Tag Archive for: rural affordable housing

HAC CEO David Lipsetz to testify on "The Affordable Housing Crisis in Rural America."

HAC CEO David Lipsetz

On Tuesday, April 2nd at 2 p.m. EST, the House Financial Services Committee will be holding a Subcommittee hearing entitled “The Affordable Housing Crisis in Rural America: Assessing the Federal Response.” The hearing is the Subcommittee’s first of the 116th Congress and will cover the entire spectrum of rural housing issues, with a focus on rural rental preservation.

HAC CEO David Lipsetz was invited to testify, and is looking forward to engaging with Subcommittee members on a variety of issues important to rural housing and rural economic development. HAC’s 2018 “Platform for Preservation” report is the most comprehensive and timely research available on the rural rental preservation topic, and will likely provide a basis for much of the discussion.

The full witness list for the hearing is as follows:

Tune in here on April 2nd at 2 p.m. EST to watch live!

And to get a sneak peak at HAC’s testimony, click here.


HAC News: September 2, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

September 2, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 18

• Administration asks for permission to spend more rural Rental Assistance early in FY16 • Some RA contracts running out of funds early cannot be renewed • House’s FY16 appropriations bills exceed caps set in budget deal • HUD offers ICDBG funds • Grants available for domestic violence HIV/AIDS housing • USDA reports on review of Section 523 self-help TA • Comment period reopened for RD economic and community development setaside • CDFI Program interim rule issued • HUD corrects errors in AFFH and voucher portability rules • Report reviews progress in Texas colonias

HAC News Formats. pdf

September 2, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 18

ADMINISTRATION ASKS FOR PERMISSION TO SPEND MORE RURAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE EARLY IN FY16. The White House has requested a number of “anomalies” – changes from FY15 appropriations – it wants Congress to include in a Continuing Resolution that would fund the government in early FY16. The list includes one rural housing item, asking that Section 521 Rental Assistance funds “may be apportioned up to the rate for operations necessary to pay ongoing debt service for the section 514 and 515 multifamily direct loan programs.” Noting that “the timing of contract renewals has shifted heavily to the first few months of the fiscal year,” the Administration wants to be able to spend a disproportionate amount of RA dollars at the beginning of the fiscal year. It does not ask for additional funding.

SOME RA CONTRACTS RUNNING OUT OF FUNDS EARLY CANNOT BE RENEWED. Under the FY15 appropriations act, Section 521 RA contracts dated December 16, 2014 or later cannot be renewed early if they use up their funding before their full 12-month terms (see HAC News, 12/10/14). USDA RD estimates that in FY15, 50 properties will run out of RA money before their terms end, and that in early FY16, 700-800 projects will be affected. Owners can ask RD for the mitigation measures offered at the end of FY13, such as deferral of RD payments (see HAC News, 10/1/13), but when those changes are not enough to cover operating costs RD staff reportedly are telling property owners they can request permission to raise rents. The National Housing Law Project has informed RD that raising rents in this situation is illegal. HAC is offering to share information among owners and others; please send contact information to Leslie Strauss, HAC, leslie@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600, and identify any specific properties in this situation.

HOUSE’S FY16 APPROPRIATIONS BILLS EXCEED CAPS SET IN BUDGET DEAL. The Office of Management and Budget calculates that, if the spending limits enacted in the 2011 Budget Control Act are not raised, the House’s funding levels for FY16 would result in sequestration of $1.8 billion in non-defense spending and $3 million in defense. The Senate’s bills would require sequestration of $1 million in defense spending.

HUD OFFERS ICDBG FUNDS. Indian tribes and tribal organizations can apply by October 14 for Indian Community Development Block Grants. Contact Gloria N. Green, HUD.

GRANTS AVAILABLE FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HIV/AIDS HOUSING. October 23 is the deadline for states, units of local government, and nonprofits to request funds to provide housing assistance and supportive services to low-income persons living with HIV/AIDS who need housing assistance as a result of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, and for whom emergency shelter services or other crisis intervention services are unavailable or insufficient. Contact Amy Palilonis, HUD, 202-402-5916.

USDA REPORTS ON REVIEW OF SECTION 523 SELF-HELP TA. A recent internal review of the Section 523 Mutual Self-Help Technical Assistance Grant Program, summarized in AN 4789 (August 13, 2015), found that overall the program performed well. Some of the “areas of concern” that “must be addressed” are self-help homes built with limited homeowner sweat equity due to factors other than reduced property values; grant extensions for reasons the agency believes should have been within the grantee’s control; and grantee failure to use construction contracts for subcontracted work that clearly identify the work to be completed, specifications, price, and payments. Contact a Regional Technical and Management Assistance contractor.

COMMENT PERIOD REOPENED FOR RD ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SETASIDE. Comments are due September 18 on an interim rule setting aside 10% of funds from some RD non-housing programs for projects that help implement development plans (see HAC News, 5/27/15). Contact Farah Ahmad, RBS, 202-245-1169.

CDFI PROGRAM INTERIM RULE ISSUED. Comments are due October 30 on changes implementing the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards published in December 2014 (see HAC News, 12/22/14) and making technical corrections and other updates. Contact Amber Kuchar, CDFI Fund.

HUD CORRECTS ERRORS IN AFFH AND VOUCHER PORTABILITY RULES. There was a typographical error in the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (see HAC News, 7/8/15) and some text was missing from the Housing Choice Voucher portability process regulation (see HAC News, 8/19/15).

REPORT REVIEWS PROGRESS IN TEXAS COLONIAS. Las Colonias in the 21st Century: Progress along the Texas-Mexico Border, published by the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, focuses on infrastructure, housing, economic opportunity, education, and health in the six Texas counties with the highest concentrations of colonias. The vast majority of residents (96%) characterize themselves as Hispanic or Latino, almost two-thirds are U.S. citizens, and more than 40% are poor. A shortage of decent, affordable housing remains, but the report highlights housing successes by community-based nonprofits.

