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HAC News: September 26, 2012

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September 26, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 19

• September 15-October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month • Continuing resolution to fund government for six months • USDA delays changes to rural definition for housing programs • Sequester remains in place • Farm Labor Housing applications now due October 31 • “Dynamic servicing strategies” notice for USDA multifamily properties reissued • New Capital Needs Assessment guidance issued for USDA multifamily properties • RESPA and TILA input requested • HUD seeks nominations for NAHASDA committee • USDA discontinues Rural Energy Plus for 502 direct • GAO report emphasizes similarities between USDA, FHA, and VA guarantee programs • Slightly fewer USDA tenants are cost burdened • Rural veterans’ housing covered in new Rural Voices

September 26,2012
Vol. 41, No. 19


CONTINUING RESOLUTION TO FUND GOVERNMENT FOR SIX MONTHS. Both the House and Senate passed H.J. Res. 117, keeping housing programs and almost all others at FY12 funding levels through March 27, 2013. President Obama is expected to sign it.

USDA DELAYS CHANGES TO RURAL DEFINITION FOR HOUSING PROGRAMS. Administrative Notice 4679 (September 25, 2012) announces that current area eligibility will remain unchanged until March 27, 2013, when the continuing resolution ends. After that date, USDA will use 2010 Census data to determine what places fit the definition of rural, unless Congress extends grandfathering of housing program eligibility for growing rural communities. Before Congress adjourned two new bills were introduced: S. 3541 would grandfather currently eligible places for ten years, H.R. 6416 for one year. New HAC research found that in 2011 as many as one-third of Section 502 direct loans and 40% of Section 502 guaranteed loans were made in these areas.

SEQUESTER REMAINS IN PLACE. Before adjourning Congress did not change the “sequestration” – cuts in federal funds – required in January, although a variety of bills have been introduced. The Administration’s sequestration report to Congress indicates how each agency will implement the requirement to cut 8.2% of nondefense discretionary funding, including housing programs. USDA and HUD will cut each housing program account by 8.2%. (Some program accounts encompass one program while others include several.)

FARM LABOR HOUSING APPLICATIONS NOW DUE OCTOBER 31. A notice in the Federal Register, 9/23/12, also makes other changes to the NOFA. (See HAC News, 7/25/12.) Contact an RD state office.

“DYNAMIC SERVICING STRATEGIES” NOTICE FOR USDA MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES REISSUED. An Unnumbered Letter dated August 31, 2012 repeats instructions to RD field staff regarding prompt action on troubled multifamily properties. Contact Stephanie White, USDA, 202-720-1615.

NEW CAPITAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT GUIDANCE ISSUED FOR USDA MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES. See Unnumbered Letter dated August 7, 2012. Contact Carlton Jarratt, USDA, 804-287-1524.

RESPA AND TILA INPUT REQUESTED. Comment by October 9 on changes the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposes in Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Truth in Lending Act regulations on mortgage loan servicing and disclosures. See CFPB’s web site or regulations.gov. Contact Jane Gao, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

USDA PROVIDES RESPA GUIDANCE FOR SECTION 502 DIRECT. Administrative Notice 4676 (August 27, 2012) instructs RD staff on implementation of RESPA disclosure and accuracy requirements, and on good faith estimates and the HUD-1 “Settlement Statement.” Contact Migdaliz Bernier, USDA, 202-690-3833.

HUD SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR NAHASDA COMMITTEE. The negotiated rulemaking committee will review the Indian Housing Block Grant funding formula. Nominations are due November 19. See Federal Register, 9/18/12 or regulations.gov. Contact Rodger Boyd, HUD, 202-401-7914.

USDA DISCONTINUES RURAL ENERGY PLUS FOR 502 DIRECT. The program, which makes it easier for homebuyers to qualify for loans for energy-efficient homes, remains in effect for Section 502 guarantee borrowers. See Unnumbered Letter dated September 10, 2012. Contact Christopher Ketner, USDA, 202-690-1530. HAC has learned from RD that a replacement program will be implemented in 2013.

GAO REPORT EMPHASIZES SIMILARITIES BETWEEN USDA, FHA, AND VA GUARANTEE PROGRAMS. Housing Assistance: Opportunities Exist to Increase Collaboration and Consider Consolidation (GAO-12-554) reiterates previous findings (for example, see HAC News, 3/7/12) and adds new data. In 2009, FHA guaranteed more single-family and multifamily loans, even for low-income residents of remote rural areas, than USDA. Detailed data on income levels and other characteristics are not included in the report. GAO suggests improving an Administration task force evaluating coordination or consolidation of single-family programs and recommends the agencies identify specific programs for consolidation. Contact Mathew Sciré, GAO, 202-512-8678.

SLIGHTLY FEWER USDA TENANTS ARE COST BURDENED. USDA’s annual occupancy survey shows 2,135 fewer units and 1,254 fewer occupied units (households) in Section 515 and 514/516 properties in 2012 than 2011, as well as 1,243 more households receiving Section 521 RA, 931 fewer with rental aid from other sources, and 1,562 fewer experiencing cost burdens. Contact Janet Stouder, USDA, 202-720-9728.

RURAL VETERANS’ HOUSING COVERED IN NEW RURAL VOICES. Stories of successful local efforts are highlighted in HAC’s quarterly magazine. Contact Dan Stern, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HAC News: September 12, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

September 12, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 18

• Congress back in session, CR introduced • Administration’s sequestration report delayed, CBO predicts recession • Poverty remains high in rural America • HAC to make grants for planning and capacity • HUD will offer vouchers for at-risk households in low-vacancy areas • USDA announces Farm Labor Housing technical assistance funds • Continuum of Care registration open • USDA announces loan-to-cost ratio for Section 538 continuous guarantee • FAQs clarify Section 202 prepayment and refi • CFBP proposes changing loan originator compensation • CFPB extends deadlines for comments on HOEPA and mortgage disclosures • HUD reports on affordable housing in energy boom areas • Deadline looms for rural housing award nominations!

September 12,2012
Vol. 41, No. 18

CONGRESS BACK IN SESSION, CR INTRODUCED. A continuing resolution to fund federal programs for the first six months of FY13, starting October 1, is scheduled for votes in the House September 13 and in the Senate next week. H. J. Res. 117 would give most programs, including housing, increases in subsidy (budget authority) needed to remain at FY12 program levels. It does not address grandfathering of housing program eligibility in growing rural communities; the National Rural Housing Coalition continues to work for an extension of current language.

