HAC News: November 30, 2023
Vol. 52, No. 24 TOP STORIES HAC provides preliminary analysis of new CRA rule’s rural implications The new Community Reinvestment Act rule announced in October includes some important provisions for […]
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Christina Davila contributed 108 entries already.
Vol. 52, No. 24 TOP STORIES HAC provides preliminary analysis of new CRA rule’s rural implications The new Community Reinvestment Act rule announced in October includes some important provisions for […]
On October 24, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) issued a final rule overhauling the […]
Vol. 52, No. 23 TOP STORIES Temporary government funding extended President Biden is expected to sign into law a continuing resolution passed by the House on November 14 and the […]
The National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) and the Public and Affordable Housing Research Corporation (PAHRC) released today a joint report, Natural Hazards and Federally Assisted Housing, that analyzes the […]
Vol. 52, No. 22 TOP STORIES Second continuing resolution needed by November 17 The federal government is currently funded by a continuing resolution that ends November 17, and a second […]
Vol. 52, No. 21 TOP STORIES Government funded through November 17 On September 30, Congress passed a continuing resolution and the President signed it into law. It funds the federal […]
Vol. 52, No. 20 TOP STORIES Government may shut down As of Thursday morning, September 28, Congress has not been able to agree on a funding measure to keep the […]
A new report from the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank focuses on the 13 counties declared federal disaster areas and examines the flood’s impact on the region’s housing. Key findings Cost of […]
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced today a package of 29 regulatory and administrative waivers aimed at helping communities in Florida accelerate their recovery from Hurricane Idalia. The […]
Vol. 52, No. 19 TOP STORIES Funding disagreements continue, government shutdown possible Given the ongoing differences between factions on Capitol Hill, there may be no continuing resolution to keep the […]
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