HAC News: August 19, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 19, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 17

• USDA launches “all hands” effort to spend Section 502 direct • The Home Depot Foundation seeks proposals for rural veteran housing projects • 2015-2017 housing goals set for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac • HUD issues voucher portability final rule and Section 8 renewal guidebook • RA management requirements continue • MPR funding notice corrected • RD letter tells how to reconcile Section 538 and Section 515 for preservation • Mortgage disclosures date delayed • Disaster staffing toolkit available for multifamily housing • SAMHSA offers rural homelessness webinars • USDA reports on child poverty in nonmetro counties • Hurricane Katrina tenth anniversary approaches • Two HAC trainings offered September 15-16

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 19, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 17

USDA LAUNCHES “ALL HANDS” EFFORT TO SPEND SECTION 502 DIRECT. Unable to use all of its Section 502 direct funding in the last few years, the agency has taken steps to facilitate loan processing before FY15 ends on September 30. A letter from RD Under Secretary Lisa Mensah reminds all Rural Development employees of temporary measures available, including obligation of loans subject to obtaining acceptable appraisals and (for new construction) plan certifications. Overtime is authorized for staff to process applications. The agency also seeks help from local partners, including submission of new applications. Funds were divided among states earlier in the fiscal year but are now available in all states on a first-come, first-served basis. More details are posted on HAC’s website. Contact a state or local USDA RD office.

THE HOME DEPOT FOUNDATION SEEKS PROPOSALS FOR RURAL VETERAN HOUSING PROJECTS. Awards will go to nonprofits, tribally designated housing entities, and housing authorities serving veterans at or below 80% of area median income in rural areas. Projects may be new construction or rehab, temporary or permanent housing, in progress or beginning within 12 months. Concept papers are due October 30. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

2015-2017 HOUSING GOALS SET FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC. The Federal Housing Finance Agency established identical benchmarks for both Fannie and Freddie in all categories, requiring the housing finance entities to purchase mortgages on affordable single- and multifamily properties. There are no specifically rural goals, but for the first time there is a goal for rental units in small multifamily properties (five to fifty units). Contact Ted Wartell, FHFA, 202-649-3157.

HUD ISSUES VOUCHER PORTABILITY FINAL RULE AND SECTION 8 RENEWAL GUIDEBOOK. The regulation is intended to improve the Housing Choice Voucher program’s portability process for voucher holders to move between jurisdictions. Contact Becky Primeaux, HUD, 202-708-0477. The updated guidebook is effective November 5, 2015.

RA MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS CONTINUE. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 2, 2015 confirms the National Office must approve all transfers of Section 521 Rental Assistance. Contact Stephanie White, USDA, 202-720-1615.

MPR FUNDING NOTICE CORRECTED. A USDA notice rectifies small errors in the announcement of available Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization funds (see HAC News, 8/5/15). The deadline remains December 1. Contact a Housing Programs Specialist at a USDA RD State Office.

RD LETTER TELLS HOW TO RECONCILE SECTION 538 AND SECTION 515 FOR PRESERVATION. An Unnumbered Letter dated July 30, 2015 addresses the procedural differences between the two programs when a Section 538 guaranteed loan is being used to preserve a property with a Section 515 loan. Contact Tammy S. Daniels, RD, 202-720-0021.

MORTGAGE DISCLOSURES DATE DELAYED. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures rule takes effect October 3, 2015 rather than August 1. Contact Pedro De Oliveira, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

DISASTER STAFFING TOOLKIT AVAILABLE FOR MULTIFAMILY HOUSING. The toolkit, released by Enterprise Community Partners and HUD, is intended to help organizations develop comprehensive disaster staffing plans to protect buildings, engage residents, and continue business operations in the event of a disaster. The toolkit and other resources are online.

SAMHSA OFFERS RURAL HOMELESSNESS WEBINARS. The federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is holding several free webinars through the end of August. Register online.

USDA REPORTS ON CHILD POVERTY IN NONMETRO COUNTIES. The Economic Research Service found nonmetro child poverty increased from 19% in 2000 to 26% in 2013. Rates tended to be higher in counties with high proportions of minority residents. “Understanding the Geography of Growth in Rural Child Poverty” and a gallery of charts link the rise to weak job markets and increases in single-parent families, noting also that changes in family structure could be connected to job market problems.

HURRICANE KATRINA TENTH ANNIVERSARY APPROACHES. The Times-Picayune offers information on the August 29, 2015 disaster and commemoration events; Census Bureau data indicate changes in population, housing stock, and more; and a HUD press release summarizes the department’s recovery efforts.

TWO HAC TRAININGS OFFERED SEPTEMBER 15-16. The cost is $75 each for these courses in North Charleston, SC. Register online for Sharpening Your Skills: Financial Management for Rural Nonprofits or Utilizing the LIHTC Program: Creating and Preserving Affordable Housing. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: August 5, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 5, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 16

• Americans with Disabilities Act turns 25 • FY16 appropriations stall • USDA offers debt deferral for maturing mortgages as well as MPR preservation funds • HUD has funding for fair housing, Jobs Plus, and Main Street • Rural broadband loans and loan guarantees available, new rule published • Tenants displaced by maturing mortgages eligible for LOPEs • USDA proposes changes to multifamily owners’ financial reporting • Promise Zone comments requested • HUD suggests changes to faith-based organizations regulations • Inspector General recommends reducing number of overincome families in public housing • HAC explains federal funding and sequestration • Two HAC trainings offered September 15-16

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 5, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 16

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT TURNS 25. A presidential proclamation recognizes July 26, 2015 as the 25th anniversary of the ADA. Additional information is online from HUD and the Justice Department.

