Tag Archive for: Rural Housing

HAC News: May 19, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 19, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 9

• Senate adopts FY17 HUD funding measure, House releases bill • USDA FY17 funding consideration begins in Senate • Some Continuums of Care see renewal funding cut • Correction: streamlined refinancing applies to Section 502 direct loans also • Sexual orientation and gender protection proposed for Native American programs • HUD seeks comment on broadband and on climate change hazards • Stakeholder calls on Section 515 to continue • RD corrects environmental regs • Guidance on implementation of Section 502 packaging available • Rural child poverty increased as income inequality grew • HAC report describes older veterans

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 19, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 9

Senate adopts FY17 HUD funding measure, House releases bill. The Senate passed its Transportation-HUD appropriations bill on May 19, after adopting an amendment lifting until 2019 the two-year commitment deadline for HOME funds, and rejecting an amendment that would have stopped HUD implementation of its Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing regulations. The Administration has threatened a veto of the Senate bill, listing numerous objections including the funding levels for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance and for Homeless Assistance Grants. The House version of the bill would keep many programs at FY16 levels, with decreases in tenant vouchers and an increase in housing counseling. The House T-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee approved it on May 18, and the full committee will take it up on May 24. Updates will be posted on HAC’s website when available. [tdborder][/tdborder]

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)


FY17 Budget Proposal

FY17 House Subcmte. Bill

FY17 Senate Cmte. Bill
H.R. 2577

Cmty. Devel. Fund










Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
VASH setaside





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grantsb





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.





Housing Counseling





Local Housing Policy Grants


a. The FY17 Administration budget, like past budget requests, proposes to make SHOP a setaside in HOME. Congress has consistently rejected that proposal. b. Includes the Rural Housing Stability Program, which is not yet operational. c. Tribal VASH setaside. d. Proposed as mandatory spending.

USDA FY17 funding consideration begins in Senate. TheSenate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommit-tee approved a spending bill on May 17 and the full committee will consider it on May 19. A press release says the bill includes $900 million for Section 502 loans, $24 billion for Section 502 loan guarantees, and $1.4 billion for Rental Assistance. The bill’s text has not yet been released. The House committee passed its version, H.R. 5054, in April (see HAC News, 4/20/16).

Some Continuums of Care see renewal funding cut. As a result of changes to HUD’s FY15 homelessness funding competition, some CoCs received increases but a number of others had funding for ongoing projects reduced. HUD emphasized rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing, while awards for transitional housing fell. HUD acknowledges that some grantees now “face the difficult task of finding alternative funding for, downsizing, or closing down longstanding programs,” but says the total number of people served nationwide will increase. The National Alliance to End Homelessness’s blog offers analysis and suggestions. Find an area CoC here.

Correction: streamlined refinancing applies to Section 502 direct loans also. The May 4, 2016 HAC News reported that USDA RD adopted amendments to the regulations for Section 502 guaranteed loans but did not note that one of them, a new refinance option, is available for Section 502 direct borrowers also. Contact Lilian Lipton, RD, 202-260-8012.

Sexual orientation and gender protection proposed for Native American programs. A proposed rule would require HUD’s Native American and Native Hawaiian programs to be open to all regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. HUD promulgated this rule for other programs in 2012. Comments are due July 8. Contact Camille E. Acevedo, HUD, 202-708-1793.

HUD seeks comment on broadband and on climate change hazards. Comments are due July 18 on two proposed rules. One would require installation of broadband infrastructure at the time of new construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily rental housing funded or supported by HUD, with limited exceptions. Contact people vary by program and are listed in the proposed regulation. The second would require jurisdictions to include broadband and natural hazard risks in their Consolidated Plans. They would have to describe existing broadband access in low- and moderate-income housing, and consider providing access where there is none. They would also have to “consider incorporating resilience to natural hazard risks, taking care to anticipate how risks will increase due to climate change.” Contact Lora Routt, HUD, 202-402-4492.

Stakeholder calls on Section 515 to continue. To register for announcements of upcoming quarterly calls on the Section 515 program, contact Timothy James, RD, 919-873-2056. Those who have registered in the past do not need to register again. (These are separate from the Section 538 calls announced in the HAC News, 5/4/16.)

RD corrects environmental regs. The changes apply to a rule issued in March (see HAC News, 3/4/16).

Guidance on implementation of Section 502 packaging available. RD published anUnnumbered Letter (dated May 6, 2016) that provides guidance on the implementation of the certified loan application packaging process, which becomes effective on May 19. Contact Tammy Repine, RD, 360-753-7677.

Rural child poverty increased as income inequality grew. A USDA Economic Research Service report, Understanding the Rise in Rural Child Poverty, 2003-14, and an article based on the report, explain that nonmetro child poverty rates rose 2003-2011 during economic growth and recession periods, then fell 2012-1014 but remained well above 2003 levels. ERS determined that growth in income inequality accounted for most of the increase in rural child poverty.

HAC report describes older veterans. Over two-thirds of U.S. veterans are age 55 and older and their numbers are rising, according to Aging Veterans in the United States, an analysis of data on the older veteran population. The majority are homeowners, and more than half of older veteran renters are cost burdened.

