
Jennifer Emerling / There Is More Work To Be Done


As it did in 2009, HUD will not use a SuperNOFA for FY 2010 funding, but will publish separate NOFAs for individual programs. Notices published to date are summarized in the table below, and new notices will be added as they are issued.

HAC has received many inquiries about the NOFA for the Rural Innovation Fund (RIF) (the new replacement for the Rural Housing and Economic Development Program). As of September 20, 2010, the RIF NOFA has not yet been released.

HUD encourages applicants to sign up for the funding opportunity notification subscription service at

Updates are also posted on HUD’s website and at

Additional useful links:

Program, Link, and Release Date


Eligible Applicants


General Section for most NOFAs


Varies by program

HUD’s Office of Grants Management, 202-708-0667

Choice Neighborhoods Pre-Notice

NOFA (posted 8/26/10)

10/26/10 Nonprofits, local gov’ts, public housing authorities, and for-profit entities that apply jointly with a public entity

Caroline Clayton, 202-402-5461

Community Challenge Planning Grants/DOT TIGER II Planning Grants (published 6/24/10)


HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, sustainablecommunities or 202-402-5297; or Robert Mariner, DOT, 202-366-8914

Community Devel. Block Grants for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages (posted 8/24/10)

10/27/10 Tribes and tribal organizations HUD Area ONAP or Roberta Youmans, 202-402-3316

Continuum of Care (posted 9/20/10)

11/18/10 Continuums of Care HUD’s NOFA Information Center, 800-483-8929 or

HOPE VI (posted 8/25/10)

11/22/10 Public housing authorities Ms. Leigh van Rij, 202-402-5788

Housing Counseling (posted 7/26/10)


Local or multi-state hsg. counseling agencies, nat’l and reg’l intermediaries, state hsg. finance agencies

HUD Homeownership Centers, listed in the NOFA

Lead Hazard Control Combo (posted 9/1/10)


Tribes, states, cities, counties, or other local gov’t units; can partner with nonprofits

Michelle Miller, 202-402-5769

Sec. 202 Demonstration Pre-Devel. Grant Program (posted 8/27/10)


Nonprofit orgs. and nonprofit consumer coops that applied for FY2009 Sec. 202 funding

Denise Taylor-Parker, 202-402-2892

Sustainable Communities Planning Grant Preliminary Information

NOFA (posted 6/24/10)


Multijurisdictional and multisector consortia of gov’t entities and nonprofits

HUD’s Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, sustainablecommunities, 202-402-5297

University and College Programs (posted 7/16/10)

8/16/10 Varies by program; see individual NOFAs Varies by program; see HUD’s information page

If you have trouble accessing any information on HAC’s site only (not HUD’s or, please contact Leslie Strauss, 202-842-8600.

Last updated: Sept. 20, 2010