Entries by actualize

FY10 Approp HUD

HUD Spending Bill Clears Congress, Signed by President President Obama on December 16 signed into law an omnibus bill for FY 2010 appropriations for HUD and several other federal agencies. […]

FY09 USDA MF Housing

2009 data show rent subsidy use rising in USDA multifamily housing RD reports on its 2009 multifamily housing fair housing occupancy survey in an unnumbered letter dated July 14, 2009, […]


HUD changes SuperNOFA general section An April 16 Federal Register notice says some programs may accept applications on paper rather than through grants.gov, with specifics to be provided in forthcoming […]

FY09 Approp HUD

FY 2009 Appropriations Update for HUD Programs Information on USDA rural housing appropriations Information on the Administration’s budget proposal for FY 2009 Final appropriations for FY 2008 All bills and […]

FY09 Approp USDA

FY 2009 Appropriations Update for USDA Housing Programs Information on HUD appropriations Information on the Administration’s budget proposal for FY 2009 Final appropriations for FY 2008 All bills and accompanying […]

FY09 Spending Bill

Congress Completes Work on 2009 Budget The Senate on March 10 passed H.R. 1105, an omnibus appropriations bill to fund federal programs for fiscal 2009. The House of Representatives passed […]

FY10 Budget

UPDATE: USDA SPENDING LEVELS SET, CR APPROVED. House and Senate negotiators on Sept. 30 reached agreement on a fiscal year 2010 agriculture appropriations bill. Full details are not yet available, […]

FY10 Approp USDA

UPDATE: conference committee reaches agreement on USDA SPENDING for fy 2010 House-Senate conferees agreed on a final compromise version of H.R. 2997, including funding for rural housing programs in the […]

Foreclosure/Housing Crisis

Information on the Foreclosure/Housing Crisis Resources for individuals CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE HUD’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program (HAC’s page) Legislative Updates Background Information Proposals Targeted to Rural Housing LEGISLATIVE UPDATES Congress […]

Economic Stimulus FY09

Economic Stimulus Legislation Enacted Housing Included Section 502, NSP, Other Housing Funds Included in Final Stimulus Bill. February 17, 2009. President Barack Obama signed into Law H.R. 1, the American […]