Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done
The National Rural Self Help Housing Association reports that the following notice regarding funding for Section 523 has been distributed by the USDA national office.
February 8, 2013
Good Morning –
With appropriations still uncertain for the remainder of Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, it is critical that we be proactive as possible in planning and funding Section 523 Technical Assistance grants. We currently have $14.2 million available for Section 523 grants ($8.3 from the Continuing Resolution and $5.9 carryover). Since there is an immediate need to process applications, we will be taking the following steps to fund grant applications for renewal of existing grantees that are performing satisfactorily:
Existing performing grantees will be limited to a grant amount not to exceed their current grant. Funding of the grant application amount will be at 40% of the total amount. The balance will be obligated when additional funding becomes available. No increases in their grant will be considered. Because this is a partial funding and future funding is uncertain the following guidelines must be utilized:
At this time we will not be funding subsequent grant requests, pre-development grants or new grant organizations.