HAC News
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
Shawn Poynter / There Is More Work To Be Done
. The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Act (S. 118) and the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act (S. 1481) were approved by the Senate Banking Committee on September 30. S. 1481 is the same as H.R. 1675, which passed the House in July; S. 118 is similar to Title VII of H.R. 4868, which passed the House Financial Services Committee in July. Both bills may be enacted into law after Congress returns to work on November 15. Bills are available at https://thomas.loc.gov.
CRA REFORM LEGISLATION INTRODUCED. The American Community Reinvestment Reform Act, H.R. 6334, introduced on September 29 by Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and others, would expand the Community Reinvestment Act to cover non-bank lenders, improve enforcement, and increase the importance of community development activities. The bill is available at https://thomas.loc.gov.
YOUTHBUILD FUNDS AVAILABLE. Public and private nonprofits can apply by December 3 for grants to provide disadvantaged youth with skills while improving housing. Visit https://www.doleta.gov/grants/find_grants.cfm or https://www.grants.gov. Fax questions to Ariam Ferro, DOL, 202-693-2705, labeled SGA/DFA PY 10-02 and including complete contact information.
CDFI PROGRAM 2011 ROUND OPENS. Applications are due November 19 for the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund’s Financial Assistance and Technical Assistance aid. CDFIs can apply for only FA or TA, not both. A webinar, conference calls, and on-site workshops are available for potential applicants. See Federal Register, 10/6/10 or https://www.cdfifund.gov. Contact James Yagley, yagleyj@cdfi.treas.gov.
HUD OFFERS FAMILY UNIFICATION VOUCHERS. PHAs can apply by December 1. Visit https://www.hud.gov/offices/adm/grants/nofa10/grpfup.cfm. Contact Amaris Rodriguez, 202-708-0477, amaris.rodriguez@hud.gov.
HUD REQUESTS INPUT ON PROPOSED SECTION 202 AND 811 LEGISLATION. Comments are due November 15 on proposals that would reform both programs, separate from the bills pending in Congress (described above). The Section 202 program’s 15% setaside for nonmetro areas would be eliminated, replaced by distribution based on housing needs. HUD’s proposals are posted at www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/mfh/202811/sec202reform.cfm and www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/mfh/202811/sec811reform.cfm. Contact Benjamin Metcalf, HUD, benjamin.t.metcalf@hud.gov or Leslie Strauss, HAC, leslie@ruralhome.org, 202-842-8600.
SECTION 8 RENEWAL POLICY GUIDE BOOK REVISIONS AVAILABLE. HUD seeks comments by November 15 on changes to its comprehensive guidance for renewing expiring Section 8 contracts, available at https://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/mfh/mfhsec8.cfm. Contact Kerry Mulholland, HUD, 202-708-3000, ext. 2649.
USDA OBLIGATED 85% OF SECTION 502 DIRECT FUNDS AVAILABLE IN FY 2010. A total of $2.144 billion were obligated, 55% more than the $1.39 billion committed in FY 2009. In 2010, very low-income borrowers received 36% of the total, less than the 40% required but the highest dollar amount USDA has ever spent in one year in the category. A National Rural Housing Coalition analysis is posted on HAC’s website, https://ruralhome.org.
NON-HOMEOWNERSHIP FACTORS MAY EXPLAIN BENEFITS TO CHILDREN, RESEARCHERS FIND. A Center for Housing Policy research brief summarizes three recent reports testing the hypothesis that homeownership directly leads to better outcomes for children. The studies found that what really matters are other factors such as residential stability, neighborhood quality, and the parents themselves. Foundation for Success? A Review of New Research on the Effects of Homeownership on Children is posted at https://www.nhc.org/publications/.
CASE STUDIES HIGHLIGHT LIVABILITY AND TRANSIT IN RURAL PLACES. Twelve case studies compiled by Transportation for America are available at https://t4america.org/tag/livability-case-studies/.
GAO REVIEWS WAYS OF DISTRIBUTING CDBG FUNDS. A new study examines how entitlement jurisdictions and states distribute CDBG monies and finds few issues related to methods of distribution. Community Development Block Grants: Entitlement Communities’ and States’ Methods of Distributing Funds Reflect Program Flexibility (GAO-10-1011) is free at https://www.gao.gov or available for a fee from GAO, 202-512-6000.
REGISTER BY NOVEMBER 1 TO GET EARLY BIRD RATES FOR HAC’S 2010 NATIONAL RURAL HOUSING CONFERENCE! “A Place to Live: Rural Housing in a Changing Landscape” will be held December 1-3 in Washington, DC. Pre-conference activities begin November 30. Limited scholarships are available for nonprofits. Visit https://ruralhome.org or contact staff at HACconference2010@ruralhome.org or 202-842-8600 ext. 137.