HAC News: May 4, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 4, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 8

• Senate Committee approves bill to hold funds steady for many HUD programs in FY17 • House’s USDA spending bill would require 10-20-30 targeting • Rural rental preservation bills introduced • RD explains new Rental Assistance calculations • Mortgage disclosures updated for Section 502 direct • Amendments issued to regulations for Section 502 guaranteed • Register for notice of calls on Section 538 program • HUD to test new inspection process for voucher housing • Distribution of Housing Trust Fund dollars announced • USDA RD updates lead paint guidance • Annual Adjustment Factors for Section 8 released • GAO recommends changes in USDA’s risk management for Section 502 guarantee program

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 4, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 8

Senate Committee approves bill to hold funds steady for many HUD programs in FY17. S. 2844 would keep the HOME program at $950 million and SHOP at $10 million, would increase Section 202 and voucher funds, and would decrease amounts for homelessness programs and Native American housing. The Appropriations Committee declined to accept the Administration’s proposal to eliminate the HOME set-aside for CHDOs. The full Senate is likely to take up the bill sometime in May. [tdborder][/tdborder]

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)



FY17 Budget Proposal

FY17 Senate Cmte. Bill
S. 2844

Cmty. Devel. Fund










Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)





Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
VASH setaside





Project-Based Rental Asstnce.





Public Hsg. Capital Fund





Public Hsg. Operating Fund





Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative





Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant





Homeless Assistance Grantsb





Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS





202 Hsg. for Elderly





811 Hsg. for Disabled





Fair Housing





Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.





Housing Counseling





Local Housing Policy Grants


a. The FY17 Administration budget, like past budget requests, proposes to make SHOP a setaside in HOME. Congress has consistently rejected that proposal. b. Includes the Rural Housing Stability Program, which is not yet operational. c. The FY17 budget proposes $7 million for a tribal VASH setaside. d. Proposed as mandatory spending.

House’s USDA spending bill would require 10-20-30 targeting. Section 750 of H.R. 5054, the House FY17 funding bill for USDA (see HAC News, 4/20/16), would mandate at least 10 percent of RD spending be allocated to counties with 20% or higher poverty levels over 30 years (the 1990, 2000, and 2010 Censuses). At a February 11 House committee hearing on USDA’s budget, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the programs already exceed that amount.

Rural rental preservation bills introduced. On April 12 Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH) and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) introduced H.R. 4908 and S. 2783. The bills would “decouple” Section 521 Rental Assistance from Section 515 mortgages so RA can continue after a mortgage matures, make USDA Section 542 vouchers available to tenants in properties whose mortgages mature, authorize the MPR program (currently a demonstration), and require uniform terms for purchasers using tax credits. Neither bill is scheduled for committee action yet.

RD explains new Rental Assistance calculations. An Unnumbered Letter dated March 18, 2016 describes the new “Obligation Tool” that is being used in FY16 to calculate RA contract renewals for each property based on a weighted average of that property’s usage rate over the preceding 12 months. Contact a USDA RD state office.

Mortgage disclosures updated for Section 502 direct. USDA RD’s Procedure Notice (PN) 485 updates RD’s Handbook 1-3550 to implement the provisions of the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure rule. Changes impact loan processing and supporting documentation requirements. Contact a USDA RD field office.

Amendments issued to regulations for Section 502 guaranteed. USDA’s changes expand lender indemnification authority, add a new refinance option called ‘‘streamlined-assist,’’ and incorporate the CFPB’s Qualified Mortgage definition. Contact Lilian Lipton, RD, 202-260-8012.

Register for notice of calls on Section 538 program. RD will continue holding periodic calls or web meetings with stakeholders about the Section 538 guaranteed rental housing program. To receive notices when calls are scheduled – even if you registered for these calls in the past – contact Monica Cole, USDA, 202-720–1251.

HUD to test new inspection process for voucher housing. Congressional report language for HUD’s FY16 appropriations told HUD to implement a single inspection protocol for public housing and voucher units. Comments are due July 5 on a proposal for the first step towards that change, a demonstration designed to test a new method of assessing the physical condition of housing assisted by HUD vouchers. Contact Daniel R. Williams, HUD, 202-475-8586.

Distribution of Housing Trust Fund dollars announced. HUD divided $174 million among the 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These entities must now include public participation in developing their own allocation plans, guided by HUD Notice CPD-16-07. The National Low Income Housing Coalition has developed a model allocation plan.

USDA RD updates lead paint guidance. Administrative Notice 4800 offers guidance to RD staff on implementing an amended EPA rule. Contact a USDA RD field office.

Annual Adjustment Factors for Section 8 released. Details are online. Contact a HUD office.

GAO recommends changes in USDA’s risk management for Section 502 guarantee program. Rural Housing Service: Actions Needed to Strengthen Management of the Single Family Mortgage Guarantee Program (GAO-16-193) discusses USDA’s process for estimating program costs and how well its policies and procedures match OMB’s standards for managing credit programs. GAO found USDA was consistent with most OMB standards and suggested making changes to become consistent with the others.

