduced • Veterans’ housing bill passes House • Congress changes Davis-Bacon for some HUD ARRA programs • House approves full funding for 2010 Census • RD offers disaster funds • HUD funds available for housing counseling, training, and FSS • Homeless prevention program notice corrected • HUD revises lead control and reduction NOFA • Capital Fund Recovery Grants NOFA corrected • NSP2 NOFA corrected, bridge notice published • USDA narrows data collection on race and other characteristics • Protections for tenants in foreclosure explained • Federal appeals court upholds prepayment ruling • Harvard’s Joint Center reviews impact of housing crisis on affordability • HAC offers summer CHDO trainings

June 24, 2009
Vol. 38, No. 13

HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE PASSES FY 2010 USDA FUNDING BILL. Most rural housing programs would remain at FY 2009 levels, with increases for Section 523 self-help, Section 515 rental, Section 514/516 farm labor housing, and the MPR rental preservation program. Like the FY 2009 appropriations act, H.R. 2997 would eliminate interest subsidies for Section 538 guaranteed loans. The bill, which will be considered by the full House in July at the earliest, is available at https://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app10.html.

USDA Rural Development Program
(dollars in millions)

FY 2009 Approp.

FY 2010
Admin. Budget

FY 2010
House Cmte.
H.R. 2997


502 Single Fam. Direct




502 Single Family Guar.




504 Very Low-inc. Repair




514 Farm Labor Hsg.




515 Rental Hsg. Direct




538 Rental Hsg. Guar.




Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Loans




Grants and Payments

504 Very Low-inc. Repair




516 Farm Labor Hsg.




523 Self-Help TA




533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants




521 Rental Assistance (1-yr. contracts)




Preservation RA




New Construction 515 RA




New Construction 514/516 RA




542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers




Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)




Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.




* A total of $45.5 million would be provided for Section 504 grants, Section 533 HPG, supervisory and technical assistance, and compensation for construction defects.

RENTAL PRESERVATION BILL RE-INTRODUCED. On June 15, Rep. Lincoln Davis (D-Tenn.) and 17 cosponsors introduced the Rural Housing Preservation Act of 2009. H.R. 2876, identical to H.R. 4002 in the last Congress, would create a preservation program similar to the existing Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration (MPR), and a preservation voucher program. Rents in revitalized properties would be capped at 30% of tenant income. Search by bill number at https://thomas.loc.gov.

VETERANS’ HOUSING BILL PASSES HOUSE. H.R. 403, sponsored by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) and passed on June 16, directs HUD to provide assistance to nonprofits and consumer coops to expand the supply of supportive housing for very low-income veteran families, makes vouchers available to all homeless vets regardless of medical condition, includes vets in public housing planning, and excludes vets’ benefits from income for purposes of HUD-assisted rental determinations. Find the bill at https://thomas.loc.gov.

CONGRESS CHANGES DAVIS-BACON FOR SOME HUD ARRA PROGRAMS. The 2009 supplemental appropriations act, now awaiting President Obama’s signature, exempts CDBG (including the Neighborhood Stabilization Program), Native American block grants, and public housing capital funds from provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that imposed Davis-Bacon wage requirements on all ARRA-funded units. Pre-ARRA Davis-Bacon provisions apply. Other ARRA-funded programs are not exempt. Find H.R. 2346 at https://thomas.loc.gov.

HOUSE APPROVES FULL FUNDING FOR 2010 CENSUS. H.R. 2847, the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill, passed on June 18 and is available at https://thomas.loc.gov.

RD OFFERS DISASTER FUNDS. Funding from a variety of programs is available for areas with major disasters in 2008 or affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The notice will be published in the Federal Register on 6/25/09. Contact an RD state office.

HUD FUNDs AVAILABLE FOR HOUSING COUNSELING, TRAINING, AND FSS. Local counseling agencies, intermediaries, state agencies, and multi-state organizations can apply by July 17 for housing counseling funds; public and private nonprofits by July 17 for housing counseling training funds; and PHAs and TDHEs by August 11 for public housing Family Self-Sufficiency funds. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/fundsavail.cfm. Contact HUD’s NOFA Information Center, 1-800-HUD-8929.

HOMELESS PREVENTION PROGRAM NOTICE CORRECTED. Under HUD’s new Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program, funds will be allocated to states, metro city governments, and urban counties, which will pass them to local governments and nonprofits. Visit https://www.hudhre.info/HPRP/.

HUD REVISES LEAD CONTROL AND REDUCTION NOFA (see HAC News, 6/10/09). The deadline remains July 21. See Federal Register, 6/9/09 and 6/25/09, or https://www.hud.gov/offices/lead/09NOFA/leadcombo.cfm. Contact Bill Nellis, HUD, 202-402-7686, William.C.Nellis@hud.gov.

CAPITAL FUND RECOVERY GRANTS NOFA CORRECTED. PHAs can apply by August 18 for these Recovery Act funds. This NOFA supersedes one published on May 7. Other capital funds were distributed to PHAs by formula. See Federal Register, 6/9/09, or https://www.hud.gov/offices/pih/programs/ph/capfund/ocir.cfm.

NSP2 NOFA CORRECTED, BRIDGE NOTICE PUBLISHED. The “bridge notice” implements the Recovery Act’s changes to the NSP1 program. See Federal Register, 6/17/09 (NOFA correction) and 6/19/09 (bridge notice) or https://www.hud.gov/nsp. Contact Stanley Gimont, HUD, 202-708-3587.

USDA NARROWS DATA COLLECTION ON RACE AND OTHER CHARACTERISTICS. USDA is proposing to collect standardized data on farmers’ and ranchers’ race, ethnicity, and gender only, not including national origin, age, or disability (see HAC News, 5/27/09.) See Federal Register, 6/19/09. Contact Winona Scott, USDA, 202-401-3648.

PROTECTIONS FOR TENANTS IN FORECLOSURE EXPLAINED. Anyone acquiring foreclosed residential property is subject to the recent Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act (see HAC News, 5/27/09), whether or not federal funding is involved. Materials from the National Low Income Housing Coalition and National Housing Law Project are posted at https://www.nlihc.org. An explanation by HUD is in the Federal Register, 5/24/09, https://www.gpoaccess.gov/fr.

FEDERAL APPEALS COURT UPHOLDS PREPAYMENT RULING. On June 22 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that an owner of a Section 515 development may not avoid statutory prepayment restrictions by offering to prepay the loan and seeking to quiet title to the property. The opinion in Schroeder v. United States is available at https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2009/06/22/07-36073.pdf.

HARVARD’S JOINT CENTER REVIEWS IMPACT OF HOUSING CRISIS ON AFFORDABILITY. The State of the Nation’s Housing 2009, sponsored by HAC and others, is free at https://www.jchs.harvard.edu/publications/markets/son2009/index.htm or $15 from the Joint Center on Housing Studies, 617-495-7908.

HAC OFFERSSUMMER CHDO TRAININGS. “Single-Family Housing Development” and “Advanced Financial Management” will be held July 29-30 in Burlington, Vermont and August 5-6 in Boise. “Building HOME for CHDOs and Nonprofits” and “Fitting the Pieces Together” (combining HOME and private financing for homeownership) are set for July 15-16 in Orlando and August 12-13 in Milwaukee. “Single-Family Housing Development” is offered August 12-13 in McAllen, Texas. Limited travel scholarships are available. For details and to register online, visit https://ruralhome.org/servicesTraining.php. Contact Dan Stern, registration@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.