Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

HMDA data available to public (1/31/19)

Agency CFPB
Action Notice
Date 1/31/19

This is final policy guidance from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau describing the loan-level HMDA data it intends to make available to the public in 2019, to provide public disclosure while protecting applicant and borrower privacy. CFPB will modify the public loan-level HMDA data to exclude: (1) the loan identifier; (2) the date the application was received; (3) the date of action taken; (4) the property address; (5) the credit score; (6) the unique identifier assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry for the mortgage loan originator; and (7) the result generated by the automated underwriting system used by the financial institution to evaluate the application. It will also exclude free-form text fields used to report: (1) applicant or borrower race; (2) applicant or borrower ethnicity; (3) the name and version of the credit scoring model used; (4) the principal reason or reasons the financial institution denied the application, if applicable; and (5) the automated underwriting system name.
CFPB says it will commence a rulemaking in spring 2019 that will enable it to more definitively identify data modifications it determines to be appropriate under the balancing test and incorporate these modifications into a legislative rule.