7 Issues Facing Rural America

The Spring 2013 issue of Rural Voices focuses on 7 issues facing rural America, and conversations from the 2012 National Rural Housing Conference around those issues.


7 Issues Facing Rural America: Leading Rural Housing Forward
by the Housing Assistance Council

Saving USDA Rural Development and Its Programs
by Peter Carey, Self-Help Enterprises, Inc.

Rural Rental Housing Preservation
by Tom Bishop, Homestead Affordable Housing, Inc., and Leslie Strauss, HAC

Energy Efficiency Issues in Rural Affordable Housing
by Meghan Walsh, USDA Rural Development

Housing Options for Rural Seniors
by Gus Seelig, Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Serving High Needs Areas and Vulnerable Populations
by Marty Miller, Office of Rural Farmworker Housing, Andy Saavedra, Mid South Delta LISC, and Leslie Strauss

Building a New Generation of Rural Housing Professionals and Leaders
by Gisela Salgado and Rob Weiner, California Rural Housing Coalition

Strategic Partnerships for Rural Nonprofits
by David Dangler, NeighborWorks Rural Initiative, and Tom Carew, FAHE

View from Washington

Sequestration Hurts and Disappointing FY14 Budget Doesn’t Heal
by The Housing Assistance Council

Add your Response

Rural Voices would like to hear what you have to say about one, or all, of these issues. Please feel free to comment on this story at the Rural Affordable Housing Group on LinkedIn, or on our Facebook page.

Poverty in Rural America Research Brief

Poverty in Rural America


HAC has conducted extensive research on poverty in rural America, including:

Race and Ethnicity in Rural America Research Brief

Race and Ethnicity in Rural America

Race & Ethnicity in Rural America is the third in a series of Rural Research Briefs presenting data and findings from the recently released 2010 Census and American Community Survey (ACS). HAC’s Research Note examines racial and ethnic characteristics of rural America, including trends and demographic shifts that have occurred since the 2000 census. This publication includes:

    • Figures on race and ethnicity in rural America;
    • An analysis of racial and ethnic minorities in rural and small town areas;
    • Population growth figures by race and ethicity.

Race and Ethnicity in Rural America (PDF)