Join HAC on May 18 for “Serving our Aging Veterans.” HAC’s third annual veterans symposium, to be held in Washington, DC, will focus on housing, health, and other needs faced by the rapidly expanding population of older veterans. There is no charge for the event, but advance registration is required. For more information, contact Janice Clark, HAC, 202-842-8600, or Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: April 20, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 20, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 7

• House committee passes FY17 USDA spending bill • Senate subcommittee addresses FY17 HUD spending • RUS offers rural broadband loans, guarantees, and grants • Indian CDBG application period opens • Jobs Plus funds available • 2016 New Markets Tax Credits combined with 2015 funding round • Homelessness data examined at national and state levels • Typical low-income household’s expenses exceeded income in 2014 • HAC offers Section 502 packaging training June 28-30

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 20, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 7

House committee passes FY17 USDA spending bill. On April 19, the House Appropriations Committee approved a bill that provides steady or increased funding levels for USDA’s rural housing programs. It increases Section 523 self-help technical assistance funding to $30 million and raises Section 502 direct to $1 billion. Section 521 Rental Assistance and Section 542 vouchers would receive amounts that, according to the Administration’s budget, will allow for renewal of all current aid, new RA for new farmworker housing properties, and new vouchers for tenants in properties leaving the Section 515 program for any reason, including mortgage maturity. It also includes Administration language that would extend voucher eligibility and allow USDA to set priorities for voucher distribution.

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)



FY17 Budget Proposal

FY17 House Cmte. Bill

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside





502 Single Family Guar.





504 VLI Repair Loans





504 VLI Repair Grants





515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.





514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.





516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.





521 Rental Assistance





523 Self-Help TA





533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants





538 Rental Hsg. Guar.





Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)





542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers





Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.





The Committee’s report tells USDA to provide it with a list of criteria used to define ‘‘rural in character’’ in determining what places are considered rural and therefore eligible for housing program funding.

Senate subcommittee addresses FY17 HUD spending. The Senate Transportation-HUD Appropriations Subcommittee approved a bill on April 19. The measure’s text will not be released until the full committee considers it on April 21, but the committee did announce the bill provides $950 million for HOME and $300 billion for CDBG. The subcommittee’s top Democrat, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), released a statement supporting the bill. HAC will post updates at ruralhome.org when available.

RUS offers rural broadband loans, guarantees, and grants. Nonprofits, for-profits, and governments or tribes can apply for Community Connect grants by June 17. Those entities as well as coops can apply for Farm Bill Broadband Loans and Loan Guarantees by July 7. For either program, contact Shawn Arner, RUS, 202-720-0800.

Indian CDBG application period opens.CDBG for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages applications from tribes and tribal organizations are due June 14. Contact a HUD ONAP Regional Office.

Jobs Plus funds available. PHAs with at least 200 non-elderly-only households are eligible, and the deadline is June 13. Contact HUD staff.

2016 New Markets Tax Credits combined with 2015 funding round. The CDFI Fund will not hold a new allocation round this year. It will allocate $3.5 billion for 2015 and $3.5 billion for 2016 under its 2015 NMTC funding notice. The deadline was December 16, 2015.

Homelessness data examined at national and state levels.The State of Homelessness in America 2016, by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, examines recent trends and also those from before the Great Recession to the present. For example, although doubled-up households fell 9% from 2013 to 2014, the number of poor people living doubled up was 52% higher in 2014 than in 2007.

Typical low-income household’s expenses exceeded income in 2014. A Pew Charitable Trusts Issue Brief on “Household Expenditures and Income” shows that by 2014 the median expenditures of working-age households had returned to pre-recession levels, but income did not. In 2004, the typical household in the lowest one-third of income levels had $1,500 of income left over after expenses, but in 2014 their expenses exceeded income by $2,300. Housing costs for those with incomes in the lowest third grew by 50% from 1996 to 2014. (Figures were adjusted for inflation).

HAC offers Section 502 packaging training June 28-30. “Section 502 Packaging Certification Training for Nonprofit Housing Developers,” to be held in Burlington, VT, is an advanced course for those experienced in using Section 502 direct and/or other affordable housing mortgage products. Following the course, participants are encouraged to take the online certification exam. Register online. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: April 6, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 6, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 6

• April is Fair Housing Month • HUD issues guidance on fair housing for those with criminal • New federal rule protects religious liberties of beneficiaries and providers • CFPB proposes to expand provisions for small rural lenders • FY16 income limits released • Section 538 loan guarantees available • ROSS funds offered • Fair housing assessment tool for PHAs released • Medicaid can provide supportive housing services, issue brief says • Housing problems contribute to higher health care spending, researchers report • U.S. lacks 7.2 million rents for extremely low-income renters • USDA spending in FY15 emphasized guarantees, celebrated self-help • HAC presents third CRA webinar

HAC News Formats. pdf

April 6, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 6

April is Fair Housing Month.

HUD issues guidance on fair housing for those with criminal records. HUD’s Office of General Counsel explains that the Fair Housing Act bans discrimination based on criminal history. Contact a HUD local office.

New federal rule protects religious liberties of beneficiaries and providers. USDA, HUD, VA, and other agencies published a joint regulation to implement Executive Order 13559. Beneficiaries receiving federal social service programs’ aid through faith-based organizations cannot be discriminated against based on religion and may request an alternative provider. Agencies’ funding decisions must be based solely on merit, without regard to an organization’s religious affiliation or lack thereof. Contact Norah Deluhery, USDA, 202-720-2032; Paula Lincoln, HUD, 202-708-2404; Stephen B. Dillard, VA, 202-461-7689.