FY16 APPROPRIATIONS STALL. All 12 spending bills have passed the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, but further progress seems unlikely. Legislators do not agree whether to continue sequestration, and the Administration has written a series of letters asking Congress to reverse sequestration and make “commonsense” cuts for FY16, focusing most recently on the Senate Appropriations Committee’s USDA appropriations bill. The House is in recess and the Senate goes out of session after this week, with both houses returning on September 8. A Continuing Resolution is likely for at least the early part of FY16.

USDA OFFERS DEBT DEFERRAL FOR MATURING MORTGAGES AS WELL AS MPR PRESERVATION FUNDS. The Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization demonstration can be used for existing Section 515 and Section 514/516 properties. No additional Section 521 Rental Assistance is available. Properties with USDA multifamily mortgages maturing on or before December 31, 2018 are eligible for debt deferral to extend the affordable use of the housing and continue its RA eligibility. Applications that request debt deferrals and also other MPR funding tools are due December 1. Applications requesting only debt deferral are due December 31. Contact a Housing Programs Specialist at a USDA RD State Office.

HUD HAS FUNDING FOR FAIR HOUSING, JOBS PLUS, AND MAIN STREET. Fair housing organizations and other nonprofits can apply by August 26 for Fair Housing Initiative Program funds; contact Myron P. Newry, HUD, 202-402-7095. Applications from PHAs are due September 28 for the Jobs Plus Pilot; contact HUD staff, jobsplus@hud.gov. Small communities’ governments are eligible for the HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program with an August 27 deadline; contact Lawrence Gnessin, HUD.

RURAL BROADBAND LOANS AND LOAN GUARANTEES AVAILABLE, NEW RULE PUBLISHED. Get an application guide online or request one from Shawn Arner, RUS, 202-720-0800. Deadline is September 30. Comments are due September 28 on an interim rule that implements changes made by the 2014 Farm Bill. Contact Kenneth Kuchno, RUS, 202-720-9554.

TENANTS DISPLACED BY MATURING MORTGAGES ELIGIBLE FOR LOPEs. Tenants who cannot stay in their Section 515 apartments because of rent increases after the mortgage expires are now entitled to receive Letters of Priority Entitlement giving them priority on the waiting lists of other Section 515 properties. Contact a USDA RD State Office.

USDA PROPOSES CHANGES TO MULTIFAMILY OWNERS’ FINANCIAL REPORTING. To reduce the burden on owners, RD suggests removing engagement requirements and unit-based requirements for annual financial reporting on Section 515 and 514/516 properties and replacing them with risk-based audit requirements based on HUD’s. Comments are due in early October. Contact Stephanie White, USDA, 202-720-1615.

PROMISE ZONE COMMENTS REQUESTED. The third and final round of the Promise Zones Initiative will select five urban communities, one rural, and one tribal. Comments on the proposed selection process, criteria and submissions are due September 28. Contact Bryan Herdliska, PromiseZones@hud.gov, 202-402-6758.

HUD SUGGESTS CHANGES TO FAITH-BASED ORGANIZATIONS REGULATIONS. The revisions would implement an Executive Order that clarifies religious providers are welcome to compete for federal funding and provides protections for program beneficiaries, including a referral process for those who object to an organization’s religious character. Comments are due in early October. Contact Paula Lincoln, HUD, 202-708-2404.

INSPECTOR GENERAL RECOMMENDS REDUCING NUMBER OF OVERINCOME FAMILIES IN PUBLIC HOUSING. HUD OIG Audit Report Number 2015-PH-0002, Overincome Families Residing in Public Housing Units, says over 25,000 families in public housing have incomes over the eligibility limits because HUD gives public housing authorities discretion to set policies that would require overincome families to move and some PHAs allow them to stay. The study included PHAs of all sizes. OIG recommends that HUD direct housing authorities to establish policies to reduce the number of overincome families in public housing, so more eligible low-income families can receive housing assistance.

HAC EXPLAINS FEDERAL FUNDING AND SEQUESTRATION. The Federal Budget, Appropriations, Sequestration and Rural Communities: Expanding the Conversation, a new HAC policy note, tells how spending caps impact housing programs.

TWO HAC TRAININGS OFFERED SEPTEMBER 15-16. The cost is $75 each for these courses in North Charleston, SC. Register online for Sharpening Your Skills: Financial Management for Rural Nonprofits or Utilizing the LIHTC Program: Creating and Preserving Affordable Housing. Contact Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: July 22, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 22, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 15

• Senate committee passes USDA FY16 spending bill • Small Building Risk Sharing Initiative launched • OMB issues 2015 Circular A-133 compliance supplement • HHUD requests comments on AFFH Assessment Tool • Child poverty persists, 2015 Kids Count data show • “50 Years, 50,000 Homes” celebrated in HAC’s magazine • HAC is hiring for three positions

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 22, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 15

SENATE COMMITTEE PASSES USDA FY16 SPENDING BILL. The Senate Appropriations Committee approved S. 1800 on July 16, with most rural housing program funding at the same levels as the measure passed by the House Appropriations Committee on July 8. Like the House bill, the Senate rejects a cut in Section 523 self-help funding, prohibits early renewal of Rental Assistance contracts that run out of funds before the end of their one-year terms, and does not impose a minimum rent on tenants. The Senate committee’s report says the committee has asked GAO to study maturing multifamily mortgages and to review USDA’s calculations of the amount of RA needed. It encourages USDA to continue its rental preservation efforts and tells the agency its FY17 budget request should show “the true amount needed to renew all expiring rental assistance contracts.” Floor votes have not been scheduled in either chamber. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)




FY16 Budget Proposal

FY16 House Cmte. Bill
(H.R. 3049)

FY16 Senate Cmte. Bill
(S. 1800)

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside







502 Single Family Guar.







504 VLI Repair Loans







504 VLI Repair Grants







515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.







