
Policy News & Information

Decisions made in Washington, DC affect even the most remote corners of rural America. Affordable housing everywhere in the country is impacted by what federal agencies do, what Congress does, even what the Supreme Court decides. HAC follows federal policy and government actions closely and gives rural housing stakeholders the information they need. Details about the most recent government funding, laws, regulations, and more are provided on this page. HAC provides summaries and key facts in the biweekly HAC News newsletter and on its social media streams.

HAC Comments on Community Investment Focus on Capacity Building and Capital Access

HAC’s 2023 Rural Housing Policy Priorities

For over 50 years, the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) has been the voice for the poorest of the poor in the most rural places. Our deeply rooted work in communities […]

HAC Submits Comments on Proposed Duty to Serve Modifications

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) requested comments on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) proposed modifications to their Duty to Serve 2022 Underserved Markets Plans. If implemented robustly, […]