CFPB proposes to expand provisions for small rural lenders. An interim final rule expands the identification of small rural creditors that are eligible to originate balloon-payment qualified mortgages and that are exempt from the requirement to establish escrow accounts for higher-priced mortgages. Comments are due April 25. Contact Carl Owens, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

FY16 income limits released. The median family incomes and income limits are used by HUD, USDA, and other agencies.

Section 538 loan guarantees available. Commitments will be made first to approved and complete applica-tions from prior years’ notices, then to approved applicants applying under this notice through December 31, 2017. Contact a USDA RD state office.

ROSS funds offered. Nonprofits, PHAs, and tribal entities are eligible for HUD’s Resident Opportunity and Self-Sufficiency Program, which enables them to hire service coordinators to assess residents’ needs and link them to supportive services. Deadline is May 16. Contact Dina.Lehmann-Kim@hud.gov.

Fair housing assessment tool for PHAs released. Comments are due May 23 on the tool for PHAs to plan fair housing compliance (see HAC News, 3/18/16). Contact Dustin Parks, HUD, 202-708-1112.

Medicaid can provide supportive housing services, issue brief says. The Technical Assistance Collaborative’s Using Medicaid to Finance and Deliver Services in Supportive Housing: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Behavioral Health Organizations and Behavioral Health Authorities reports some states are finding that Medicaid can be a cost-effective resource to finance and deliver some of the flexible services and supports that people with behavioral health disorders need to succeed in settings like integrated permanent supportive housing.

Housing problems contribute to higher health care spending, researchers report.Housing as a Health Care Investment,” by the National Housing Conference and Children’s HealthWatch, says homelessness and unstable or unaffordable housing can harm the health of vulnerable infants and young children and contribute to higher health care spending. It includes policy recommendations.

U.S. lacks 7.2 million rents for extremely low-income renters. The Gap: The Affordable Housing Gap Analysis, 2016, published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, documents a shortage of 7.2 million affordable and available rental units for the nation’s 10.4 million extremely low-income renter households, those with incomes at or below 30% of their area median. Three-quarters of ELI renters are severely cost-burdened, spending more than half their income on rent and utilities. The report provides data at the national, state, and metro area levels.

USDA spending in FY15 emphasized guarantees, celebrated self-help. HAC’s annual USDA Rural Housing Program Funding Activity Year End Report includes detailed data for each program and each state. The Section 502 program guaranteed 134,000 loans and made 7,000 direct loans. Over 800 self-help loans were made, and USDA celebrated the program’s 50th anniversary and 50,000th house. More than 8,600 rental units were repaired or rehabilitated with multifamily program funds, and 2,187 new units were built. Demand for Section 542 preservation vouchers rose to 4,400 units representing $15.6 million, with half those funds coming from the Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization program.

HAC presents third CRA webinar. “CRA in Rural America Part III: Investments in Rural Communities,” set for April 13 at 2:00 Eastern time, will provide an evaluation of lenders that consistently earn outstanding CRA ratings. To register click here. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824. Materials from the first two CRA webinars are posted here.

HAC News: March 18, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 18, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 5

• Members of Congress question self-help cuts and Rental Assistance calculations. • National Housing Trust Fund gets $186 million • HUD offers funds for lead hazard reduction and control • Household Water Well System grants available • HUD seeks comments on fair housing assessment tool • IRS sets sub-metering rule for utility allowances in LIHTC properties • HUD issues streamlining regulation • Comment deadlines extended for Capital Magnet Fund and over-income HUD tenants • Hispanic homeownership increased while national homeownership fell • Housing Landscape 2016 and online data show affordability for working households • Rural Voices magazine covers rural homelessness

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 18, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 5

Members of Congress question self-help cuts and Rental Assistance calculations. USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development Lisa Mensah and agency administrators, including Rural Housing Service head Tony Hernandez, testified March 15 before the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee. Subcommittee members criticized the Administration budget’s request to cut Section 523 self-help funding from $27.5 million in FY16 to $18.5 million in FY17. Mensah explained USDA “loves” self-help but had to make difficult choices in order to keep the request within the spending cap set by Congress. Given the FY15 shortfall in Section 521 Rental Assistance funds, members asked how the FY17 request for $1.4 billion was calculated. Mensah assured them USDA’s new way of calculating RA needs would be more accurate than past estimates. Asked how USDA was preparing for maturing mortgages in the Section 515 and 514 programs, Mensah said they were using “all tools at our disposal.” She and Hernandez both said new rental construction will be needed to replace some rental properties.

National Housing Trust Fund gets $186 million. The money comes from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose NHTF contributions were suspended until this year. HUD will allocate funds to a lead agency in each state; this year most states will get $3 million. HUD will issue guidelines this month for states to develop state allocation plans for use of the funds. The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s website has NHTF information, including a slideshow on state allocation plans.

HUD offers funds for lead hazard reduction and control. States, tribes, and local governments are eligible for Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control grants and Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration grants to identify and control lead-based paint hazards in privately owned rental or owner-occupied housing. Deadline for both programs is April 28. Contact Mark F. Sorbo, HUD, 202-402-5144.