514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.







516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.







521 Rental Assistance







523 Self-Help TA







533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants







538 Rental Hsg. Guar.







Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)







542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers







Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.







a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut.

SMALL BUILDING RISK SHARING INITIATIVE LAUNCHED. HUD is implementing an initiative proposed in 2013 (see HAC News, 11/13/13), to facilitate the financing of small multifamily properties through risk sharing. CDFIs, nonprofit lenders, and public and quasi-public agencies can apply at any time for designation as Qualified Participating Entities; for-profit lenders can apply beginning in January 2016. QPEs will underwrite, originate, and service loans for acquisition, refinancing, rehab, and/or equity take outs, but not new construction, up to $3 million (or $5 million in HUD-designated ‘‘High Cost Areas”). HUD will share 50% of the risk. Contact Diana Talios, HUD, 202-402-7125.

OMB ISSUES 2015 CIRCULAR A-133 COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENT. The supplement will apply to audits of fiscal years beginning after June 30, 2014. Comments are due October 31. Contact a federal awarding agency.

HUD REQUESTS COMMENTS ON AFFH ASSESSMENT TOOL. Jurisdictions will use the tool for assessments required by HUD’s new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule (see HAC News, 7/8/15). Comments are due August 17. Contact Camille E. Acevedo, HUD, 202-708-1793.

CHILD POVERTY PERSISTS, 2015 KIDS COUNT DATA SHOW. The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual research found improvements in child health and education, but the number of U.S. children living in high-poverty neighborhoods is the highest since 1990. One in four children in the U.S. lives in a low-income working family, and economic indicators are lowest for children of color. Data are presented for the U.S. and for each state, county, school district, and congresssional district.

“50 YEARS, 50,000 HOMES” CELEBRATED IN HAC’S MAGAZINE. The latest issue of Rural Voices marks the 50th anniversary of the self-help housing program and recognizes the achievements of the nonprofit sponsors, the USDA programs, and the families who have become successful homeowners. Sign up online to receive email notices when new issues are published.

HAC IS HIRING FOR THREE POSITIONS. HAC seeks a Housing Specialist in Albuquerque, Atlanta, Kansas City, Sacramento, or Washington, DC; a Loan Officer/Underwriter in Washington, DC; and a Development Manager in Washington, DC. Visit HAC’s website for job descriptions and application information.

HAC News: July 8, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 8, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 14

• USDA FY16 funding bill approved by House committee • Congress moving to reduce funding for ACS and Census preparation • Family Self-Sufficiency grants offered • HUD publishes final Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule • Wages and jobs similar for H2-A and undocumented workers, housing not, research finds • Foundation grants to rural places vary widely • Rental housing market discriminates against people who are deaf or use wheelchairs • AARP offers online Livability Index • Vouchers provide best results for urban homeless families in emergency shelter • HAC reports on USDA rural housing activity in FY14

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 8, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 14

USDA FY16 FUNDING BILL APPROVED BY HOUSE COMMITTEE. The House Appropriations Committee passed the still unnumbered bill on July 8, making no changes in its housing provisions (see HAC News, 6/25/15). The Senate committee has not yet begun work on a USDA appropriations bill.

CONGRESS MOVING TO REDUCE FUNDING FOR ACS AND CENSUS PREPARATION. Different versions of H.R. 2578, the FY16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill, passed the Senate Appropriations Committee on June 11 and the full House on June 3. The Census Project reports that, by cutting funds for the accounts that cover the American Community Survey and preparation for the 2020 Decennial Census, both bills would reduce data availability. HAC commented on the subject for the Daily Yonder and to the Census Bureau.

FAMILY SELF-SUFFICIENCY GRANTS OFFERED. Public housing agencies and tribes or their housing entities can apply for grants by July 27. FSS coordinators may work with either voucher recipients or public housing residents. Contact HUD staff, fss@hud.gov.

HUD PUBLISHES FINAL AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING RULE. The rule, released July 8, is intended to help communities receiving HUD funds to meet their fair housing obligations. HUD will provide data, maps and technical assistance. Ask AFFH questions online at https://www.hudexchange.info/get-assistance/my-question/. Contact George D. Williams, Sr., HUD, 866-234-2689 (toll free).

WAGES AND JOBS SIMILAR FOR H2-A AND UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS, HOUSING NOT, RESEARCH FINDS. Authorized Status, Limited Returns: The Labor Market Outcomes of Temporary Mexican Workers, published by the Economic Policy Institute, compares temporary workers with H2-A agricultural visas and H2-B non-agricultural visas to unauthorized workers and legal permanent residents. The temporary workers have jobs with the lowest occupational standing and earn about as much as unauthorized workers. H-2A workers’ total compensation levels are higher than those of undocumented agricultural workers, however, because their employers must provide housing at no cost. A USDA Economic Research Service analysis estimates legalization would raise unauthorized farmworkers’ incomes by about 4%. A panel discussion by these researchers and others exploring immigration status and wages is online.

FOUNDATION GRANTS TO RURAL PLACES VARY WIDELY. In Foundation Grants to Rural Areas from 2005 to 2010: Trends and Patterns, USDA’s Economic Research Service estimates that 6% to 7% of total U.S. foundation grants benefited nonmetro areas in 2010, when those places had 19% of the U.S. population. The total value of 2010 rural grants for all purposes is estimated to be about the same as USDA RD grants that year, though significantly smaller than RD’s total rural support including loans and loan guarantees. Foundation grant value per rural person averaged about $88, but 18% of nonmetro counties had no grant recipients and some received over $10,000 per person.

