Year 2016

HAC Honored with Housing Visionary Award


Contact: Dan Stern
202-842-8600, ext. 137

HAC Honored with Housing Visionary Award

Washington, DC, June 2, 2016– The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) will be honored with one of this year’s Housing Visionary Awards from the National Housing Conference (NHC). The award will be presented at NHC’s upcoming 44th Annual Housing Visionary Award Gala. NHC recognized HAC for its 45years of work improving the housing conditions of the poorest of the rural poor, advocating sound policy on rural housing programs and being a critical source of capacity building and information for rural housing in America.

NHC will also recognize Rural LISC for its work providing a wide range of services, including training, technical assistance, information and financial support, to help rural community developers address the problems rural communities face.

“HAC is honored and humbled to be recognized with this award,” said Moises Loza, HAC’s Executive Director. “As we constantly struggle against the marginalization of rural people and communities, we would like to congratulate NHC for demonstrating its commitment to improving housing conditions in rural America. We would also like congratulate Rural LISC for their well-deserved award.”

The NHC Gala will take place the evening of June 2nd at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC.


About the Housing Assistance Council
HAC, founded in 1971, is a nonprofit corporation that supports the development of rural low-income housing nationwide. HAC provides technical housing services, loans from a revolving fund, housing program and policy assistance, research and demonstration projects, and training and information services. HAC is an equal opportunity lender.