
HAC Rural Homelessness Capacity Building Program

  • Technical Assistance
  • Financial Resources
  • Training
  • Information

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Materials Posted: Tips, Tools, Strategies and Best Practices for Starting and Operating Homeless and Transitional Shelter Facilities in Rural Communities.


In order to more effectively serve the needs of persons who are homeless in rural communities, shelter providers must also build and maintain financially strong, well-managed organizations. However, it is often difficult for these providers to access the resources needed to improve their capacity.

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC), in partnership with the National Alliance to End Homelessness, has created the Rural Homelessness Capacity Building initiative to provide rural homeless organizations with the technical assistance, training, information, and financial resources they need to improve their ability to serve homeless populations

Funded by the Department of Health and Human Services Compassion Capital Fund.

Technical Assistance

Financial Resources

rhcbtaAccess information on the RHCB program’s one-on-one technical assistance for homeless service providers in rural areas.


Funding opportunities for rural homeless organizations including the RHCB Capacity Building and Training Grants.

Includes resources for RHCB capacity building and training grant




Information on training opportunities for rural homeless service providers, including RHCB audio web trainings.

Check out the materials from our recent trainings.


Resources on rural homeless-ness, current policy, and more.

Information Flyer