RENTAL HOUSING MARKET DISCRIMINATES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO ARE DEAF OR USE WHEELCHAIRS. Discrimination in the Rental Housing Market Against People Who Are Deaf and People Who Use Wheelchairs: National Study Findings, prepared by the Urban Institute for HUD, reports on the first national paired-testing study involving such tenants. Researchers found “systematic evidence of unfavorable treatment.”

AARP OFFERS ONLINE LIVABILITY INDEX. Users can find overall ratings and ratings for seven categories (housing, neighborhood, transportation, environment, health, engagement, and opportunity) by entering addresses, states, counties, or zip codes at livabilityindex.aarp.org/. The index can also be customized to emphasize specific factors.

VOUCHERS PROVIDE BEST RESULTS FOR URBAN HOMELESS FAMILIES IN EMERGENCY SHELTER. HUD’s Family Options Study, conducted in several large cities,found that after 18 months families who were offered a housing voucher experienced significantly better outcomes than those families randomly assigned to any of three other options. Rapid rehousing was the least costly and transitional housing was the most expensive. Vouchers were deemed cost-effective because voucher costs were almost entirely offset by reductions in costs of other services such as emergency shelter.

HAC REPORTS ON USDA RURAL HOUSING ACTIVITY IN FY14. In FY14, which included a three-week government shutdown in October 2013, USDA made the lowest number of Section 502 direct loans since 1961. About $91.9 million in Section 502 direct funds designated for very low-income households were unused. Most Section 515 rental housing funds went for rehabilitation of existing units. About 19,700 Section 521 Rental Assistance contracts did not need to be renewed because they are still operating on funds obligated in past years. USDA Rural Development Housing Obligations: Fiscal Year 2014 Year-End Report includes tables and maps showing obligation data by program and by state, and data by fiscal year for each program since its inception. Contact Mike Feinberg, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: June 25, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 25, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 13

• House subcommittee keeps most USDA spending at FY15 levels • Senate committee advances HUD bill with large cut in HOME • Supreme Court approves use of disparate impact for fair housing claims • Indian Country needs capital, witnesses tell Senate panel • Funds for housing and health research offered • Reminder: USDA has email lists for single-family housing loan programs • RD alters multifamily reserve account countersignature requirements • HUD Rental Assistance Demonstration changed • Federal homelessness plan revised • Homeownership down, renters’ cost burden rates increasing, Harvard reports • Partnership opportunities expand for housing and health providers

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 25, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 13

HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE KEEPS MOST USDA SPENDING AT FY15 LEVELS. Approved by the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee on June 18, the FY16 agriculture appropriations bill holds funding for Section 523 self-help at $27.5 million and increases Rental Assistance funds slightly to $1.167 billion, the amount the Administration said will be needed to keep up with inflation. It does not include minimum rent for tenants and does not provide vouchers for tenants in maturing mortgage properties. Details are on HAC’s website. The full House Appropriations Committee postponed a June 25 markup, and the Senate has not yet released an agriculture funding bill. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Dev. Prog.
(dollars in millions)




FY16 Budget Proposal

FY16 House Subcmte. Bill

502 Single Fam. Direct
Self-Help setaside






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct Lns.






514 Farm Labor Hsg. Lns.






516 Farm Labor Hsg. Grts.






521 Rental Assistance






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester or 2.5% across the board cut.

SENATE COMMITTEE ADVANCES HUD BILL WITH LARGE CUT IN HOME. On June 25 the Senate Appropriations Committee approved a HUD funding bill for FY16 (not yet available online). The measure cuts the HOME program by 93%, from $900 million in FY15 to $66 million. An amendment to restore HOME funding was offered by Sen. Christopher Coons (D-DE) but was defeated. The bill does not make changes to the National Housing Trust Fund.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)





House Bill
(H.R. 2577)

FY16 Sen. Approps. Cmte. Bill

Cmty. Devel. Fund







SHOP setaside







Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)







Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
VASH setaside







Project-Based Rental Asstnce.







Public Hsg. Capital Fund







Public Hsg. Operating Fund







Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative







Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant







Homeless Assistance Grantsd







Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS







202 Hsg. for Elderly







811 Hsg. for Disabled







Fair Housing







Healthy Homes & Lead Haz. Cntl.







Housing Counseling







Local Housing Policy Grants


a. Figures shown do not include 5% sequester. b. In FY13, FY14, and FY15 SHOP was funded under the Self-Help & Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program account. Recent Obama budgets have proposed making the program a setaside in HOME. Congress has rejected that proposal. c. VASH vouchers for homeless veterans would be part of a new $177.5 million account of incremental rental vouchers for families, veterans, and tribal families experiencing homelessness and for victims of domestic violence. d. Includes the Rural Housing Stability Program, which is not yet operational.

SUPREME COURT APPROVES USE OF DISPARATE IMPACT FOR FAIR HOUSING CLAIMS. On June 25 the court ruled in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. that a Fair Housing Act claim may be based on a disproportionately adverse impact on minorities even where there is no discriminatory intent.

INDIAN COUNTRY NEEDS CAPITAL, WITNESSES TELL SENATE PANEL. “Accessing Capital in Indian Country,” an oversight hearing by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, focused on business financing, but touched on housing as well. Witnesses spoke favorably of HUD’s Section 184 program, CRA, and the Native American CDFI program. One recommended allocating Low Income Housing Tax Credits directly to tribes.

FUNDS FOR HOUSING AND HEALTH RESEARCH OFFERED. Nonprofits, for-profits, tribes, PHAs, state and local govern-ments, and others can submit preapplications by July 16 for Healthy Homes Technical Studies grants. Contact Dr. Peter Ashley, HUD, 202-402-7595.

