Rural Voices
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
The Winter 1996-97 issue of Rural Voices highlights two important topics: how the Federal Home Loan Bank System can help in the development of affordable rural housing, and local and national efforts to address housing needs in Indian Country.
Our cover stoty explains the basics of the FHLBanks’ Affordable Housing Program and Community Investment Program, with examples of how both have been used in rural areas. Both can provide long-tmm financing for housing development at below-market rates. An interview with Bruce Morrison examines the AHP and CIP from a slightly different angle. Morrison, the Chairman of the Federal Housing Finance Board, which oversees the FHLBank System, discusses his perspective on the future of the System and of the banking industry overall.
Native American housing issues are addressed in two pieces as well. First, the director of the Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority in Alaska describes how her agency modified an existing housing program to better meet the needs of Native Alaskans. Changes expected nationwide as a result of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Detetmination Act of I996 are summarized in our “View from Washington” department.
This issue also explores a successful housing development effort in a small town in Iowa. In addition, we have included a summmy of HAC’s National Rural Housing Conforence, held in December 1996, and providing, among many other things, an opportunity to celebrate HAC’s 25th anniversary.