CDBG-DR waivers and alternative requirements (2/19/19)

Agency HUD
Action Notice
Date 2/19/19

HUD is providing waivers and establishing alternative requirements for some grantees receiving CDBG disaster recovery funds awarded under several appropriations. This notice also provides further clarification on the application of the green building standards HUD established for 2017 CDBG-DR grantees in a February 9, 2018 Federal Register notice, and it addresses the availability of an alternative to a section of the Uniform Relocation Act.

CDBG-DR Action Plans review (2/28/19)

Agency HUD
Action Notice
Date 2/28/19

Because of the government shutdown, on January 9, 2019, HUD published a Federal Register notice waiving its own deadlines for review of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Action Plans for Disaster Recovery and Action Plan amendments that were pending approval as of December 22, 2018. HUD is now announcing that it will review some by March 1 and some by March 15, 2019.

Fed Chair talks strong economy and rural poverty at HAC Conference

Federal Reserve Board of Governors chairman Jerome Powell addressed the HAC Rural Housing Conference on December 6, 2018. Chairman Powell discussed the strength of the economy while acknowledging that not everyone has enjoyed the benefits of the strong economy equally.


“While the economy is strong overall, we recognize that some communities have yet to feel the full benefits of the ongoing expansion,” Powell said.

During his speech, Chairman Powell praised the work of the community development functions in each of the 12 Federal Reserve banks and what their work means for local communities. He stressed the importance of the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and praised HAC’s research on the subject as beneficial to the Fed’s plans around potential CRA reform.

He closed his remarks by acknowledging the work of community development organizations like HAC’s partners in improving rural communities across the country. He stressed that their work is critical to expand the benefits of the strong economy into more rural areas.

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Newman Building Dreams on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation-1 copy In fall 2003, we looked at a new self-help housing program on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, developed by the Oglala Sioux Tribe Partnership for Housing (OSTPH). We looked at what it took to create the program, some challenges to self-help housing on tribal trust land, and ingredients for success.

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