REMINDER: USDA HAS EMAIL LISTS FOR SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSING LOAN PROGRAMS. Sign up for a list that distributes information about Section 502 direct, 504, and 523, or for others covering the Section 502 guarantee program, at https://www.rdlist.sc.egov.usda.gov/listserv/mainservlet.

RD ALTERS MULTIFAMILY RESERVE ACCOUNT COUNTERSIGNATURE REQUIREMENTS. A final rule provides that when a property has both a Section 515 or 514 loan and also a Section 538 loan, USDA’s countersignature will not be required to draw funds from the reserve account. (See HAC News, 8/20/14.) The rule also requires guarantee fees to be paid from operating accounts, not reserve accounts. Contact Tammy S. Daniels, RD, 202-720-0021.

HUD RENTAL ASSISTANCE DEMONSTRATION CHANGED. A notice in the June 26 Federal Register will expand and amend RAD, which allows some public housing to convert to long-term, project-based Section 8 rental assistance. Comments will be due in 30 days. Contact rad@hud.gov.

FEDERAL HOMELESSNESS PLAN REVISED. The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness updated its “Opening Doors” strategy and added an operational definition of ending homelessness: “An end to homelessness does not mean that no one will ever experience a housing crisis again. . . . [It] means that every community will have a systematic response in place that ensures homelessness is prevented whenever possible or is otherwise a rare, brief, and non-recurring experience.” USICH also says chronic homelessness can be ended in 2017 (rather than the original 2015 goal) if Congress funds new permanent supportive housing.

HOMEOWNERSHIP DOWN, RENTERS’ COST BURDEN RATES INCREASING, HARVARD REPORTS. In its annual State of the Nation’s Housing study, the Joint Center on Housing Studies says that in 2013, almost half of all renters had housing cost burdens, including more than a quarter who were paying more than 50% of income for housing). The report notes that cuts in federal funds and increases in subsidy costs add to the problem, and that expiring affordability requirements will be a serious issue over the next decade.

PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES EXPAND FOR HOUSING AND HEALTH PROVIDERS. Affordable Housing’s Place in Medicaid Reform: Opportunities Created by the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reform examines how changes in health care law create the potential for affordable housing providers to collaborate with health care providers and others. The report, published by the National Housing Conference, includes examples of programs already underway.

HAC News: June 10, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 10, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 12

• House passes THUD spending bill • Lead hazard funding offered • RD seeks 502 packaging intermediary applications, delays rule’s effective date • New comments invited on Emergency Solutions Grants • HUD considers small area FMRs • Meetings set on Section 538 guarantees • People with disabilities receiving SSI cannot afford housing • Materials available on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule • CFPB consumer advisory warns about reverse mortgage advertising • Americans believe housing crisis ongoing, many still aspire to homeownership • HAC to present Practitioner’s Guide to Meeting Energy Star 3.0 Part B • HAC offers Section 502 Packaging Training for Nonprofit Housing Developers

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 10, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 12

HOUSE PASSES THUD SPENDING BILL. On June 9, the House passed the FY16 Transportation-HUD spending bill(H.R. 2577) with only one change in HUD funding levels (see HAC News, 4/29/15): $2.5 million was added for Section 202 elderly housing, offset by reduced funding for HUD’s Policy Development and Research office. The bill directs National Housing Trust Fund funding to the HOME program. Amendments adopted by the House prohibit funding the private enforcement initiative under HUD’s Fair Housing Initiative Program, and enforcing HUD’s affirmatively furthering fair housing rule (see HAC News, 7/17/13) and disparate impact rule (see HAC News, 2/20/13). Last week, the House passed an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science spending bill barring the Department of Justice from enforcing the disparate impact rule. A Supreme Court decision on a disparate impact case is expected later this month. The Senate has not begun action on its THUD bill.

LEAD HAZARD FUNDING OFFERED. Governments of states, counties, cities, townships, and tribes can apply by June 23 for HUD’s FY15 Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration Grant Program and the Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program. Contact Eric Hornbuckle, HUD, 202-402-7599.

RD SEEKS 502 PACKAGING INTERMEDIARY APPLICATIONS, DELAYS RULE’S EFFECTIVE DATE. July 9 is the deadline for experienced nonprofits and state HFAs to apply to be intermediaries for the Section 502 direct packaging process. Pilot program intermediaries must reapply. (The April application invitation reported in the HAC News, 4/15/15, was for the pilot program.) A separate notice defers effectiveness of the final packaging rule to October 1, 2015 rather than July 28. Contact Brooke Baumann, RD, 202-690-4250.

NEW COMMENTS INVITED ON EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS. HUD requests comments by August 3 on the ESG interim rule published December 5, 2011 (see HAC News, 12/14/11). Contact Norm Suchar, HUD, 202-708-4300.

HUD CONSIDERS SMALL AREA FMRS. HUD requests comments by July 2 on the use of small area FMRs for the Housing Choice Voucher program in some metro areas. Small areas FMRs vary by ZIP code and support a greater range of payment standards than can be achieved under existing regulations. Contact Marie L. Lihn, HUD, 202-402-5866.

MEETINGS SET ON SECTION 538 GUARANTEES. USDA will discuss the rental guarantee program with stakeholders. To register for email notices when calls or web meetings are scheduled, contact Monica Cole, 202-720-1251.

PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES RECEIVING SSI CANNOT AFFORD HOUSING. Priced Out in 2014, released by the Technical Assistance Collaborative and the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Housing Task Force, reports that the national average rent for a one-bedroom apartment at Fair Market Rent is greater than the entire Supplemental Security Income payment of a person with a disability. Data are provided for states, metro areas, and the total nonmetro part of each state.

