HAC News
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa10/grpruralinno.cfm. When it is posted at https://www.grants.gov, HUD will begin accepting applications and the 60-day application period will begin. A new mapping tool, not yet operating, will provide consistent needs data for applicants. Contact Robert Duncan, HUD, 202-402-4681.
FAIR HOUSING INITIATIVES PROGRAM FUNDS OFFERED. Fair housing organizations, nonprofits or others with anti-discrimination programs, and government agencies can apply by December 21 for three initiatives: Private Enforcement, Education and Outreach, and Fair Housing Organizations. Visit https://www.grants.gov or https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa10/grpfhip.cfm. Contact Myron P. Newry, 202-402-7095.
CAPITAL MAGNET FUND INTERIM RULE ISSUED. The CDFI Fund requests comments by February 1 on this program, which provides grants to CDFIs and nonprofit intermediaries for affordable housing and economic development. See Federal Register, 12/3/10 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact Jeffrey C. Berg, 202-622-8662.
PRESIDENT TO SIGN BILL SETTLING BLACK FARMERS AND NATIVE AMERICAN TRUST LAND SUITS. Passed by the Senate November 19 and the House November 30, the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (H.R. 4783) approves funding for the Pigford II lawsuit brought by African-American farmers, the Cobell lawsuit brought by Native Americans over the management of Indian trust accounts and resources, and four separate water rights suits by Native American tribes. The bill, scheduled for final signature on December 8, is available at https://thomas.loc.gov.
USICH SEEKS COMMENTS ON IMPROVEMENTS FOR VETERANS TO ACCESS BENEFITS. The U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness requests input by December 16 at https://usich.uservoice.com as it develops a plan to remove barriers to mainstream program access for veterans and their families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
AGENCIES SEARCHING FOR MODELS LINKING SERVICES AND HOUSING FOR HOMELESS FAMILIES. The Departments of Health and Human Services and HUD invite self-nominations by December 14 of systems that meet criteria including applicability in communities varying from large cities to rural areas, for possible inclusion in a study. Visit https://www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ofa/call-for-nominations.html. Contact Emily_Holt@abtassoc.com.
HUD WEBSITE OFFERS HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DATA. Information from the Census Bureau, Labor Department, HUD, state and local governments, and the housing industry is consolidated in reports at https://www.huduser.org/portal/regional.html covering regions, states, metro areas, and counties.
NONMETRO COUNTIES WITH OUTMIGRATION MAY BE POOR OR PROSPEROUS, USDA REPORTS. An Economic Research Service paper says over a third of nonmetro counties lost at least 10% of their population through net outmigration over 1988-2008. Some lack economic opportunity. Most are relatively prosperous but quality-of-life factors inhibit inmigration. “The Two Faces of Rural Population Loss Through Outmigration” is at https://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/December10/Features/RuralPopulation.htm and includes a link to the research report.
HAC ANNOUNCES 2010 AWARD RECIPIENTS. At the 2010 National Rural Housing Conference HAC presented three rural housing awards. The Henry B. González Award for elected officials went to James E. Darling, City Commissioner, McAllen, Texas, and Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor, Price City, Utah. Recipients of the Skip Jason Award for local service were Manuel Gauna, Tiempo, Inc. (posthumously); Stan Keasling, Rural Community Assistance Corporation; Selvin McGahee, Florida Non-Profit Housing; and Linda Smith, Esther Stewart Buford Foundation. The Cochran /Collings Award for service with national impact, renamed by HAC’s Board to honor Art Collings as well as Clay Cochran, was given to Tom Carew, Federation of Appalachian Housing Enterprises. More information about the awards and awardees is posted at https://ruralhome.org.
ART COLLINGS INTERNSHIP FUND ESTABLISHED. As a memorial to Art, who served as a mentor and trainer to many rural housers, HAC has created the Art Collings Internship. The first Collings intern will work at HAC during summer 2011. Donations in Art’s memory are welcome. Checks can be made out to the Housing Assistance Council, with “Collings internship” on the memo line, and mailed to HAC’s national office.