Annual Report

Annual Report 2009

2009 Annual Report The Housing Assistance Council completed another successful year in 2009. Amidst continued economic pressures, HAC has worked to assist the organizations whose constituencies are feeling these financial […]

Annual Report 2008

2008 Annual Report Communities across the nation have been devastated by the current economic crisis. Rising mortgage foreclosure rates, mounting personal debts, and skyrocketing unemployment have increased the need for […]


Annual Report 2007

2007 Annual Report It is a pleasure to report that 2007 brought the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) opportunities to expand its traditional work and to develop new resources for its […]

Through Partnership … Progress: 35 Years of Building Rural Communities

Through Partnership … Progress: 35 Years of Building Rural CommunitiesMarks HAC’s 35th anniversary with a detailed review of the achievements of HAC’s loan fund.2006, 28 pages, ISBN 1-58064-148-2