Year 2017
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
Contact: Dan Stern,, 202-842-8600
Washington, DC: October 12, 2017 – The Housing Assistance Council (HAC) Board of Directors has named David Lipsetz as the organization’s next Executive Director. Lipsetz will replace Moises Loza, who is retiring on November 1, 2017 after more than 40 years at HAC. Founded in 1971, HAC is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected nonprofit organizations serving the housing needs of rural America and its residents. David becomes only the fourth Executive Director to lead the Housing Assistance Council.
“HAC is excited about this next chapter of our journey. We’re very blessed by the contributions that Moises Loza has given HAC,” said Andrew Bias of Wichita, Kansas, chair of HAC’s board of directors. “Thousands of lives in rural communities are better because of HAC’s involvement and support. HAC welcomes David on board to continue on this journey with the full backing and encouragement of our board of directors and staff.”
Lipsetz comes to HAC having held several senior positions at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, most recently as the Associate Administrator of USDA’s Rural Housing Service. He has also managed affordable housing programs in New York City and Oakland, California. David was born and raised in Ohio, and began his career on Capitol Hill as a legislative aide to Michigan Congressman John Dingell. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University, and Master’s degrees in both Sociology and City and Regional Planning from the Ohio State University.
“I am honored to step into this new role,” Lipsetz said. “Moises Loza leaves an unparalleled legacy, having guided HAC to be the highly regarded and effective organization it is. HAC is needed now more than ever, as a lender helping to develop affordable housing in underserved rural markets, and as a national voice for including rural communities in America’s plans for a vibrant and prosperous future.”
It has been an honor for me to serve the people of rural America over these last 40 years,” Moises Loza stated. “Rural Americans have a special strength, but also face particular challenges that require rural solutions rather than urban approaches. I am so pleased to be able to leave HAC’s work in David’s capable hands. I can’t wait to see what HAC does next!”
The Housing Assistance Council is a national nonprofit and Community Development Financial Institution that helps build homes and communities across rural America. HAC provides technical assistance, financial products, and research and information services, with an emphasis on serving the poorest of the poor in the most rural places.
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