Household Water Well System grants available. The program makes grants to nonprofits, which then make loans of up to $11,000 to homeowners to construct or repair household water wells for existing homes. Obtain application materials online or at 202-720-9583 and apply by May 9. Contact Derek Jones, RUS, 202-720-9640.

HUD seeks comments on fair housing assessment tool. Comments are due May 10 on the tool for states and insular areas implementing the new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing final rule (see HAC News, 7/8/15). Separate tools will be provided for local governments and for PHAs. Contact Dustin Parks, HUD, 202-708-1112.

IRS sets sub-metering rule for utility allowances in LIHTC properties. Buildings with funding from USDA or HUD will continue to be governed by those agencies’ utility allowance rules. Comments are due May 2. Contact James Rider, IRS, 202-317-4137.

HUD issues streamlining regulation. The rule implements statutory changes made in HUD’s 2014 and 2015 appropriations acts, streamlines some regulatory requirements of rental assistance programs, and aligns some requirements across programs, including HOPWA and HOME. Contact a HUD program office.

Comment deadlines extended for Capital Magnet Fund and over-income HUD tenants. The CDFI Fund published an interim rule in February (see HAC News, 2/17/16) with comments due on April 8. The deadline is now May 8. Contact Marcia Sigal, CDFI Fund. Comments on HUD’s proposal regarding over-income public housing residents (see HAC News, 2/3/16) are now due on April 11. Contact Todd Thomas, HUD, 678-732–2056.

Hispanic homeownership increased while national homeownership fell. The State of Hispanic Homeownership Report, published by the Hispanic Wealth Project and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, says that from the fourth quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2015 the Hispanic homeownership rate increased from 44.5 percent to 46.7 percent. The Report also identifies major barriers to Latino homeownership such as access to affordable mortgage credit, the number of culturally competent professionals in the industry, and a shortage of housing inventory in many major markets.

Housing Landscape 2016 and online data show affordability for working households. The National Housing Conference’s annual analysis reports that demand for rental homes is increasing and rents are rising for working households, defined as those whose members work a total of at least 20 hours a week on average and whose household income does not exceed 120% of the area median. Data for states and metro areas is online.

Rural Voices magazine covers rural homelessness. The March 2016 issue of HAC’s magazine highlights rural communities’ efforts to address the unique challenges presented by homelessness in rural places. Sign up online to receive email notices when new issues are published.

HAC News: March 4, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 4, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 4

• Court approves $940 million settlement with tribes • CFPB sets process to apply for rural area designation • IRS rule addresses LIHTC compliance monitoring • USDA RD consolidates environmental regulations • Materials available soon for new Section 502 guarantee rule • Section 502 final packaging rule to take effect in May • Comments requested on historic preservation and community revitalization • House committee passes measures to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank • Vast majority of human needs programs cut since FY2010 • Reminder: “duty to serve” comments due March 17 • HAC’s second CRA webinar set for March 16

HAC News Formats. pdf

March 4, 2016
Vol. 45, No. 4

Court approves $940 million settlement with tribes. A decades-long dispute between the federal government and tribes nationwide has been settled, with about 700 Native American tribes and tribal agencies expecting payments ranging from $8,000 to $58 million. Ramah Navajo Chapter v. Jewell involved tribes’ claims that the government contracted with them to run Bureau of Indian Affairs programs but did not fully pay the agreed-upon amounts. In 2012, the issue reached the Supreme Court, which ultimately agreed with the tribes that the government was liable for the payments, regardless of whether Congress had appropriated adequate funds.

CFPB sets process to apply for rural area designation. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau identifies rural places that are eligible for exemptions and other special provisions in some mortgage lending regulations. A new final rule explains how to request an area be designated rural if CFPB did not include it. The Bureau will publish another notice before March 31 defining the kind of area for which rural applications may be submitted. On March 31 it will begin accepting applications. Contact Carl Owens, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

IRS rule addresses LIHTC compliance monitoring.Comments are due May 25 on revisions relating to state and local housing credit agencies’ duties to conduct physical inspections and review low-income certifications and other documentation. Contact Jian H. Grant, IRS, 202-317-4137. Revenue Procedure 2016-15 explains how the requirements will be implemented.

USDA RD consolidates environmental regulations. Effective April 1, the new rule will update and replace separate regulations for the Rural Business-Cooperative Service/Rural Housing Service and for the Rural Utilities Service. The majority of the changes relate to categorical exclusions. Contact Kellie M. Kubena, RUS, 202-720-1649.

Materials available soon for new Section 502 guarantee rule. USDA will post a new guarantee program handbook on March 9, the date new regulations go into effect (see HAC News, 2/17/16). Handbook changes are marked in the version posted here. A recorded webinar is also online. Contact Lilian Lipton, RD, 202-720-1452.

Section 502 final packaging rule to take effect in May. The effective date of the rule published April 29, 2015, previously deferred to October 1, 2016, has been moved up to May 19. All the pilot intermediaries have been accepted as intermediaries under the program. Each may choose to cover new states as well as the states it already covers. Around the effective date, USDA will issue program guidance for the certified loan application packaging process, including how others can apply to be intermediaries. Contact Tammy Repine, RHS, 360-753-7677.

Comments requested on historic preservation and community revitalization. A working group asks for input by April 4 on a draft policy statement to be adopted by the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The statement, intended to ensure that historic preservation is considered as a tool to stabilize and enhance communities with significant population and job loss, specifically acknowledges its role in rural communities and for tribes. Contact Charlene Dwin Vaughn, ACHP, 202-517-0207.

House committee passes measures to roll back parts of Dodd-Frank. Among several bills approved on March 2 was H.R. 2896, the “Taking Account of Institutions with Low Operation Risk Act of 2015.” The TAILOR Act, intended to reduce regulatory burdens on community banks and credit unions, would require regulatory agencies to “tailor . . . regulatory action . . . in a manner that limits the regulatory compliance impact, cost, liability risk, and other burdens as is appropriate for the risk profile and business model involved.” It would apply not only to future regula-tions, but also to those adopted during the past five years.

Vast majority of human needs programs cut since FY2010. ACoalition on Human Needs analysis found 139 of 164 human needs programs suffered cuts between FY10 and FY16; only 25 grew. Nearly half were cut by 15% or more, and almost one-third by 25% or more. The findings cover programs for job training, community services, health, substance abuse, education, and more, including most large HUD programs (though not HOME and not USDA rural housing).

New Distressed Communities Index examines economic recovery. A report and interactive maps by the Economic Innovation Group, a relatively new nonpartisan research and advocacy organization, show economic distress, measured by seven variables such as poverty, unemployment, and housing vacancy. Data are presented by zip code, county, state, and congressional district. Economic distress is highest in the South, Southwest, and Rust Belt. EIG says the data covers 99% of the U.S. population; it includes some rural areas but not all.

Reminder: “duty to serve” comments due March 17. A proposed rule would implement the requirement for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to serve the rural, manufactured housing, and affordable housing preservation markets (see HAC News, 12/16/15). Materials from HAC’s webinar on what the rule means for rural America are posted online. HAC will post its comments online before the deadline. Contact Lance George, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC’s second CRA webinar set for March 16. “CRA in Rural America Part II: Successful Uses,” second in a three-part series, will explore two successful rural development projects that earned CRA credit for the lenders in-volved. To register click here. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824. Materials from the first CRA webinar are posted here.

USDA offers 514/516 Farm Labor Housing grants and loans

Nonprofits, state or local government agencies, public agencies, federally recognized tribes, and limited partnerships with nonprofit general partners are eligible to apply for Section 514 loans. The same entities, with the exception of limited partnerships, are eligible for Section 516 grants. The funds can be used for construction of new off-farm Farm Labor Housing units and related facilities for domestic farm laborers, and for the purchase and substantial rehabilitation of existing non-FLH properties. Section 521 Rental Assistance and operating assistance are available for new construction.

To apply, contact the USDA Rural Development state office serving the state of the proposed project in order to receive further information and copies of the application package.

Applications are due to state offices on April 12, 2016.

HAC News: November 30, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

November 30, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 24

• HAC NEWS GOING FULLY DIGITAL • Congress working on FY16 funding measures • Tax extender negotiations include LIHTC and EITC • HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods NOFA introduces Planning and Action Grants • HUD offers equal access rule for transgender persons • New HAC resources offer data on veterans nationwide • Housing communications information available • RDLN auction online through December 13 • USDA updates Rural America at a Glance • DDAs and QCTs set for 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf

November 30, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 24

HAC NEWS GOING FULLY DIGITAL. Beginning in 2016, the print version of the HAC News will no longer be available. The News will still be published every two weeks, will still provide the same concise updates on issues important to rural housers, and will still be free. Back issues will continue to be available online at https://ruralhome.org.

Congress working on FY16 funding measures. Before the current continuing resolution expires on December 11 (see HAC News, 9/30/15), Congress is likely to pass an omnibus appropriation bill that includes most or all of the 12 federal spending bills for FY16. Passage may be stalled by attempts to add policy riders relating to refugees, health care, and other topics. If more negotiation time is needed, another CR may be used to extend spending to December 18 rather than shutting down the government. At press time, no details are available on the omnibus’s provisions related to USDA rural housing. In a Transportation-HUD bill brought to the Senate floor November 18, additional funds made available by the budget agreement (see HAC News, 10/28/15) were used to raise HOME funding to $900 million and CDBG to $3 billion, rather than the earlier $66 million and $2.9 billion (see HAC News, 6/25/15), though other HUD programs did not receive increases. The Senate did not vote on that bill because of disagreements on policy riders, but the higher numbers are likely to appear in a final bill.

Tax extender negotiations include LIHTC and EITC. This month Congress is expected to renew some tax-related programs that expired last December, including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, New Markets Tax Credit, Earned Income Tax Credit, and others. This retroactive renewal is needed to make these provisions effective for 2015.

HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods NOFA introduces Planning and Action Grants. The deadline is February 16, 2016 for PHAs, local governments, tribal entities, and nonprofits to request FY15 and FY16 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants or Planning and Action Grants. The program is intended to help communities with severely distressed public or HUD-assisted housing in developing successful neighborhood transformation plans and building the support necessary for plans to be successfully implemented. Contact HUD staff, ChoiceNeighborhoods@hud.gov.