ADMINISTRATION’S SEQUESTRATION REPORT DELAYED, CBO PREDICTS RECESSION. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters the Administration needed more time to prepare the report to Congress required by the Sequestration Transparency Act, due on September 6, so the estimates on the impact of Budget Control Act funding cuts will be released later this week. Separately, An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 2022, by the Congressional Budget Office, projects that policy changes scheduled for January 2013, including sequestration, “will lead to economic conditions in 2013 that will probably be considered a recession.”

POVERTY REMAINS HIGH IN RURAL AMERICA. An annual Census Bureau report released September 12 shows the overall number of Americans living in poverty is at its highest level in decades, with the official national poverty rate of 15% statistically unchanged from 2010. In nonmetro areas 8 million people (17%) are poor. Median household income declined from 2010 to $50,054 nationwide and is now $40,527 in nonmetro areas, compared to $41,440 in 2010. More information on rural poverty and housing is available on HAC’s website.

HAC TO MAKE GRANTS FOR PLANNING AND CAPACITY. The Rural Housing Project Planning and Capacity Building Initiative will make grants of approximately $20,000 to 10 experienced affordable housing organizations to plan housing activities or build staff capacity. Deadline is October 2. Contact Jeff Mosley, HAC, 202-842-8600.

HUD WILL OFFER VOUCHERS FOR AT-RISK HOUSEHOLDS IN LOW-VACANCY AREAS. Notice PIH-2012-39 has details, including a list of low-vacancy areas. Comments are invited, due on October 10. Then a final notice will be published, providing an application deadline. Contact HUD’s voucher management office, 202-708-0477.

USDA ANNOUNCES FARM LABOR HOUSING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FUNDS. USDA will fund three regional contractors to provide technical assistance to those seeking to develop Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing. Deadline is November 5. See Federal Register, 9/6/12 or grants.gov. Contact Mirna Reyes-Bible, 202-720-1753.

CONTINUUM OF CARE REGISTRATION OPEN. CoCs (not project applicants) must register on e-snaps by October 1. HUD expects to issue the FY12 CoC NOFA in mid- to late October. See HUD’s Homelessness Resource Exchange. Submit questions through the HUD HRE Virtual Help Desk.

USDA ANNOUNCES LOAN-TO-COST RATIO FOR SECTION 538 CONTINUOUS GUARANTEE. To be eligible for a single continuous Section 538 rental housing guarantee for construction and permanent loans, the property’s loan-to-cost ratio must be under 50%. See Federal Register, 9/6/12. Contact Monica Cole, USDA.

FAQS CLARIFY SECTION 202 PREPAYMENT AND REFI. A new Frequently Asked Questions document from HUD supplements Notice 12-08, “Updated Requirements for Prepayment and Refinance of Section 202 Direct Loans.”

CFBP PROPOSES CHANGING LOAN ORIGINATOR COMPENSATION. Comment by October 16 on a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposal to implement Dodd-Frank Act provisions on compensation and restrictions on fees. See Federal Register, 9/7/12 or CFBP’s website. Contact CFBP’s Office of Regulations, 202-435-7700.

CFPB EXTENDS DEADLINES FOR COMMENTS ON HOEPA AND MORTGAGE DISCLOSURES. Comments are now due November 6 instead of September 7 on two specific parts of two broader requests for input: the impact of a more inclusive finance charge on Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act coverage, and the proposed definition of a finance charge in combined mortgage disclosures (see HAC News, 8/22/12). See CFBP’s website.

HUD REPORTS ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN ENERGY BOOM AREAS. In some rural places increased oil and gas drilling has led to significantly higher rents, and some companies are housing employees in camps or lodges, HUD research found. “New Oil and Gas Drilling Technologies Bring Significant Changes and Challenges to Housing Markets,” an article in U.S. Housing Market Conditions (2nd quarter 2012), includes photos and is available online or from HUD User, 800-245-2691.

DEADLINE LOOMS FOR RURAL HOUSING AWARD NOMINATIONS! Nominations are due September 28 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. Use the online nomination form or request a paper form from Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600, lilla@ruralhome.org

HAC News: August 22, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 22, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 17

• USDA to use FY12 Section 515 funds for prepayment incentives • CBS News airs story on Section 502 guarantee foreclosures • Grants offered for senior volunteers in specific places • HUD releases general section for FY13 NOFAs • Funds exhausted for Section 502 guarantee program refinances • FHFA requests comments about eminent domain for foreclosures • Public Housing Assessment System scoring process explained • CFPB proposes regulations on high cost mortgages and homeownership counseling • Some mortgage disclosures to be combined • Blueprint for better farmworker housing published • HAC Seeks Nominations for Rural Housing Awards • Register Now for the National Rural Housing Conference!

August 22,2012
Vol. 41, No. 17

USDA TO USE FY12 SECTION 515 FUNDS FOR PREPAYMENT INCENTIVES. An email message from USDA to congressional offices explains that the department has canceled its NOFA for new construction funding. A Supreme Court ruling in a different context (Salazar v. Ramah Navajo Chapter) required the government to pay amounts to fulfill contractual obligations even if Congress did not appropriate enough funds. Owners of over 100 Section 515 properties have been on a waiting list for incentives (equity loans and/or Rental Assistance) from USDA to keep these properties in the program, so the FY12 funds will be used for those incentives.

CBS NEWS AIRS STORY ON SECTION 502 GUARANTEE FORECLOSURES. Like a May 25 Wall Street Journal article, the August 16 CBS story criticizes USDA’s collection tactics when a borrower with high medical bills fell behind on mortgage payments.

GRANTS OFFERED FOR SENIOR VOLUNTEERS IN SPECIFIC PLACES. The Corporation for National and Community Service requests letters of intent by September 10 from public agencies, tribes, nonprofits, and institutions of higher education interested in Retired and Senior Volunteer Program funding. RSVP grants can be used to cover expenses such as volunteer recruitment, training, and travel for purposes including low-income housing. Partial matching funds are required. Applications are due October 11. A draft NOFA, list of program areas, information about technical assistance calls, and more are posted on CNCS’s site.

HUD RELEASES GENERAL SECTION FOR FY13 NOFAS. The general section’s information applies to next year’s NOFAs and does not itself offer funding. Contact HUD’s grants management office, 202-402-4802.

