Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
It has been my honor and privilege to guide the Housing Assistance Council’s efforts to improve the lives of low-income rural Americans. After almost three decades as HAC’s Executive Director, I am now retiring.
HAC has overcome many challenges over its 45-year history, and will face more challenges in the future. This is a good time for fresh leadership with new approaches. HAC will face the future as the strong organization it has always been, with a board and staff devoted to its mission.
Change can be difficult, but it is often a positive force. I am confident that this change is the right thing for HAC, as well as for me and my family. I am also confident that HAC’s board of directors will choose a new executive director wisely. I will remain at HAC until my successor is selected, and I am committed to making the transition a smooth one.
I wish to express sincere thanks for years of hard work and support to HAC’s board, staff, funders, and especially the organizations working on the ground in rural America. HAC’s partners in the field are the ones who truly build rural communities.
-Moises Loza
Read the statement from HAC’s Board Chairman Andrew Bias on Moises’ retirement