Federal Register Comments
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
The Housing Assistance Council is making available its DRAFT comments on USDA’s proposed rule published August 31, 2018, The proposal seeks to amend USDA’s regulations to implement a two-tier income limit structure and revise the methodology to determine area loan limits for its Single Family Housing direct loan and grant programs and make other changes. The proposed change to the income limit structure is intended to minimize the observed disconnect between minimum wages and the low median income in many areas. The proposed change to the Area Loan Limit methodology is intended to streamline the process and improve the reliability of the data set used to establish the area loan limits. HAC agrees that these are desirable goals. However, we are concerned that the proposed solutions will divert limited program resources to applicants with much higher incomes. HAC strongly urges the Agency to take positive steps to assure the program continues to serve those who are most in need. Comments are due to the Agency on or before October 30, 2018.