FUNDS EXHAUSTED FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEE PROGRAM REFINANCES. USDA has used all its FY12 money for this program. Lenders can submit loan applications reflecting FY13 fees (upfront guarantee fee of 2% and annual fee of 0.4%) to USDA, which will hold them until FY13 funding becomes available. Contact an RD office.

FHFA REQUESTS COMMENTS ABOUT EMINENT DOMAIN FOR FORECLOSURES. The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank system, is considering taking action on its “significant concerns” about the impact on lenders when local governments use eminent domain powers to seize properties before foreclosure in order to provide affordable housing. Comments are due September 7. See Federal Register, 8/9/12. Contact FHFA, eminentdomainOGC@fhfa.gov.

PUBLIC HOUSING ASSESSMENT SYSTEM SCORING PROCESS EXPLAINED. HUD provides additional information about the process for issuing scores under the Physical Condition Indicator of the PHAS under a February 23, 2011 notice, applicable to HUD-assisted multifamily and public housing properties. See Federal Register, 8/9/12 or HUD’s site. Contact Claudia J. Yarus, HUD, 202-475-8830.

CFPB PROPOSES REGULATIONS ON HIGH COST MORTGAGES AND HOMEOWNERSHIP COUNSELING.Comments are due September 7 on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau changes to implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act that expand the types of mortgage loans subject to the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act of 1994, revise triggers for HOEPA coverage, impose other restrictions on HOEPA mortgages, including a counseling re-quirement, and impose homeownership counseling requirements in connection with the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. See CFPB’s site or regulations.gov. Contact Paul Seja, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

SOME MORTGAGE DISCLOSURES TO BE COMBINED. To implement another Dodd-Frank provision, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposes to combine some of the disclosures and forms required by the Truth in Lending Act and RESPA. Comments are due November 6. See CFPB’s site or regulations.gov. Contact David Friend, CFPB, 202-435-7700.

BLUEPRINT FOR BETTER FARMWORKER HOUSING PUBLISHED. The report summarizes policy and research changes identified at a California Rural Legal Assistance forum, and a working group on health and housing will continue the effort. Contact spodesta@crla.org.

HAC SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR RURAL HOUSING AWARDS. Nominations are due September 28 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Complete the online form to submit a nomination or contact Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600, lilla@ruralhome.org to request a paper form.

HAC has opened registration for the 2012 National Rural Housing Conference, which will take place December 6-7, with pre-conference activities on December 5, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Register now to take advantage of the special early bird discount! Start networking in advance – join the conference LinkedIn group. Questions? Contact Dan Stern, HAC, dan@ruralhome.org or 202-842-8600.

HAC News: August 8, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

August 8, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 16

• Leaders agree on continuing resolution, Congress recesses • House members plan letter requesting rural definition extension in CR • OMB tells agencies to continue spending, advises Congress to change sequestration • Fees for some Section 502 loan guarantees to increase October 1 • FEMA requests comments on emergency housing assistance • Interim Continuum of Care rule issued • IRS proposes rule on submetered utilities in LIHTC properties • Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement for 2012 available • Federal regulators release 2012 list of distressed or underserved tracts for CRA • Senate subcommittee considers changes to HUD’s rental assistance programs • Job growth slower in rural places than urban ones • Different skills result in different wages in rural and urban places, study concludes • Study examines potential for increasing energy efficiency in manufactured homes

August 8, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 16

LEADERS AGREE ON CONTINUING RESOLUTION, CONGRESS RECESSES. In late July Republicans and Democrats in Congress, along with the White House, announced they will develop a continuing resolution to fund the government for the first six months of FY13, starting October 1, 2012. Most programs will remain at FY12 funding levels. Congress has recessed until September 10, so the CR will be considered in September.

HOUSE MEMBERS PLAN LETTER REQUESTING RURAL DEFINITION EXTENSION IN CR. The National Rural Housing Coalition reports Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) and others will send a letter to House leadership asking that the FY13 CR include an extension of language keeping growing rural communities eligible for USDA rural housing programs. Background information on this issue is posted on HAC’s website.

OMB TELLS AGENCIES TO CONTINUE SPENDING, ADVISES CONGRESS TO CHANGE SEQUESTRATION. A July 31 memo from OMB’s Acting Director tells heads of federal departments and agencies to continue normal spending and operations since Congress has over five months to change the January 1 spending cuts required by the Budget Control Act. On August 7 President Obama signed into law the Sequestration Transparency Act of 2012, which requires an Administration report within 30 days estimating sequestration’s impact on programs.

FEES FOR SOME SECTION 502 LOAN GUARANTEES TO INCREASE OCTOBER 1. An email has notified stakeholders that, while the upfront fee for purchase transactions will remain at 2%, the upfront fee for refinances will rise from 1.5% in FY12 to 2% in FY13. Annual fees for both purchases and refinances will rise from 0.30% in FY12 to 0.40% next year. Contact Debbie Terrell, RD, 918-534-3254.

FEMA REQUESTS COMMENTS ON EMERGENCY HOUSING ASSISTANCE. Comments are due September 28 on proposed revisions to regulations on FEMA’s housing repair, replacement, and construction assistance. The changes are intended to clarify eligibility criteria and implement legislative changes enacted in 2006, not to create new eligibility requirements or add burdens for applicants. Contact Lumumba T. Yancey, FEMA, 202-212-1000.

INTERIM CONTINUUM OF CARE RULE ISSUED. The regulation takes effect August 30 and comments are due October 1. Contact Ann Marie Oliva, HUD, 202-708-4300.

IRS PROPOSES RULE ON SUBMETERED UTILITIES IN LIHTC PROPERTIES. The change would clarify that utility costs paid by a tenant based on actual consumption in a submetered rent-restricted unit are treated as paid by the tenant directly to the utility company. IRS will hold a public hearing on November 27 in Washington, DC. Comments are due October 9. Contact David Selig, IRS, 202-622-3040.

CIRCULAR A-133 COMPLIANCE SUPPLEMENT FOR 2012 AVAILABLE. The supplement provides guidance on audits of federally funded nonprofits and government entities. Comments are due October 31.

FAIR MARKET RENTS PROPOSED FOR FY13. Comments are due September 4 on FMRs that will take effect October 1. Contact local HUD program staff or HUD User, 1-800-245-2691.

FEDERAL REGULATORS RELEASE 2012 LIST OF DISTRESSED OR UNDERSERVED TRACTS FOR CRA. Lender activities in these distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies can receive credit in Community Reinvestment Act evaluations.

