

Rural Homelessness Facts

What is Capacity Building

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Funded by the Department of Health and Human Services Compassion Capital Fund

Rural Homelessness Information Resources

Building knowledge around rural homelessness is critical to meeting the needs of the homeless population. Assistance providers have very little in the way of models or information on program development or effective use of resources. To facilitate networking between rural organizations and to assist in the development of effective programs, RHCB provides the following information resources:

Case Studies illustrating how rural organizations have built capacity and effectively served homeless persons.

Combating Rural Homelessness the Fall 2007 issue of Rural Voices on, with articles from Federal agencies and local organizations.

Policy information on homeless policy at the Federal level, providing updates on current and proposed legislation.

Additional Resources including program information, links to the national homeless organizations, and other information.

Inventory of rural homeless assistance providers across the nation. Email RHCB if would you like to include your organization?

Shelter directories. Link to shelter directories on the Web.

HAC Publications List for more information on other housing issues as well as government programs.

HAC News List for current updates on other housing issues as well as government programs.

Technical assistance for specific questions about the RHCB program, capacity building, or homeless assistance.

Is there a resource that we have not listed here that you would like to see? Email RHCB to share your ideas.

Policy Updates

On May 19, 2009 Congress passed the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act which includes the HEARTH act as an amendment and reauthorizes the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance programs. President Obama is expected to sign the bill as early as the end of the week. For more information click here.
-Posted May 20, 2009

Reauthorization Bills

Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (H.R. 840)

  • PDF
  • On Thomas

Community Partnership to End Homelessness (S. 1518)

  • PDF
  • On Thomas

For more information and analysis of these bills visit the NAEH policy page,


October 16th 2007: Hearing on McKinney-Vento Reauthorization
House Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity (including testimony from Moises Loza)

October 4th 2007 : Hearing on McKinney-Vento Reauthorization
House Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity

September 19th 2007: Mark-up of the Community partnership to End Homelessness Act
Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Additional Resources

HHS Compassion Capital Fund
Created in 2002, the primary purpose of the CCF is to help faith-based and community organizations increase their effectiveness, enhance their ability to provide social services to serve those most in need, expand their organizations, diversify their funding sources, and create collaborations to better serve those in need.

HUD Homeless Resource Exchange: https://www.hudhre.info/
A new clearing house with information on HUD’s homeless and housing programs, the HMIS system, CoC applications, and more.

More HUD homeless resources: https://www.hud.gov/homeless/index.cfm
This website includes information for homeless individuals, assistance providers, and those who want to help.

United States Interagency Council on Homelessness: https://www.ich.gov/

National Alliance to End Homelessness: https://www.endhomelessness.org/

National Coalition for the Homeless: https://www.nationalhomeless.org/

National Policy and Advocacy Council on Homelessness: https://www.npach.org/

Corporation for Supportive Housing: https://www.csh.org/

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans: https://www.nchv.org

National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty: https://www.nlchp.org/
WIKI Site: https://wiki.nlchp.org

National Health Care for the Homeless Council: https://www.nhchc.org/

National Center for Homeless Education: https://www.serve.org/nche/

Homelessness Resource Center: