Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
USDA RD is accepting applications for qualified nonprofit organizations to act as intermediaries under the regulatory certified loan application packaging process within the Section 502 Direct Single Family Housing Program. Eligible parties interested in serving as an intermediary must submit the requested items to the RHS Single Family Housing Direct Loan Division by July 9, 2015.
A call will be set up for July 1, 2015, to provide an overview on the certified loan application packaging process. The call will also allow stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions related to the regulation. If you would like to send questions in advance (encouraged) email any related questions to SFHDIRECTPROGRAM@wdc.usda.gov by June 19, 2015.
For more information about the program and application instrcutions click here.
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