SENATE SUBCOMMITTEE CONSIDERS CHANGES TO HUD’S RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. On August 1 the Banking Committee’s Housing Subcommittee held a hearing titled “Streamlining and Strengthening HUD’s Rental Housing Assistance Programs.” Witnesses discussed provisions of several reform bills introduced in Congress.

JOB GROWTH SLOWER IN RURAL PLACES THAN URBAN ONES. The Daily Yonder examined changes in counties’ numbers of jobs from June 2011 to June 2012. Jobs increased by 1.77% in urban counties and by 0.86% in rural counties. One-third of rural and exurban counties lost jobs during this 12-month period.

DIFFERENT SKILLS RESULT IN DIFFERENT WAGES IN RURAL AND URBAN PLACES, STUDY CONCLUDES. “Workforce Skills across the Urban-Rural Hierarchy,” by New York Federal Reserve Bank staff and others, is a preliminary report on research that examined job skills and income levels across a spectrum of places from urban to rural. Researchers found that jobs clustered in urban areas require higher levels of skills than those clustered in rural areas, and that these differences help explain the higher wages in urban areas. Contact Kevin Stolarick

STUDY EXAMINES POTENTIAL FOR INCREASING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN MANUFACTURED HOMES. Noting that energy efficiency in manufactured homes lags behind that of site-built homes, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy reports that improvements can be made in new construction and existing homes. Contact Patrick Kiker, ACEEE, 202-507-4043.

HAC News: July 11, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 11, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 14

• Ag spending bill up next • House committee considering Farm Bill • Reserve account regulation revised for new USDA multifamily developments • USDA RD rule confirms annual fees for Section 502 guarantees • CFPB requests public comment about reverse mortgages • CFPB study on reverse mortgages identifies risks to consumers • Data access could help USDA monitor Rental Assistance payments, GAO says • Report highlights uses of American Community Survey data • Guide describes programs of Administration for Children and Families • HAC provides more rural poverty resources • SAVE THE DATE! 2012 National Rural Housing Conference! Promises to Keep in Challenging Times

July 11, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 14

AG SPENDING BILL UP NEXT. Following a July 4 recess at home, the House may take up 2013 appropriations for USDA soon. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) is expected to offer an amendment to keep growing rural communities eligible for RD housing programs. Similar amendments passed in the Senate as part of the Farm Bill in June and its USDA appropriations bill in April. There will be a continuing resolution to begin FY13 on October 1, 2012. Final budget decisions for 2013 will come in a post-election session, or in the new Congress next year.

HOUSE COMMITTEE CONSIDERING FARM BILL. The House Agriculture Committee began marking up its Farm Bill on July 11. The bill differs from S. 3240, approved by the Senate, and does not include housing provisions.

RESERVE ACCOUNT REGULATION REVISED FOR NEW USDA MULTIFAMILY DEVELOPMENTS. A final rule published in the Federal Register, 7/9/12, applies only to new construction Section 515 or 514/516 properties. Their reserve account deposits must be based on life-cycle analyses or Capital Needs Assessments prepared by third parties, rather than on the total development cost, as required in the past. Contact Michael Steininger, RD, 202-720-1610.

USDA RD RULE CONFIRMS ANNUAL FEES FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEES. Implementing a provision of USDA’s FY12 appropriations act, a final regulation in the Federal Register, 7/11/12, enables RD to charge an annual fee as well as an up-front guarantee fee, in order to make the program self-supporting (see HAC News, 11/1/11). The fee amount will be announced each fiscal year. Contact an RD office or Cathy Glover, RD, 202-720-1460.

CFPB REQUESTS PUBLIC COMMENT ABOUT REVERSE MORTGAGES. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which regulates reverse mortgage transactions, seeks “detailed information from the public on the factors that influence reverse mortgage consumers’ decision-making, consumers’ use of reverse mortgage loan proceeds, longer-term consumer outcomes of a decision to obtain a reverse mortgage, and differences in market dynamics and business practices among the broker, correspondent, and retail channels for reverse mortgages.” Comments are due August 31. Contact Monica Jackson, CFPB, 202-435-7275.

CFPB STUDY ON REVERSE MORTGAGES IDENTIFIES RISKS TO CONSUMERS. In a report required by Congress, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau surveys the reverse mortgage market, identifies consumer protection concerns, and describes new challenges. It concludes that reverse mortgages are complex and hard for consumers to understand, misleading advertising and other scams occur, and the currently available consumer counseling may not be sufficient. It identifies roles for itself including regulation, education, and complaint resolution. Complaints on reverse mortgages can be submitted through CFPB’s website or by phone, 1-855-411-CFPB (2372).

DATA ACCESS COULD HELP USDA MONITOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS, GAO SAYS. To identify RA payment errors due to unreported tenant income, legislation is needed to allow USDA to match tenant data with federal income data collected by other departments, according to a new GAO report, Rural Housing Service: Efforts to Identify and Reduce Improper Rental Assistance Payments Could Be Enhanced (GAO-12-624). GAO also suggests internal improvements that do not require legislation. For print copies, contact GAO, 866-801-7077 (toll free).

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS USES OF AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY DATA. The Census Project compiled “Eliminating America’s Playbook,” a collection of case studies and comments from a range of organizations about the ACS’s importance to both government and business. The House voted in May to eliminate ACS funding from the Commerce Department’s FY13 appropriations bill (see HAC News, 5/16/12); the Senate has not yet voted on its bill.

GUIDE DESCRIBES PROGRAMS OF ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES. ACF is part of the federal Department of Health and Human Services. It offers Assets for Opportunity IDA grants and resources for economic development, health care, refugee assistance, and other needs. Its program guide also includes basics for those new to requesting federal funding from any agency as well as links to capacity building resources.

HAC PROVIDES MORE RURAL POVERTY RESOURCES. In addition to its decennial rural poverty map (see HAC News, 6/27/12) HAC has issued a Rural Research Note on “Poverty in Rural America” and posted a recording of a recent webinar on the subject.


December 6-7 with pre-conference activities December 5
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
Registration information will be announced here and at www.ruralhome.org when available.

