9th Biennial Farmworker Housing Conference
To have an event posted on our calendar*, please e-mail Dan Stern. Or send event description or brochure to: Housing Assistance Council Or fax to (202) 347-3441 [addthis2][/addthis2] *Calendar Posting Guidelines: HAC’s calendar posts announcements about periodic conferences, training sessions, audioconferences, and the like. Topics must be relevant to professionals in the rural housing and community development arena. HAC reserves the right to accept or decline any request to post an item. We do not include sessions provided by entities (for-profit or nonprofit) that offer numerous regularly scheduled training events; links to such entities are provided below. Community Connections |
9th Biennial Farmworker Housing ConferenceStart: June 12, 2013 The Farmworker Housing Conference, hosted by CASA of Oregon, is the only conference in the United States of America focused on farmworker housing and dedicated bringing you the issues that most affect you, the providers. Sessions are aimed at owners, management agents, resident managers, asset and property managers, funding agencies and anyone working directly or indirectly with the agricultural population.
For more information, visit https://www.casaoforegon.org/content/2013-farmworker-housing-conference.