HUD offers equal access rule for transgender persons. A proposed regulation would require entities receiving funds from many HUD programs (but not public or Indian housing) and owners and managers of facilities and services to assist transgender persons in accordance with their gender identities. Providers could ask about sexual orientation or gender identity, but could not discriminate on those bases. Comments are due January 19, 2016. Contact Norm Suchar, HUD, 202-708-4300.

New HAC resources offer data on veterans nationwide. Information about veterans’ economic and housing characteristics for every state and county is available at www.veteransdata.info. The site, developed by the Housing Assistance Council with support from JPMorgan Chase & Co., provides approximately 420 veteran-specific data indicators and over 650,000 data points. Also available on the site are fact sheets for each state, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. providing details on the veterans’ population including proportion, prevalence by county, median income, poverty levels, unemployment rate, disability, median home value, housing problems, homelessness, and other factors.

Housing communications information available. A recent brief from the National Housing Conference offers “seven effective strategies for countering community opposition” to affordable housing development. NHC has also published a Veteran’s Housing Communications Toolkit offering ways of communicating about veterans’ housing needs and solutions with three audiences: community members, policy makers, and veterans themselves.

RDLN auction online through December 13. Proceeds from the Rural Development Leadership Network’s annual fundraising auction support the organization’s work for social justice, community development, and leadership development in low-income rural communities in the U.S. Items include jewelry, books, vacations, and more.

USDA updates Rural America at a Glance. The 2015 version of this data summary reports that the pace of rural employment growth increased in 2014, although rural employment remains below pre-recession levels. Rural areas continue to experience population loss, higher poverty rates, and lower educational attainment than urban areas.

DDAs and QCTs set for 2016. The newly designated Difficult Development Areas and Qualified Census Tracts for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program are effective July 1, 2016, rather than January 1 as in the past. For the first time the metro area DDA designations use Small Area Fair Market Rents, rather than metro-area FMRs. Contact Michael K. Hollar, HUD, 202-402-5878.

HAC News: November 11, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

November 11, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 23

HAC NEWS GOING FULLY DIGITAL • November is National Native American Heritage Month • Congress and USDA agree to fund Rental Assistance shortages • Two rural housing supporters resigning from Congress • USDA issues new standards for underwriting MPR preservation deals • BIA amends Housing Improvement Program rule • Public housing smoking ban proposed • Interim rule requires new tracking for CDBG grantees • Clean Power Plan can help fund energy efficiency in affordable housing • Unnumbered Letter on TRID now available • HUD reports on homelessness • A few spaces still available for HAC’s November 19-20 trainings

HAC News Formats. pdf

October 11, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 23

HAC NEWS GOING FULLY DIGITAL. Beginning in 2016, the print version of the HAC News will no longer be available. The News will still be published every two weeks, will still provide the same concise updates on issues important to rural housers, and will still be free. Back issues will continue to be available online at https://ruralhome.org.

November is National Native American Heritage Month. Read President Obama’s proclamation here.

Congress and USDA agree to fund Rental Assistance shortages. On November 5 the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees – Reps. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Sam Farr (D-CA), and Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Jeff Merkley (D-OR) – met with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack. The parties agreed to provide Section 521 Rental Assistance funds for properties that were short funded in FY15, either because they used up RA funds before their one-year contracts expired or because their contracts expired near the end of the fiscal year and USDA had run out of contract renewal monies (see HAC News, 10/28/15). At least some property owners have been told they are about to receive back payments. Congress will need to increase the $1.167 billion for RA provided in the FY16 funding bills that passed both Appropriations Committees in July 2015 (see HAC News, 6/25/15).

Two rural housing supporters resigning from Congress. Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA) has served as chair and ranking member of the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee. Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX) co-founded the Congressional Rural Housing Caucus.

USDA issues new standards for underwriting MPR preservation deals. An Unnumbered Letter dated October 26, 2015 replaces a UL dated September 30, 2013 that emphasized reducing costs to the government. The new policy stresses long-term property viability, meeting tenants’ needs for affordable housing, and completing transactions in a timely and efficient manner. Contact multifamily housing staff in an RD State Office.

BIA amends Housing Improvement Program rule. A final rule issued by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs is intended to align HIP with other federal requirements, allow leveraging of funds, and give tribes more flexibility. Contact Les Jensen, BIA, 907-586-7397.

Public housing smoking ban proposed. HUD suggests requiring PHAs to ban smoking in all indoor areas, including living units, and in outdoor areas within 25 feet of buildings. HUD’s press release says more than 228,000 public housing units are already smoke-free, and this proposal would cover another 940,000 homes. Comments will be due 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. Contact Leroy Ferguson, HUD, 202-402-2411.

Interim rule requires new tracking for CDBG grantees. Community Development Block Grant grantees will have to track their obligations and expenditures of CDBG funds by specific fiscal years. HUD also makes some technical corrections in CDBG regulations. The new rule takes effect December 14 and comments are due January 11, 2016. Contact Stanley Gimont, HUD, 202-708-3587.

Clean Power Plan can help fund energy efficiency in affordable housing. A proposed federal plan published by EPA offers opportunities to fund energy efficiency in affordable housing as part of state implementation plans. Several organizations joined to offer a primer for affordable housing advocates, as well as other resources and more information at https://energyefficiencyforall.org/. Comments on the proposed federal plan are due January 21.

