HAC’s full length research reports provide detailed information and analysis on a wide array of social, economic, and housing issues that impact affordable housing needs and provision in rural America.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Rural Seniors

Federal Programs and Local Organizations: Meeting the Housing Needs of Rural Seniors
Print copy: $5.00
Case studies show how rural counties have accessed substantial federal funding for elderly housing.
2001, 50 pages, ISBN 1-58064-111-3

Case Studies on Rural Housing and Welfare Reform

Case Studies on Rural Housing and Welfare Reform
Print copy: $7.00
Presents case studies of seven rural counties with high rates of welfare use. Discusses gaps in service provision and housing assistance. Describes collaborative ventures between social service and affordable housing providers.
2001, 93 pages, ISBN 1-58064-114-8

Why Housing Matters: HAC's 2000 Report on the State of the Nation's Rural Housing

Why Housing Matters: HAC’s 2000 Report on the State of the Nation’s Rural Housing
Executive Summary
Print copy: $9.00
Combines analyses of data and other studies with stories of people who explain housing assistance’s impact on them.
2000, 38 pages, ISBN 1-58064-108-3

Nonprofit Capacity Self-Assessment Workbook for Community-Based Housing Organizations

Nonprofit Capacity Self-Assessment Workbook for Community-Based Housing Organizations
Print copy: $4.00
To assist nonprofits to meet grant application requirements and other needs, this workbook helps them assess their own capacity and set goals for improving it.
2000, 42 pages, ISBN 1-58064-110-5

Homebuyer Education and Counseling: Examining Rural Provider Networks in Texas, Florida and South Dakota

Homebuyer Education and Counseling: Examining Rural Provider Networks in Texas, Florida and South Dakota
Print copy: $4.00
A preliminary examination of the existing education and counseling organizational capacity identifies different problems in each state studied.
2000, 31 pages, ISBN 1-58064-106-7

Rural Boomtowns: The Relationship Between Economic Development and Affordable Housing

Throughout the 1990s, several communities in rural America experienced rapid economic development. These boomtowns — extremely high growth areas — are at the extreme end of the growth/decline axis, and are sufficiently important phenomena that their low-income housing needs should be given special attention. They have become boomtowns for a variety of reasons: gaming, the military, tourism, retired residents, even prisons.

Overall, there is a general lack of understanding about how variables such as the types of jobs created, wage levels paid, population trends and the capacity for housing construction impact a community’s low-income housing needs. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between economic development and the need for low-income housing in selected high growth rural areas.

(Report, 2000)

Environmental Concerns in Choosing a Site for Rural Housing Development – Report

Presents information on a variety of environmental issues and how to conduct preliminary or detailed research about a site.
Revised ed. 2000, 68 pages, ISBN 1-58064-045-1

Environmental Concerns in Choosing a Site for Rural Housing Development (PDF)

Rural Rental Housing: HAC's 1999 State of the Nation's Rural Housing Report

Rural Rental Housing: HAC’s 1999 State of the Nation’s Rural Housing Report
Print copy: $6.00
Uses data and discussions with experts to describe rural renters, their homes, and their housing challenges.
2000, 56 pages, ISBN 1-58064-098-2

Cost Based Appraisals on Native American Trust Lands

Cost Based Appraisals on Native American Trust Lands: A Longitudinal Analysis
Print copy: $4.00
Investigates issues contributing to difficulties in applying standard appraisal procedures on Indian reservations, and presents a longitudinal analysis of changes in value of homes built on trust lands.
1999, 23 pages, ISBN 1-58064-099-0

Fair Housing, the Zoning Process, and Land Use Politics in Rural Areas

Fair Housing, the Zoning Process, and Land Use Politics in Rural Areas
Print copy: $5.50
Examines the role of land use and zoning politics in NIMBY situations, and how fair housing issues may be raised. Outlines common patterns and characteristics of NIMBY conflicts, using examples from four cases to illustrate creative responses.
1998, 35 pages, ISBN 1-58064-091-5