MATERIALS AVAILABLE ON AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING RULE. Anticipating a final AFFH regulation soon, the National Fair Housing Alliance has compiled links to information about the proposed rule. NFHA and The Opportunity Agenda also offer suggestions for talking about AFFH and fair housing with a range of audiences.

CFPB CONSUMER ADVISORY WARNS ABOUT REVERSE MORTGAGE ADVERTISING. Ads targeting senior homeowners can be misleading, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says. The agency’s website provides facts and a guide.

AMERICANS BELIEVE HOUSING CRISIS ONGOING, MANY STILL ASPIRE TO HOMEOWNERSHIP. The 2015 How Housing Matters survey for the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation also found 80% believe housing affordability is a problem, a majority (55%) believe the federal government is more involved in housing-related issues today than in the past two decades, and most (53%) say that addressing housing affordability is not its responsibility (39% say it is.)

HAC TO PRESENT PRACTITIONER’S GUIDE TO MEETING ENERGY STAR 3.0 PART B. The HVAC Raters Checklist and Water Management System Builder Checklist will be covered in this free webinar on June 24 at 2:00 eastern time. Follow the discussion online at #ruralgreen.

HAC OFFERS SECTION 502 PACKAGING TRAINING FOR NONPROFIT HOUSING DEVELOPERS. This advanced course will be held July 7-9 in Denver. Learn how to assist potential borrowers and work in partnership with RD staff, as well as other nonprofit organizations and regional intermediaries to deliver successful Section 502 direct loan packages. Following the course, participants are encouraged to take the online certification exam. The registration fee is $400. Follow the discussion online at #rural502.

CONTACT Shonterria Charleston, HAC, 404-892-4824.

HAC News: May 27, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 27, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 11

• June is National Homeownership Month • House subcommittee considers USDA’s housing role • Section 533 Housing Preservation Grants offered • Pilot tests new area loan limit method for Section 502 direct • Rural rental properties urged to host meal programs • RD to reserve 10% of non-housing funds to aid development plans • Rents remain out of reach nationwide • More rural veterans are women • White House reports housing helps lift rural children out of poverty • Young people returning to rural areas most often cite family reasons • Rural Voices features lessons learned from housing mistakes • HAC disaster guide supplement for Oklahoma and Texas flooding available

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 27, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 11

JUNE IS NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP MONTH. Watch HUD’s and USDA RD’s websites for announcements.

HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE CONSIDERS USDA’S HOUSING ROLE. On May 19 the Housing and Insurance Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Subcommittee held a hearing entitled “The Future of Housing in America: Oversight of the Rural Housing Service.” RHS Administrator Tony Hernandez and Mathew Scirè of GAO testified. Questions from members of Congress focused on cost-effectiveness and the possibility of consolidating USDA and HUD housing programs.

SECTION 533 HOUSING PRESERVATION GRANTS OFFERED. Public agencies, nonprofits, tribes, consortia, rental property owners, and cooperative housing complexes can apply by July 6 for grants to repair or rehab owner-occupied or rental units. Contact Bonnie Edwards-Jackson, RD, 202-690–0759.

PILOT TESTS NEW AREA LOAN LIMIT METHOD FOR SECTION 502 DIRECT. RD state offices in CA, CO, DE, FL, HI, IA, MD, MN, MS, MO, MN, NV, NC, ND, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA, WV, WI, and WY may set area loan limits at 80% of FHA’s 203(b) loan limits. Updated limits (at the link, click the “Forms & Resources” tab) will be effective June 15, 2015. Contact an RD State Office.

RURAL RENTAL PROPERTIES URGED TO HOST MEAL PROGRAMS. An Unnumbered Letter dated May 5, 2015 asks local RD staff to encourage property owners and managers to reach out to local organizations that could operate Food and Nutrition Service offerings such as the Summer Food Service Program. Contact an RD office or an FNS regional office.

TENANT SERVICES CANNOT BE CHARGED TO MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES’ OPERATING BUDGETS, RD SAYS. An Unnumbered Letter dated April 28, 2015 applies to Section 515 and 514 properties. Contact a USDA RD State Office.

RD TO RESERVE 10% OF NON-HOUSING FUNDS TO AID DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Comment by August 18 on an interim regulation for a program required by the 2014 Farm Bill. A portion of funds from specific community facilities, water and waste disposal, and business and cooperative development programs will be reserved each year for projects that help implement regional economic and community development plans. Contact Aaron Morris, RD, 202-720-1500. For FY15, eligible entities can receive priority points only for year-end pooled funds, according to a notice to be published in the Federal Register on June 1. Contact a USDA RD State Office.

RENTS REMAIN OUT OF REACH NATIONWIDE. The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual Out of Reach study found that nationally the housing wage – the hourly wage a person working 40 hours a week would need to afford a modest, two-bedroom rental unit – is $19.35. For a two-bedroom apartment in a nonmetro area the average housing wage is $13.48, almost $3 above the nonmetro renter wage. An interactive website includes data for states and counties.

MORE RURAL VETERANS ARE WOMEN. The percentage of rural veterans who are women has more than doubled since the First Gulf War, and they tend to be younger than the men, according to USDA’s Economic Research Service. In 2013, 55% of rural female veterans were under the age of 55 compared to 26% of rural male veterans. Racial and ethnic diversity among veterans is increasing as well. The Daily Yonder has republished a map showing the percentage of every U.S. county’s population who are veterans.

WHITE HOUSE REPORTS HOUSING HELPS LIFT RURAL CHILDREN OUT OF POVERTY. Opportunity for All: Fighting Rural Child Poverty states that programs like refundable tax credits, Social Security, SNAP, and housing assistance lifted about 9.0 million nonmetro residents out of poverty in 2013, including about 1.6 million children. In addition, aid programs provide long-term benefits by improving children’s education, health, and earnings outcomes later in life.