Unnumbered Letter on TRID now available. The UL (dated October 6, 2015) offers guidance on compliance with new mortgage disclosure requirements for direct Section 502 and 504 loans (see HAC News, 10/14/15).

HUD reports on homelessness. The 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) Part 2 says homelessness declined by 6.3% since 2007, then increased by 4.6% from 2013 to 2014 although homeless people without shelter fell by 10% during that year. 70% of those who used shelter in 2014 were in major cities. Between 2007 and 2014, the number of people in families with children using shelters increased by 48.1% in suburban and rural areas from 2007 to 2014 and decreased by 5% in cities. Part 1 was released in October 2014 (see HAC News, 11/12/14).

A few spaces still available for HAC’s November 19-20 trainings. The cost is $75 each for these courses in North Charleston, SC. Register online for either Sharpening Your Skills: Financial Management for Rural Nonprofits or Utilizing the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Creating and Preserving Affordable Housing. These are concurrent sessions; register for only one. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: October 28, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

October 28, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 22

• Budget deal raises spending caps • USDA has funds to renew expired Rental Assistance contracts • Senate subcommittee questions USDA on Rental Assistance funds • House panels hold hearings on new legislation and HUD • HUD launches Tribal HUD-VASH program • New Markets Tax Credits allocations available • CFPB updates lists of rural counties • Additional fair housing regulations proposed • HMDA regulations revised • HUD offers training to qualify manufactured housing installers • New report supports HOME program • Rural Voices celebrates 20 years • Two HAC trainings offered November 19-20

HAC News Formats. pdf

October 28, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 22

Budget deal raises spending caps. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 will add $25 billion to the Budget Control Act’s cap for non-defense discretionary spending in FY16 and $15 billion in FY17. The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will divide the $25 billion among agencies, so it is not yet clear how the increases will impact specific programs.

USDA has funds to renew expired Rental Assistance contracts. Using funds from the Continuing Resolution (see HAC News, 9/30/15), USDA is renewing RA contracts that have expired (not contracts that used up funds before their expiration dates). Renewals are for a full year, not just the term of the CR. Priority goes to those that expired after FY15 RA funds ran out in August. The agency is using a new RA Obligation Tool, which it expects will improve accuracy and reduce the number of RA contracts using up their funds before the end of their terms; each contract’s funding will be based on that property’s spending rather than a statewide average.

Senate subcommittee questions USDA on Rental Assistance funds. An October 21 hearing, “Review of Rural Development in the 21st Century,” covered many topics, including the FY15 shortfall in Section 521 Rental Assistance funding. Subcommittee chair Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and ranking member Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) were particularly surprised to hear RHS Administrator Tony Hernandez say the CR does not give it the authority to use FY16 funds to cover amounts not paid in FY15 to “re-renew” RA contracts that used up their dollars before they expired. (See HAC News, 9/2/15 and 9/30/15.)

House panels hold hearings on new legislation and HUD. A subcommittee and the full Financial Services Committee considered “The Future of Housing in America: Federal Housing Reforms that Create Housing Opportunity and “The Future of Housing in America: 50 Years of HUD and its Impact on Federal Housing Policyon October 21 and 22. The subcommittee focused on H.R. 3700, which would make changes in many programs (see HAC News, 10/14/15), while the committee examined HUD’s history and accomplishments.

HUD launches Tribal HUD-VASH program. The program will fund Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities to provide rental assistance and supportive services to Native American veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness living on or near reservations or other Indian areas. Contact Randall Akers, HUD, 202-402-7914.

New Markets Tax Credits allocations available. Applications for Calendar Year 2015 NMTCs are due December 16. Applicants not yet certified as Community Development Entities must submit apply for CDE status by November 6. Contact the CDFI Fund’s NMTC Program Manager, cdfihelp@cdfi.treas.gov, 202-653-0421.

CFPB updates lists of rural counties. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s listsof “rural counties” and “rural or underserved counties” identify areas where some mortgage activity regulations are waived.

Additional fair housing regulations proposed. Comments are due December 21 on HUD’s suggested standards for evaluating complaints of quid pro quo harassment and hostile environment harassment. The proposed rule also clarifies the operation of traditional principles of direct and vicarious liability under the Fair Housing Act. Contact Lynn Grosso, HUD, 202-402-5361.

HMDA regulations revised. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has issued a final rule adding some new reporting requirements for Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data. There are other changes as well, and the rule also provides compliance guidance. Contact CFPB’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700.

HUD offers training to qualify manufactured housing installers. HUD training and licenses are available in 13 states that do not operate their own installation programs. Contact Pamela Beck Danner, HUD, 202-708-6423.

New report supports HOME program. On October 28 the HOME Coalition released “Building HOME: The HOME Investment Partnerships Programs Impact on America’s Families and Communities,” analyzing HOME’s economic impact at the national level and in all 50 states.

Rural Voices celebrates 20 years. The Fall issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine updates some of the more than 500 articles published since 1995. Sign up online for email notices when new issues are published.

Two HAC trainings offered November 19-20. The cost is $75 each for these courses in North Charleston, SC. Register online for either Sharpening Your Skills: Financial Management for Rural Nonprofits or Utilizing the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program: Creating and Preserving Affordable Housing. These are concurrent sessions; register for only one. Advance registration is required. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.