HAC News: July 25, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

July 25, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 15

• Congress enacts bill giving Native American tribes more control over land use • Section 514/516 Farm Labor Housing funds offered • Reserve account regulation revised for new USDA multifamily developments • Preservation Revolving Loan Fund monies available • USDA emphasizes colonias for Section 306C water and waste disposal funds • HUD implements full Rental Assistance Demonstration • List of exclusions from income published by HUD • Senate hearing highlights housing development partnerships in native and rural regions • White House hosts session on tribal housing • Uniform Manufactured Housing Act approved by commission • HAC releases “Rural Economies and Industry” research brief • “Why Keep Rural Housing Programs at USDA?” • HAC seeks nominations for rural housing awards

July 25, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 15

CONGRESS ENACTS BILL GIVING NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES MORE CONTROL OVER LAND USE. The Senate passed H.R. 205, the Helping Expedite and Advance Responsible Tribal Home Ownership (HEARTH) Act of 2012 (not related to the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009), on July 17. The House passed the bill in May, and President Obama will sign it into law. The act allows tribes to lease restricted lands for housing or economic development without Bureau of Indian Affairs approval.

SECTION 514/516 FARM LABOR HOUSING FUNDS OFFERED. Preapplications for off-farm loans and grants are due to USDA RD state offices on September 17. Rental Assistance and operating assistance are also available. Contact an RD state office for an application package.

PRESERVATION REVOLVING LOAN FUND MONIES AVAILABLE. Intermediaries can apply by August 17 for PRLF funds to relend for Section 514/516 or 515 preservation. Contact Sherry Engel, RD, 715-345-7677.

USDA EMPHASIZES COLONIAS FOR SECTION 306C WATER AND WASTE DISPOSAL FUNDS. Colonias that lack access to water or waste disposal systems and face significant health problems will receive additional priority points in the program’s funding competition. Contact Jacqueline M. Ponti-Lazaruk, Rural Utilities Service, 202-720-2670.

HUD IMPLEMENTS FULL RENTAL ASSISTANCE DEMONSTRATION. RAD will test conversion of public housing and other HUD-assisted properties to project-based Section 8. Partial implementation was announced in March (see HAC News, 3/7/12). Contact rad@hud.gov.

LIST OF EXCLUSIONS FROM INCOME PUBLISHED BY HUD. A July 24 Federal Register noticelists amounts specifically excluded by any federal statute from consideration as income for purposes of determining eligibility or benefits, and lists federal statutes that require certain income sources to be disregarded for specific HUD programs. Contacts vary by program and are listed in the notice.

SENATE HEARING HIGHLIGHTS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIPS IN NATIVE AND RURAL REGIONS. On July 24, witnesses before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs described successful housing development projects on tribal lands and stressed the importance of flexibility and coordination in federal programs to promote additional development. A recording and written testimony are available at the Banking Committee website.

WHITE HOUSE HOSTS SESSION ON TRIBAL HOUSING. A White House Forum on Tribal Housing on July 26 discussed Administration initiatives and federal resources available from HUD, USDA, the Interior Department and others to tribal entities for housing creation. A draft of discussion topics is available from the National American Indian Housing Council. Contact April Hale, NAIHC, 202-454-0946, ahale@naihc.net.

UNIFORM MANUFACTURED HOUSING ACT APPROVED BY COMMISSION. The Uniform Law Commission approved the UMHA earlier this month. The commission’s press release says UMHA “provides an efficient and effective method” for an owner to choose to have a manufactured home classified as real property (rather than personal property) at the time of the first retail sale. State legislatures may consider adopting the UMHA. Contact ULC, 312-450-6600.

HAC RELEASES “RURAL ECONOMIES AND INDUSTRY” RESEARCH BRIEF. Employment data analyzed by HAC show that, while rural economies are often perceived as relying heavily on farming and other natural resource industries, these industries employ only 5.5% of rural and small town workers. Overall, the sector-by-sector employment profile of rural America is surprisingly similar to that of suburban and urban America, according to this new Rural Research Note.

“WHY KEEP RURAL HOUSING PROGRAMS AT USDA?” HAC’s most recent contribution to Shelterforce’s Rooflines blog explains why rural housing professionals believe USDA’s rural housing programs should not be moved to HUD. (See HAC News, 5/25/11 and 9/14/11).

Nominations are due September 28 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Details will be available soon at www.ruralhome.org or from Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600, lilla@ruralhome.org.

HAC News: June 27, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 27, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 13

• House considering FY13 HUD funding bill • House committee approves USDA funding bill • Administration rejects House funding bills, including Rental Assistance level • House may consider grandfathering rural housing eligibility, Senate supports it again • Proposed guidelines would help make temporary emergency housing units accessible • HUD updates guidance on consulting tribes regarding historical properties • General housing outlook positive but cost burdens rising, Joint Center reports • Materials available on changing manufactured home titling policy • HUD offers many email lists • HAC releases “Poverty in the United States” map • Follow rural housing issues and HAC on social media

June 27, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 13

HOUSE CONSIDERING FY13 HUD FUNDING BILL. At press time, the House was still debating the 2013 T-HUD spending bill (H.R. 5972). Passage is expected this week. The bill passed the House Appropriations Committee June 19 without changes to the numbers reported in the HAC News, 6/13/12. The committee and the full House both rejected amendments that would have cut HOME funding by $200 million, and the House also rejected cuts to CDBG. The committee’s report (H.Rept. 112-541) included strong language supporting SHOP. Watch for an update on the results of the House vote on HAC’s website.

HOUSE COMMITTEE APPROVES USDA FUNDING BILL. On June 19 the full House Appropriations Committee approved H.R. 5973, the FY13 USDA bill passed by the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee (see HAC News, 6/13/12), with only one change in rural housing funding levels. The committee adopted an amendment offered by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) adding $1.5 million to the subcommittee’s $886.6 million for Section 521 Rental Assistance. Like its Senate counterpart, the House committee’s report (H.Rept. 112-542) admonished the Administration for inconsistent rental housing policies. The full House is not expected to take up the bill until at least the week of July 9. Correction: The table in the printed HAC News of 6/13/12 incorrectly stated the House subcommittee’s Rental Assistance level as $866.6 million; it should have said $886.6 million. HAC apologizes for any confusion.

ADMINISTRATION REJECTS HOUSE FUNDING BILLS, INCLUDING RENTAL ASSISTANCE LEVEL. In separate Statements of Administration Policy issued June 21, OMB criticizes the funding reductions in the House bills for USDA and T-HUD. It notes that the House’s $888.1 million for Rental Assistance would eliminate 4,600 units of RA.