YOUNG PEOPLE RETURNING TO RURAL AREAS MOST OFTEN CITE FAMILY REASONS. Factors Affecting Former Residents’ Returning to Rural Communities, by USDA’s Economic Research Service, reports that some returnees said they made financial and career sacrifices to return home and other interviewees said those concerns kept them from returning. Housing costs were seldom mentioned.

RURAL VOICES FEATURES LESSONS LEARNED FROM HOUSING MISTAKES. A new issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine includes stories from rural housing professionals who share notable mistakes they or their organizations made. Sign up online for email notices when new issues are published.

HAC DISASTER GUIDE SUPPLEMENT FOR OKLAHOMA AND TEXAS FLOODING AVAILABLE.Picking Up the Pieces, HAC’s guide to housing recovery after natural disasters, and a special supplement for the recent floods, are available online. To order free print copies for people and organizations in disaster areas, contact Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: May 13, 2015

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 13, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 10

• House committee approves THUD spending bill • Senate passes budget agreement • HUD offers lead-paint grants • New version of USDA’s multifamily Preliminary Assessment Tool available • HUD and USDA determine new energy efficiency standards will apply • Guidance released to extend CDBG disaster grants from Hurricane Sandy • Dates set for Section 538 calls • FHFA announces extension of HARP • Worst Case Housing Needs 2015 Report to Congress released • Limits on GSE lending for multifamily mortgages eased • Federal rental assistance and Housing Choice voucher fact sheets released • Webinar recording on Native American housing available • HAC conference on “Serving Veterans in Rural America” set for May 20

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 13, 2015
Vol. 44, No. 10

HOUSE COMMITTEE APPROVES THUD SPENDING BILL. On May 13, the House Appropriations Committee passed the Transportation-HUD subcommittee’s FY16 appropriations bill without changes to HUD spending levels (see HAC News, 4/29/15). The committee rejected an amendment to provide $1.06 million for HOME without diverting money from the National Housing Trust Fund, offered by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA).

SENATE PASSES BUDGET AGREEMENT. On May 5, the Senate voted 51 to 48 to approve the House budget, which adds military spending while keeping cuts affecting social programs in place (see HAC News, 4/3/15). The budget is not binding and does not require presidential signature, but it does impose overall caps on federal spending.

HUD OFFERS LEAD-PAINT GRANTS. Local, county, state, and tribal governments can apply for the Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration and Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control grant programs by June 23. Contact Eric Hornbuckle, HUD, 202-402-7599.

NEW VERSION OF USDA’S MULTIFAMILY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT TOOL AVAILABLE. Version 4.0 of the tool for Section 515 or 514 borrowers (see HAC News, 12/22/14) should be used when applying to transfer ownership or for the Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Demonstration Program (at the links, click the “Forms & Resources” tabs). Borrowers that used older PAT guidelines and submitted transactions after December 16, 2014 must use the new version. Contact an RD State Office.

HUD AND USDA DETERMINE NEW ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS WILL APPLY. New standards will be required for newly constructed homes with USDA Section 502 direct and guaranteed loans and for FHA-insured multifamily and single-family properties. For the HOME program, the standards will apply after publication of guidance by HUD. For more information contact Meghan Walsh, USDA, 202-205-9590.

GUIDANCE RELEASED TO EXTEND CDBG DISASTER GRANTS FROM HURRICANE SANDY. Expenditure extensions can be made for 24 months. For more information, contact Stanley Gimont, HUD, 202-708-3587.

DATES SET FOR SECTION 538 CALLS. To receive emails announcing dates for calls or web meetings in 2015 and 2016, contact Monica Cole at 202-720-1251. Topics will include program activities, perspectives on the current state of debt financing and its impact on the Section 538 program, enhancing the use of program financing with the transfer or preservation of Section 515 units, and the impact of LIHTC program changes on Section 538 program financing.

FHFA ANNOUNCES EXTENSION OF HARP. The Home Affordable Refinance Program will continue through the end of 2016. Launched in 2009 to provide relief to borrowers through lowering monthly payments, HARP was originally set to expire December 31, 2013.

WORST CASE HOUSING NEEDS 2015 REPORT TO CONGRESS RELEASED. HUD reports that although very low-income renters with worst case needs (those who do not receive government housing aid and paid more than half their income for rent, lived in severely inadequate conditions, or both) decreased slightly from 2011 to 2013, need remains high. Nonmetro areas experience less worst case need overall, but face other challenges including high utility costs.

LIMITS ON GSE LENDING FOR MULTIFAMILY MORTGAGES EASED. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can increase their financing of multifamily mortgages this year in order to avoid tighter multifamily credit and borrowing costs. Caps will remain at $30 billion each; however, multifamily loans that meet certain qualifications can be excluded. Qualifications are based on the percentage of units priced under a certain area median income, whether the property is in a high cost market, if the units target seniors, and if the property is mixed-income targeted affordable housing.

FEDERAL RENTAL ASSISTANCE AND HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER FACT SHEETS RELEASED. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities fact sheets provide state level data on the impacts of HUD rental assistance, the Housing Choice Voucher Program, Housing Choice Voucher utilization data, and sequestration cuts in Housing Choice Vouchers.

WEBINAR RECORDING ON NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING AVAILABLE. On March 24, HUD hosted a panel discussion and webcast entitled “Native American Housing: Obstacles and Opportunities.” Speakers provided data and described best practices.

HAC CONFERENCE ON “SERVING VETERANS IN RURAL AMERICA” SET FOR MAY 20. Cosponsored by HAC and The Home Depot Foundation, this event in Washington, DC will provide information on housing, health, and employment needs and programs for rural veterans, with a special focus on successful local projects. There is no charge, but registration is requested. To register or for more information, email janice@ruralhome.org.