About HAC - Annual Reports

Annual Report 2009

2009 Annual Report


The Housing Assistance Council completed another successful year in 2009. Amidst continued economic pressures, HAC has worked to assist the organizations whose constituencies are feeling these financial hardships most acutely. Housing markets across the country are still grappling with high foreclosure rates and many communities are also experiencing double-digit unemployment.

In this economic environment, HAC’s role is especially vital. As an intermediary organization, HAC understands that our strong local partnerships are the foundation of our success. Through these connections, HAC assists local organizations in crafting tailored solutions that meet the needs of their constituencies. By having ongoing dialogue with local communities, expressing and advancing rural interests, and helping to create policy and programmatic responses, HAC has been able to institutionalize needed change.

When rural stakeholders require guidance or resources to create affordable housing solutions, HAC engages in a way that respects local processes, needs, and context. HAC realizes that it is ultimately the community itself that is the best assessor of its needs, and we strive to provide the necessary tools that can bring local endeavors to fruition. This year’s annual report, Promoting Local Solutions, underscores this guiding belief and highlights HAC’s various roles from a local perspective.

Some of HAC’s accomplishments over the year include:

  • Committing more than id=”mce_marker”5 million in loans and grants to build nonprofit capacity and support the development of 1,310 units of affordable housing.
  • Providing information and resources to more than 9,000 individuals and organizations across the U.S. More than 100 partner organizations received intensive one-on-one technical assistance, and more than 500 individuals participated in training workshops.
  • Sharing research and information through the HAC website, www.ruralhome.org, which received more than 12 million web visits over the year.

In this annual report, we highlight examples of how local organizations have used HAC’s resources to create affordable housing opportunities and bring about change in rural communities.

We look back on 2009 with pride, as HAC and our partners have been able to make visible strides in rural areas across the nation. HAC remains committed to strengthening rural communities and ensuring that our local partners thrive. Mindful of the work yet to be completed, we head into 2010 with optimism and determination.