HOUSE MAY CONSIDER GRANDFATHERING RURAL HOUSING ELIGIBILITY, SENATE SUPPORTS IT AGAIN. When the USDA appropriations bill is considered on the House floor, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) is expected to offer an amendment that would extend eligibility for places that have gained population and would no longer fit the definition of “rural” for USDA housing programs, but are still under 35,000 population. Fortenberry’s provision would apply in FY13 only. The Senate’s USDA appropriations bill, S. 2375, includes a similar provision (see HAC News, 5/2/12). The Senate also approved an amendment sponsored by Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) to S. 3240, the Farm Bill, to apply grandfathering until 2020 Census data are available. The Farm Bill, which passed the Senate June 21, does not include other housing provisions.

PROPOSED GUIDELINES WOULD HELP MAKE TEMPORARY EMERGENCY HOUSING UNITS ACCESSIBLE. New guidelines for federal agencies would address accessibility for people with disabilities in newly constructed emergency transportable housing units. Comments are due August 17. Visit www.access-board.gov/eth/. Contact Marsha Mazz, Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 202-272-0020, mazz@access-board.gov.

HUD UPDATES GUIDANCE ON CONSULTING TRIBES REGARDING HISTORIC PROPERTIES. Consultation is required if a HUD-assisted project may affect historic properties of significance to federally recognized tribes. A Notice on Tribal Consultation, an updated Tribal Directory Assessment Tool, and other materials are posted on HUD’s site. Contact atec@hud.gov or a local HUD environmental officer.

GENERAL HOUSING OUTLOOK POSITIVE BUT COST BURDENS RISING, JOINT CENTER REPORTS. The State of the Nation’s Housing 2012 reviews signs of recovery in market rate for-sale and rental housing, and says serious cost burdens have increased for both owners and renters. The gap between the number of low-income renters and the supply of affordable, available, and adequate units continues to widen (Figure 30).

MATERIALS AVAILABLE ON CHANGING MANUFACTURED HOME TITLING POLICY. The Corporation for Enterprise Development offers a variety of items about the draft Uniform Manufactured Housing Act. If adopted by individual states, the act could change the process for converting a manufactured home to real property and, CFED says, could give manufactured home owners easier access to real estate mortgages.

HUD OFFERS MANY EMAIL LISTS. To subscribe to lists covering specific topics or geographic areas, visit https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/subscribe.

HAC RELEASES “POVERTY IN THE UNITED STATES” MAP. This popular map, illustrating poverty rates by county, is updated with Census data every 10 years. Printable versions in several sizes can be downloaded from HAC’s website. Order a 24″x36″ version for $5 online with a credit card or mail a check to HAC.

FOLLOW RURAL HOUSING ISSUES AND HAC ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Like HAC on Facebook, follow HAC on Twitter and LinkedIn, and read blog posts by HAC staff at Shelterforce’s blog Rooflines. HAC’s most recent blog post reports on seniors’ dire housing conditions in Yazoo City, MS.

HAC News: June 13, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

June 13, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 12

• House subcommittees act on FY13 USDA and HUD funding • The House’s USDA appropriations bill • The House’s HUD appropriations bill • HUD, USDA RD, and the CDFI Fund announce new Border Community Capital Initiative • FHFA requests comments on housing goals and preservation impact • USDA examines immigration policy’s impacts on agriculture • USDA announces June is National Homeownership Month • HAC sets webinar on “Mapping Poverty in Rural America”

June 13, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 12

HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEES ACT ON FY13 USDA AND HUD FUNDING. House appropriations subcommittees have approved both bills and the full House Appropriations Committee is expected to act on them in the next few weeks. The Senate bills (see HAC News, 5/2/12) still await consideration by the full Senate. Congress continues to move appropriations on a faster track this year than in the recent past, but final passage of most appropriations bills may not occur until a post-election lame duck session.

THE HOUSE’S USDA APPROPRIATIONS BILL would provide lower amounts than the Senate’s bill for almost all rural housing programs. It allocates slightly more to the Section 515 rural rental housing program than the Senate bill, although the House’s $31.3 million is less than half of the $64.5 million Section 515 received in FY12. The House bill also contains new language in every provision relating to housing programs and in some, but not all, provisions relating to other Rural Development programs, requiring USDA to provide detailed spending plans within 15 days of enactment. [tdborder][/tdborder]

USDA Rural Devel. Prog.
(dollars in millions)


FY 12

Admin. Budget

Sen. Bill
(S. 2375)

FY13 House Subcomm. Bill

502 Single Fam. Direct
(Self-Help Setaside)
(Teacher Setaside)






502 Single Family Guar.






504 VLI Repair Loans






504 VLI Repair Grants






515 Rental Hsg. Direct






514 Farm Labor Hsg.






516 Farm Labor Hsg.






521 Rental Assistance
(Preservation RA)
(New Cnstr. 515 RA)
(New Cnstr. 514/516 RA)






523 Self-Help TA






533 Hsg. Prsrv. Grants






538 Rental Hsg. Guar.






Rental Prsrv. Demo. (MPR)






Rental Prsrv. Revlg. Lns.






542 Rural Hsg. Vouchers






Rural Cmnty. Dev’t Init.






a. Figures shown do not include 0.2% across the board reduction.
b. Total for 504 grants and 533 grants is $33.1 million.
c. Total for 504 grants and 533 grants is $17 million.
d. Total budget authority for Section 514 loans and Section 516 grants is $13.8 million, compared to the Senate bill’s total of $17.5 million.
e. Of the $3.549 million total for RCDI, $3.302 million is directed to community facilities grants to tribal colleges.
f. HAC originally reported the House subcommittee’s level for Rental Assistance was $866.6 million, but the correct figure is $886.6 million. HAC apologizes for any confusion.

THE HOUSE’S HUD APPROPRIATIONS BILL boosts funding for HOME, Section 202, CDBG, and SHOP above the levels in FY12 and in the Senate’s bill. The Rural Innovation Fund is not funded and seems dead after being left out of HUD’s budget proposal again. The Rural Housing Stability Program is funded as part of homeless assistance grants. Veterans housing vouchers are funded at $75 million and Native American Block Grants are at $650 million, maintaining 2012 levels for both programs. The House bill does not fund Choice Neighborhoods or Sustainable Communities.

HUD Program
(dollars in millions)



Admin. Budget

Sen. Bill
(S. 2322)

FY13 House Subcomm.

Cmty. Devel. Fund (incl. CDBG)
Sustainable Commun. Init.
Rural Innovation Fund




3,210 b

3,404 b







Tenant-Based Rental Asstnce.
Vets. Affairs Spptve Hsg. Vchrs






Project-Based Rental Asstnce.






