Research and Information

A Methodological Approach to Estimate Residential Heirs’ Property in the United States

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC), in partnership with Fannie Mae, developed a methodology to estimate the prevalence of heirs’ properties in two categories, most likely heirs’ properties and properties that are at risk of currently being or soon becoming heirs’ properties throughout the United States. Slightly over 500,000 properties were identified as potential heirs’ properties with nearly two thirds (64.6%) located in rural areas.  Despite challenges including the lack of uniformity of tax assessment data collection and reporting, the conservative estimated assessed value of identified heirs’ properties is $32.3 billion in 44 states and the District of Columbia.

When a property owner dies without a will or estate or when they leave the property to multiple heirs, it can create a number of financial barriers to inheritors receiving the full value of the property. In many cases, without a clear title, property owners are unable to access the equity in their home for maintenance purposes, sell the home at market rates, or obtain a mortgage, which can make them vulnerable to forced sales and property loss.