
Links for High Needs Regions and Vulnerable Populations

High Needs Populations

The HUD Exchange offers a series of useful links and resources for individuals looking for housing or homeless assistance.

National Coalition for the Homeless. NCH provides a directory of local homeless service organizations for people looking for emergency shelter assistance.

Homeless Shelter Directory. This portal contains a complete directory of all emergency shelters in the US, organized by state, with contact information (phone, web and address) as well as all of the services they offer plus a curated compilation of national and online resources for those affected by homelessness looking for help.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This page contains information to help you improve your health, the health of your loved ones, and to assist those who need help with daily life. All of the topics open-up to display many links to helpful information.

Redfin offers recommendations for aspiring LGBTQ+ homebuyers.

Housing for People with Disabilities. This page, produced by HUD, is designed to answer frequently asked questions on the housing rights of people with disabilities and the responsibilities of housing providers and building and design professionals under federal law.

Housing for Native Americans. HUD and other Federal agencies offer a range of programs, assistance, and loan programs specifically for Native American tribes, organizations, and sometimes individuals.

Section 184 Loan Guarantee Program. The Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Program website provides information to lenders, Tribes, Indian Housing Authorities, Native Americans, and Alaskan Natives on how a home may be purchased, rehabilitated, or constructed in Native lands by using the Section 184 Indian Loan Guarantee Program.

HUD Program for People with HIV/AIDS. The HUD program Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) also provides funds for short-term rent, mortgage, and utility payments (STRMU). The goal of STRMU is to reduce the risk of homelessness by providing short-term help for people experiencing a financial crisis due to issues arising from HIV/AIDS. The link will provide a contact for your local HUD office.

HUD’s Multifamily Inventory of Units for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities. This inventory is designed to assist prospective applicants with locating units in HUD insured and HUD subsidized multifamily properties that serve the elderly and/or persons with disabilities.

National Organization on Disability. The mission of the National Organization on Disability (N.O.D.) is to expand the participation and contribution of America’s 54 million men, women and children with disabilities in all aspects of life. By raising disability awareness through programs and information, together N.O.D. can work toward closing the participation gaps.