Public Hsg. Capital Fund






Public Hsg. Operating Fund






Choice Neighbrhd. Initiative





Housing Trust Fund






Native Amer. Hsg. Block Grant






Homeless Assistance Grants






Rural Hsg. Stability Prog.




Hsg. Opps. for Persons w/ AIDS






202 Hsg. for Elderly






811 Hsg. for Disabled






Fair Housing






Healthy Homes & Ld. Haz. Cntl.






Self-Help Homeownshp. (SHOP)






Housing Counseling






a. Figures shown do not include 0.2% across the board reduction. b. Includes $3.1 billion in Senate and $3.34 billion in House for CDBG. c. Funded under Homeless Assistance Grants.

HUD, USDA RD, AND THE CDFI FUND ANNOUNCE NEW BORDER COMMUNITY CAPITAL INITIATIVE. Community development lenders and investors, which can include local rural nonprofits and federally recognized tribes, will be eligible for funds and technical assistance to support their lending or investing related to affordable housing, small businesses, and community facilities in the colonias along the U.S.-Mexico border. The collaboration may later be extended to other persistent poverty regions of the country. The announcement does not indicate when a NOFA may be issued. Contact Russell Quiniola or Thann Young, HUD, 1-877-787-2526.

FHFA REQUESTS COMMENTS ON HOUSING GOALS AND PRESERVATION IMPACT. The Federal Housing Finance Agency proposes continuing the existing structure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac housing goals (with no rural goals or subgoals) for 2012-2014, with new benchmark levels. FHFA also seeks comments on whether the regulation should address the possibility that Fannie or Freddie would receive credit under the housing goals for purchasing a multifamily mortgage that facilitates conversion of the property from affordable rents to market rate. Comments are due July 26, 2012. Contact Paul Manchester, FHFA, 202-649-3115.

USDA EXAMINES IMMIGRATION POLICY’S IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE. As Congress considers possible changes in immigration laws, an Economic Research Service study finds that an increase in H2-A temporary workers would increase U.S. agricultural production and reduce wages. A decrease in the undocumented workforce would decrease production and raise wages. The study does not address impacts on housing.


HAC SETS WEBINAR ON “MAPPING POVERTY IN RURAL AMERICA.” As a prelude to the 2012 edition of Taking Stock – HAC’s decennial report on social, economic, and housing conditions in rural America – HAC is releasing an updated poster map showing county-level poverty data from 2010 Census figures, as well as information on historic, regional, and persistent poverty in the United States. Register now for a webinar presentation of the poverty map and a discussion of poverty in rural America on Thursday, June 28, 2:00-2:45 pm (EDT).

HAC News: May 30, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 30, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 11

Wall Street Journal criticizes USDA foreclosure actions • VA analyzes factors linked to homelessness among veterans • Housing and ACS funding bills have not advanced • Notice addresses liquidation value appraisals for Section 502 guaranteed • Rural prepayment clarifications issued • USDA reminds field staff about documentation for Sections 514, 515, and 516 • USDA RD field staff have access to new cost data tool • Minorities and renters undercounted in 2010 Census • Vacancy rate higher in rural America, HAC reports • HAC blogs about rental housing policy • HOME program examined in new issue of Rural Voices • HAC seeks nominations for rural housing awards

May 30, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 11

WALL STREET JOURNAL CRITICIZES USDA FORECLOSURE ACTIONS. A May 25 article headlined “USDA is a Tough Collector When Mortgages Go Bad” describes USDA’s efforts to collect funds from borrowers who obtained Section 502 guaranteed mortgages, then lost income and lost their homes to foreclosure. Links to the article, online comments, and responses from HAC, the National Rural Housing Coalition, and others are posted on HAC’s site.

VA ANALYZES FACTORS LINKED TO HOMELESSNESS AMONG VETERANS.Homeless Incidence and Risk Factors for Becoming Homeless in Veterans” reports that the presence of mental illness and/or substance-related disorders was the strongest predictor of becoming homeless after discharge. Homeless vets were also more likely to have served in Afghanistan or Iraq. In the population studied, Afghanistan/Iraq vets and women were most likely to use HUD-VASH vouchers. The VA study did not include urban-rural or other geographic information. The Daily Yonder reports that Census data show that generally vets disproportionately live in rural and exurban communities, although those who served after 1990 are not overrepresented in rural America.

HOUSING AND ACS FUNDING BILLS HAVE NOT ADVANCED. Dates have not been determined for full Senate consideration of FY13 funding bills for USDA, HUD, or the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (see HAC News, 5/16/12). The HAC News and HAC’s website will report updates when available.

NOTICE ADDRESSES LIQUIDATION VALUE APPRAISALS FOR SECTION 502 GUARANTEED. Administrative Notice 4646 provides direction on obtaining a liquidation appraisal report to determine USDA’s loss claim for a 502 guaranteed property that has been taken into REO by the lender. Contact a USDA RD field office.

RURAL PREPAYMENT CLARIFICATIONS ISSUED. Subjects covered by USDA in an Unnumbered Letter dated May 14, 2012 include the distinction between prepayment and partial or final payments, and handling of incentives for property owners if ownership is transferred. Contact a USDA RD field office.

USDA REMINDS FIELD STAFF ABOUT DOCUMENTATION FOR SECTIONS 514, 515, AND 516. Administrative Notice 4645 addresses weaknesses identified in a 2011 management control review. Contact a USDA RD field office.

USDA RD FIELD STAFF HAVE ACCESS TO NEW COST DATA TOOL. An Unnumbered Letter dated April 20, 2012 announces the availability for staff of data reports that can be used to compare costs in multifamily housing and for other purposes. Contact a USDA RD field office.

MINORITIES AND RENTERS UNDERCOUNTED IN 2010 CENSUS. The Census Bureau has calculated that overall the 2010 Census was accurate although, as in previous decades, certain groups were undercounted. African Americans were undercounted by 2.1% and Hispanics by 1.5%. Asians and Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders had no statistically significant error rate. American Indians and Alaska Natives living on reservations were undercounted by 4.9%, while there was no statistically significant error rate for those not living on reservations. Renters were undercounted by 1.1%.

VACANCY RATE HIGHER IN RURAL AMERICA, HAC REPORTS. A new Rural Research Note,Housing Occupancy and Vacancy in Rural America,” reports that housing vacancy rates in rural and small town areas are approximately 7 percentage points higher than the national level. Much of the higher vacancy rate in rural areas is due to the number of homes unoccupied for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use. Nearly 60% of all vacant seasonal or recreational homes nationwide are in rural and small town areas.

HAC BLOGS ABOUT RENTAL HOUSING POLICY. In the first of a series of contributions to the National Housing Institute’s Rooflines blog, HAC wonders, “What Does an Affordable Rural Rental Housing Strategy Look Like? and suggests both general and specific components of such a strategy.

HOME PROGRAM EXAMINED IN NEW ISSUE OF RURAL VOICES. The spring issue of HAC’s quarterly magazine includes over 25 brief success stories from rural organizations that have used the HOME program to develop housing, create jobs, and provide decent affordable housing, as well as pieces from Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and former HUD official Mercedes Marquez and a summary of what proposed changes in HOME regulations could mean for rural places.

HAC SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR RURAL HOUSING AWARDS. Nominations are due September 28 for the Cochran/Collings Award for national rural housing service and the Skip Jason Community Service Award. The honors will be presented at the National Rural Housing Conference in December. Details will be available soon at https://ruralhome.org or from Lilla Sutton, HAC, 202-842-8600, lilla@ruralhome.org.

HAC News: May 16, 2012

HAC News Formats. pdf

May 16, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 10

• Funding for housing and demographic data threatened • House approves new funding cuts, White House threatens veto • Section 533 HPG preapplications invited • Executive Order requires public input on review of existing regulations • New requirements set for HOME projects • Rule changes proposed for Section 8 • HUD changes ConPlan process • Guidance updated for prepayment and refinancing of Section 202 projects • CDBG colonias set-aside guidelines provided • National homeownership rate lowest in 15 years • GAO recommends further study of overlap in federal homelessness programs • Nonprofits investigate most housing discrimination complaints, NFHA reports • USDA celebrates 150th anniversary

May 16, 2012
Vol. 41, No. 10

FUNDING FOR HOUSING AND DEMOGRAPHIC DATA THREATENED. On May 9 the House of Representatives passed its FY13 Commerce, Justice, and Science appropriations bill (H.R. 5326), eliminating all funding for the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, which is the only source of publicly available data on social, economic, and housing characteristics for all U.S. communities. The Senate may take up its bill (S. 2323) this week.

HOUSE APPROVES NEW FUNDING CUTS, WHITE HOUSE THREATENS VETO. The House has passed H.R. 5652, the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act, which would cancel the sequestration (across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending) approved in the 2011 Budget Control Act and implement deeper cuts in social programs but not in defense spending. The Senate is not expected to agree. The White House said President Obama will not sign any appropriations bills until the House agrees to abide by the Budget Control Act.

SECTION 533 HPG PREAPPLICATIONS INVITED. Nonprofits, state and local governments, federally recognized tribes, and consortia are eligible for Housing Preservation Grants to be used for repairs to owner-occupied or rental properties. Deadline is June 25. Obtain a preapplication form at USDA RD’s website or from an RD state office.

EXECUTIVE ORDER REQUIRES PUBLIC INPUT ON REVIEW OF EXISTING REGULATIONS. Building on Executive Order 13563 of January 11, 2011, which obligates federal agencies to conduct periodic retrospective reviews of their regulations, Executive Order 13610 of May 10, 2012 requires them, on a regular basis, to invite public suggestions about what regulations that should be reviewed and what changes should be adopted.

NEW REQUIREMENTS SET FOR HOME PROJECTS. Regulation changes proposed in December (see HAC News, 1/11/12) have not been finalized, but Notice CPD 12-007 implements similar changes, most only for projects using FY12 HOME funds. For example, a CHDO can be funded only if its staff have experience with the type of project proposed. A detailed summary of CPD 12-007 is available from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. Contact a local HUD field office.

RULE CHANGES PROPOSED FOR SECTION 8. Comments are due July 16 on changes implementing Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 provisions for both tenant-based and project-based vouchers. See Federal Register, 5/16/12 or regulations.gov. Contact Danielle Bastarache, HUD, 202-401-3882.

HUD CHANGES CONPLAN PROCESS. A new process for electronic submission of Consolidated Plans, including use of required templates, is described in Notice CPD 12-009. New data and a web-based mapping tool are available to grantees and the public. Details and links are posted on HUD’s site. Contact HUD, conplan.mailbox@hud.gov.

GUIDANCE UPDATED FOR PREPAYMENT AND REFINANCING OF SECTION 202 PROJECTS. HUD Notice H 2012-8 implements the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Act of 2010 (see HAC News, 1/5/11). Contact a HUD Multifamily Hub office.

CDBG COLONIAS SET-ASIDE GUIDELINES PROVIDED. HUD Notice CPD-12-008 requires improved document-tation by HUD offices, intended to help track the accomplishments and measure the effectiveness of the set-aside in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. Contact Steve Rhodeside, HUD, 202-402-7375.

NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP RATE LOWEST IN 15 YEARS. Census Bureau tabulations show that the national rate has fallen to 65.5% from its 2005 high of 69.2%; it is 43.1% for African Americans and 46.3% for Hispanics. In nonmetro areas, homeownership is currently 73.9%; it was 73.7% in 1997 and reached 76.3% in 2005.

GAO RECOMMENDS FURTHER STUDY OF OVERLAP IN FEDERAL HOMELESSNESS PROGRAMS.Fragmentation and overlap of services occur among the 26 homelessness programs operated by eight federal agencies, the Government Accountability Office reports. Coordination by the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness helps, but its strategic plan lacks needed elements, says GAO. Homelessness: Fragmentation and Overlap in Programs Highlight the Need to Identify, Assess, and Reduce Inefficiencies (GAO-12-491) is available online or from GAO, 866-801-7077.

NONPROFITS INVESTIGATE MOST HOUSING DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINTS, NFHA REPORTS. A National Fair Housing Alliance review of 2011 data found nonprofit fair housing organizations investigated 65% of all complaints. Of all complaints nationwide, 44% involved disabilities and 19% involved race. More than 10% of complaints to nonprofits involved bases of discrimination not covered by federal law such as source of income, sexual orientation, or age. Fair Housing in a Changing Nation is posted at NFHA’s site.

USDA CELEBRATES 150TH ANNIVERSARY. A Presidential Proclamation recognizes that on May 15, 1862 President Abraham Lincoln signed legislation establishing USDA. (The Farmers Home Administration and the first USDA housing programs were created by the Housing Act of 1949.) USDA’s website has details about events.