Entries by actualize

HAC News: August 22, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf August 22, 2012Vol. 41, No. 17 • USDA to use FY12 Section 515 funds for prepayment incentives • CBS News airs story on Section 502 guarantee […]

CBS News Airs Story on USDA Housing

Thurs., Aug. 17, 2012 – CBS News aired a story on USDA rural housing, along the same lines as the Wall Street Journal article published in May regarding RD’s housing […]

HAC News: August 8, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf August 8, 2012Vol. 41, No. 16 • Leaders agree on continuing resolution, Congress recesses • House members plan letter requesting rural definition extension in CR • […]

Nichol speaks out on housing.

Polly Nichol, Director of Housing Programs at the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board and President of the Board of Directors of the Housing Assistance Council, was a featured panelist at […]

"True" Homeownership in Rural America

“True” Homeownership in Rural America   The United States is largely a nation of homeowners.  Owning a home has traditionally been a foundation of the “American Dream,” conveying prosperity, financial […]