Entries by actualize

HAC News: January 6, 2017

HAC News Formats. pdf January 6, 2017 Vol. 46, No. 1 115th Congress convenes • Carson confirmation hearing set for January 12 • HUD concludes major Native American housing study […]

HAC News: December 22, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf December 22, 2016 Vol. 45, No. 24 Federal funding set through April 28 • Duty to Serve final rule issued • Census Bureau releases new American […]

Duty to Serve Final Rule Issued

The Federal Housing Finance Agency issued a final rule to implement the Duty to Serve provisions which require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to serve three specified underserved markets – […]

HAC News: December 8, 2016

HAC News Formats. pdf December 8, 2016 Vol. 45, No. 23 Next continuing resolution may last through April 28 • 21st Century Cures Act and CR provide opioid funding • […]