Shawn Poynter/ There Is More Work To Be Done
When a congressional office wants data on rural housing conditions or a federal agency forgets that urban techniques don’t work in rural areas . . . when a coalition of housing organizations needs rural knowledge or a coalition of rural organizations needs housing information . . . when a state government wonders how to meet its rural constituents’ housing needs . . . the Housing Assistance Council speaks out. Through comments on regulations, testimony before congressional committees, partnerships with coalitions, and the like, HAC promotes a strong, effective, and supportive governmental role in rural affordable housing. On this page you will find information about HAC’s policy outreach and advocacy activities.
HAC Advises Housing Protections and Education for H-2A Farmworkers
HAC’s Recommendations to the CFPB on HMDA Rule Assessment
HAC Applauds OCC Rescinding 2020 CRA Rule