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Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Power Point Presentation | Webinar Recording
As two wars overseas wind down, more veterans will be coming home, while at the same time the demographic changes associated with the baby boom generation and the overall greying of America will also impact veteran’s needs in rural America. In the next ten years, over 70 percent of all veterans in rural America will be over the age of 65 placing increased pressure on the housing and health needs of rural veterans.
On the opposite end of the age spectrum, younger veterans, returning from Iraq or Afghanistan, are more diverse and face different economic and housing challenges. Although these veterans comprise just 7.6 percent of the total rural veteran population, they are more diverse and face different economic and housing challenges than their older counterparts. Minority and female veterans are a much larger segment of this population as well and maintain differing needs than older veterans. Beyond this, younger veterans face higher unemployment and poverty rates than older veterans. Approximately 10 percent of veterans between the ages of 18 to 34 are unemployed and 12 percent have incomes below the poverty line.
For their sacrifice, it is imperative that all veterans have access to safe, affordable, and secure housing. This can be particularly challenging in rural America due to vast geographies, limited resources, and less social service infrastructure. Join the Housing Assistance Council’s webinar on June 25th to learn more about these challenges as well as the demographic shifts reported on in HAC’s new publication From Service to Shelter and the implications that these realities will have on providing affordable and appropriate housing to rural veterans.
This webinar is supported by The Home Depot Foundation. For more information, please email Janice Clark at janice@ruralhome.org.
Register Now! https://ruralhome.adobeconnect.com/e7t536khd3s/event/event_info.html.